Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Enlightenment 悟り

"Enlightenment, for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water. When we realize we are not separate, but a part of the huge ocean of everything, we become enlightened. We realize this through practice, and we remain awake and aware of this through more practice." - Thích Nhất Hạnh

The wave is liken to human body (ego) and is made of water (true self). We misunderstand that the beginning of manifestation of wave is the birth and the end of manifestation of wave is the death. Even if the wave stops manifesting, it exists as water as before, waiting for the next manifestation. The wave has just changed its form. Just like the wave is made of water, human body is made of the whole cosmos such as water, air, sunshine and the earth. Humans are not separate, but already a part of the whole cosmos. - My commentary

「大海の波にとっての悟りとは、波が自らを水であると実感した瞬間です。自分は独立しておらず、巨大な大海の全ての一部であると実感した時、私たちは悟りを開きます。私たちは修行を通してこのことを実感し、更なる修行を通してこの目覚めと気付きを維持します。」 - ティク・ナット・ハン

波は人間の体(エゴ)に例えることができ、水(本当の自分)でできています。私たちは、波の顕現の始まりが誕生、波の顕現の終わりが死であると誤解しています。波は顕現を終了しても、前と同様に水として存在しており、次の顕現を待っています。波はその形を変えただけなのです。波が水でできているのと同様に、人間の体は、水、空気、太陽光、大地のような全宇宙でできています。人間は独立した存在ではなく、既に全宇宙の一部なのです。 - 私の解説

Tulip fields in The Netherlands Photo by Lakshmi Sanal

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Unconditional Love 無条件の愛

Separation or discrimination is the source of sufferings. Unconditional love and compassion is the source of joy and happiness. 
(Mechanism of Unconditional Love)
(3 levels of Love)
(Look inside!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Free e-mail magazine 無料メルマガ

“Thich Nhat Hanh quotes and commentary” (free e-mail magazine)

『 ティク・ナット・ハンの名言と解説 』 (無料メルマガ)

Photo by Plum Village

Saturday, December 20, 2014

光と闇 (2)














Thursday, December 18, 2014

Light and Darkness (2)

Light and darkness are recognized at the same time. 
Because light and darkness are interdependent co-arising.

They are both sides of a coin. 
They must arise together at the same time.

If light is there, darkness is already there. 
If darkness is there, light is already there. 

Without darkness, it's impossible to recognize light. 
Without light, it's impossible to recognize darkness. 

If darkness is removed, light is also removed. 
If light is removed, darkness is also removed. 

Light is liken to enlightenment (Nirvana).
Darkness is liken to afflictions (Ignorance). 

Don't chase after light and run away from darkness.
Accept both and take good care of both.

Don't be attached to either. Don't reject either.
Handle light and darkness in the same way without discrimination.

Light is made of non-light elements, namely darkness.
Darkness is made of non-darkness elements, namely light.

Make peace with light and darkness.
Master the method of transformation to be free from fear. 

We are already enlightened, so don’t have to become someone else.
All we need is to return to true self, or the whole cosmos.

Nirvana is not a place that can be found in space and time.
Nirvana is inside. Kingdom of God is inside.

(Some quotes are from the teaching of Thích Nhất Hạnh.)

Iceland Volcano Photo by AGABABY

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Light and Darkness 光と闇

Light and darkness are recognized at the same time. That's because light and darkness are interdependent co-arising (Buddha's emptiness). They are both sides of a sheet of paper. If light is there, darkness is already there. If darkness is there, light is already there. They must arise together at the same time. Without darkness, it's impossible to recognize light. Without light, it's impossible to recognize darkness. If darkness is removed, light is also removed. If light is removed, darkness is also removed. 

Pairs of opposite arise at the same time according to the ultimate truth of this planet, namely interdependent co-arising. Interdependent co-arising is the foundation of existence of every thing and phenomenon. Good and Evil, Happiness and Suffering, Right and Wrong are also pairs of opposite like Light and darkness. They are not two separate things. They are not one as well. They are interdependent co-arising. This interdependent co-arising enables us to transcend the duality. Duality is a kind of option. Therefore, we always have an option to select.



Iceland Volcano Photo by AGABABY

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Interdependent co-arising 縁起

<Interdependent co-arising (Dependent origination)>
       (A)                                       (B)
Ego (separate self)                 True self (non-separate self)
in space and time (duration)    no space and time (no duration)
existent                                    non-existent
matter (particles) or energy      non-matter nor energy (nature)
body and mind (brain)             consciousness (subconscious)
notions, idea, view, thought     no notions, idea, view, thought
separation, discrimination        non-separation, non-discrimination
historical dimension                 ultimate dimension
conventional truth                    ultimate truth
physical body                          cosmic body
materialism                              spiritualism
sufferings                                 happiness (Nirvana)

* (A) and (B) are interdependent co-arising. If (A) is removed, (B) is also removed. If (A) is there, (B) is already there. (A) and (B) are like both sides of a sheet of paper.

       (A)                                       (B)
エゴ(独立した自己)                本当の自分(非独立の自己)
時間と空間に(期間)               時間と空間なし(期間なし)
存在                                       非存在
物質(素粒子)又はエネルギー 非物質且つ非エネルギー(性質)
体と心(顕在意識=脳)           意識(潜在意識)
概念、アイデア、見方、考え     概念、アイデア、見方、考えなし
分離、差別                             非分離、無差別(分け隔てなし)
歴史的次元                            究極の次元
一般的真実                            究極の真理
肉体                                       宇宙体
物質至上主義                         精神主義
苦しみ                                    幸福(涅槃)

* (A) と (B) は、相互依存して同時に生じます。もし、 (A) が取り除かれれば、 (B) もまた取り除かれます。もし、 (A) が存在しているならば、 (B) は既に存在しています。 (A) と (B) は一枚の紙の両面のようなものです。

Mount Fuji Photo by iWin Online

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Karmic cycle カルマの循環

1. Karma
Karma (actions) is imprinted on consciousness (subconscious).

2. Seeds
Imprinted Karma are stored as seeds of mental formations.

3. Mental formations
Perceptions water the seeds of mental formations for manifestation in consciousness (conscious mind, or brain). 

4. Volition
Mental formations cause volition.

5. Actions ⇒ 1.
Volition causes actions (karma).


1. カルマ

2. 種子

3. 精神形成物

4. 動機

5. 行動 ⇒ 1.へ


Thursday, December 11, 2014


1. 花:フレッシュネス(新鮮)
2. 山:どっしり(安定)
3. 静水:穏やかさ(平和、静けさ)
4. 空間:自由
5. 太陽:無条件の愛

Friday, December 5, 2014


( ):解説

1. 好奇心に従う:「私は特別な才能を持っていません。私は情熱

2. 忍耐は貴重です:「それは私が賢いのではありません。より長

3. 現在に焦点を当てる:「きれいな少女にキスしながら、安全に

4. 想像力は強力です。「想像力が全てです。想像力はこれから

5. 間違いをする:「間違いをしたことがない人は、新たなことに

6. 瞬間に生きる:「私は決して未来を考えません。未来は瞬く間に

7. 価値を創造する:「成功するためではなく、むしろ価値あるもの

8. 反復的にはならない:「狂気とは何度も何度も同じことをしなが
9. 知識は経験から来る:「情報は知識ではありません。知識の唯

10. ルールを知り、一層上手にプレイする:「ゲームのルールを


Thursday, December 4, 2014

10 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein

( ): my commentary on each lesson

1. Follow Your Curiosity: “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
(Curiosity is the insight or intuition which arises from the deep inside of subconscious. It is different from intelligence or thought created by brain.)

2. Perseverance is Priceless: “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
(Perseverance or patience helps us keep calm mind by avoiding creation of new negative actions such as counterattack and revenge. It can be mastered only through the difficult relation with enemies.)

3. Focus on the Present: “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
(This exactly means mindfulness in Buddhism. The wonder of life is only available in the here and the now; not in the past and the future. Doing just one thing at a time is better, though.)

4. Imagination is Powerful: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
(Imagination is created by brain and is illusory. Attachment creates too much positive image and anger creates too much negative image through mental projection. Therefore, we can't see the reality.)

5. Make Mistakes: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
(Wisdom or insight can be attained only through real experience, by making a lot of mistakes. We can learn through reading and listening but its fruit is nothing but the knowledge. Knowledge in brain is very different from wisdom in subconscious.)

6. Live in the Moment: “I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”
(The past is gone and the future has not yet to come. Wandering in the past and in the future is the waste of time and energy and is rather harmful. We can be alive only in the present moment.)

7. Create Value: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
(Value added means positive actions which bring benefits. Material value like money, power and fame has a limit, but spiritual value like love and compassion has no limitation.)

8. Don’t Be Repetitive: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
(Repeating the same thing does not provide you many lessons. Various experiences will be more helpful for the person to grow.)
9. Knowledge Comes From Experience: “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
(The real knowledge is the wisdom based on actual experiences. Knowledge obtained through reading and listening is nothing but the memory of brain which will disappear.)

10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better: “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
(The most important rule in life is the ultimate truth of interdependence. If we really understand it, we will never separate ourselves from others.)


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The following is the Thich Nhat Hanh’s Speech at the Vatican, December 2, 2014. (Watch from 0:42:35 to 0:49:40)

* Please refer to the following for the whole content of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Speech.


Red Roses Photo by Diana rose Sangar

Monday, December 1, 2014

Implicate order

Regarding Temporality and Intemporality, I found a good material of David Bohm (nuclear physicist) as follows:

(1) explicate order: everything exists outside of everything else.
     (The whole cosmos is outside of us. We are outside of the
       whole cosmos.)
     (conventional truth in historical dimension)
     = Temporality

(2) implicate order: everything is inside of everything else.
     (The whole cosmos is inside of us. We are inside of the whole 
     (one particle is made of all other particles.)
     (ultimate truth in ultimate dimension)
     = Intemporality

Thay mentioned as follows:
"Interpenetration": All is in one. Everything enters into and is 
                           entered into by everything else.
"Interdependence": Everything is related to everything else. 
                 In the one, we see the all. In the all, we see the one.

* The ultimate dimension cannot be described in words and notions that by their nature serve to cut reality into separate pieces.

By the way, I understand brain is the connector between body and consciousness. And brain interacts with universal (store) consciousness. But I have a question. How can body-mind (Temporality with time and space) connect with universal consciousness (Intemporality without time and space)? I understand change is possible only in time and space. Universal consciousness is not in time and space, so change is impossible. However, Thay said body-mind consciousness and universal consciousness are interdependent, which means both body-mind consciousness and universal consciousness are changing. What does it mean? Contradiction? (No contradiction. Because universal consciousness transcends the space and time, it can live in the historical dimension and the ultimate dimension, at the same time. So, universal consciousness is also changing in the historical dimension.)

I guess that from the viewpoint of body-mind (Temporality with time and space), universal consciousness may be seen as it is changing. That's because new karma created by body-mind will be imprinted on universal consciousness. But from the viewpoint of universal consciousness (Intemporality without time and space), Now (not a moment in time) may be just imprinted like a flash memory and change is not possible because it is immeasurable due to lack of duration. Therefore, change is recognized by body-mind but is not recognized by universal consciousness. (As mentioned in the above, universal consciousness can change in the historical dimension but can't change in the ultimate dimension.)


amazing universe Photo by Adam Corbin

Monday, November 24, 2014

Notion 概念

You need to throw away notion of "self".
Because "self" is made of non-self elements.

You need to throw away notion of "human being".
Because human is not a boss of nature. 

You need to throw away notion of "living beings".
Because non-living beings are alive also.

You need to throw away notion of "life span".
Because birth and death are not reality.

Notion is a wrong perception which causes afflictions.
Notion is the arrogance which separates oneself from others.

You need to turn away your view of "This body is me".
Because you are not the body.

You need to turn away your notions of "pairs of extremes".
Because reality can not be described in terms of notions.

You need to turn away your wrong view.
Because wrong view causes wrong perception.

You need to turn away your attachment to your view.
Because truly right view is the absence of all views.

Nirvana is the silence of all notions.
Nirvana is the burning away of all notions.
Nirvana is the extinction of all notions.
So, Nirvana could not be described by notions.











Kilauea Volcano Lava Flow, Hawaii Photo by Brian Harig

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Body and Consciousness 体と意識

Thích Nhất Hạnh says, "Your body is the seed of consciousness". (Please refer to the following video from 02:44 to 06:48  I totally agree to it. That's because the body creates actions (karma) which will be imprinted on consciousness (subconscious) and will reincarnate. Of course, actions (karma) are created by the motivations which arise from mental formations manifested from the seeds in consciousness (subconscious). In this sense, consciousness (subconscious) itself will reincarnate through actions (karma).

ティク・ナット・ハンは、「あなたの体は意識の種子です」と言っています。(次のビデオの02:44 から 06:48までをご参照下さい私は全くそれに同感です。なぜなら、体は意識(潜在意識)に刻印され、転生する行動(カルマ)を創造しているからです。もちろん、行動(カルマ)は意識(潜在意識)内の種子から顕現する心行(感情などの精神形成物)から生じる動機によって創造されます。この意味では、意識(潜在意識)自体が行動(カルマ)を通して転生するということです。

THE SAHARA DESERT Photo by Cesar Rogerio

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Vedantism and Buddhism

It's tricky but is also interesting that "Absolute" is good in a Vedantic context but is bad in Buddhist context. Its meaning is totally opposite between Buddhism (separate self, independent-self, or ego) and Vedantism (Awareness, Whole Mind, Non-Being, Noumenon...etc). Words are different but the message is the same. 

Another interesting point is the difference in approach. Buddhism use the wisdom of Emptiness (absence of separate self, or interdependence, or dependent co-arising), or Middle Way to transcend the duality (pairs of opposites). On the other hand, Vedantism denies Body-mind (ego) as monism, so there is no duality from the beginning. 

The strength of Buddhism is that the wisdom of interdependence is proved scientifically by the general theory of relativity. And it is easier for ordinary people to understand that body-mind (separate self, or ego) and subconscious (non-separate self) are interdependent. Buddhists can accept both body-mind and subconscious by the wisdom of interdependence. Of course, there is a danger if Buddhists accept too much ego.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaii Photo by Leisure Escapes

Friday, November 14, 2014

Body-mind and Subconscious

What's the difference between Body-mind and Subconscious?
My comparative analysis is the following.

<Temporality>               <Intemporality>
 (duration, time, space)   (no duration, no time and space, state)

Body-mind                      Subconscious
Presence (energy)          Now (not between "past" and "future")

measurable (duration)     immeasurable (no duration)
Time (moment)                No Time (not a moment in time)
Past, Present, Future      No Past, Present, Future
illusory and existent         non-illusory and non-existent
(illusion)                          (reality)
manifestation                   non-manifestation
I-thought                          Not-I
Ego (Separate self)         Absolute, Nirguna (Non-separate self)
Consciousness                Awareness
Body-mind Consciousness Universal Consciousness (no-mind)
(personal)                         (impersonal)
Mind (split into                  Whole Mind (no Subject and Object)
        Subject and Object)
Energy                             No energy

Evolution of Humanity                          
There is no difference for Subconscious between manifestation and non-manifestation of Body-mind. I understand Body-mind and Subconscious are interdependent, or dependent co-arising.

The Solar Dynamics Photo by Corina Marinescu

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Self-transformation (2)

It may take long time but there is a possibility for self-transformation from separate self to non-separate self. If Usāma bin Lādin was in a receptive, cooperative state of mind, it may have happened in a moment. If self-transformation happened in him, it was easy to heal his wounded inner child and to release his ego with pleasure. Then, changing his liquidation plans would automatically occur.

The root cause of all problems is ego. If a friction occurs between your ego and the other's ego, the stress and problems occur. If either of you release your own ego, both of you can avoid stress. However, if either of you can't release your ego, you can't solve problems. Only if both sides release own ego, problems can be solved. One example is Tibetan issue. Even H.H. the Dalai Lama has not been able to solve the problem for more than 50 years by negotiation with Chinese communist leaders. Another example is Israeli-Palestinian issues.

Loving speech and deep listening capacity are the key to restore communications and reconcile. For loving speech and deep listening, both sides have to return to non-separate self and release their ego (separate self). If both sides open their heart, listen deeply, look deeply and understand the other's sufferings, problems will be solved through reconciliation. Here is a video of Thay's Israeli Palestinian Retreat for peace.

Orange roses Photo by Diana rose Sangar

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


What if you were the psychopath? There must be a reason why. 

It is understandable for a person who experienced a serious abuse right after the birth to modify neural circuit for self-protection. If the person does not have the dendritic connections, s/he may be able to stop reactions to sufferings in expense of the loss of empathic reactions. 

I guess that pharmaceutical (chemicals) treatment can't cure the psychopath. That's because the root cause is not the brain (matter) but is the subconscious. I understand the brain is a computer for the subconscious. Meditation might have a salutary effect. I feel the most effective method is my own method of reviving true self, healing inner child, releasing ego who have been protecting wounded inner child by cutting empathic reactions.

I guess the defects are not inherited at birth but are created in relation with parents and surrounding people after birth. Regarding the purpose of reincarnation of a serial killer, I guess the position was opposite in their past life between the criminal and the victim. So, the purpose may be to teach the misery of killing and torture to the victim who was the killer in past life. However, the serial killer (teacher) creates a new negative karma, so has to pay for that in the future. At that time, s/he has to pass a retest by forgiving the killer without revenge.

I guess that the point of the karmic imperative is nothing but the evolution of humanity. Justice is a notion for self-justification which separates oneself from others. For example, President Obama and Ms. Clinton defended themselves by explaining that the assassination of Usāma bin Lādin was carried out for the justice. But there is no justice for killing people. It was nothing but an excuse. The motivation might be right but the method was wrong at least. If he still had a power to harm others, the assassination may have been inevitable in order to save many innocent people. But it was not a case. If the victim can forgive the criminal (not the crime), it's the proof that the victim has returned to non-separate self. In those cases, I guess that recombination of gene in brain may occur.

amazing universe Photo by Adam Corbin

implicate order, where everything is inside of everything else

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Reincarnation 輪廻転生

The following picture is my understanding of Reincarnation. How do you feel about it?


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Ramification of our life 人生の分岐

Our future depends on the relation between parents and children in babyhood (whether children are accepted unconditionally by parents or not). If children are not accepted unconditionally by parents, "interdependence" (absence of separate self) will be collapsed and the wounded inner child will make up ego (separate self) for self-protection from parents. If children are accepted unconditionally by parents, "interdependence" (absence of separate self) will not be collapsed and the child will be able to maintain true self (non-separate self). 


Red & White Roses Photo by Diana rose Sangar

Friday, November 7, 2014

Fritz Perls and Thích Nhất Hạnh

Have you ever read Thay's book titled "Understanding Our Mind"?  At the end of Chapter 31 (p129), Thay mentioned as follows (exerpt from the book): 
Fritz Perls, one of the founders of the Gestalt school of therapy, has often been quoted as saying: 
“I do my thing, you do your thing; I’m not here in this world to live up to your expectations.…
You are you, and I am I, 
and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful; 
if not, it cannot be helped.” 
This statement is on the notion of self and other as separate entities. It is not based on the insight of interbeing. I am not very fond of this statement. At the very least I expect you to take care of yourself, because if you take good care of yourself, I will suffer less. My students have the right to expect me to be a good teacher. This means I must practice what I teach—that is only fair. And I have the right to expect my students to put into practice what they have learned from me. That, too, is only fair.
I would like to offer this gatha as a response to the statement of Mr. Perls:
You are me and I am you.
Is it not true that we inter-are?
You cultivate the flower in you so that I will be beautiful,
And I transform the garbage in me so that you don’t have to suffer.
This is the kind of insight that is based on interbeing. If we live our lives according to this insight, we will not have to suffer so much.

Which do you choose, Fritz Perls' statement or Thay's gatha? I will definitely choose Fritz Perls' statement. My question, in other words, is "Which do you choose if you can choose either one, the insight of interbeing or unconditional self-love? I feel this difference has something to do with the difference in approaches between Thay's method (Mindfulness) and my own method (Unconditional self-acceptance). Furthermore, this difference may have something to do with the difference between Meditation and Self-Inquiry.

General Shermans tree in Sequoia Nat Park  Photo by Warren Searle