Thursday, April 2, 2015

Difference between Compassion and Karuna (2)

Another good explanation of the difference between Compassion and Karuna is the following. Watch from 21:40 to 25:45.

"And the second is karuna. Karuna means the capacity to understand the suffering and help, remove and transform it. The person you love has suffering in him or in her, or difficulty in him or in her. You ask someone who love him or her, "You should be able to identify the suffering, or the difficulties and try to help remove it." And the capacity of helping remove the suffering is called compassion. Transforming suffering in the person you love because you see the suffering in the person, of your beloved one. And if you are not able to help him or her remove that suffering, you are not the real lover. As we are used to translate the karuna as compassion, the other person suffer and you suffer with her. You share suffering. That is the word, compassion. But in true love, you don't have to suffer with her. You understand only. Your capacity of understanding help the other person not to suffer any more. When a patient comes to a doctor, the doctor is supposed to be able to see what is wrong within the patient, what is the sickness and the root of the sickness in the person. That is exactly karuna. And the doctor after having identified the illness and the root of the illness, is capable of describing somthing for the removal of that illness. And that doctor doesn't have to suffer together with the patient. That is why compassion is not perfect in translating. The Buddha also. He sits there, people come and cry with him and he doesn't have to cry with them. He said, "Dear friends, I understand your suffering. But there is a way for you to go in order to ... If the Buddha stands behind and cries with them, he doesn't have any time left in order to help first, to help their transformation and healing. So, in your relationship, ask the question as whether you have the element of compassion in your love. If you do, and then you are being very helpful. You are helping that person to suffer less. Your presence already helps that person to feel better. And your speech, your action, your capacity of listening deeply help him or her transform and remove the suffering. That is the element called karuna. And in our relationship, we should be able to cultivate karuna every day."

Thích Nhất Hạnh


二元性                非二元性
両極端                中道
一般的な真理            究極の真理
現象の世界             本体の世界(+現象界)
外部の世界             内面の世界
外在的秩序             内在的秩序
時間と空間              時間と空間なし
外側                  内側
眼界                  洞察
もの                   性質
心と体                 意識
エゴ(自性自己)           本当の自分(無自性自己)
概念、見方、アイデア、言葉   概念、見方、アイデア、言葉なし
考える                 考えない
幻想、錯覚              現実
裁き、批判               裁き、批判は不要
自己受容の欠如          無条件の自己受容
条件付                無条件
物質価値               精神価値
覚醒、夢見状態                    深い睡眠状態
独立した                          縁起(相互に依存し共同発生)
分離/差別              非分離/非差別
独立(自性)              相互依存(無自性)
反対の一対             2でもなく、1でもなく
誕生と死の概念あり         誕生と死の概念なし
無知                  智慧
煩悩                  無条件の愛と思いやり
転生                  涅槃
普通の人               悟りを開いた人
「四聖諦」               「般若心経」

* 縁起(相互に依存し共同発生)は二元性を超越し、非二元性を得る巧みな手段です。