Q: What's the purpose of pursuing the truth? Do you want to attain enlightenment like Buddhists? Do you want to be liberated from infinite samsara loop like Hindus?
A: The reason to pursue the truth, is "survival and well-being". We can't survive, nor be happy, if we don't understand the ultimate truth of the earth. That's because the root cause of all sufferings is ignorance which doesn't understand the truth. Therefore, we need to understand the ultimate truth and practice the way of life in accordance with it for our "survival and well-being". It should be noted that the ultimate truth of the earth is "interdependence".
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/wisdom-20948408
質問:真理を追及してどうするのですか? 仏教徒みたいに、悟りを啓きたいのですか? ヒンドゥー教徒のように、輪廻無限ループから脱出したいがためですか?
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Appearance & Reality 外観と現実
It was amazing that Mr. Barack Obama was elected as the President of the U.S.A.. However there seems to be a huge gap between appearance and reality in racial discrimination according to a broadcasted interview of a black American in honor of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. We have to look at the reality and act according to the new reality. In this sense, we should ask ourselves what we can do for the happiness of others again through holistic view.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/moral-crisis-english
バラク·オバマ氏がアメリカ大統領に選出されたのは、驚くべきことでした。しかし、マーティン·ルーサー·キング·ジュニアの 「私には夢がある」という演説の50周年を記念して放映された黒人のインタビューによると、人種差別における外観と現実の間に大きなギャップがあるようです。私たちは現実を注視し、新たな現実に応じた行動をしなければなりません。この意味において、私たちは他人の幸福のために何ができるかを、ホリスティック・ビューを通して再度自問する必要があります。
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/moral-crisis-english
バラク·オバマ氏がアメリカ大統領に選出されたのは、驚くべきことでした。しかし、マーティン·ルーサー·キング·ジュニアの 「私には夢がある」という演説の50周年を記念して放映された黒人のインタビューによると、人種差別における外観と現実の間に大きなギャップがあるようです。私たちは現実を注視し、新たな現実に応じた行動をしなければなりません。この意味において、私たちは他人の幸福のために何ができるかを、ホリスティック・ビューを通して再度自問する必要があります。
Thursday, August 29, 2013
称賛と慢心 Praise and Conceit
People tend to be easily conceited by praise. Probably because nothing is more comfortable than praise. However, conceit is a big pitfall. Because there is a risk of misjudgement by complacency. Exploiting this psychology, sales staffs of luxury shops (including department stores) pressure customers to buy their goods by lavish compliments. We must be careful because we will be easily deceived by the false praise. Furthermore, conceit, or arrogance easily developes to jealousy and anger, and causes sufferings. So, praise is a big risk.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/pride-english
People tend to be easily conceited by praise. Probably because nothing is more comfortable than praise. However, conceit is a big pitfall. Because there is a risk of misjudgement by complacency. Exploiting this psychology, sales staffs of luxury shops (including department stores) pressure customers to buy their goods by lavish compliments. We must be careful because we will be easily deceived by the false praise. Furthermore, conceit, or arrogance easily developes to jealousy and anger, and causes sufferings. So, praise is a big risk.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/pride-english
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
良い欲望と悪い欲望 Good desire and Bad desire
Some people worry whether their desire of attaining enlightenment may be also disturbing mind. However, it depends on their motivations. If their motivations are for the happiness of themselves only, it is a bad desire, but it is a good desire if their motivations are for the happiness of others. In Buddhism, the desire to attain enlightenment for the happiness of others is called "Bodhicitta" and is considered as the most important factor.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/motivation-english
Some people worry whether their desire of attaining enlightenment may be also disturbing mind. However, it depends on their motivations. If their motivations are for the happiness of themselves only, it is a bad desire, but it is a good desire if their motivations are for the happiness of others. In Buddhism, the desire to attain enlightenment for the happiness of others is called "Bodhicitta" and is considered as the most important factor.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/motivation-english
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
温かい心 Warm heart
"Warm-heartedness is the key factor that allows me to smile and be happy, even in the company of strangers."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 26, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/371927504446971904
「温かい心は、見知らぬ人の集団の中でさえ、私を微笑ませ幸福にしてくれる重要な要素です。」 (超訳)
Genuine smile is a sign of compassion which is based on warm heart. Cold-hearted persons can't smile from the bottom of their heart. If we just smile, our destructive emotions will vanish. (My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/power-of-smile-english
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 26, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/371927504446971904
「温かい心は、見知らぬ人の集団の中でさえ、私を微笑ませ幸福にしてくれる重要な要素です。」 (超訳)
Genuine smile is a sign of compassion which is based on warm heart. Cold-hearted persons can't smile from the bottom of their heart. If we just smile, our destructive emotions will vanish. (My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/power-of-smile-english
Monday, August 26, 2013
狂犬と慈悲 Mad dog and Compassion
When a mad dog may bite at you, it's not the case for you to say compassion, compassion. In the event of an emergency, you must protect yourself from danger first. You won't be able to practice compassion if you are killed, so survival is the top priority. You must survive by protecting your body and mind (brain) by all means.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mind-training1
When a mad dog may bite at you, it's not the case for you to say compassion, compassion. In the event of an emergency, you must protect yourself from danger first. You won't be able to practice compassion if you are killed, so survival is the top priority. You must survive by protecting your body and mind (brain) by all means.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mind-training1
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's
teaching on Tsongkhapa’s "Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment" and An Overview of Tantra from Tsongkhapa’s "Stages of the Path of Mantrayana" in Dharamsala, India on August 25-27, 2013 can be viewed at:
(Note: Due to technical difficulties there is currently no English language live streaming on Day 1 (August 25th). We hope to have to issue resolved as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience. Video will be available on www.dalailama.com after a few days.)
(注: テクニカルな問題より8/25の英語による生放送はできなかったそうです。英語の録画は2~3日後に www.dalailama.com にアップロードされるとのことです。)
teaching on Tsongkhapa’s "Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment" and An Overview of Tantra from Tsongkhapa’s "Stages of the Path of Mantrayana" in Dharamsala, India on August 25-27, 2013 can be viewed at:
(Note: Due to technical difficulties there is currently no English language live streaming on Day 1 (August 25th). We hope to have to issue resolved as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience. Video will be available on www.dalailama.com after a few days.)
(注: テクニカルな問題より8/25の英語による生放送はできなかったそうです。英語の録画は2~3日後に www.dalailama.com にアップロードされるとのことです。)
思いやりの種 Seed of Compassion
Q: Are humans good beings or bad beings?
A: Of course, good beings! Because I've never seen a bad baby before. Everyone has a seed of compassion unconsciously, which is a biological factor. However, our compassion will be covered with disturbing mind as we grow. Therefore we must unearth hidden compassion consciously. That's the path to enlightenment.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-levels-of-love
Q: Are humans good beings or bad beings?
A: Of course, good beings! Because I've never seen a bad baby before. Everyone has a seed of compassion unconsciously, which is a biological factor. However, our compassion will be covered with disturbing mind as we grow. Therefore we must unearth hidden compassion consciously. That's the path to enlightenment.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-levels-of-love
Saturday, August 24, 2013
思いやりと穏やかな心 Compassion and Calm mind
"If someone behaves negatively towards you, it helps to remember that he or she is a human being like you and to distinguish between an action and the person who does it. If counter measures are needed to prevent someone doing harm, it's always better to do it with a calm rather than an agitated mind. If you act out of anger, the best part of your brain fails to function. Remember, compassion is not a sign of weakness." (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's facebook on August 21, 2013)
Cf. https://www.facebook.com/DalaiLama/posts/10151596199487616
Forgiveness, namely one of compassion, is useful for self-protection through keeping calm mind, without losing a temper. Compassion is a sign of strength!
(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/compassion-reason
Cf. https://www.facebook.com/DalaiLama/posts/10151596199487616
Forgiveness, namely one of compassion, is useful for self-protection through keeping calm mind, without losing a temper. Compassion is a sign of strength!
(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/compassion-reason
Friday, August 23, 2013
祝福 Blessings
"Blessings don’t come from outside, but from within. Whatever blessings we receive are the result of our own efforts and positive actions."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 21, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/370115484596703232
「祝福は外部から来るのではなく、内面から来ます。私たちが受けるどのような祝福も、私たち自身の努力と肯定的な行動の結果なのです。」 (超訳)
To the contrary, whatever negative consequences we receive are the result of our own negative actions. These are the law of causality. (My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/law-of-causality
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 21, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/370115484596703232
「祝福は外部から来るのではなく、内面から来ます。私たちが受けるどのような祝福も、私たち自身の努力と肯定的な行動の結果なのです。」 (超訳)
To the contrary, whatever negative consequences we receive are the result of our own negative actions. These are the law of causality. (My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/law-of-causality
Thursday, August 22, 2013
慈悲とは? What is Compassion?
Q: 倫理でわからない問題があるので僕に教えてくれませんか? また、4つの記述があるのですが1つ1つになぜ間違っているのかや、合っているかを理由つきで教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。
慈悲に関する記述として適当でないものを、①~④のうちから選べ。 ① 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、仏教集団内に戒律と個々人の修行を重視する傾向を生み出した。 ② 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、無我の立場や空の教えと不十分な関係にあるものである。 ③ 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、阿羅漢を理想とし自分一人の悟りを求めて修行する立場において見失われがちであった。 ④ 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、すべての人々の救済を第一にめざした菩薩のうちに理想化された。
A: 慈悲に関する記述として適当でないものは、②だと思います。その理由は、空性や無我という究極の真理を理解する智慧から自動的に導き出すのが慈悲であり、空性や無我と慈悲の関係は密接だからです。ビジュアルには以下URLのp2をご参照下さい(叡知を智慧、理性を慈悲と読み替えて下さい)。 http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/ss-22155817
③自分一人の悟りを求めて修行する立場は自己中心的な態度であり、衆生に幸福をもたらしたいと望む慈悲心とは対立する関係にあります。従って、自分一人の悟りが目的だと、慈悲心が見失われがちになるのは当然です。尚、サムイェー寺の宗論 (http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B5%E3%83%A0%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A7%E3%83%BC%E5%AF%BA%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%97%E8%AB%96) が質問の背景にあると想います。慈悲心が悟りに最重要であると主張したインド仏教と瞑想だけで悟れると主張した中国仏教との間の宗教論争ですが、この論争の結果、チベット国王はナーランダ・マスターの一人であるカマラシーラの主張を正統仏教と認定し、インド仏教が勝利を収めました。
慈悲に関する記述として適当でないものを、①~④のうちから選べ。 ① 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、仏教集団内に戒律と個々人の修行を重視する傾向を生み出した。 ② 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、無我の立場や空の教えと不十分な関係にあるものである。 ③ 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、阿羅漢を理想とし自分一人の悟りを求めて修行する立場において見失われがちであった。 ④ 慈悲とは、生命あるものすべてをいつくしみ、あわれむ心である。この心は、すべての人々の救済を第一にめざした菩薩のうちに理想化された。
A: 慈悲に関する記述として適当でないものは、②だと思います。その理由は、空性や無我という究極の真理を理解する智慧から自動的に導き出すのが慈悲であり、空性や無我と慈悲の関係は密接だからです。ビジュアルには以下URLのp2をご参照下さい(叡知を智慧、理性を慈悲と読み替えて下さい)。 http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/ss-22155817
③自分一人の悟りを求めて修行する立場は自己中心的な態度であり、衆生に幸福をもたらしたいと望む慈悲心とは対立する関係にあります。従って、自分一人の悟りが目的だと、慈悲心が見失われがちになるのは当然です。尚、サムイェー寺の宗論 (http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B5%E3%83%A0%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A7%E3%83%BC%E5%AF%BA%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%97%E8%AB%96) が質問の背景にあると想います。慈悲心が悟りに最重要であると主張したインド仏教と瞑想だけで悟れると主張した中国仏教との間の宗教論争ですが、この論争の結果、チベット国王はナーランダ・マスターの一人であるカマラシーラの主張を正統仏教と認定し、インド仏教が勝利を収めました。
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
悟りとは? What is Enlightenment?
Q1: 「悟り」とは、一時的で主観的な錯覚ですか?
A1:悟りとは、永久の、客観的な、ホリスティック・ビューで見極めた本質です。 Q2: 悟りを開いた人も、場合によっては血相を変えてビビりまくりますよね? A2: 悟りを開いた人は精神的には動じませんが(破壊的感情が一瞬生じても、瞬間的に穏やかな心に戻せます)、物質的には困窮することもあり得ます。 Q3: これができたら悟っていると言える、ということは何ですか? A3: 究極の真理である相互依存の智慧を身に付け、心の仕組みを理解し、意識が理性を通して感情をコントロールすることにより、慈悲心で満ち溢れ、穏やかな心を維持できることです。 Q4: 悟っている人でもこれはできない耐えられないということは何ですか? A4: 悪行を積んで他を害し、完全なる仏の境地(苦しみの源を根絶した状態)への道を踏み外すことはできません。具体的には、騙し、いじめ、搾取などです。 補足 「この宇宙が終わるまで私は存在し続けます」「私の感じている宇宙は、私の心が作り出したもの」 Q5: 「この宇宙」と「私の感じている宇宙」の関係を教えてください。 A5: 「この宇宙」とは物理的な世界を意味し、「私の感じている宇宙」とは自分の心(執着や怒り)が精神投影によって創り出した妄想・錯覚の世界を意味します。 Q6: どのようにしてこの宇宙観を得たのか教えてください。 A6: 同じ現象を見ても、心の状態が異なると見え方が異なることに気付き、心の仕組みを解明しました。具体的には、執着は肯定の錯覚を、怒りは否定の錯覚を引き起こしますが、何と認識の90%は錯覚であると指摘する精神科医もいます。 Q7: 「私」は不滅だと言いますが、記憶は連続していませんよね?全部が同じ「私」ですか? A7: 不滅の私とは意識のことです。肉体や脳(心)は死と同時に腐敗が始まり消滅しますが、意識は死にません。生存時の記憶は脳の海馬に蓄積されており、死亡時に時空連続体である意識へ書き換えられますので、意識レベルでは、記憶は連続しています。従って、肉体と脳(心)は別の私ですが、意識は同じ私です。 Q8: 「欲しい物は既に貴方のものです」→莫大なお金が欲しいなぁ… A8: 悟りを開くと心の平和という精神価値は得られますが、お金や権力や地位や名誉などの物質価値(経済的価値)には直結しません。(長期的に見ると間接的に物質価値にもつながりますが)
A1:悟りとは、永久の、客観的な、ホリスティック・ビューで見極めた本質です。 Q2: 悟りを開いた人も、場合によっては血相を変えてビビりまくりますよね? A2: 悟りを開いた人は精神的には動じませんが(破壊的感情が一瞬生じても、瞬間的に穏やかな心に戻せます)、物質的には困窮することもあり得ます。 Q3: これができたら悟っていると言える、ということは何ですか? A3: 究極の真理である相互依存の智慧を身に付け、心の仕組みを理解し、意識が理性を通して感情をコントロールすることにより、慈悲心で満ち溢れ、穏やかな心を維持できることです。 Q4: 悟っている人でもこれはできない耐えられないということは何ですか? A4: 悪行を積んで他を害し、完全なる仏の境地(苦しみの源を根絶した状態)への道を踏み外すことはできません。具体的には、騙し、いじめ、搾取などです。 補足 「この宇宙が終わるまで私は存在し続けます」「私の感じている宇宙は、私の心が作り出したもの」 Q5: 「この宇宙」と「私の感じている宇宙」の関係を教えてください。 A5: 「この宇宙」とは物理的な世界を意味し、「私の感じている宇宙」とは自分の心(執着や怒り)が精神投影によって創り出した妄想・錯覚の世界を意味します。 Q6: どのようにしてこの宇宙観を得たのか教えてください。 A6: 同じ現象を見ても、心の状態が異なると見え方が異なることに気付き、心の仕組みを解明しました。具体的には、執着は肯定の錯覚を、怒りは否定の錯覚を引き起こしますが、何と認識の90%は錯覚であると指摘する精神科医もいます。 Q7: 「私」は不滅だと言いますが、記憶は連続していませんよね?全部が同じ「私」ですか? A7: 不滅の私とは意識のことです。肉体や脳(心)は死と同時に腐敗が始まり消滅しますが、意識は死にません。生存時の記憶は脳の海馬に蓄積されており、死亡時に時空連続体である意識へ書き換えられますので、意識レベルでは、記憶は連続しています。従って、肉体と脳(心)は別の私ですが、意識は同じ私です。 Q8: 「欲しい物は既に貴方のものです」→莫大なお金が欲しいなぁ… A8: 悟りを開くと心の平和という精神価値は得られますが、お金や権力や地位や名誉などの物質価値(経済的価値)には直結しません。(長期的に見ると間接的に物質価値にもつながりますが)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Regret 後悔
At the time of death, we will be asked what our contribution was through this life. Are you ready to answer to this question? It's up to the way of our life if we will regret or not.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/life-option
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/life-option
Monday, August 19, 2013
Trust and Wounds 信頼と傷
LEO IEIRI, a Japanese singer-songwriter wrote a new song which asks if trust will bring wounds. People who have real self-confidence and inner strength will never be wounded because they don't blame others for any troubles. After all, we won't be wounded without being deceived because we trust only honest, truthful and transparent people if we can see the reality. Therefore, being wounded is the proof of arrogance and inner weakness. On the other hand, trust means empathy to warm-heart of others!
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/wounded-heart-english
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/wounded-heart-english
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Prayer 祈り
Self-grasping is the cause of suffering and compassion is the cause of happiness. What's the difference? It is the motivation. For the happiness of yourself only or for the happiness of others? Which is your prayer?
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/self-as-mere-designation
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/self-as-mere-designation
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Anger 怒り
"Anger destroys our peace of mind and causes trouble. It also hampers our ability to function properly."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 16, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/368304055933628416
「怒りは心の平和を破壊し、問題を引き起こします。また、怒りは私たちの能力の適切な機能を阻害します。」 (超訳)
Anger is the worst disturbing mind. Anger creates violence which harms others, and also harms one's own good health by weakening the immune system. Furthermore, anger creates negative delusions by mental projection, so angry persons can't see the reality and have normal function of intelligence.
(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/anger-control-english
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 16, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/368304055933628416
「怒りは心の平和を破壊し、問題を引き起こします。また、怒りは私たちの能力の適切な機能を阻害します。」 (超訳)
Anger is the worst disturbing mind. Anger creates violence which harms others, and also harms one's own good health by weakening the immune system. Furthermore, anger creates negative delusions by mental projection, so angry persons can't see the reality and have normal function of intelligence.
(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/anger-control-english
Friday, August 16, 2013
Oneness of humanity 人類の一体性
"Wherever I go I talk to people about the need to be aware of the oneness of humanity."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 13, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama
「私はどこへ行っても、人類の一体性に気付く必要性について人々に語りかけます。」 (超訳)
"In the past, destruction of your neighbour might have been considered a victory, but today we are all interdependent. We live in a global economy; we face problems like climate change that affect us all. The 7 billion human beings alive today belong to one human family. In the context that others’ interests are in our interest and our interest is in their interest, the use of force is self-destructive." (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's facebook on August 13, 2013)
Cf. https://www.facebook.com/DalaiLama/posts/10151581513142616
Oneness of humanity can not be realized by the self-grasping people. Self-grasping is the source of sufferings, or disturbing mind like self-centered attachment (obsession), greed, arrogance, which causes destructive emotions such as anger, hatred, fear, jealousy and sorrow. Therefore, realizing the oneness of humanity is not only a solution to the sufferings but also the source of happiness. Oneness of humanity means the "Wisdom of Interdependence" which generates "Compassion".
(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/self-as-mere-designation
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on August 13, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama
「私はどこへ行っても、人類の一体性に気付く必要性について人々に語りかけます。」 (超訳)
"In the past, destruction of your neighbour might have been considered a victory, but today we are all interdependent. We live in a global economy; we face problems like climate change that affect us all. The 7 billion human beings alive today belong to one human family. In the context that others’ interests are in our interest and our interest is in their interest, the use of force is self-destructive." (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's facebook on August 13, 2013)
Cf. https://www.facebook.com/DalaiLama/posts/10151581513142616
Oneness of humanity can not be realized by the self-grasping people. Self-grasping is the source of sufferings, or disturbing mind like self-centered attachment (obsession), greed, arrogance, which causes destructive emotions such as anger, hatred, fear, jealousy and sorrow. Therefore, realizing the oneness of humanity is not only a solution to the sufferings but also the source of happiness. Oneness of humanity means the "Wisdom of Interdependence" which generates "Compassion".
(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/self-as-mere-designation
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Flowchart for Vicious Circle of Mind 心の悪循環フローチャート
Check your mind flow through this flowchart!
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Flowchart from 1 to 26 steps |
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1から26ステップのフローチャート |
Monday, August 12, 2013
Flowchart for Good Circulation of Mind 心の好循環フローチャート
Check your mind flow through this flowchart!
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Flowchart from 1 to 26 steps |
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1から26ステップのフローチャート |
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Sun, Cloud, Wind 太陽と雲と風
Sun can be liken to compassion, and clouds can be liken
to disturbing mind.
Disturbing mind is concealing compassion.
Wind can be liken to reason, such as patience and
If the wind blows off the clouds, the sun will come out.
Elimination of the clouds may be said as enlightenment.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/sun-cloud-wind
to disturbing mind.
Disturbing mind is concealing compassion.
Wind can be liken to reason, such as patience and
If the wind blows off the clouds, the sun will come out.
Elimination of the clouds may be said as enlightenment.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/sun-cloud-wind
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Proof of Enlightenment 悟りの証明
Only enlightened person can prove the enlightenment. Therefore, in order to prove our enlightenment, we need to find out an enlightened person around us, or we need to guide a person of high potential to the enlightenment if we can't find out an enlightened person. Buddha also seems to have had a hard time to prove his enlightenment and he chose a method of teaching his five fellow practitioners his enlightenment after all. Then Buddha succeeded in letting them attain enlightenment one after another and got their supports as his disciples for his preaching mission. Is there anyone who has attained enlightenment or has a high potential for the enlightenment?
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/nirvana-english
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/nirvana-english
Friday, August 9, 2013
Path to Enlightenment 悟りへの道
If we gain the ability to control anger and attachment (obsession) through reason which controls disturbing mind, we have mastered methods to overcome sufferings. And if we gain the ability to maintain the inner peace through reason which generates calm mind, we have obtained tickets for a meaningful and happy life by achieving mental and physical good health and seeing the reality. However at this stage, we have not closed all files of our previous negative actions printed in consciousness yet. Therefore, disturbing mind will continue to arise, so we will need to continue to overcome sufferings until we will close all the previous negative files completely. If we create more forceful positive actions than the impact of previous negative actions, we will be able to close all the previous negative files completely. The final stage of closing all the previous negative files completely is the ultimate enlightenment, and sources of sufferings and the need for reincarnation will be both eliminated.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/law-of-causality
☆★ 電子書籍 ★☆
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ E-book ★☆
(Amazon): http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Hitoshi%20Tsuchiyama&page=1&rh=n%3A133140011%2Cp_27%3AHitoshi%20Tsuchiyama
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ 日刊メルマガ「今日の一言」 ★☆
☆★ E-mail magazine “Message of the day” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-day
(Page for “Message of the day”): http://www.mag2.com/m/0001605935.html
☆★ オンライン週刊誌『今週のメッセージ』 ★☆
☆★ Weekly on-line magazine “Message of the week” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-week
(Page for “Message of the week”): http://www.dlmarket.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=230363
☆★ 「心の研修」 ★☆
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/law-of-causality
☆★ 電子書籍 ★☆
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ E-book ★☆
(Amazon): http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Hitoshi%20Tsuchiyama&page=1&rh=n%3A133140011%2Cp_27%3AHitoshi%20Tsuchiyama
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ 日刊メルマガ「今日の一言」 ★☆
☆★ E-mail magazine “Message of the day” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-day
(Page for “Message of the day”): http://www.mag2.com/m/0001605935.html
☆★ オンライン週刊誌『今週のメッセージ』 ★☆
☆★ Weekly on-line magazine “Message of the week” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-week
(Page for “Message of the week”): http://www.dlmarket.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=230363
☆★ 「心の研修」 ★☆
☆★ “Mind Training” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mind-training-23545687
☆★ 「MBC(思いやりによる人事管理・人材開発制度)」 ★☆
☆★ “MBC (Management By Compassion), a new HRM & HRD system” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mbcmanagement-by-compassion-english-version
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mind-training-23545687
☆★ 「MBC(思いやりによる人事管理・人材開発制度)」 ★☆
☆★ “MBC (Management By Compassion), a new HRM & HRD system” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mbcmanagement-by-compassion-english-version
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Reason 理性
Compassion, namely care for the happiness of others, is the top most important Reason. In other words, Reason means Universal Moral Ethics. I think there are various Reason but we can broadly divide into two major
categories as follows:
1. Reason which controls disturbing mind
(Self-protection purposes):
Patience, Mercy, Tolerance, Forgiveness,
Self-discipline, Generosity ⇒ Effect to protect
Compassion and maintain Calm mind
2. Reason which generate Calm mind
(Altruism purposes):
Compassion, Warm-heart, Gentleness, Kindness, Care,
Respect, Appreciation, Humility, Self-confidence,
Sincerity, Honesty, Trust, Empathy ⇒ Effect to
achieve mental and physical good health and a
holistic view, through Calm mind
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/compassion-reason
1. 煩悩を制御する理性(自己防御が目的):
忍耐、哀れみ、寛容、許し、自律、寛大 ⇒ 慈悲心を護り
2. 穏やかな心を生じさせる理性(利他主義が目的):
自信、誠実、正直、信頼、共感 ⇒ 穏やかな心により心身
☆★ 電子書籍 ★☆
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ E-book ★☆
(Amazon): http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Hitoshi%20Tsuchiyama&page=1&rh=n%3A133140011%2Cp_27%3AHitoshi%20Tsuchiyama
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ 日刊メルマガ「今日の一言」 ★☆
☆★ E-mail magazine “Message of the day” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-day
(Page for “Message of the day”): http://www.mag2.com/m/0001605935.html
☆★ オンライン週刊誌『今週のメッセージ』 ★☆
☆★ Weekly on-line magazine “Message of the week” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-week
(Page for “Message of the week”): http://www.dlmarket.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=230363
☆★ 「心の研修」 ★☆
categories as follows:
1. Reason which controls disturbing mind
(Self-protection purposes):
Patience, Mercy, Tolerance, Forgiveness,
Self-discipline, Generosity ⇒ Effect to protect
Compassion and maintain Calm mind
2. Reason which generate Calm mind
(Altruism purposes):
Compassion, Warm-heart, Gentleness, Kindness, Care,
Respect, Appreciation, Humility, Self-confidence,
Sincerity, Honesty, Trust, Empathy ⇒ Effect to
achieve mental and physical good health and a
holistic view, through Calm mind
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/compassion-reason
1. 煩悩を制御する理性(自己防御が目的):
忍耐、哀れみ、寛容、許し、自律、寛大 ⇒ 慈悲心を護り
2. 穏やかな心を生じさせる理性(利他主義が目的):
自信、誠実、正直、信頼、共感 ⇒ 穏やかな心により心身
☆★ 電子書籍 ★☆
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ E-book ★☆
(Amazon): http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Hitoshi%20Tsuchiyama&page=1&rh=n%3A133140011%2Cp_27%3AHitoshi%20Tsuchiyama
(DLmarket): http://www.dlmarket.jp/manufacture/index.php?consignors_id=6110
☆★ 日刊メルマガ「今日の一言」 ★☆
☆★ E-mail magazine “Message of the day” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-day
(Page for “Message of the day”): http://www.mag2.com/m/0001605935.html
☆★ オンライン週刊誌『今週のメッセージ』 ★☆
☆★ Weekly on-line magazine “Message of the week” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-week
(Page for “Message of the week”): http://www.dlmarket.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=230363
☆★ 「心の研修」 ★☆
☆★ “Mind Training” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mind-training-23545687
☆★ 「MBC(思いやりによる人事管理・人材開発制度)」 ★☆
☆★ “MBC (Management By Compassion), a new HRM & HRD system” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mbcmanagement-by-compassion-english-version
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mind-training-23545687
☆★ 「MBC(思いやりによる人事管理・人材開発制度)」 ★☆
☆★ “MBC (Management By Compassion), a new HRM & HRD system” ★☆
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/mbcmanagement-by-compassion-english-version
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