Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A question to H.H.Dalai Lama

I posted my comment (question) to HHDL as follows: (From 2:03:23)
"Hello! HHDL, Thank you for sharing live webcasts. You said yesterday that it's impossible to have fear if you make a pledge to serve others. Can you say the same thing if you are a begger now? You won't have realistic fear even though you are starving to death? If you are in danger of physical survival, I think it's very hard to say the same thing. I guess that you can say so because your physical survival is perfectly secured until your death. I hope you will answer to this question." 

The reason why I asked the question is as followings. There are 2 types of fear, realistic fear (useful warning) and unrealistic fear (based on self-centered attitude due to ignorance). I know HHDL was actually talking about unrealistic fear but ordinary people must have misunderstood easily that they can remove realistic fear also. This is dangerous. I want HHDL to mention clearly that compassion can remove unrealistic fear but compassion can't remove realistic fear. So, we have to take proper actions to remove realistic fear.

Inner value 内面の価値

"The challenge today is to convince people of the value of truth, honesty, compassion and a concern for others."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on October 29, 2013)


Today's people put more emphasis on material value like money, power and status than inner value like above. Therefore, people need to be convinced of the inner value to be really happy. (My commentary)
