Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Good and Evil

Nobody was born as 100% evil. All babies are actually gods. Environments (incl. parents) play an important role to grow up children. That's all. Good and evil are interdependent like light and darkness. We can't recognize light without darkness. If we remove darkness, light is also removed. If evil is there, the good is already there at the same time. Lotus flower can't grow without mud.

I agree to the Vedantists' understanding of evil as simply a part of the process of construction/destruction within the impersonal Source or Brahma. The deeper the valley is, the higher the mountain will be. So, the evil of cruelty without nurturing it in ourselves may be a great gift. I feel those who are the manifestation of evil seeds have great potential to attain enlightenment. And the hints to realize the potential are shown in the wise teachings of all major religions.

Eventually all will be revealed scientifically! I guess the reason why empathy centers (within the circuits of the brain) do not light up at all by neurological tests is because the evil person's wounded inner child made up ego (separate self) for self-protection and is avoiding pains and sufferings by paralyzing their neurons unconsciously. So, reviving true self (non-separate self) will be the solution to enable the evil person to witness pain and suffering. And unconditional self-acceptance will be the breakthrough for that. Then the evil person will be able to recognize that the ego (separate self) is not true self (non-separate self). If s/he can accept all of oneself (incl. ego), true self appears (is uncovered). That's because s/he has no fear and insecurity any more. 

I am quite convinced that "evil seeds" is due to karmic configuration. When the causes (karma till past life) and conditions (environments incl. parents) are fully ripe, the manifestation (impacts) of the past karma (evil seeds) occurs. Nobody can stop it. So, the person needs to accept all impacts of the past karma without creating new negative karma and offset the past karma. The evil people mean those who can't endure the impacts of the past karma and have created new negative karma through the counterattack and revenge. I can't prove it scientifically at this moment but it will be proved. (We need tools to measure subconscious. I feel that magnetic field or Higgs Boson may have something to do with subconscious.) I have no doubt that it is possible to light up empathy centers (within the circuits of the brain) of evil people.

Roses Photo by Diana rose Sangar

Monday, October 27, 2014

Birth and Death

There is no birth and no death.
There is no beginning and no end.
There is no coming and no going.
There is no being (from non-being) and no non-being (from being)

Above means we are space-time continuum. 
There are 4 patterns as space-time continuum. 
(Please refer to the following SlideShare)

(into Chapter 33)

1. Birth and death depend on conditions.

  - Birth and death are only notions.
  - "Birth" means manifestation (appearance). 
  - “Death” means the absence of manifestation.
  - Manifestation and existence are different. 
    ("Before you were born, you were already there." 
    ⇒ You existed before your manifestation.)
  - "Conditions" means "the causes and conditions that
     allow birth and death to be" (Dalai Lama said, "If the
     causes and conditions are fully ripe, nobody can't stop
     it) but it is not clealy mentioned in the last paragraph 
     of Chapter 33 as follows. 
     (1) Birth (production) and death (disintegration) depend
          on conditions.
     (2) Consciousness does not manifest only as the
          subject of perception, the perceiver.
     (3) When there is manifestation of consciousness, it is,
          at the same time, both aspects of perception—
          perceiver and perceived.
  - My guess based on above (3) is that consciousness 
     manifests only if the consciousness of the perceiver 
     and the  consciousness of the perceived meet together.      (The consciousness of the perceiver means myself, and 
      the consciousness of the perceived means the 
      potential people around myself such as parents, family, 
      friends, neighbors...etc.)
  - My further guess is that the condition enables the 
     consciousness of the perceiver to be able to revive the 
     past life's ego (mental disposition) and to pay for the 
     past karma (actions) till the past life for the potential 
     people (the perceived) around the perceiver.

2. Consciousness is by nature a discriminatory manifestation.

  - When consciousness manifests,there is differentiation 
     and discrimination between self and other than self 
     (self and others).
  - Discrimination is not the truth and is an imaginary 
     construction, a fabrication of the mind.
  - This is inside, but that is outside. This continues to 
     exist, but that ceases to exist. (This = self, That = 
     others) (For "This is, because that is", please refer to
  - The mind differentiates and compares in order to 
     develop the image. That is why consciousness is by 
     nature a discriminatory manifestation.
  - Therefore, manifestation of consciousness is the root 
     cause of discrimination (separation) between oneself 
     and others.
  - I guess manifestation of consciousness means separate 
     self (ego) in mind consciousness who has the wrong 
     view (Manas) which separates oneself from others.

3. Perceiver and perceived depend on each other
as subject and object of perception.

  - The perceiver and the perceived depend on each other 
     in order to manifest.
  - The nature of consciousness is to manifest perception 
     in which subject and object support each other to make 
     the perceiver and the perceived possible.
  - What we believe to be an objective reality is first of all 
     the object of our perception. (So, an objective reality is 
     really our subjective perception.)
  - We have to distinguish between the words 
     “consciousness” and “manifestation.” 
    (“consciousness”: unmanifested, 
     “manifestation”: manifested)
  - A manifestation means that both a subject of perception 
     and, at the same time, an object of perception have 
  - Therefore, both subject and object of perception 
     (consciousness) are necessary for manifestation and I 
     guess the subject means ourselves and the object 
     means parents and others around us.

(From Chapter 33 of "Understanding Our Mind" by Thích Nhất Hạnh)

 Image presented by Thích Nhất Hạnh

Thay's talk on birth and death

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Space-time continuum in 4 ways

We can be neither created nor destroyed as space-time continuum. There are 4 ways for space-time continuum as follows:


1st way (Gene): Our ancestor's genes have been carried over by us and our genes will be carried over by our descendants.

2nd way (Energy): Our bodies and brains have been and will be conserved over time and space by changing form in ecosystem according to the law of conservation of energy and mass.


3rd way (Insight): Our ancestor's insights have been carried over by us and our insights will be carried over by our descendants, friends and disciples, through books and oral tradition. 

4th way (Karma): Our actions (karma) have been and will be imprinted on subconscious over time and space by reincarnation according to the law of causality.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Veda and Buddhism

I feel that the definition of words is very different between Veda terms and Buddhist terms. For example, the followings are my guess.

                 <Veda terms>       <Buddhist terms>

God                Atman                   no God  
                   (Absolute)            (no Absolute) 

Awakening Universal Consciousness non-separate self 
                          (Absolute)                   (non-Absolute)

Ego              I-thought              separate self
               (non-Absolute)             (Absolute) 

Conscious   Consciousness     Mind consciousness
mind                (Being)               (Gross mind)

Subconscious   Awareness        Store consciousness
mind              (Non-Being)      (Subtle consciousness)
                    (Whole Mind)
Reasoning from above, Vedaic Universal Consciousness (Manifestation of Non-Being) is equal to Buddhist non-separate self even though Vedaic Non-Being means Absolute and Buddhist non-separate self means non-Absolute. I guess these difference comes from the definition of Absolute based on whether theistic or non-theistic. However, I am quite sure the meaning is the same because the common key is Subconscious.

As for Self-Inquiry, my own method of "Unconditional self-acceptance" is based on Self-Inquiry. So, it is different from today's Buddhism which is based on Meditation. However, I strongly feel that original Buddhism which Buddha actually preached was based on Self-Inquiry. That's because many of his quotes are based on self-love and he couldn't attain enlightenment through severe meditation practice. 

Red Carpet Photo by Ria Oh

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

仏陀の教えの原型 (3)





私の実体験については、 への投稿(ページの一番下​​)をご参照下さい。

Autumn in the valley, Switzerland Photo by Katarina Stefanović

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


以下は、自らの実体験です。「空」により自分のエゴ(自性自己)を手放すことはできませんでした。しかしながら、私は「無条件の自己愛」により、自分のエゴ(自性自己)を手放すことができました。 ( をご参照下さい) 



Nonskollen peak in Northern Norway Photo by Zsolt Kiss

Monday, October 13, 2014

仏陀の教えの原型 (2)

仏陀は、「あなた自身が、全宇宙の誰もと同等に、あなたの愛と愛情を受けるに値する」と言いましたので、仏陀の教えの原型は「無条件の自己愛」に基づいていると感じます。この意味で、仏陀の教えの原型は瞑想ではなく、自己探究に基づいているのかもしれません。( をご参照下さい)




Sunday, October 12, 2014

Original Buddha's teaching (3)

My concern is that the wisdom of emptiness works only within oneself. There may be no effects to others. Those who have not attained the wisdom with strong ego will keep separating themselves from others.

More concrete question will be as follows: If you are not accepted by your parents with strong ego unconditionally in babyhood, do you obey your parents or pull out yourself from parents? If you obey your parents, your decision is based on emptiness (or compassion) and you can't love yourself. As a result, you can't practice compassion to others without self-love. If you pull out yourself from parents, your decision is based on unconditional self love and you can love yourself. Of course, you can extend your self-love to others. So, eventually you can practice compassion to others.

One example of showing the difference between emptiness and unconditional self love is the options of Dalai Lama in 1959 in Tibet. Of course Dalai Lama had the wisdom of emptiness. But the Chinese communist party's leaders didn't have the wisdom of emptiness. If Dalai Lama chose emptiness (or compassion), he had to stay in Tibet. But he chose the exile from Tibet based on unconditional self love.

If friction occurs between your ego and someone's ego, stress occurs. Therefore, if either of you release your own ego, stress does not occur. However, problems won't be solved if your counterparts don't release their ego. Problems will be solved only if both sides release own ego.

As for my actual experience, please refer to my post (bottom of this page) to

Volcano Eruptions Photo by Dragana Biocanin

Saturday, October 11, 2014

PDF version of books through PayPal ペイパルで書籍のPDF版を

* Purchase of PDF version of all books by credit card 
   payment through PayPal are available now.
* Price of PDF version is the same as the Amazon price. 
   (Please refer to URL below)
* Purchase step will be as follows:
  1) Please send your purchase order by email to 
      Compassion Institute (
  2) Compassion Institute ( will 
      send you PayPal D/N.
  3) Please pay by credit card through PayPal.
  4) PDF version of books will be sent to your email address 
      upon confirmation of your payment.

① "Sun, Cloud, Wind"

② "Unconditional Self-Acceptance"

③ "Unconditional Love"

④ "Practice of Compassion"

⑤ "A Message for Children"

⑥ "How to overcome suffering"

* Paypalを通したクレジットカード払いによる全書籍のPDF版購入
* PDF版の価格は、Amazonの価格と同一です。
* 購入手順は次の通りです。

① 「あるがままの 自分を 受け容れる」

② 「あるがままの じぶんを うけいれる」

③ 「無条件の愛」

④ 「思いやりの実践」

⑤ 「子供達へのメッセージ」

⑥ 「苦しみの乗り越え方」

The Dark Night Rose Photo by Jean Yves GUERVILLY

Friday, October 10, 2014

Top priority 最優先事項

Top priority is self-love. 
Self-love is more important 
than love and compassion to others 
because self-love is the foundation 
of love and compassion to others. 
Once we attain unconditional self-love, 
we will be able to automatically practice 
unconditional love and compassion to others. 
Unconditional self-love spreads like ripples. 
Unconditional self-love is like the sunshine.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Voidness or Unconditional Self-Love?

The followings are my actual experience. I couldn't release my ego (separate-self) through Voidness. However, I could release my ego (separate-self) through Unconditional self-love. (Please refer to

I understand that Voidness and Unconditional self-love are not the same. Even if we can't love ourselves, we can attain Voidness. However, we can't release ego. Only if we can love ourselves unconditionally, we can release ego. Therefore, my real experience shows that Voidness can not enable us to practice compassion because we have nothing to offer due to lack of self-love. How can you love others without loving yourself? Only if you love yourself, you can love others or practice compassion to others. 

I feel that the fruit through Meditation is Voidness and that the fruit through Self-inquiry is Unconditional self-love. One proof is that Dalai Lama is aware of Voidness but can't understand "self-hatred" (the reason why people can't have unconditional self-love) as follows:

Bora Bora in French Polynesia Photo by Jonathan Usher

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Original Buddha's teaching (2)

I feel that original Buddha's teaching is based on unconditional self-love because Buddha said, "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection". In this sense, original Buddha's teaching may be based on Self-Inquiry, instead of Meditation. (Please refer to

I feel that original Buddha's teaching may be selflessness (egolessness) based on unconditional self-love. ("self" of selflessness means ego (separate self) and "self" of unconditional self-love means true self (non-separate self).) Therefore, Buddha's selflessness (egolessness) may not be based on emptiness (interdependence). Because emptiness (interdependence) can explain the absence of separate self (ego) but can not explain unconditional self-love (existence of true self). In this sense, I feel that the Four Noble Truths (the first wheel of dharma which explains "selflessness") were created by Buddha, but the Heart Sutra (the second wheel of dharma which explains "emptiness") may not be created by Buddha.

By the way, I have a question. If you can choose only one of the two, which will you choose, emptiness (interdependence) or unconditional self-love? I understand that these two can go together if both sides are non-separate self. However, if either side has too strong ego (separate self), these two can not go together. I mean that one side (ego) can accept emptiness but can't accept unconditional self-love. Therefore, the other side (true self) needs to choose either one.

Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya

Monday, October 6, 2014


1. 無知の根本原因 


2. 仏陀の真意


3. 仏教経典への未記載


4. カルマとの関係


5. 仏陀の教えの原型への復活


Sunday, October 5, 2014


1. 潜在意識、カルマ(業)、エゴ 

2. 種子、知覚、見方、自己

3. 意識、脳、心行(感情や理性)

4. 人間性の進化

Saturday, October 4, 2014





A river of lava at Bardarbunga volcano in Iceland

Friday, October 3, 2014

Picture book: "Sun, Cloud, Wind"

A new picture book titled "Sun, Cloud, Wind" has just been published as follows:
(English Edition)

It is the common theme for all human beings to revive true self (non-separate self) by healing our inner child and releasing our ego with pleasure. In this picture book, the sun is liken to true self (non-separate self), the cloud is liken to ego (separate self) and the wind is liken to unconditional self-acceptance or self-love. We were the sun on birth but was covered up by the clouds later. That's why we need to generate the wind to blow away the clouds. This picture book will share you my own method to revive true self in easy way.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thích Nhất Hạnh's 5 Mantras

1st mantra: (my presence for you in usual moment)
"Darling, I'm here for you." 
"Darling, you know something? I'm here for you."

2nd mantra: (your presence for me in usual moment)
"Darling, I know you are there...and I am so happy because you are truly there."

3rd mantra: (my presence for you in difficult moment)
"Darling, I know you suffer...that is why I am here for you."

4th mantra: (your presence for me in difficult moment)
"Darling, I suffer. I am trying my best to practice. Please help me."

5th mantra: (our presence for each other in this moment)
"Darling, This is the happy moment."

(full video)

(related video)

(related video: 5th mantra)

Pink Roses