Wednesday, January 28, 2015





そして、ティク・ナット・ハンは、「私たちの心の理解」と題する自著(155頁、第45章 念)の中で、私たちの根深い苦しみの種子を変容するには3つの方法があると明記しました。3つの方法とは以下の通りです。

1. 第一の方法:(予防療法)

2. 第二の方法:(対症療法)

3. 第三の方法:(積極的なアプローチ)


Stove Pipe Wells, California, United States Photo by Rob Kroenert

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Seeds = Karma

Seeds = Karma (or Karma creates Seeds)

I feel what Dalai Lama means by "Karma" is equal to what Thay means by "Seeds".

Dalai Lama said, "In order to reduce or eliminate the impact of previous negative karma, we need to create more forceful positive karma or accept the impact of previous negative karma without creating new negative karma."

And Thay mentioned that there are three ways to transform our deep-rooted seeds of suffering in his book titled "Understanding Our Mind" (page 155, Chapter 45 Mindfulness). The three ways are followings.
(I feel that "our deep-rooted seeds of suffering" means our past negative karma.)

1. The first way: (prophylactic treatment)
We allow seeds of suffering to lie quietly in our store consciousness while we sow new seeds and nourish existing seeds of peace, joy, and happiness.
(I feel that "we sow new seeds and nourish existing seeds of peace, joy, and happiness" means that we create our new positive karma and enjoy the impact of our past positive karma.)

2. The second way: (symptomatic treatment)
We continue to practice mindfulness that allows us to recognize seeds of suffering when they arise.
(I feel that "we recognize seeds of suffering when they arise" means that we accept the impact of our past negative karma when it arises.)

3. The third way: (aggressive approach)
We deliberately invite afflictions that have been with us since childhood in our store consciousness up into our mind consciousness and we sit down and talk with them, like old friends.
(I feel that "we deliberately invite afflictions up into our mind consciousness" means that we intentionally try to cause and accept the impact of our past negative karma.)

* The third way was not taught by Dalai Lama and its concrete method is not shown by Thay (watering unwholesome seeds in store consciousness intentionally so that afflictions may manifest in mind consciousness?).
But I feel that we may be able to meet and restore communication with our wounded inner child if we are mindful and concentrated deeply and if we have deep listening capacity. Anyway we have to be very careful about the third way because Thay mentioned, "someone who is suffering greatly and does not know how to practice mindfulness should not start out practicing the third way—inviting the seeds of suffering up into the conscious mind."

Forest Light Rays in San Francisco Photo by Bo Nielsen

Monday, January 26, 2015


次のティク・ナット・ハンのビデオを 4:42 から 5:52 迄ご覧下さい。



Alpine resorts Photo by Csilla Zelko

Buddha and negative seeds (karma)

Watch the following Thay's video from 4:42 to 5:52.

"Negative seeds (karma) will always be there even after you have become a Buddha. Buddha is not a person who does not have the negative seeds. Buddha is someone who knows how to protect himself so that negative seeds in him not to be watered by himself and by others. And Buddha is someone who knows how to allow his good seeds to be watered every day so that happiness and compassion can grow every day. So, I do have a seed of depression. And all persons have a seed of depression. But if you know the practice of right diligence, you will be okay. And the other kinds of seeds will have no chance to manifest and take us away."

Above shows that our past negative karma will not be eliminated upon enlightenment. So, our past negative karma may cause the negative impact even after enlightenment if we don't protect ourselves. But enlightened persons know the selective watering method to prevent the negative impact from occurring.

Henderson, Kentucky Photo by Randy Wilkerson

Sunday, January 25, 2015

OBE (out-of-body experience) 幽体離脱

Watch the following Thay's video from 4:00 to 5:31. 

"In our dream, we may see that we get out of our body and we fly. And we look back and we can see our body still sleeping. But that is in a dream only. That you invent in your mind. In fact, the body and the mind can't get out of the body and go somewhere else. Because the mind is not a separate entity. That is why when you see something happening in the body, the mind is influenced by it. And when something happens in the mind, the body gets it, too. That is why the mother medicine knows that in order to take care of the mind, you have to take care of the body, and in order to take care of the body, you have to take care of the mind." 

OBE (out-of-body experience) is an invention of your mind in your dream.

上のティク・ナット・ハンのビデオを 4:00 ~ 5:31 迄ご覧ください。



Spiritual Ancestors 精神的祖先

This is the meaning of spiritual ancestors.
Our spiritual ancestors are our past life's consciousness.


Saturday, January 24, 2015



肉体が分解する時、異なる形で(形を変えて)、即ち水、空気、ミネラルのような新しい物質、又はエネルギーとして全宇宙に散らばります。 (物質とエネルギーの総和は、エネルギー・質量保存の法則に従って生態系の中で保存されます。)前世の肉体が意識を包み込んでいたように、それぞれの素粒子とエネルギーはiPS細胞(多能性幹細胞)のように前世と同品質の意識を包み込んでいるのです。 (デヴィッド・ボームが内在的秩序について説明したように、全てのものは他の全てのものの内部にあります。)例えば、それらの素粒子やエネルギーは野菜に吸収され、野菜を育てます。その後、野菜は受精卵に入るために妊娠中の女性に食料として食べられます。このタイミングで、受精卵(肉体)は前世の意識からやって来た(野菜に包み込まれていた)意識と結合します。そのため、前世までの全ての記憶や記録(カルマ)はまだ(意識に刻印されて)保存されており、新しい肉体に伝達されます。これが精神的祖先の意味だと思います。




Friday, January 23, 2015

Genetic ancestors and spiritual ancestors

Thay said, "There are genetic ancestors and spiritual ancestors.
It's easy to understand genetic ancestors which mean that genes of our parents are in us biologically and become the source of the body. But I have been wondering how I can understand spiritual ancestors which mean the source of the consciousness. My insight is the followings.

When the body disintegrates, it will scatter to the whole cosmos in different forms (by changing forms), namely as new matter such as water, air, minerals or energy. (The total sum of matter and energy will be conserved in ecosystem according to the law of conservation of energy and mass.) As the past life's body was enfolding consciousness, each particle and energy is enfolding the same quality of past life's consciousness like iPS cell (induced pluripotent stem cell). (As David Bohm explained about implicate order, everything is inside of everything else.) Those particles and energy will be absorbed by vegetables, for example and grow them. Then the vegetables will be eaten as a food by a pregnant lady to enter into her fertilized egg. In this timing, the fertilized egg (body) merges with consciousness which came from the past life's consciousness. Therefore, all memories or records (karma) till the past life are still preserved and transmitted to the new body. I feel this is the meaning of spiritual ancestors.

If above insight is correct, those who couldn't have their own children will be relieved because they can become spiritual ancestors of new generations even though they can't become genetic ancestors. Anyway, there is no birth and death. Our body and consciousness will continue to live without death.

Thay said, "God is everything". 

I feel the whole cosmos, namely every matter and energy which is enfolding consciousness (subconscious) inside, is God.

Ambridge Rose Photo by Amreen Fatima

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mechanism of Mind 心の仕組み

The whole picture of Mechanism of Mind can be summarized as follows:


Hummingbird in Ecuador Photo by Raymond Barlow

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mahabharata マハーバーラタ

Please refer to the 13th book of the Mahabharata: 
"Happiness comes due to good actions, suffering results from evil actions, by actions, all things are obtained, by inaction, nothing whatsoever is enjoyed. If one's action bore no fruit, then everything would be of no avail, if the world worked from fate alone, it would be neutralized." 

The above is exactly the same as the law of causality in Buddhism .



“Ice Halo” Over Red River, New Mexico Photo by Kathleen W

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ego (separate self) エゴ(独立した自己)

Buddha denied ego (separate self) by emptiness (absence of independent existence) in the realm of conventional truth. Do we really need to get rid of our ego (separate self)? 

No, not at all in the realm of ultimate truth. Ego (separate self) is the root cause of sufferings, namely bad. Meanwhile, non-separate self is the source of happiness, namely good. But we need to accept both good and bad and take good care of both. That's because good and bad are interdependent.

Don't be attached to either. Don't reject either. Handle good and bad in the same way without discrimination. Good is made of non-good elements, namely bad. Bad is made of non-bad elements, namely good. They are both sides of a coin. If you remove bad, good is also removed. There is no good without bad. Lotus flower can't grow without mud. Therefore, make peace with good and bad.

Non-separation is the key. Emptiness means the absence of independent existence, namely non-separation. Lotus flower can't grow without mud. Self is made of non-self elements, namely the whole cosmos. If we understand this, we can rest in God or rely on cosmic body.





Friday, January 16, 2015



悟るためには考えることを止め、概念や見方を全て捨て去る必要があります。概念や考えや見方への執着は、自他を分離して煩悩を引き起こす誤った知覚だからです。概念や考えや見方を捨て去るには仏性に回帰し、自分とは何者かを深く分析し、他から独立した自己(separate self)の不在を確信しなければなりません。実態がないとはそういうことです。精神投影を通して幻想・錯覚に陥っているだけなのです。縁起とは、結果は原因から生じるという意味であり、原因もなく独立して生じるもの(実体)は何もないことを言うのです。換言すれば、全ては相互に依存し合って生じるということです。


わし星雲で星誕生 Photo by ハッブル望遠鏡

Thursday, January 15, 2015



1. Mindfulness(正念)で仏性に戻る

2. Concentration(正定)で集中し分析する

3. Insight(正見)で智慧・洞察(正しい見方)を得る


Wednesday, January 14, 2015




もっと言えば、「波」は自他を分離するエゴ(自性自己:separate self)、「水」は自他を分離しない本当の自分(無自性自己:non-separate self)の例えです。仏陀が「空」(absence of independent existence:独立した存在の不在:無自性)として否定したのは、エゴ(自性自己:separate self)のことであり、本当の自分(無自性自己:non-separate self)の存在は認めています。それどころか、自他を分離しない本当の自分(無自性自己:non-separate self)こそが仏性(Buddha nature)そのものなのです。従って、悟りとは、「自他を分離して墓穴を掘るエゴ(自性自己:separate self)から自他を分離しない本当の自分(無自性自己:non-separate self)への回帰」を意味します。

Iceland Volcano Photo by AGABABY

Monday, January 12, 2015

Cinematographic nature of our consciousness

Nature of consciousness was explained by Thích Nhất Hạnh as follows:

"Consciousness is made of mental formations which manifest and succeed each other, and give the impression that is a current (a river: always flowing and always changing) that there is an entity called alaya or mentation or mind consciousness."

"Consciousness is not a thing, but is a process."

David Hume (Scottish philosopher in 18th century):
"Consciousness is a beam of light or a collection of different perceptions which succeed each other with an inconceivable speed. They are in a flock or perpetual movement."

William James (American philosopher and psychologist):
"Consciousness is a current of thought."

Henri Bergson (French philosopher):
"Consciousness has a cinematographic nature."
(cinematographic mechanism of the mind: When you look at a film you have the impression that a real story is happening. But if you hold up the strip of film and examine it, you see that there are only individual pictures succeeding each other and giving the impression that there is an entity, or continuum.)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Robin Williams Playing With Koko Photo by Stop Animal Abuse