Wednesday, April 1, 2015





white-daisies Photo by Joel Bramley

Enlightenment steps

1. Karma till the past life ←  ←  ←  ←  ←  ←  ←  ←  ←  ←       
2. Past life's mental disposition
3. Selection of parents
4. Lack of unconditional acceptance (love) by parents
5. Ego (separate self)
6. Separation (Discrimination) for self-protection
7. Notions, Views, Ideas, Thought, Belief, Words
8. Duality (pairs of opposites) →  →  →  →  →  →  →  →  →  

9. Skillful means to transcend duality (ex Interdependent co-arising)

10. Non-duality

11. Extinction of all notions

12. Non-separation (Non-discrimination)

13. True self (Non-separate self)

14. Unconditional acceptance (love)

15. Enlightenment (Nirvana)

16. Positive karma only

Southern British Columbia, Canada Photo by Randall St. Germain