Sunday, August 31, 2014

『ゲストハウス』 by Rumi



Saturday, August 30, 2014





Friday, August 29, 2014

Wake up!

I wonder why Buddha explained that ignorance is the lack of understanding of emptiness (interdependence). I feel Buddha should have clearly mentioned that the "root cause" of ignorance is the ego and the ego was made up to justify its existence by wounded inner child for self-protection from parents. Furthermore, the ego is made up by inner child in babyhood due to the lack of unconditional acceptance by parents (unconsciously). And everyone chose parents who had the same ego to make up the ego which was planned according to the imprinted past life's karma. Because our karma reincarnate, our ancestors must have also had the same ego and suffered from it.

That's why our memories in babyhood may be covered up. If so, the family is a well planned ego manifestation factory and is a training center for evolution of humanity. In this sense, we revive our past life's ego or mental disposition during babyhood to resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life.

So, there is no liberation because there never was any bondage. Everything was nothing but an illusion. But this illusion was intentionally created by ourselves or unconscious. I guess Buddha knew this whole story but did not mention it because if we know everything, the plan of evolution of humanity may not work well. However, I feel everyone needs to wake up right now by understanding this whole story.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Guest House by Rumi

Profound poem! I feel each emotion is related to wounded inner child and ego (distorted view). I am sure it is possible to heal inner child and release ego with pleasure by embracing and deep listening to inner child.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Consciousness 意識

* Mind consciousness (Conscious mind) 
Separate Self (Ego) in subconscious = Manas
⇒ Ignorance of interdependence
⇒ Distorted view (I am special and separate) = Separation
    (Wrong perception: Afflictions (misunderstanding)
⇒ Unwholesome mental formations (Negative emotions)
⇒ Thinking (Brain) Mind consciousness 
⇒ Mental projection
⇒ Illusion
* Store consciousness (Subconscious mind) 
Non-separate Self (True self) in subconscious 
⇒ Wisdom of interdependence
⇒ Right view (We are all the same) = Inclusiveness
    (Right perception: Detachment (understanding)
⇒ Wholesome mental formations (Calm mind, Peace)
⇒ Meditating (Subconscious) Store consciousness 
⇒ Insight (Holistic view)
⇒ Reality

* I feel that all kinds of seeds in store consciousness mean our imprinted previous karma which manifests in this life if watered. So, we are being tested how we react to the same situation as our past life. It is like a makeup examination. We have to pass the makeup examination to overcome our past mistakes.
Image presented by Thích Nhất Hạnh
*顕在意識 (進化)
自性自己 (エゴ) = 潜在意識内 = マナス
⇒ 歪な見方(自分は特別、別格→自他を分離 
⇒ 不健全な心行(否定的な感情)
⇒ 思考 (脳) = 顕在意識 
⇒ 精神投影
⇒ 幻想、錯覚 
*潜在意識 (基盤)

無自性自己 (本当の自分) = 潜在意識内
⇒ 正しい見方(私たちは根本的に皆同じ→自他の非分離
⇒ 健全な心行(穏やかな心、心の平和)
⇒ 瞑想 (潜在意識) = 潜在意識
⇒ 洞察 (ホリスティックな見方:多角度・多面分析)
⇒ 現実


Monday, August 25, 2014

Israeli Palestinian Peace-building Retreat イスラエル・パレスチナ平和イベント

In this timing, Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, poet and peace activist) is moving forward to to hold another Israeli Palestinian Retreat for peace following their 2003 event. He is a man of sincerity and keeps consistency of speech and action. Please refer to the following video as for the event of 2003.

このタイミングで、ティク・ナット・ハン(Thich Nhat Hanh、ベトナム出身の禅僧・平和運動家・詩人)は、2003年のイスラエル・パレスチナ平和イベントに引き続き、平和へののろしを上げようとしています。 口だけではなく、行動するもの凄い人物です。2003年のイベントは以下のビデオをご参照下さい。

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Yoga and Buddhism ヨガと仏教

Yoga and Buddhism are closely related. Here is a good video to explain Yoga.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

"This is, because that is." 「此有故彼有」(若此有必彼有)

"This is, because that is."

Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh

This is a very famous statement made by Buddha.

This is the Buddhist teaching of genesis, how the cosmos has come to be.

We do not conceive a creator creating the universe.

But we see things are leaning on each other in order to manifest.

And this is not something too difficult to meditate?

It's like the left side of a sheet of paper and the right side.

This (right) side can't arise by itself alone.

It has to rely on the other side in order to manifest.

And the other (left) side also can not arise by herself alone, it has to rely on this (right) side in order to arise.

And that is what means by dependent. We depend on each other. 

Dependent co-arising. We can not arise by ourselves alone. We have to co-arise.
縁起(依存し合って共同で生じていること)。私たちは単独で生じることはできません。 私たちは共同で生じる必要があります。

When we look at the left and the right, we see also that the left is not possible without the right.

It's not true that the left must be there first, so the right can be there later on.

So, the same thing must be true for the creation.

If you believe creator must come first, and the creatures will be there later on, you are not in the realm of right thinking.

The same thing is true with the object and the subject of our consciousness.

We, everything that there is a consciousness somewhere inside, are subjective, independent from the object outside.

So, the subjective consciousness inside are reaching out in order to grasp the reality outside.

We believe that our consciousness is possible without its object.

But according to the truth, subject and object of consciousness must manifest together at the very same time.

And the world as you sit is only the object of your consciousness.

And if you have right view, that objet is the truth.

And if you have wrong view, that object is only an illusion to be created by your deluded mind.

Suppose you fall in love with someone.

You create a so beautiful image of her or him.

That image is created by your own mind.

And maybe a little bit of your perception correspond to the truth.

And rest is the pure invention of your mind.

As you begin to live with him or her for a year or two, you begin to discover you see that the first perception you have of him or her is almost totally wrong.

So, in the Buddhist teaching of Mind Only, the object of your perception is a creation of the subject and manifests at the same time.

The deluded mind, full of discrimination, anger and fear, and its object is always an illusion, and not the reality.

So, the practice of meditation helps remove this kind of obstacles like discrimination, anger, fear and our mind becomes pure and true reality of cosmos reveals itself.

So, in the beginning, there is a distinction between "this" and "that". ("This is, because that is.")

Buddha has to use the human language. That is why he has to use the same words that we use. 

In fact, "this" has already "that" inside of it. It is like the water has the cloud inside of it.
実際には、「これ」は既にその内部に「それ」を有しています。 水がその内部に雲を有しているようなものです。

And "that" also has "this" in it. It is like the cloud is still alive in the water.
そして、「それ」もまたその中に 「これ」を有しています。それは雲がまだ水の中で生きているようなものです。

So, although we still use the expression "this" and "that", we are not caught in the idea that "this" is something outside of "that", and "that" is something existing outside of "this".

I think it would be helpful for the children to learn that their father and mother are inside of them.

And we parents also have to see that they are our continuation.

We have to invest fully on our children.

Because our children are really our continuation.

And only by seeing that, we are in right view.
そして、そのことを理解することによってのみ、 私たちは正しい見方ができるのです。

So, this is the truth of genesis presented by Buddha in a very simple way.

In Plum village, we say "Interbeing" (Co-being, Co-existing, Interdependence).

Watch Thay's video. (from 0:30:50 to 0:42:40)

Friday, August 22, 2014

"Please Call Me By My True Names"

"Call Me by My True Names"

A recitation of the poem by Thich Nhat Hanh is the following.

Do not say that I'll depart tomorrow 
because even today I still arrive.

Look deeply: I arrive in every second 
to be a bud on a spring branch, 
to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile, 
learning to sing in my new nest, 
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, 
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.

I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, 
in order to fear and to hope. 
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and 
death of all that are alive.

I am the mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river,
and I am the bird which, when spring comes, arrives in time 
to eat the mayfly.

I am the frog swimming happily in the clear pond, 
and I am also the grass-snake who, approaching in silence, 
feeds itself on the frog.

I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, 
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks, 
and I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to Uganda.

I am the twelve-year-old girl, refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea pirate,
and I am the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and loving.

I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my hands,
and I am the man who has to pay his "debt of blood" to, my people,
dying slowly in a forced labor camp.

My joy is like spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom in all walks of life.
My pain if like a river of tears, so full it fills the four oceans.

Please call me by my true names, 
so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once, 
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.

Please call me by my true names, 
so I can wake up, 
and so the door of my heart can be left open, 
the door of compassion.

Thich Nhat Hanh

I guess Thay's message is what a Thai pirate needs is not punishment but is healing. I feel my true name means non-separate self with unconditional love and compassion.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Attachment and Detachment 執着と超然

True love is Detachment. Fake love is Attachment. Detachment is not ordinary but we can attain it through unconditional self-love, or unconditional self-acceptance.

The difference between Detachment and Attachment is followings:

Attachment (Wrong perception): Mind (Ego) → Object
Detachment (Right perception): Mind (True self) ← Object

Above picture shows the difference in the direction of arrow. Ego 
grasps the Object. (Ego sees illusions through mental projection) Object catches True self. True self is caught by the Object. (True self can see the reality through holistic view) Maybe this is called insight.

I feel Divine nature and Buddha nature are the same as Unconditional Love, or Detachment. We need to throw away all knowledge and stop thinking to attain Unconditional Love, or Detachment. Once we attain Unconditional Love, or Detachment, we do not need notion, idea, thought and belief any more for judgement and criticism.



執着(誤った知覚): 心(エゴ) → 対象(事物)
超然(正しい知覚): 心(真我) ← 対象(事物)



Thursday, August 14, 2014

Every breath and step 一呼吸一呼吸、一歩一歩

Buddha seed is the seed of compassion. So, Buddha is compassion. Everyone has a Buddha seed. If we go home to ourselves, we can become Buddha, or compassion. Every breath and step is ourselves, or Buddha, or compassion.

I feel Divine nature is the same as Buddha nature, or "Unconditional Love and Compassion".



Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Water, No Birth & Death 水、生も死もない

The energy of mindfulness and compassion may come through water in us. 70% of our body is made from water. The following video and booklet are interesting.

Water in the ocean becomes water vapor by evaporation, water vapor becomes clouds due course, clouds become rain to fall on the mother earth and return to the ocean.   70% of human body is made from water and circulating in accordance with the law of conservation of matter and energy within the ecosystem as well. All animals, plants and minerals are also interdependent and circulating in the whole cosmos. 

Therefore, there is no birth and death. We are just circulating in a different form. This is not a philosophy, nor religion, but is the science. Do you still have fear to death? Even a cloud can never die. How can we humans die? From a different point of view, our cells are actually dying and born momently. In this sense, nobody has fear to death.




Sunday, August 10, 2014







Ego manifestation mechanism

My theory of "Ego manifestation mechanism" is the following.

I understand ego is made up by inner child in babyhood due to the lack of unconditional acceptance by parents (unconsciously). And I feel everyone chose parents to make up that particular ego which was planned according to the imprinted past life's karma. 

Therefore, parents must have similar (or the same) ego to their children's ego. I guess their ancestors also had similar (or the same) ego and suffered from it, because our karma reincarnate. 

That's why our memories in babyhood may be covered up. If so, the family is a well planned ego manifestation factory and a training center for evolution of humanity. In this sense, I guess that we revive our past life's ego (mental disposition) in babyhood to resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life.

My understanding of Unconditional Love is as follows:

My understanding of Mechanism of Mind is as follows:

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Root Cause of Ignorance

Even Buddha didn't clearly mention "Root Cause of Ignorance". One morning, Root Cause of Ignorance flashed into my mind and I could clarify it unexpectedly.

"Ignorance" means not understanding the ultimate truth of "Interdependence" (emptiness). The opposite of ignorance is "Wisdom" which means understanding the ultimate truth of "Interdependence" (emptiness). Buddha preached that ignorance is the source of all sufferings and the wisdom is the source of all happiness. So, his teaching was to attain the wisdom to transform sufferings and to prevent sufferings.

The reason why this wisdom is vital is because ignorance causes "distorted view (ego)" that is "I am special, separate, superior to others", which separates oneself from others and generates "wrong perception". Meanwhile, wisdom brings "correct view (true self)" that is "We are all the same fundamentally", which is inclusiveness and enables us to attain "right perception".

However, I am convinced through my actual experience that even if I attain the wisdom, I can't practice compassion (love others) as long as self-love (self-acceptance) is lacking in me. This means that wisdom only can't be the method to transform sufferings and prevent sufferings. You can easily guess this from the fact that even H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama couldn't understand "self-hatred". (Please refer to the following)

Buddha taught that every thing and phenomenon is interdependent, so he must have understood that ignorance also has its cause. I am not sure whether he didn't mention even though he knew it or because he didn't know it. But I could clearly see through the root cause of ignorance in this occasion. If Buddha didn't mention even though he knew it, I guess that he kept silent out of his compassion because he understood deeply that sufferings and happiness are interdependent and that if sufferings are removed, happiness is also removed.

I am convinced that the root cause of ignorance is due to lack of unconditional love from parents in babyhood. Children who were not accepted unconditionally (not given unconditional love) by their parents, can't love themselves. Sometimes they hate themselves. (Irrespective of whether consciously or unconsciously, even if parents acted for the happiness of their children, the children may not welcome it most cases.)

Children are frightened at their parents of fear and insecurity if they are not accepted unconditionally. Therefore, it is necessary for them to make up their ego that is a distorted view of "I am special, separate and superior to others" to protect themselves from parents. Ego separates oneself from others, so children are not aware that their ego doesn't protect them and that rather causes sufferings.

If s/he has ego (distorted view or fake self), s/he can't love others as a matter of course. Sometimes s/he hates others. Those who can't love oneself can't love others. Far from it, those who have ego take self-centered attitudes.

If s/he takes self-centered attitudes, s/he won't be loved by others as a matter of course. Sometimes s/he is hated by others. People rarely can love those who don't love them. Usually, it's hard to love those who don't love them. 

As a result, these children suffer. People suffer if just the way they are  are refused and hated by others. This environment doesn't help them to nurture self-love. It rather helps them to develop self-hatred and to enter into vicious cycle.

My understanding on "Unconditional Love" is the following.















★ 苦痛の種

★ 私の理解
1) 前世までの善いカルマ(業)
2) 無自性自己:本当の自分(神)
3) 智慧:「相互依存」の理解
4) 正しい見方:自他を分離しない洞察(全ての見方の不在) 
(* 正しい知覚:超然(執着、怒り等が無い⇒理解、現実)
5) 健全な心行(穏やかな心、心の平和)

1) 前世までの悪いカルマ(業) 
2) 自性自己(エゴ) =マナス
3) 無知:「相互依存」の理解欠如
4) 誤った見方:自他を分離する歪な見方(「私は特別、別格、
(* 誤った知覚:苦痛の種(執着、怒り等⇒誤解、幻想)
5) 不健全な心行(否定的な感情)

☆ ティク・ナット・ハンの手法
* 正しいマインドフルネス(念) →  正しい集中 → 
  正しい見方(洞察) ≒ 正しい知覚 → 
  正しい思考 → 正しい発言 → 正しい行動  → 
  正しい生業 → 正しい精進

*  失念(マインドフルネスの欠如) → 集中の欠如 → 

   誤った見方(無知) ≒ 誤った知覚 → 
   誤った思考 → 誤った発言 → 誤った行動  → 
   誤った生業 → 誤った精進

☆ 私独自の手法
* 無条件の自己受容 (無条件の自己愛) → 
   智慧 → 正しい見方 (正しい知覚) → 
   穏やかな心 → 肯定的な動機 → 肯定的な思考 → 
   肯定的な発言 → 肯定的な行動  → 福徳 → 

*  無条件の自己受容の欠如 (無条件の自己愛の欠如) → 
    無知 → 誤った見方 (誤った知覚) →
    否定的な感情 → 否定的な動機  否定的な思考 →
    否定的な発言 → 否定的な行動 → 否定的な結果 →
    苦しみ → 意識(刻印されたカルマ) → 
    来世(同じ精神成熟度から再開) →



Friday, August 8, 2014



★ Afflictions
* Perceptions = Afflictions: ignorance, wrong views, craving,
                      fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, prejudice,
                      habit energies, etc
  ("our perceptions are made of our afflictions — craving,   
    anger, ignorance, wrong views, and prejudice.")
  ("Our perceptions are conditioned by the many afflictions
   that are present in us: ignorance, craving, hatred, anger,
   jealousy, fear, habit energies, etc.")

★ My understanding
1) Positive karma till past life
2) Non-separate self: True self (God)   
3) Wisdom: Understanding of interbeing (interdependence)
4) Right views: Insight (absence of all views) which never 
     separates oneself from others (We are all the same.)
     = Inclusiveness (Non-discrimination)
(* Right perceptions: Detachment (understanding, reality)
5) Wholesome mental formations (Calm mind, Peace) 

1) Negative karma till past life

2) Separate self: Ego = Manas
3) Ignorance: Lack of understanding of interbeing
4) Wrong views: Distorted views which separate oneself 
      from others (I am special, separate, superior to others.)
(* Wrong perception: Afflictions (misunderstanding, illusion)
5) Unwholesome mental formations (Negative emotions)

☆ Thay's method
* Right mindfulness →  Right concentration → 
  Right views (Insight) ≒ Right perceptions → 
  Right thinking → Right speech → Right action  → 
  Right livelihood → Right diligence

*  Forgetfulness (no mindfulness) → No concentration → 

   Wrong views (Ignorance) ≒ Wrong perceptions → 
   Wrong thinking → Wrong speech → Wrong action  → 
   Wrong livelihood → Wrong diligence

☆ My own method
* Unconditional self-acceptance (self-love) → 
   Wisdom → Right views (Right perceptions) → 
   Calm mind → Positive motivation → Positive thought → 
   Positive speech → Positive action → Benefits → 
   Happiness → Consciousness (imprinted karma) → 
   Next life (resume from the same mental disposition) →
   Selection of parents (those who have the same ego) →

* Lack of unconditional self-acceptance (self-love) → 

   Ignorance → Distorted views (Wrong perceptions) → 
   Negative emotions →Negative motivation →  
   Negative thought →Negative speech → 
   Negative action → Negative consequence → 
   Sufferings → Consciousness (imprinted karma) → 
   Next life (resume from the same mental disposition) →
   Selection of parents (those who have the same ego) →

Please refer to the following material for more information.

The following material is my understanding on Mechanism of Unconditional Love

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Duality 二元性

I feel interbeing (interdependence) between light and darkness in the fireworks.  Light can't exist without darkness. Darkness can't exist without light. If we remove darkness, light is also removed. If we remove light, darkness is also removed. Light and darkness are inter-are (interdependent) and are both sides of a paper. So, they are not separate entities. However, we suffer from duality. The reason why we suffer from duality is because we separate one side from the other side by attachment. In fact, if light is there, darkness is already there. If darkness is there, light is already there. We can't separate them. Therefore, we need to transcend the duality to find the best harmonized balance between the two through Middle Way.


Enjoy Fireworks video with your favorite BGM music!

(2013 Kashiwazaki Fireworks Festival - 26 seconds)

(2012 Nagaoka  Fireworks Festival - 3m12s)

(2013 Kashiwazaki Fireworks Festival - 5m48s)

(2013 Kashiwazaki Fireworks Festival - 10m35s)

(2012 Nagaoka  Fireworks Festival - 30m49s)

Friday, August 1, 2014

Pebble meditation (My new version)

"Pebble meditation"

1st Pebble: "Freshness (Flowerness)" ⇒ "Beauty" (Joy)
<You pick up the first pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as a flower.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as a flower.
(Breathing out) I feel fresh, fresh, fresh.

<3 times. You restore your flowerness. You restore your freshness. By the way of breathing, by the way of smiling, by the way of releasing the tension in your body. You take the first pebble and put it down on your right.>

2nd Pebble: "Solidity (Stability)" ⇒ "Solidity"
<You pick up the second pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as a mountain.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as a mountain.
(Breathing out) I feel solid, solid, solid. (stable) 

<3 times. You are seated in a very stable position. You can be solid. There is a mountain in you. You take the second pebble and put it down on your right.>

3rd Pebble: "Stillness (Serenity, Tranquility)" ⇒ "Peace"
<You pick up the third pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as still water.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as still water. (calm, stillness)
(Breathing out) I feel calm, calm, calmI am reflecting as they are.

<3 times. You are the water that is still. When you are calm and still, you can see things as they truly are. You don't distort things. You are not victim of wrong perceptions. You take the third pebble and put it down on your right.>

4th Pebble: "Freedom (Happiness)" ⇒ "Freedom"
<You pick up the fourth pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as space.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as space.
(Breathing out) I feel free, free, free. (freedom)

<3 times. Without freedom, happiness is not complete. If you love someone, offer him (her) freedom, inside and around. If you don't have enough space for yourself, how can you offer space for the person you love? You take the fourth pebble and put it down on your right.>

5th Pebble: "Love (Unconditional love)" ⇒ "Nirvana"
<You pick up the fifth pebble and look at it for one second and put it back. You are identified as sunshine.>

(Breathing in) I see myself as sunshine. (unconditional love)
(Breathing out) I feel love, love, unconditional love. I am shining into all unconditionally.

<3 times. You are the sunshine that is unconditional love. When you are unconditional love, you can shine as the sun. You don't separate yourself from others. Unconditional self-love spreads to others without discrimination like ripples. You take the fifth pebble and put it down on your right.>

Sound of the bell

These qualities are for us first. They bring us happiness. Your presence that has these qualities in it would be the perfect and the most beautiful gift that you can make to him or to her. So, our definition of love is to be there. And to be there in such a way can nourish him or her with your presence. If you are present with all these qualities, you are true lover. And this is the art of loving.

* From 0:35:20 to 0:52:00
* From 0:14:05 to 0:36:00
* From 1:07:02 to 1:14:55