Saturday, October 24, 2015

Existence and Manifestation

Existence and Manifestation
(Reality and Appearance)

The manifesting thing is not always existing.
The non-manifesting thing is not always non-existing.
The reality does not exist as it appears.

Ego manifests although it doesn't exist. (Appearance without Reality) Ego is like feelings, movies and rainbows. Ego causes illusions or delusions as if they exist. That's because all of them are projections of mind. Ego misunderstands that they exist because they manifest. However, those phenomena do not always exist even if they manifest. (Manifestation without Existence)

Every matter including humans exists even if it doesn't manifest. (Reality without Appearance) Every matter is like happiness, the flame of a match and a wave in the ocean. Ego causes illusions or delusions as if they don't exist. That's because all of them are the object of mind and can't be projected without manifestations. They don't manifest when the conditions are not sufficient. Ego misunderstands that they don't exist because they don't manifest. However, every matter always exists even if it doesn't manifest. (Existence without Manifestation)

Lavoisier said, "Nothing is born, nothing dies". The law of conservation of energy says that you can not create the new energy. You can only transfer energy to another form. And the law of conservation of matter says the same. You can not create the new matter and you can not destroy any matter. This is confirmed by modern science.

How silly ego is! Most of the ordinary people believe what they see by their eyes (appearance), and get caught by them. So, they can't see the reality, or what awareness can see through insight

Ordinary people (ego) can see only what they can see by their eyes. In other words, they get caught by the manifestation, or the appearance. That's why they can't see the true nature of reality, or the real existence due to the lack of insight by awareness. 

Awakened persons (awareness) can see what they can't see by their eyes through insight. So, they don't get caught by the manifestation, or the appearance. That's why they can see the true nature of reality, or the real existence through the insight by awareness.
