Thursday, July 17, 2014

Free e-mail magazine “Thich Nhat Hanh quotes and commentary”

I have just started a free e-mail magazine titled “Thich Nhat Hanh quotes and commentary” as followings.

* Input your e-mail address in blank box to the left of yellow button (登録) on top right or bottom right of the page, and push yellow button, and you will receive e-mail from "まぐまぐ! <>" for confirmation. Then click URL under "◆認証URL" within 5 days for finalization of registration, and you will receive this free e-mail magazine almost every day.

無料メルマガ『 ティク・ナット・ハンの名言と解説 』のお知らせ

ティク・ナット・ハン(Thich Nhat Hanh、ベトナム出身の禅僧・平和運動家・詩人)の名言と解説をほぼ日刊でお届けする無料メルマガを始めました。(2017年6月よりほぼ季刊へ変更しました)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Collective energy (Thich Nhat Hanh)

And then, there is a collective consciousness. We have the experience when one thousand people come together in a retreat. Practicing sitting, walking in mindfulness, eating in mindfulness. We created a very powerful collective energy of mindfulness that brotherhood and sisterhood enjoyed. And that was very nourishing for everyone in the retreat, including the children. Their babies do not understand the Dharma talk. They were nursed by their young mother. Yet if they happen to be in the zone of practice, they can feel the atmosphere, the energy of peace and enjoy compassion in the hall. So, that is a good food. So, let us organize that we have a chance together to come together and practice in order to generate a collective energy of mindfulness, peace and compassion. That will be healing and nourishing. There are neighborhood with full of anger, violence, fear and despair. And if we happen to be living in that neighborhood, we know that we are consuming. Even if we don't want to be like them, we will be like them because everything we breathe, we feel that kind of collective energy of hate, anger and violence. It's dangerous for us to consume, dangerous for our children to consume. That is why we have to pull out as soon as possible to restore our health. And if we know how to build our healthy community, joyful full of brotherhood and sisterhood, we can come back to help them transform. Otherwise, if you continue to live in that zone of energy, you are consuming the kind of collective consciousness that is not good for our health physically, mentally and so on. And if you are the Mayor of a city, if you are a legislator, a politician, a school teacher or a parent, please meditate on this. Consciousness is food. And we should arrange so that we can have a healthy food every day. 

Watch from 2:03:07 to 2:06:20

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Consciousness as food (Thich Nhat Hanh)

The fourth nutriment is a consciousness. Yes, consciousness as food. Because we consume our own consciousness. There is a good thing in our consciousness to consume. Every one of us has a seed of love, a seed of compassion, a seed of joy, a seed of happiness, a seed of non-violence. And if we know how to touch, how to water the seed in us, they will become energies. You have a seed of anger in yourself. And if someone comes and waters the seed in you, it will manifest as the energy of anger and you will suffer. And that is not a good food for you. But if the person comes to you and touches the seed of compassion and joy in you, it will manifest as a good energy and that is good food. So, as partners we should know the practice and we should help each other to water the good seeds of each other. "Darling, I know you have a seed of joy, happiness, forgiveness, and compassion in you. And I vow to touch them and water them every day so that you will be happy. And if you are happy, I will be happy also. I know that you have the seed of anger and jealousy in you. I will refrain from watering the seed of anger and jealousy in you. Because if I do it, you will suffer. And if you suffer, I can not be happy. So, let us sign the treaty of happiness, of peace. Let us not water our negative seeds in ourselves and in the other person. Let us  water only the good seeds in ourselves and in the other person." And happiness can grow every day. That kind of practice is called the selective watering. And if your partner has a habit of going back to the past and suffer again and again the suffering of the past, you know how to do in order to help him or her getting out of the dark zone of consciousness and going back to the here and the now, where there is a sunshine and all the wonders of life. If you let her continue to watch the film of sufferings of the past again and again, that's not good food for her. So, as partners we have to help each other getting out of the dark corner of consciousness, where the film of sufferings are always projected. And you can do better, we can invite them back to the present moment to have a deep look and transform them. So, the corner will be bright. That is the transformation of the base. 

Watch from 1:59:13 to 2:03:04

Monday, July 7, 2014

Deep listening (Thich Nhat Hanh)

And now you can practice deep listening, compassionate listening. Compassionate listening is the kind of listening that is supported by the mindfulness of compassion. You listen, and while you listen with mindfulness, you keep alive the insight that is you are listening to him or her with only one purpose. To help him or her to suffer less. Just keep that insight alive during the whole time of listening. And you will be protected by the energy of compassion. And what the other person says will not trigger the irritation, the anger in you. Because what he says is by the full of wrong perceptions, accusation and blames. You tell yourself, "I am listening to him with only one purpose. To help him to empty his heart and suffer less. Therefore, even if he says wrong things, I am not going to interrupt him. Because if I did, I would transform the session into a debate. And that will ruin everything. In a few days, I may have a chance to offer him some informations to help him to correct his perceptions. But not now." And if you keep breathing in and out mindfully and keep that kind of compassion alive, you will be able to listen for one hour or two hours. And that will be very healing to him or to her. The practice of deep listening and loving speech are very effective. 

Watch from 1:52:37 to 1:54:58

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Loving speech (Thich Nhat Hanh)

The practice of deep listening and loving speech can restore communication and reconcile. If you are able to see the suffering in the other person and if you want to help him or her to suffer less, you should begin to practice deep listening, compassionate listening and loving speech. You come to him and say, "Darling, I know you have suffered a lot during the past many years. I was not able to help you to suffer less. In fact, I have reacted in such a way, that has made more difficult for you. I'm sorry. It's not my intention to make you suffer. Darling, it was because I did not understand the suffering, the difficulty that you have. So, please help me. Tell me what is in your heart. I want so much to learn to listen. You can tell me the suffering and the difficulty. I believe I will not react the way I had in the past. Please help me. If you don't, who will help me?" That is the kind of speech that is called in Buddhism loving speech. And if you have the understanding of his or her suffering, it's easy for you to use that kind of speech. Then the other person will open the heart and tell you.

*  Watch from 1:50:32 to 1:52:37

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pebble meditation (Thich Nhat Hanh)

"Pebble meditation"

1st Pebble: "Freshness (Flowerness)"
<You pick up the first pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as a flower.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as a flower.
(Breathing out) I feel fresh.

<3 times. You restore your flowerness. You restore your freshness. By the way of breathing, by the way of smiling, by the way of releasing the tension in your body. You take the first pebble and put it down on your right.>

2nd Pebble: "Solidity"
<You pick up the second pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as a mountain.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as a mountain.
(Breathing out) I feel solid. (stable) 

<3 times. You are seated in a very stable position. You can be solid. There is a mountain in you. You take the second pebble and put it down on your right.>

3rd Pebble: "Stillness"
<You pick up the third pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as still water.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as still water. (calm, stillness)
(Breathing out) I am reflecting as they are.

<3 times. You are the water that is still. When you are calm and still, you can see things as they truly are. You don't distort things. You are not victim of wrong perceptions. You take the third pebble and put it down on your right.>

4th Pebble: "Freedom"
<You pick up the fourth pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as space.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as space.
(Breathing out) I feel free. (freedom)

<3 times. Without freedom, happiness is not complete. If you love someone, offer him (her) freedom, inside and around. If you don't have enough space for yourself, how can you offer space for the person you love? You take the fourth pebble and put it down on your right.>

Sound of the bell

* From 0:35:20 to 0:52:00

* For a visual material

Mystery of Cloud (Water) 雲(水)の神秘

Everything has consciousness, so cloud (water) also has consciousness. The following is one of the proof.

There is no beginning and no end. So, I am the same as the cloud (water) . Watch the following youtube.



Thursday, July 3, 2014

The simplest enlightenment 最も簡単な悟り

I am confident this book propagates the simplest method to heal inner child, release ego and return to true self. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a book for the simplest enlightenment.

本書こそ、インナーチャイルドを癒し、エゴを手放し、本当の自分に戻るための最も簡単な方法を普及すると確信しています。 最も簡単な悟りの書と言っても過言ではないでしょう。