< 4 categories of humans >
intelligent (I) ------- non-intelligent (N-I)
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awareness - I * A (○○) N-I * A (×○)
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ego - I * E (○×) N-I * E (××)
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[power (strength)] -------------- [spiritually]
1st layer: intelligent awareness intelligent awareness
2nd layer: intelligent ego non-intelligent
3rd layer: non-intelligent
awareness intelligent ego
4th layer: non-intelligent ego non-intelligent
ex. intelligent awareness
Thay, Buddha, Jesus...
intelligent ego (○×): Obama, Hollande, Islamic State...
non-intelligent awareness
Disciples of Thay, Buddha, Jesus...
non-intelligent ego (××):
Ordinary people
degree of risk:
advice to:
1st layer: intelligent ego (○×)
2nd layer: non-intelligent ego (××)
3rd layer: non-intelligent awareness (×○)
4th layer: intelligent awareness (○○)
advice to:
awareness (○○) ⇒ Build sangha (practitioners' community)!
intelligent ego (○×) ⇒ Release your ego!
non-intelligent awareness (×○) ⇒ Master the
non-intelligent ego (××) ⇒ Release your ego, and master intelligence!
Thay's calligraphy