(True self recognizes ego or sufferings but ego is much
stronger at this moment.)
* recognition of ego or sufferings = proof of partial revival of
true self
2. It is the lack of self-love (self-acceptance).
(The root cause of ego or sufferings is the past karma.)
3. If you look deeply into the root cause of the lack of
self-love (self-acceptance),
(Why can't I accept and love myself?)
4. you will attain the insight of the root cause.
5. If you understand the source of ego (sufferings),
6. love and compassion will be generated for you and
you will be able to accept yourself unconditionally.
(True self will accept inner child and ego unconditionally,
through love and compassion.)
⇒ unconditional self-love (self-acceptance)
* understanding of the source of ego or sufferings =
unconditional self-acceptance (self-love)
7. If you heal your wounded inner child through love and
8. you will be able to release your ego with pleasure
(the power of your ego will be weakened).
9. You will be able to return to true self (non-separate self,
or unconditional love and compassion) completely.
* releasing of ego = complete revival of true self
10. You will be able to practice unconditional love and
compassion to all without separation.
Papalaua Falls, Moloka'i island, HAWAII Photo by Ihsan Iman