①Level 1 : Attachment, Obsession, Addicted love (sensory level, physical level)
⇒ for own happiness, attached, biased, narrow-minded, near-sighted, subjective,
depends on other's attitude, fake love
②Level 2 : Affection based on biological factor (instinct-level, emotion-level)
⇒ for own child's happiness, infinite love, selfless love, doesn't depend on other's
attitude, biased (not extended to others), attached, other animals can also have,
motherly love
③Level 3 : Infinite altruism (mental level, reason-level)
⇒ for others' happiness, detached, unbiased, broad-minded, long-term view,
objective, doesn't depend on other's attitude, can be extended even to enemy,
only humans can have, genuine love
2. 3 levels of Music
①Level 1 : Rhythm
⇒ Western Rock, Hip-hop...etc. (sensory level, physical level satisfaction)
②Level 2 : Melody
⇒ Japanese 70's Pop, Ballad...etc. (instinct-level, emotion-level satisfaction)
③Level 3 : Lyric
⇒ Famous tune of world (ex, Smile)...etc. (conscious level, spiritual level satisfaction)
* 3 levels of Love (Compassion) & Music seem to be exactly the same.
Level : 1 < 2 < 3
Level : 1 < 2 < 3
参考: http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-levels-of-love