Saturday, September 27, 2014


1. 傷ついたインナー・チャイルド




2. エゴ(自性自己)




3. 本当の自分(無自性自己) 




4. 傷ついたインナー・チャイルドを癒す




5. 喜んでエゴを手放す




Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Photo by Jackson Hole

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Original Buddha's teaching

1. Root cause of ignorance 

Buddha didn't clearly mention the root cause of ignorance. What is the reason? The cause of ignorance is ego (separate self or independent self). And ego was made up by wounded inner child for self-protection from parents because inner child was not accepted unconditionally by parents (unconsciously). The cause of ego is karma till our past life. Karma is imprinted on subconscious and reincarnated. So, the root cause of ignorance is karma. Eventually, the law of causality is complete. On the other hand, Buddhist core philosophy is "emptiness (absence of independent self) or selflessness". In this sense, there is contradiction in Buddhism because self (ego) is recognized as the cause of ignorance even though self is denied in the core philosophy. That's why the root cause of ignorance may not be mentioned clearly.

2. Buddha's real intention

I guess that Buddha recognized ego(separate self) and proposed "emptiness (absence of independent self) or selflessness" as a solution. Buddha must have noticed that most people were ego(separate self), just like today's world. Buddha understood that the ultimate truth of this planet is "emptiness (interdependence)" but most people had the distorted view which was opposed to the ultimate truth. That's why he said that people suffered from ignorance. Then he showed the right view which matches the ultimate truth as the solution to help them suffer less. I feel like that.
Another possibility is that Buddha wanted to avoid people's misunderstandings because he emphasized selflessness as a solution to transform sufferings too much. If Buddha recognizes the existence of ego (separate self), people may be confused, because they may have been taught by Buddha that self has never existed before. If so, Buddha can't explain that the root cause of ignorance is separate self (ego).

3. Non-description in Buddhist scriptures

Why Buddha's real intention is not mentioned in Buddhist scriptures? The ultimate truth of "emptiness (absence of independent existence) or selflessness" may have got out of Buddha's control. Therefore, Buddha's disciple may have decided not to mention the root cause of ignorance for avoiding contradictions and confusions even though they knew that it is ego (separate self). They may not have wanted to go beyond ignorance.

4. Relation with Karma

How can Buddhists explain about the relation between ignorance and karma without ego (separate self)? It is impossible to explain how the imprinted karma on subconscious will reincarnate if we don't use the function of ego (separate self). That's because ego (separate self) is essential as a means to link ignorance and karma.

5. Revival to original Buddha's teaching

I feel that Buddhism needs to clearly mention that the root cause of ignorance is ego (separate self) in order to revive original Buddha's teaching. Buddha said, "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection". Thích Nhất Hạnh said, "Loving oneself is the foundation of loving the other person". Both of them teach us that self-love is vital. That's because unconditional self-love enables us to revive true self (non-separate self) and release our ego. This will accelerate the evolution of humanity.

A sailboat on the Moray Firth, Scotland  Photo by George

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mystery of Human Life (You are already enlightened!)

1. Wounded inner child

Our ego (separate self) is made up by our wounded inner child for self-protection because we were not accepted unconditionally by our parents (unconsciously) in babyhood. Our inner child is frightened at parents of fear and insecurity because s/he can't pull out oneself as a baby. 

Its purpose is to revive our past life's mental disposition according to the imprinted karma on our subconscious. That's why we chose our parents to make up the past life's ego and resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life,

Therefore, our memories in babyhood may be covered up. If so, the family is a well planned ego manifestation factory and is a training center for evolution of humanity. 

2. Ego (separate self)

Most people believe ego (separate self or fake self) is oneself. That's because ego is in unconscious and can't be recognized consciously. Therefore, ego grows until true self revives.

People are not aware that their ego doesn't protect them and rather causes sufferings, because ego separates oneself from others. 

Ego has a distorted view of "I am special, separate and superior to others" which is one of wrong perceptions (afflictions). So, ego always sees illusions through mental projection and can't see the reality.

3. True self (non-separate self)

Most people may not have recognized that everyone has been enlightened since born. However, the truth is that your ego (separate self) is covering up true self (non-separate self or god). The key is who you are.

There are various methods to revive true self such as mindfulness, yoga and my own method of unconditional self-acceptance. But there is a difference between Self-Inquiry method and Meditation method. 

My own method is a Self-Inquiry method and enables us to revive true self through unconditional self-acceptance, heal our inner child and release our ego with pleasure for transcending the duality by one time attempt. Therefore, our ego will never cover up true self again.

4. Healing wounded inner child

Most people can't recognize our wounded inner child in subconscious. However, if you have ego, your wounded inner child is definitely covered up by your ego.  

Once true self revives, it is possible to recognize the sufferings of our wounded inner child, embrace it, relieve it, listen deeply, look deeply into it, understand the root cause, generate the energy of compassion and heal our wounded inner child.

If we succeed in healing our wounded inner child, s/he will never make up ego again for self-protection. That's because s/he doesn't have fear and insecurity any more.

5. Releasing ego with pleasure

Once our wounded inner child is healed, s/he doesn't need to make up ego anymore. As a result, the power of our ego is automatically weakened. Therefore, true self can easily release ego with pleasure.

So, there is no liberation because there never was any bondage. Everything was nothing but an illusion. But this illusion was intentionally created by ourselves, or subconscious.

These are the whole picture of Mystery of Human Life. We are being tested how we react to the same situation as our past life. It is like a makeup examination or a retest. We have to pass the examination or the test to overcome our past mistakes. Our life is for evolution of humanity.

Volcanic Eruption and Aurora in Iceland Photo by Martin Schulz

Monday, September 22, 2014

The root cause of ego

Video of A Meeting of Diverse Spiritual Traditions can be viewed now at:

I was impressed by the wonderful conclusions that was education without ethics is useless or rather harmful.

A religious leader pointed out that ego is the source of all problems and sufferings. The root cause of ego is the key. I understand our ego is made up by wounded inner child for self-protection because we were not accepted unconditionally by our parents in babyhood.

So, we made up our ego (separate self) who has the distorted view which separates oneself from others to revive our past life's mental disposition according to the imprinted karma on our subconscious.

We chose our parents to make up the past life's ego. Its purpose is to resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life for evolution of humanity.

That's why our memories in babyhood may be covered up. If so, the family is a well planned ego manifestation factory and is a training center for evolution of humanity.

I guess Buddha knew this whole story but did not mention it because if we know everything, the plan of evolution of humanity may not work well.

However, I feel everyone needs to wake up right now by understanding this whole plan. Because we are fed up by too much corruption based on greed in politics, economies and administrations.

I am sure that education can play an important role to teach the whole story and plan of our life. However, in order to change education, we need to change politics first, and next economic system.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

My insight through the Meeting of Diverse Spiritual Traditions

Video of A Meeting of Diverse Spiritual Traditions can be viewed now at:

I was impressed by the wonderful conclusions that was education without ethics is useless or rather harmful.

A religious leader pointed out that ego is the source of all problems and sufferings. The root cause of ego is the key. I understand our ego is made up by wounded inner child for self-protection because we were not accepted unconditionally by our parents in babyhood.

So, we made up our ego (separate self) who has the distorted view which separate oneself from others to revive our past life's mental disposition according to the imprinted karma on our subconscious.

We chose our parents to make up the past life's ego. Its purpose is to resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life for evolution of humanity.

That's why our memories in babyhood may be covered up. If so, the family is a well planned ego manifestation factory and is a training center for evolution of humanity.

I guess Buddha knew this whole story but did not mention it because if we know everything, the plan of evolution of humanity may not work well.

However, I feel everyone needs to wake up right now by understanding this whole plan. Because we are fed up by too much corruption based on greed in politics, economies and administrations.

I am sure that education can play an important role to teach the whole story and plan of our life. However, in order to change education, we need to change politics first, and next economic system.

(Reference 1):
(Reference 2):
(Reference 3):

Hummingbird and an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Photo by unknown

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kids' book: "Unconditional Self-Acceptance" 絵本「あるがままの 自分を 受け容れる」

A new kids' book for children titled "Unconditional Self-Acceptance" has just been published as follows:
(English Edition)
(Japanese Edition)
(Hiragana Edition)
(Spanish Edition)

(German Edition) 
(French Edition)
(Italian Edition)
(Portuguese Edition)
(Russian Edition)
(T. Chinese Edition)
(S. Chinese Edition)
(Korean Edition)
(Arabic Edition)
(Thai Edition)
(Vietnamese Edition)
(Indonesian Edition)
(Greek Edition)
(Turkish Edition)

This kids' book will guide children to unconditional self-acceptance, or unconditional self-love. The contents are very simple but has the same effects as mindfulness which enables us to go home to ourselves in the here and the now. I hope that you like it.

以下の通り、「あるがままの 自分を 受け容れる」(無条件の自己受容)という子供たちのための新しい絵本を出版致しました:






Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Heart Sutra translation by Thích Nhất Hạnh

Thích Nhất Hạnh completed a profound and beautiful new English translation of the Heart Sutra with the marvelous reasons for a new translation on 11th September, 2014 as follows: 

I wonder why Thây didn't use the word of "Interbeing" and used the word of "Emptiness". Because "Interbeing" (interdependence or dependent co-arising) is much easier to understand than "Emptiness". I hope Thây will add a commentary on each stanza to clarify the meaning.

My understanding of "Emptiness" is the absence of separate self and the existence of non-separate self (a balloon that is empty inside). And non-separate self (non-independent self) means interdependent self, or dependent co-arising self.

I understand that "Emptiness" doesn't mean the absence of self and that self is empty of a separate existence. Self is empty because self is made from non-self elements, namely the whole cosmos. 

As for "no being, and no non-being", my understanding is that every thing and phenomenon is continuation. We can never die. We keep existing in different forms according to the law of conservation of energy and mass in ecosystem. There is no birth and death. Something is not born from nothing and will not be nothing. That's why there is "no being (from non-being), and no non-being (from being)".

* My free translation is as follows: 


Sunset on Cape Cod: Photo by Bodhipaksa Dharmacari

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The roots

We have physical roots and mental roots. Physical roots are based on body, or genes and mental roots are based on spirit, or subconscious. It is easy to understand the physical root by looking back our ancestors but it is difficult to understand the mental root because it is not a particle.

Physical memories are passed on by genes and mental memories are passed on by imprinted karma (actions) on subconscious. Therefore, our physical roots and our mental roots are not always the same. But the characteristic of ego (mental disposition) must be similar (or the same) between the two. That's because we need to revive our past life's ego (mental disposition) in babyhood through the relationship with our parents to resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life.

All through our life, we are being tested how we react to the same situation as our past life. It is like a makeup examination. If we pass the makeup examination, we can offset our karma. However, if we create a new karma, we have to take another makeup examination to pay for it. So, our life is a makeup examination for the evolution of humanity.

Where do our mental roots come from? That is a mystery. But it is certain that we are the the subconscious and wearing the body. And it is also certain that both subconscious and our body can never die according to the law of conservation of energy and mass and reincarnate forever. 


Thursday, September 11, 2014


"The law of conservation of energy and mass":

"Energy = mass x the speed of light squared"

body = mass = E=mc² = continuity (cycling in ecosystem)

spirit = action (karma) = energy = E=mc² = continuity  

  (imprinted on subconscious and reincarnate)

* In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system cannot change—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can change form.


「エネルギー (E) = 質量 (m) × 光速度 (c) の 2 乗」

肉体 = 質量 = E=mc² = 継続性 (生態系で循環)

精神 = 行動(カルマ) = エネルギー = E=mc² = 継続性


*「エネルギー (E) = 質量 (m) × 光速度 (c) の 2 乗 (squared)」は、質量とエネルギーの等価性とその定量的関係を表わしており、アルベルト・アインシュタインにより、特殊相対性理論の帰結として発表された。


Sunday, September 7, 2014

States of Mind

< Five forms of action in Mind consciousness >
(5 ways in operations of Mind consciousness)

1. In cooperation with the five sense consciousnesses
      five sense consciousnesses + mind consciousness (Mindfulness)
                     ↓                                            ↓   
    ex. we look at a flower       + we are aware that we are looking at a flower 
         = the flower is much clearer

2. Independently of five sense consciousness 
        (mind consciousness acts independently on its own)
      five sense consciousnesses   mind consciousness (Mindfulness)
                     ↓                                            ↓   
    ex. (1) we drive the car            we prepare for the meeting
               (five sense consciousnesses work alone without Mindfulness)
            (2) not functioning              mere images are available 
            (when we are dreaming)  (from the seeds in store consciousness)
            (3) not functioning              mental activities can operate alone 
            (when we are dreaming)  (we think, feel angry) ⇒ Lucid dream?
    * Mindfulness can occur when the mind consciousness works in
      cooperation with the five sense consciousnesses or when it is
      operating on its own.  Mindfulness can occur when we are dreaming.
      (How about in deep sleep state? Mindfulness can occur?)

3. Operating alone in dispersion (Forgetfulness):
        “distracted mind consciousness”:
    (1) mindfulness is not present
    (2) we are not really alive
    (3) our most frequent state of mind
    The tendency of mind consciousness: (causes of forgetfulness)
    (1) to be scattered
    (2) unable to stop thinking (thinking about one thing after another)
    (3) caught by the past and future (anxious, sad, suspicious, or imagining
    (4) running in every direction (no coordination with five sense

4. Operating alone in concentration (Mindfulness):
    (1) mindfulness leads us to concentration
    (2) our confusion stops, and we can focus on one object
    (3) we will gain insight and understanding

×5. Unstably, in neurotic or psychotic states (Mentally ill):
    (1) mind consciousness is disturbed by the past regrets and the future
    (2) inner conflicts between seeds and between our feelings and our
    (3) we have trouble in perceiving and thinking clearly
(From Chapter 27 of "Understanding Our Mind" by Thích Nhất Hạnh)

Image presented by Thích Nhất Hạnh

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to protest greed

“The roots of war are in the way we live our daily lives -- the way we develop our industries, build up our society, and consume goods.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh

What if we develop our industries by creating various kinds of pollution? What if we build up our society by accumulating wealth while millions are hungry and dying, and by taking fame, power, wealth, or sensual pleasure as the aim of our life? What if we consume alcohol, drugs or any other products which bring toxins into our own and the collective (families, society, the earth) body and consciousness? All of them bring much suffering and despair which can be the roots of war.

Capitalism is not working well due to too much greed, attachment and arrogance by highly educated egoists. The expanding gap between rich and poor is the proof. In most cases, rich people mean those who have cheated and exploited poor people and monopolized the wealth. The money of rich people was supposed to have been distributed to the poor people who were exploited from them.  One solution is that we manage to survive in cooperation without borrowing money from the bank or rich people and without buying luxurious goods and services. Then greedy rich people have no means for exploitation and will collapse.

There is a reasonable and non-violent method to change the society and the world for the peace and happiness. The first thing to do is to build a community for compassionate people who cooperate and help each other for survival. The second thing to do is to take back the wealth which were exploited by the approximately 5% of the world population who holds the majority (more than 80%) of the world' wealth. For that, we need to elect the right representatives who can make the correct budget and legislation under the democracy. It must be easy to win the majority by 95% of people. The third thing to do is to cleanse the public administration at both national and local level. We need to stop their corruption and waste.

The first easy step which are concrete and effective methods to protest against the greedy rich people will be as followings.
1. Don't borrow money from the bank or rich people (they are exploiting you through interest without working)
2. Don't deposit your money in the bank for investment except for an ordinary account (they are using your money for speculations or money games)
3. Don't buy luxurious goods and services, including financial instruments like money market fund. (Many starving people will be saved if you don't buy them. Those money are used for speculations and market manipulations)


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Mystery of Consciousness

1. Store consciousness, Karma and Ego
Wholesome or unwholesome seeds in the store consciousness mean our imprinted previous karma till our past life. And we (the store consciousness) chose our parents to make up the particular ego (separate self) which was planned according to the imprinted past life's karma. Our parents, grand parents and all ancestors must have had the same or similar ego as their children's ego. That's because we need to revive our past life's ego (mental disposition) in babyhood to resume our new journey in this life from the end of our past life. Therefore, our memories in babyhood may be covered up. Our family can be said as a well planned ego manifestation factory and a training center for evolution of humanity. In this way, our karma reincarnate.

2. Seeds, Perception, View and Self
The seeds in the store consciousness germinate according to our perception. If we have wrong perception (afflictions), it waters unwholesome seeds and if we have right perception (detachment), it waters wholesome seeds. Therefore, selective watering is carried out by our perception. And one of wrong perceptions (afflictions) is the distorted view, or Manas (I am special and separate) which separates oneself from others. Furthermore, the distorted view (Manas) is caused by separate self, or ego. On the other hand, one of right perceptions (detachment) is the right view (we are all the same fundamentally) which accepts all without separation or discrimination. Furthermore, the right view is caused by non-separate self, or true self.

3. Consciousness, Brain, Mental formations
Our thinking is caused by the mind consciousness (brain) and mental projection is caused by unwholesome mental formations manifested in the mind consciousness (brain). That's why we see illusions through mental projection. On the other hand, our mindfulness is caused by the store consciousness (subconscious) followed by wholesome mental formations manifested in the mind consciousness (brain). That's why we can see the reality through insight (holistic view). 

4. Evolution of Humanity
As a conclusion, we are being tested how we react to the same situation as our past life. It is like a makeup examination. We have to pass the makeup examination to overcome our past mistakes. This is the method for the evolution of humanity. We are the store consciousness.
Image presented by Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lack of self-love 自己愛の欠如

Thây answered to a question about the lack of self-love, or self-acceptance clearly as follows: (From 00:44:30 to 00:49:17) 

Thâyが、自己愛、即ち自己受容の欠如についての質問に、以下の通り明確に回答してくれました。 (00:44:30 ~ 00:49:17)

Watch the first day of EIAB Dutch Retreat also as follows: (From 00:42:08 to 01:27:30)

EIABオランダ・リトリートの初日もご覧下さい。 (From 00:42:08 to 01:27:30)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Secrets of Life 人生「虎の巻」

The root cause of all afflictions (incl. anger) is separate self (ego). Ego in subconscious has a distorted view that is "I am special, separate and superior to others" which separates oneself from others. That's because ego doesn't have wisdom of interdependence. Distorted view is one of wrong perceptions, so causes destructive emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, despair...etc. Destructive emotions cause illusions through mental projection, and illusions create negative motivations and negative actions which cause negative consequences. This is the whole picture of vicious cycle of mind. 

Who created ego? That's ourselves, our wounded inner child who was not accepted by our parents unconditionally in babyhood. What is the root cause? It is our previous karma (actions) till our past life which has been imprinted in our subconscious. Why? For the evolution of humanity. (to master unconditional love and compassion, or to become God)


誰がエゴを創造したのでしょう?それは、自分自身、即ち乳児期に両親に無条件に受け容れられなかった自分の傷ついたインナー・チャイルド(内なる子供)です。その根本原因は何でしょう?それは、潜在意識に刻印されている私たちの前世までの過去のカルマ(行動)です。なぜ?人類の進化のためです。 (無条件の愛と思いやりを習得するため、即ち神になるために)