My comparative analysis is the following.
<Temporality> <Intemporality>
(duration, time, space) (no duration, no time and space, state)
Body-mind Subconscious
Presence (energy) Now (not between "past" and "future")
measurable (duration) immeasurable (no duration)
Time (moment) No Time (not a moment in time)
Past, Present, Future No Past, Present, Future
illusory and existent non-illusory and non-existent
(illusion) (reality)
manifestation non-manifestation
I-thought Not-I
Ego (Separate self) Absolute, Nirguna (Non-separate self)
Consciousness Awareness
Body-mind Consciousness Universal Consciousness (no-mind)
(personal) (impersonal)
Mind (split into Whole Mind (no Subject and Object)
Subject and Object)
Energy No energy
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Evolution of Humanity⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒
There is no difference for Subconscious between manifestation and non-manifestation of Body-mind. I understand Body-mind and Subconscious are interdependent, or dependent co-arising.
The Solar Dynamics Photo by Corina Marinescu