(Watch from 14:01 to 24:45)
And you may like to just use these two sentences, "I have arrived, arrived, I am home, home, home". And if you feel your steps pleasant and enjoyable, you are practicing correctly. If you suffer during the walking, that's not the correct practice. It's easy to recognize. If you feel happy, pleasant, if you enjoy your steps, it means you are doing it right. You don't need another person. You don't need the teacher to tell you. If you enjoy every step, that's a good practice. I have arrived, I enjoy arriving. I am home, I enjoy my true home. My true home is in the here and the now. It is in the here and the now that we can get in touch with the Kingdom of God or the Pure Land of Buddha. The Kingdom is now or never. You don't need to die in order to go to the Kingdom. It may be too late. You have to be very alive in order to step into the Kingdom. And in order to be alive, you have to be in the here and the now. And bringing your mind back to your body, you are well established in the here and the now. You are fully present in the here and the now. You are fully alive because mind and body have come together.
And when you are fully alive, fully present, one step only is needed for you to step into the Kingdom of God or to the Pure Land of Buddha. And to me, the Kingdom of God or the Pure Land of Buddha is not an abstract idea. It is something very real. The blue sky that you see there, it belongs to the Kingdom. The trees that you see there, they belong to the Kingdom. The flower, the birds that you see in here, they belong to the Kingdom. If they don't belong to the Kingdom, where should they belong to? And you also, you belong to the Kingdom. (True self belongs to the Kingdom but ego does not belong to the Kingdom.)
And every step made in mindfulness and concentration helps you to touch the Kingdom of God. That is why I said that the Kingdom is now or never. And when we have been able to touch the Kingdom, the Pure Land, happiness is there. We don't need to run anymore after the object of our craving. We don't need anything more. (Running is a competition which causes separations or discrimination and does not bring about freedom. So, there will be no winners and everyone will lose.) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B014NYEP04
(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.
(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/goodbye-to-brain
(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/goodbye-to-brain
Walking meditation