1. myself = 5 aggregates (skandhas) =
(1) body
(2) feeling
(3) perception
(4) mental formation
(5) consciousness
* (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) = mind
* (2) + (3) + (4) = 51 mental formations
* (5) = 5 senses, mind, manas, store = 8 consciousness
2. love myself = take good care of 5 aggregates (body, feeling,
perception, mental formation, consciousness)
3. 16 exercises on mindful breathing
(1) first 4 exercises: body (= breath + body)
① revive awareness by concentrating on a long breath
② revive awareness by concentrating on a short breath
③ aware of the pain in the whole body
④ release the tension in the whole body
* ①, ②: keep the wholesome body by stopping thinking (mind)
* ③, ④: recognize and calm the unwholesome body
* breathing = awareness = oneself = mindfulness
(2) second 4 exercises: feeling
⑤ generate joy by touching the wonders of life
⑥ generate happiness by touching the wonders of life
⑦ aware of the painful feelings
⑧ release the tension in the feelings
* ⑤, ⑥: generate the wholesome feelings through mindfulness
* ⑦. ⑧: recognize and calm the unwholesome feelings
(3) third 4 exercises: mind (= mental formation + consciousness)
⑨ aware of the mental formations in mind consciousness and
the seeds of mental formations in store consciousness
⑩ gladden the mental formations through selective watering
⑪ look deeply into the unwholesome mental formations to
understand the root cause
⑫ transform the unwholesome mental formations by the
energy of compassion generated through insights
* ⑨, ⑩: recognize and water the wholesome seeds without
watering the unwholesome seeds
* ⑪, ⑫: recognize and transform the unwholesome mental
formations through concentration and insight
(4) last 4 exercises: object of mind (perception)
⑬ observe the impermanent nature of all objects of
mind (perceptions)
⑭ observe the disappearance of all desires (ideas)
⑮ observe the no-birth, no-death nature (no self) of all
⑯ throw away all notions and attain full enlightenment
* ⑬, ⑭, ⑮, ⑯: understand the true nature of reality (ultimate
truth), be convinced that all notions are wrong and
attain full enlightenment through the extinction of all notions
* Thay didn't mention the last 4 exercises in the above video.
* ①~⑫: Part-time Buddha, ①~⑯: Full-time Buddha
(Cf.) http://compassion5151.blogspot.jp/2015/10/16-exercises-on-mindful-breathing.html
Thích Nhất Hạnh