☆★ メルマガ創刊のお知らせ ★☆
☆★ Notice of publishing an e-mail magazine ★☆
Today, the first issue of my daily e-mail magazine called “Message of the day” has been published as scheduled. I recommend this to those who want to learn real Buddhism (science of mind) and to master wisdom and compassion, to overcome sufferings and to be healthy and happy.
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-day
(Page for “Message of the day”): http://www.mag2.com/m/0001605935.html
☆★ オンライン週刊誌創刊のお知らせ ★☆
☆★ Notice of publishing a weekly on-line magazine ★☆
On July 6, the first issue of my weekly on-line magazine called “Message of the week” will be published. (This is a weekly version of above daily e-mail magazine)
(Outline): http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/message-of-the-week
(Page for “Message of the week”): http://www.dlmarket.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=230363