(My answer)
I understand that the followings are the formula of joy and the formula of pleasure.
< Formula of joy >
joy: mindfulness ⇒ stop thinking ⇒ revive awareness ⇒ touch the wonders of life ⇒ generate joy and happiness
Mindfulness brings about joy. If we live in mindfulness, we stop thinking and revive awareness (non-separate self, true self). And awareness can touch the wonders of life. That's why we can generate joy and happiness.
< Formula of pleasure >
pleasure (sensual pleasure): forgetfulness ⇒ keep thinking ⇒ ego ⇒ cause separations ⇒ afflictions arise ⇒ suffer a lot
Forgetfulness brings about pleasure. If we live in forgetfulness, we keep thinking and we are ego (separate self, fake self). And ego separates oneself from others by thinking. That's why afflictions arise and we suffer a lot.
* The source of pleasure is attachment, clinging, obsession, or addiction. And attachment is not long-lasting because it easily changes to anger.
That's why we practice mindfulness through conscious breathing, sitting, walking...etc.
(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-versions-of-oneself
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