Two extremes Middle Way
Conventional truth Ultimate truth
Phenomenal world Noumenal world (+Phenomenal world)
External world Internal world
Explicate order Implicate order
Space and time Without space and time
Outside Inside
Eyesight Insight
A thing Nature
Body-mind Consciousness
Brain Subconscious
Ego (separate self) True self (non-separate self)
Notions/Views/Ideas/Words No notions/views/ideas/words
Thinking Without thinking
Illusion/Delusion Reality
Judgement/Criticism No need
Lack of self-acceptance Unconditional self-acceptance
Conditioned Unconditioned
Material value Spiritual value
Awake/Dreaming state Deep sleep state
Separate Interdependent co-arising
Separation/Discrimination Non-separation/Non-discrimination
Pairs of opposites Not two but not one
Notion of birth and death No notion of birth and death
Ignorance Wisdom
Afflictions Unconditional love and compassion
Samsara Nirvana
Ordinary person Enlightened person
The Four Noble Truths The Heart Sutra
* Interdependent co-arising is the skillful means to transcend duality and attain non-duality.
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