I understand that everyone has both good seeds and evil seeds within oneself according to karma till the past life. It is up to who you are, whether you water the good seeds or the evil seeds. If you are ego, you water the evil seeds. If you are true self (non-separate self), you water the good seeds. It is possible to transform your ego to true self in subconscious. I guess the recombination of gene in brain occurs if this self-transformation is completed.
If I use a parable, it will be as follows: "A bug born from a tree eats up the whole tree. A bug can be liken to the wisdom and a tree can be liken to the disturbing mind. Therefore, the disturbing mind itself eliminates the disturbing mind through the wisdom born from the disturbing mind." Thích Nhất Hạnh said, "Just as rust produced by iron corrodes iron, so is the violator of moral law destroyed by his own wrong action."
Pumpkin Sun Photo by Corina Marinescu