text: (Chinese translation)
Stanza 111. 如親精卵聚 本非吾自身 串習故執取 受精卵為我
Stanza 115. 於此無我軀 串習成我所 如是於他身 何不生我覺
【"Guide to a Bodhisattva's Way of
Life" written by Acharya Shantideva, Chapter 8 Meditation】
Free translation:
Like the fusion of my parents' ovum and sperm, there is no original body of my own. I think that my consciousness, the space-time continuum, left this world and came back again to this world and then received a fertilized egg as a new body.
Stanza 115.
In this body of selflessness, consciousness of space-time continuum will be the self. However, in the body of others, why awareness of the self will not arise?
In Buddhism, the continuum of consciousness is considered to be reincarnated and the body is considered to be replaced to a new one in every rebirth. Therefore, this must mean that the continuum of consciousness enters the fertilized eggs (new body and brain) of parents by own choice. According to this idea, our consciousness will not die but our body and brain will repeat life and death. Buddhism calls it the reincarnation and considers that it will last forever until enlightenment.
Stanza 115.
Shantideva clarified that the body of selflessness means a mere material body which is not received by the continuum of consciousness yet. He also clarified that the self will arise after the continuum of consciousness enters. Consciousness is aware of the self only toward the body that it enters but it isn't aware of the self toward the other body. Therefore, the consciousness can not regard other's suffering as own suffering, so it's difficult to remove other's suffering. In Buddhism, it is preached that the consciousness is the continuum which exceeds time and space and that the cognitive ability is taken over from the previous life.
Fertilized egg which consciousness has not entered yet is a mere substance as the fusion of ovum and sperm, the self does not arise in that time. I think that fertilized egg becomes mental substance at the stage sometime after consciousness enters the fertilized egg, and that consciousness becomes the self when it is named after body is born. Then, the body is one that I inherited from my parents, mental consciousness has come from a completely different place. Really, from where and for what purpose, does the consciousness come? Second, because it is selflessness if only the body, it is the same as social animals such as ants and bees, it does not suffer from disturbing mind. However, the self will arise when consciousness enters and is named, and will suffer from self-centered mind such as attachment, arrogance and greed. That's why consciousness will make an effort to return to selflessness from the self to overcome sufferings. Then, the purpose of reincarnation of consciousness would be to master the altruistic practice through human life by obtaining a new body many times! ? If this reasoning is correct, today's society based on materialism which puts too much emphasis on money, power, status and fame, is the foundation that afflict humans. So, another important social infrastructure of spiritualism should be returned to us as soon as possible! ? To achieve this, spiritual revolution in individual human level would be essential!
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