Friday, May 3, 2013

3 levels of Love & Music

1. 3 levels of Love (Compassion)

 ①Level 1  : Attachment, Obsession, Addicted love (sensory level, physical level)
  ⇒ for own happiness, attached, biased, narrow-minded, near-sighted, subjective,
     depends on other's attitude, fake love

 ②Level 2  : Affection based on biological factor (instinct-level, emotion-level)
  ⇒ for own child's happiness, infinite love, selfless love, doesn't depend on other's
     attitude, biased (not extended to others), attached, other animals can also have,
          motherly love

 ③Level 3  : Infinite altruism (mental level, reason-level)
  ⇒ for others' happiness, detached, unbiased, broad-minded, long-term view,
     objective, doesn't depend on other's attitude, can be extended even to enemy,
          only humans can have, genuine love

2. 3 levels of Music

 ①Level 1 : Rhythm
  ⇒ Western Rock, Hip-hop...etc. (sensory level, physical level satisfaction)

 ②Level 2 : Melody
  ⇒ Japanese 70's Pop, Ballad...etc. (instinct-level, emotion-level satisfaction)

 ③Level 3 : Lyric
  ⇒ Famous tune of world (ex, Smile)...etc. (conscious level, spiritual level satisfaction)

* 3 levels of Love (Compassion) & Music seem to be exactly the same.
  Level : 1 < 2 < 3 


1. 愛(思いやり)の3レベル

 ①レベル 1  : 愛着、恋 (感覚レベル、肉体レベル)
  ⇒ 自分のため、執着している、偏っている、視野が狭い、近視眼的、主観的、

 ②レベル 2  : 生物学的な愛情 (本能レベル、感情レベル)
  ⇒ 子供のため、無限の愛、(見返りを求めない)無償の愛、相手の態度に依存しない

 ③レベル 3  : 無限の愛 (意識レベル、理性レベル)
  ⇒ 他のため (利他心)、執着がない、偏っていない、視野が広い、長期的観点、客観的、

2. 音楽の3レベル

 ①レベル 1  : リズム (Rhythm、律動)
  ⇒ 欧米のロック、ヒップホップ等 (感覚レベル、肉体レベルの満足感追求)

 ②レベル 2  : メロディー (Melody、旋律)  
  ⇒ 日本の昭和歌謡曲、演歌等 (情緒レベル、感情レベルの満足感追求)

 ③レベル 3  : リリック (Lyric、叙情) 
  ⇒ 世界の名曲 (例えば、Smile)等 (意識レベル、理性レベルの満足感追求)

* 愛(思いやり)と音楽の3レベルはびったり一致している気がします。
     レベル: 1 < 2 < 3

What if we aren't designated our name?

Because we are designated our name, Self arises
and Self-grasping is strengthen,
Self-centered mind such as arrogance, greed and attachment
and destructive emotions such as anger, hatred, fear, jealousy and sorrow arise,
so we suffer from these disturbing mind.

What if we aren't designated our name?
Because Self doesn't arise, we are only the combination of body and mind,
we become social animals with no reason,
such as ants and bees which live only by instincts and emotions.

Because we become Selflessness, Self-grasping won't be strengthen,
Self-centered mind and destructive emotions will hardly arise,
therefore we won't suffer from disturbing mind any more, and we will be unintentionally modest,
then we will be able to live with joy,
however we won't be honorable humans with reason any longer.
That's not good, isn't it?

So, if we want to live happily as humans,
we have to be able to control our disturbing mind by all means.
What can control our disturbing mind then?
That's not what other animals have, but something peculiar to humans.
That's the 'Reason' arisen by 'Consciousness' which is convinced of the ultimate truth of
Reason means the universal moral ethics or compassion.

Once we are convinced of interdependence, we become Selflessness or Emptiness,
so our Self-grasping will be weakened,
and our Self-centered mind and destructive emotions will rarely arise.
At the same time, reason such as compassion, warm-heart and gentleness will arise,
and we will have calm mind always.
As a result, we will be healthy mentally and physically, and will see the reality
through holistic view, will take realistic approaches, will have normal function of intelligence,
will have meaningful life and will be happy.

Therefore, Buddhism does not accept Self, something that is independent of physical and
mental properties of being. (Buddhism does not accept independent Self but accepts
interdependent Self.) Instead, Buddhism defines 'I' as 'the mere designation to the
being' <the continuum of consciousness: the combination of subtle body and subtle mind>.
