Thursday, May 30, 2013

Live Webcasts of HHDL!

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 3 public talks and 1 teaching on the Four Noble Truths from New Zealand on June 9-11, 2013 can be viewed at
As I mentioned in "Notice of publishing an e-mail magazine", I am planning to publish commentary  on the Four Noble Truths from this July, so I strongly recommend you to watch this Live Webcasts.



The whole picture of Wisdom & Compassion

* The whole picture ⇒
* Four Noble Truths' approach
⇒ Problem solving type
  1. Analysis of problems (= "Sufferings")Both of them are invisible,
  2. Discovery of the cause (= "Self-grasping")
  3. Discovery of the ultimate source (= "Ignorance")
  4. Solution of the problem (= "Selflessness" (= Interdependence))
  5. Method of solution (= "Practice of Compassion")
  6. Conviction of effects through practice
  7. Solving problems of "Sufferings" 

* Heart Sutra's approach
Truth discovering type
  1. Analysis of things & phenomena through meditation
  2. Discovery of the ultimate truth (= "Emptiness" (= Interdependence))
  3. Method to deal with the truth (= "Practice of Compassion")
  4. Conviction of effects through practice
  5. Achievement of "Happiness"
*Approaching method is different but both the Four Noble Truths and the Heart Sutra came to the same conclusion of "Compassion" arising through "Wisdom" of the ultimate truth of "Interdependence".




* 「四聖諦」のアプローチ 問題解決型
  1. 「苦しみ」という問題を分析
  2. その原因は「我執」であることを究明
  3. その根源は「無知」であることを発見
  4. 解決策として「無我」(=相互依存)を導出
  5. 実践法として「慈悲」を導出
  6. 実践してみて効果を確信
  7. 「苦しみ」という問題を解決
* 「般若心経」のアプローチ真理解明型
  1. 瞑想し、諸行を分析
  2. 「空性」(=相互依存)という究極の真理を解明
  3. 対応策として「慈悲」を導出
  4. 実践してみて効果を確信
  5. 「幸福」を達成
