Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bloodshed & Religion 流血と宗教

"From time to time it is also important that religious leaders get together to show that in spirituality we share a message of peace. Because history is marked by incidents of conflict and bloodshed in the name of religion, it is important to work for and to demonstrate harmony among our spiritual traditions." (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's facebook on July 22, 2013)




☆★ オンライン週刊誌創刊のお知らせ ★☆

☆★ Notice of publishing a weekly on-line magazine ★☆
On July 6, the first issue of my weekly on-line magazine called “Message of the week”  has been published as scheduled. (This is a weekly version of daily e-mail magazine below) I recommend this to those who want to learn real Buddhism (science of mind) and to master wisdom and compassion every weekend, to overcome sufferings and to be healthy and happy.
(Page for “Message of the week”):


☆★ 日刊メルマガ創刊のお知らせ ★☆

☆★ Notice of publishing an e-mail magazine ★☆
On July 1, the first issue of my daily e-mail magazine called “Message of the day” was published as scheduled. I recommend this to those who want to learn real Buddhism (science of mind) and to master wisdom and compassion, to overcome sufferings and to be healthy and happy.
(Page for “Message of the day”):