Thursday, July 23, 2015

決して見くびらない菩薩 (5) Never Disparaging Bodhisattva (5)

Never Disparaging Bodhisattva (5)
By Thich Nhat Hanh

You only need to have faith in the action of Sadaparibhuta and very quickly you can help others overcome their negative self-image. Never Despising Bodhisattva shows everyone that they have the capacity for perfection within themselves, the capacity to become a buddha, a fully enlightened one. The message of the Lotus Sutra is that everyone can and will become a buddha. Sadaparibhuta is the ambassador of the Buddha and of the Lotus Sutra, and sometimes ambassadors are reviled or attacked. Sadaparibhuta was also treated this way. He brought his message to everyone, but not everyone was happy to hear it because they could not believe in their own buddhanature. So when they heard his message they felt they were being scorned or mocked. “Throughout the passage of many years, he was constantly subjected to abuse . . . some in the multitude would beat him with sticks and staves, with tiles and stones.” The mission of a dharma teacher, of a bodhisattva, requires a great deal of love, equanimity and inclusiveness.

Sadaparibhuta represents the action of inclusiveness, or kshanti. One of the six paramitas, kshanti is also translated as “patience,” and we can see this great quality in Sadaparibhuta and in one of Shakyamuni’s disciples, Purna, who is praised by the Buddha in the eighth chapter of the Lotus Sutra. While the Lotus Sutra only mentions Purna in passing, he is the subject of another sutra, the Teaching Given to Maitrayaniputra. In this sutra, after the Buddha had instructed Purna in the practice, he asked him, “Where will you go to share the dharma and form a sangha?” The monk said that he wanted to return to his native region, to the island of Sunaparanta in the Eastern Sea. The Buddha said, “Bhikshu, that is a very difficult place. People there are very rough and violent. Do you think you have the capacity to go there to teach and help?”

“Yes, I think so, my Lord,” replied Purna.

“What if they shout at you and insult you?”

Purna said, “If they only shout at me and insult me I think they are kind enough, because at least they aren’t throwing rocks or rotten vegetables at me. But even if they did, my Lord, I would still think that they are kind enough, because at least they are not using sticks to hit me.”

The Buddha continued, “And if they beat you with sticks?”

“I think they are still kind enough, since they are not using knives and swords to kill me.”

“And if they want to take your life? It’s possible that they would want to destroy you because you will be bringing a new kind of teaching, and they won’t understand at first and may be very suspicious and hostile,” the Buddha warned.

Purna replied, “Well, in that case I am ready to die, because my dying will also be a kind of teaching and I know that this body is not the only manifestation I have. I can manifest myself in many kinds of bodies. I don’t mind if they kill me; I don’t mind becoming the victim of their violence, because I believe that I can help them.”

The Buddha said, “Very good, my friend. I think that you are ready to go and help there.”

(to be continued)


決して見くびらない菩薩 (5)

あなたはサダパリブータの行動を信じ切る必要があるだけであり、非常に迅速に、あなたは他人が否定的な自己イメージを克服するのを助けることができます。決して軽蔑しない菩薩は誰もが自分の中に完成のための能力、完全に悟りを開いた人である仏陀になるための能力を持っていることを示します。法華経のメッセージは、誰もが仏になることができ、なるだろうということです。サダパリブータは仏陀と法華経の大使であり、時には大使はののしられるか、​​攻撃されます。サダパリブータもまた、そのように扱われました。彼は全ての人にメッセージをもたらしましたが、彼らは自分の仏性を信じることができませんでしたので、必ずしも誰もがそれを聞いて幸せではありませんでした。ですから、彼らがメッセージを聞いた時、彼らは軽蔑されたり、嘲笑されていると感じました。 「長年の移動の間中、彼は常に虐待を受けました。群衆の一部は棒やおけ板で、タイルや石で彼をなぐろうとしました。」法の先生、菩薩の使命は、愛、無差別、包括性を大いに必要とします。










