Breathing in, I know this is an in-breath.
Breathing out, I know this is an out-breath.
(I enjoy breathing in, I enjoy breathing out.)
Breathing in, I know I'm alive.
Breathing out, I smile to life in me and around me.
(Alive, smiling to life.)
Breathing in, I'm aware of my body with a lot of tension in it.
Breathing out, I release all tension from my body.
(Aware of body, releasing tension in body.)
Breathing in, I'm aware of my ancestors, spiritual and blood, still alive in every cell of my body.
Breathing out, I smile to all my ancestors alive in me.
(Aware of ancestors in me, smiling to ancestors.)
(My commentary)
Ego (separate self) can't know this is an in-breath or an out-breath. Only awareness (non-separate self, true self) can know it. That's why awareness can enjoy breathing in and breathing out. When oneself can know this is an in-breath or an out-breath, oneself is awareness. So, self-transformation from ego to awareness must be attained at this initial stage.
Ego can't know oneself is alive because ego can't touch the wonders of life. Only awareness can know oneself is alive because awareness can touch the wonders of life. That's why awareness can smile to life inside and around oneself. Awareness is always joyful and happy because oneself is alive spiritually.
Ego can't be aware of the body and its tension because ego is not mindful. Only awareness can be aware of the body and its tension because awareness is mindful. That's why awareness can release all tension from the body through embracing the pain. Awareness can relieve the physical pain through stopping, resting, calming and healing.
Ego can't be aware of the genetic and spiritual ancestors still alive in every cell of the body because ego is separate self. Only awareness can be aware of the genetic and spiritual ancestors still alive in every cell of the body because awareness is non-separate self (no self). That's why awareness can smile to all the ancestors alive in oneself. Awareness can touch the true nature of reality by reflecting the reality as it is. Awareness can dwell in the historical dimension and the ultimate dimension (nirvana) at the same time.
(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-versions-of-oneself
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