Thursday, April 30, 2015














Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mindfulness exercises

Watch the following Thay's video: 

Key phrases are as follows:

Today is today's day. 

To stop thinking is a great achievement.

Mindfulness is an energy of Buddha. 

Body, mind and breath are the three elements of the practice of mindfulness. Anything good happening in one of the three elements will have an effect on two others.

The energy of mindfulness embraces our in-breath and out-breath. And the mindfulness of breath embraces our body.

Buddha goes very scientifically, first with your breath, second with your body and the third with your feelings and emotions.

Buddha is aware that nourishment should go together with healing. Nourishment is a part of a healing.

Joy and happiness are born by leaving behind. Idea of happiness is an obstacle. We have to release our notions or idea to be happy. We need to let go of attachment to views to bring joy and happiness.

We can touch the joy and happiness in the here and the now by the capacity of letting go, the capacity of being mindful and the capacity of being concentrated. That is for our transformation and healing. Transformation and healing need nourishment. 

Thich Nhat Hanh

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


以下のティク・ナット・ハンのビデオを、1:09:21 ~ 1:15:00までご覧下さい。

(1) マインドフルネス(念)
(2) 集中 
(3) 洞察 


Plum Village

Monday, April 27, 2015

Christianity and Buddhism

Watch the following Thay's video from 1:09:21 to 1:15:00.

The essence of Buddhism is 
(1) mindfulness,
(2) concentration and 
(3) insight. 

Christians who can generate mindfulness, concentration and insight are already Buddhists. They know that this practice also strengthens their faith in Christianity. They do not lose their roots. And they do not betray their tradition. They know that in their tradition, the energies of mindfulness, concentration and insight are also very crucial. And they want to make use of the insight and experience in order to renew the tradition so that many young people know more in concrete way to generate these energies. And practicing Buddhist meditation in that way not only helps them to be better Christians but also helps them to renew Christianity in such a way that a young generation of Christians will feel more comfortable. Because every tradition should renew itself in the light of the new development in the world. Buddhism also should renew itself. So, we should not be caught by the appearance. 

Altar from the Upper Hamlet in Plum Village Photo by Agnieszka Lopez

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Joy of Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu ダライ・ラマ法王とデスモンド・トゥトゥの喜び

Here is a video of joyous conversation between Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu on April 23, 2015 in India!

Joy is inner peace!


Saturday, April 25, 2015





1) 「この世の全てが苦しみである」というのは、仏陀の教えではありません。仏陀は苦しみの真理を教えましたが、「あるがままに幸せに生きる」真理もまた教えてくれました。

⇒ 「一切行苦」(全ての心行は苦しみである)が根源だとしても、51種類の心行全てが苦しみではありませんので、誤りです。(全ての不健全な心行は苦しみであると言うのなら正しいのですが、健全な心行は幸せです。)

2) 三種類の苦しみの理論は、「地上の全ては苦しみである」ことを証明しようとした仏陀の多くの優秀な弟子による試み(苦しみの普遍化を正当化する試み)でした。

3) 仏陀の名前を連呼したり、機械的に語句を繰り返しても、苦しみの本質を理解したり、仏陀が私たちに示した道を明かす何の助けにもなりません。なぜなら、私たちが形ある物や言葉や概念に捕捉されてしまうからです。その代わりに、私たちは自分自身の知能を使う必要があります。

4) もし、マインドフルネス(念)によって苦しみの真理に触れることができれば、自分の具体的な苦しみ、その具体的な原因、そしてその原因を取り除き苦しみを終わらせる方法を認識し、見分けることができるようになるでしょう。

⇒ (仏陀とティク・ナット・ハンへの私の質問は、「なぜ(苦しみに加え)喜びを認識した時も、深く分析し、その根本原因を理解することを説かないのか?」です。もし喜びの根本原因を理解できれば、感謝、謙虚、愛を発生させることができるかもしれません。

5) 三法印とは、無常、無我、涅槃のことであることを理解する必要があります。(苦しみを三法印に含めてはいけません)

Friday, April 24, 2015


1. 苦しみ
2. 苦しみを認識 ← マインドフルネス(念)
3. 苦しみを受容(逃げない、毒を消費しない)
4. 苦しみを抱擁
5. 苦しみを軽減
6. 苦しみを深く分析 ← コンセントレーション(集中)
7. 苦しみを理解(根本原因) ← インサイト(洞察)
8. 愛と思いやりの発生(苦しみの変容)
9. 愛に溢れる発言
10. コミュニケーションの復元
11. 深い傾聴(慈悲深い傾聴) ← コンセントレーション(集中)
12. 根本原因の理解 ← インサイト(洞察)
13. 愛と思いやりの発生(苦しみの変容)
14. 平和(穏やかな心)
15. 自由と堅実
16. 喜びと幸福
17. 縁起(空)の理解 ← インサイト(洞察)
18. 二元性の超越(非二元性)
19. 全ての概念の絶滅
20. 悟り(涅槃) ← インサイト(洞察)

* 1 ⇒ 8:自分の中、9 ⇒ 13:自他間、14 ⇒ 17:自分の中
 18 ⇒ 20: 非分離
* 1 :エゴ、2 ⇒ 17:一時的な本当の自分、18 ⇒ 20:常時本当の自分

* 2 ⇒ 8:無条件の自己受容(自己愛)、 
   9 ⇒ 13:他への無条件の愛、 
  14 ⇒ 16:他からの無条件の愛


Pink flower Photo by Joel Bramley

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Learning process from sufferings to the enlightenment

1. Sufferings
2. Recognize it ← Mindfulness
3. Accept it (don't run away and consume toxin)
4. Embrace it
5. Relieve it
6. Look deeply into it ← Concentration
7. Understand it (root cause) ← Insight
8. Generate love and compassion (transform sufferings)
9. Loving speech
10. Restore communication
11. Deep listening (compassionate listening) ← Concentration
12. Understand the root cause ← Insight
13. Generate love and compassion (transform sufferings)
14. Peace (calm mind)
15. Freedom and solidity
16. Joy and happiness
17. Understand interdependent co-arising (emptiness) ← Insight
18. Transcend duality (non-duality)
19. Extinction of all notions
20. Enlightenment (nirvana) ← Insight

* 1 ⇒ 8: within oneself,  9 ⇒ 13: between oneself and others, 
  14 ⇒ 17: within oneself, 18 ⇒ 20: non-separation

* 1 : Ego, 2 ⇒ 17: Temporary true self, 18 ⇒ 20: Full time true self
(Cf. 1)

* 2 ⇒ 8: Unconditional self-acceptance (self-love), 
  9 ⇒ 13: Unconditional love to others
 14 ⇒ 16: Unconditional love from others

(Cf. 2)

Capeweed-flower Photo by Joel Bramley

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


般若心経の核心は、『「色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色」(形あるものは空に他ならず、空は形あるものに他ならない。形あるものは即ち空であり、空は即ち形あるものである。)』として簡潔に述べられている、「空」という究極の真理です。



1) 体は全宇宙に他ならない。
2) 全宇宙は体に他ならない。
3) 体は、即ち全宇宙である。
4) 全宇宙は、即ち体である。


1') それは、体が体でない要素、即ち全宇宙からできているからであ
2') それは、全宇宙が全宇宙でない要素、即ち体からできているからで
3') それは、体と全宇宙が相互に依存し共同発生しているからである。
4') それは、全宇宙と体が表裏一体だからである。(中道:二つでも


1") 独立した(自性の)存在は、独立していない(無自性の)存在に他
2") 独立していない(無自性の)存在は、独立した(自性の)存在に他
3") 独立した(自性の)存在は、即ち独立していない(無自性の)存在で
4") 独立していない(無自性の)存在は、即ち独立した(自性の)存在で



Tulip fields, Vancouver, Canada Photo by Randall St. Germain

Tuesday, April 21, 2015



普遍(共相) ---------------------  特有(自相)
(例:接触、注目、感覚、          (例:意図、決意、マインドフルネス、
   知覚、動機)              集中、洞察) 

ロウソクの炎を実体 ------------ ロウソクの炎を多くの映像の 
(他から分離されていて           連続と見る

精神的な構築 ------------------- あるがままの現実(そのまま)

顕在意識 ------------------------- 潜在意識と(顕在意識を
条件付けされた現象 ----------- 無条件(条件付けされていない)

* 潜在意識と(顕在意識の影響がない)感覚意識は、直接「特有」に触れることができる。(「普遍」は「特有」からできている)

* 仏陀は、「全ての条件付けされた現象は、夢や幻想や泡のようなもので、露のしずくのような、又は電気的稲妻のようなイメージである。貴方は条件付けされた現象をそのように見るように自分を訓練すべきである」と言いました。(金剛経より

外観(幻想) ------------------------ 現実

精神投影 --------------------------- 正しい見方(洞察)

煩悩 --------------------------------- 穏やかな心

無頓着 ------------------------------ マインドフルネス(念)

 ------------------------------------ 潜在意識

考える ------------------------------- 考えない (洞察)

エゴ(自性自己) ------------------- 本当の自分(無自性自己)


Who's there Photo by n. banner


The core of the Heart Sutra is the ultimate truth of "emptiness" which is briefly mentioned as "「色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色」(Form is no other than emptiness, emptiness is no other than form. Form is namely emptiness, emptiness is namely form.)" 

This is exactly the teaching of non-duality. Because we can transcend duality by understanding its deep meaning. If we assume "form" as "A" and "emptiness (other than A)" as "B", its logic will be "Because A is made of non-A elements (B), A is no other than B. Because B is made of non-B elements (A), B is no other than A. Therefore, A is equal to B and B is equal to A."

And non-duality helps us throw away all notions. If we suppose "form" as "body" and "emptiness (other than body)" as "the whole cosmos", the verse will be as follows: 

1) Body is no other than the whole cosmos.
2) The whole cosmos is no other than body.
3) Body is namely the whole cosmos.
4) The whole cosmos is namely body.

And the cause of each verse will be as follows: 

1') That's because body is made of non-body elements, namely 
    the whole cosmos. (Implicate order)
2') That's because the whole cosmos is made of non-whole 
    cosmos elements, namely body. (Implicate order)
3') That's because body and the whole cosmos are 
    interdependent co-arising. (Dependent origination)
4') That's because the whole cosmos and body are two sides of 
    the same coin. (Middle Way: not two but not one)

And if we suppose "body" as "separate existence" and "the whole cosmos" as "non-separate existence", the verse will be as follows: 

1") Separate existence is no other than non-separate existence. 
     That's because separate existence is made of non-separate 
2") Non-separate existence is no other than separate existence. 
     That's because non-separate existence is made of separate 
3") Separate existence is namely non-separate existence. That's 
     because separate existence and non-separate existence are 
     interdependent co-arising.
4") Non-separate existence is namely separate existence. That's 
     because non-separate existence and separate existence are 
     two sides of the same coin.

Therefore, in the ultimate dimension, we don't need to separate sufferings from happiness, darkness from light, afflictions from enlightenment, death from birth, non-being from being, end from beginning, going from coming and otherness from sameness...etc. As a result, all notions are extinct. This is the wisdom of emptiness which enables us to transcend the duality and throw away all notions. If we understand this wisdom deeply, we will be able to rest in nirvana filled with perfect solidity and freedom without fear.

(cf. 1)
(cf. 2)

Hokkaido, Japan Photo by Ines iles

Monday, April 20, 2015

Enlightenment in the ultimate dimension

Self-transformation from ego (separate self) to true self (non-separate self) is in the realm of the conventional truth. This level of waking up is not the real enlightenment and corresponds to the "temporary true self" of the following material. ( So, if they stop practicing mindfulness, they will go back to the previous ego within a few weeks. Thich Nhat Hanh clearly mentioned that this level is the "part-time Buddha" and is not the real enlightenment in the realm of the ultimate dimension, or the "full-time Buddha" who corresponds to the "full time true self" of the above material. If we become the "full-time Buddha", we will never go back to the previous ego even if we stop practicing mindfulness.

The difference between "temporary true self" and "full time true self" is whether there are duality and notions or not. Temporary true self is temporarily true self through mindfulness but doesn't understand that "birth and death" and "happiness and sufferings" are interdependent co-arising (two sides of the same coin), so has duality. That's why temporary true self needs transformation under the condition where all notions of pairs of opposites such as "birth and death" and "happiness and sufferings" still remain separately. On the other hand, full time true self has understood that "birth and death" and "happiness and sufferings" are interdependent co-arising (two sides of the same coin), so doesn't need to separate birth from death, happiness from sufferings, and attained non-duality (not two but not one). For example, the existence of sufferings means the existence of the same amount of happiness at the same time. Therefore, both sufferings and happiness exist but are offset to be zero. As a result, all notions, thoughts, ideas, views, beliefs and words which were created by our brain to separate oneself from others or to justify oneself, will be extinct. This is the so-called "Middle Way", or "Enlightenment" in the ultimate dimension.

In the Heart Sutra which teaches us the ultimate truth of "emptiness", non-duality is briefly explained as followings. 
「色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色」"Form is no other than emptiness, emptiness is no other than form. Form is namely emptiness, emptiness is namely form."
If we assume "form" as "A" and "emptiness (other than A)" as "B", its logic will be "Because A is made of non-A elements (B), A is no other than B. Because B is made of non-B elements (A), B is no other than A. Therefore, A is equal to B and B is equal to A." In other words, we can create the same rising-sun flag either by painting a red circle in the center of the white rectangle or by painting the rest white leaving a circle in the center of the red rectangle. This logic is applicable to every thing and phenomenon, so it is no exaggeration to say that emptiness is the ancient "general theory of relativity". Therefore, In the ultimate dimension, "Sufferings are no other than Happiness. Death is no other than Birth. Non-being is no other than Being. Darkness is no other than Light. Afflictions are no other than Enlightenment." After all, all notions are extinct and we can rest in nirvana filled with perfect solidity and freedom without fear.

(cf. 1)
(cf. 2)
(cf. 3)

Einstein's Theory of Relativity Photo by Elizabeth Therese Niwel

Sunday, April 19, 2015

「般若心経」電子書籍出版 The Heart Sutra e-book publishing





* 著書一覧

Just published e-books regarding the translation and commentary of "The Heart Sutra" at Amazon as follows:

The Heart Sutra (Ultimate Translation and Commentary)

The Heart Sutra (Free Translation and Commentary)

* Books list

Albert Einstein's office, a few hours after he passed on 18 April 1955


悟りとは、「自他を分離して墓穴を掘るエゴ(自性自己:separate self)から自他を分離しない本当の自分(無自性自己:non-separate self)への回帰」を意味すると以前申し上げましたが、このレベルの目覚めは一時的な悟りであり、一般的な真理の領域での悟りです。
従って、マインドフルネス(念)の修行を継続しないと、あっという間に元のエゴに逆戻りしてしまいます。ティク・ナット・ハンは一時的な悟りのレベルを"part-time Buddha"と表現し、完全な悟りである究極の真理の領域での悟りの"full-time Buddha"とは異なることを明言しました。(上記資料の「常時本当の自分」に相当します。)"full-time Buddha"になると、修行を継続しなくても元のエゴに逆戻りすることはありません。


「色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色」 (色は空に他ならず、空は色に他ならない。色は即ち空であり、空は即ち色である。)


Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity in 1915

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Breakdown of consciousness

Breakdown of consciousness in the realm of conventional truth is as follows:

the universal(共相) -----------  the particular(自相)
(e.g. contact, attention,          (e.g. intention, determination,
feeling, perception, volition)    mindfulness, concentration, insight) 

sees the flame of a candle ---- sees the flame of a candle 
as an entity (something             as a succession of many images
long lasting which is   
separated from the rest) 

mental construction ----------- reality as it is (suchness)
(representation of mind)

mind consciousness ---------- store consciousness and sense 
                                              consciousness (without influence 
                                              of mind consciousness)

conditioned phenomena ----- unconditioned
(e.g. dreams, illusions, 
bubbles, images)

* Store consciousness and sense consciousness (without influence of mind consciousness) can directly touch the particular. (The universal is made of the particular.) 

* Buddha said, "All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, images like dew drop or like electric lightning. You should train yourself to look at them that way." (from Diamond Sutra)

<My analysis>
appearance (illusion) ----------- reality

mental projection ---------------- right view (insight)

affliction --------------------------- calm mind

forgetfulness ---------------------- mindfulness

brain -------------------------------- subconscious

thinking ---------------------------- without thinking (insight)

ego (separate self) -------------- true self (non-separate self)


Morning dew on a dragonfly Photo by David Chambon

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Heart Sutra (Free Translation and Commentary) Revised

Just uploaded the revised version of "The Heart Sutra" (Free Translation and Commentary) and its presentation material as follows:

* "The Heart Sutra" (Free Translation and Commentary)

* "The Heart Sutra" presentation material

As for non-duality, the following material is for your reference.

Spring-flowers Photo by Joel Bramley

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Is Everything Suffering?

(Chapter 5 of "The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching" 
by Thich Nhat Hanh)

(Notes): We need to be careful that this Chapter is written in the realm of conventional truth because suffering is separated from happiness. (The Four Noble Truths is in the realm of the conventional truth and the Heart Sutra is in the realm of the ultimate truth.)

The followings are the summary of Thay's messages to us.

1) "Everything on Earth is suffering" is not a teaching of the Buddha. Buddha taught the truth of suffering, but he also taught the truth of "dwelling happily in things as they are".

⇒ Even if "All mental formations are sufferings" is the source, it is wrong because all mental formations are not unwholesome. ("All unwholesome mental formations are sufferings" is correct but wholesome mental formations are the source of happiness.)

2) The theory of the Three Kinds of Suffering was an attempt by many good students of the Buddha who tried to prove that everything on Earth is suffering (an attempt to justify the universalization of suffering).

3) Invoking the names of the Buddha or repeating a phrase mechanically cannot help us understand the true nature of suffering or reveal the path shown to us by the Buddha because we will be caught in forms, words, and notions. Instead, we need to use our own intelligence.

4) If we touch the truth of suffering with our mindfulness, we will be able to recognize and identify our specific suffering, its specific causes, and the way to remove those causes and end our suffering.

⇒ (My question to Buddha and Thay is "Why don't you teach us to look deeply into joy and understand the root cause of joy when we recognize joy?" We may generate gratitude, humility and love.)

5) We need to understand the Three Dharma Seals are impermanence, nonself, and nirvana.

The followings are more detailed Thay's messages to us.

1. First Noble Truth of suffering doesn't mean "everything on Earth is suffering". It is not a teaching of the Buddha. ⇒ Buddha taught the truth of suffering, but he also taught the truth of "dwelling happily in things as they are". ⇒ To succeed in the practice, we must stop trying to prove that everything is suffering. ⇒ If we touch the truth of suffering with our mindfulness, we will be able to recognize and identify our specific suffering, its specific causes, and the way to remove those causes and end our suffering.

2. The theory of the Three Kinds of Suffering was an attempt by many good students of the Buddha who tried to prove that everything on Earth is suffering. ⇒ (We need to forget about the theory of the Three Kinds of Suffering.)

① "the suffering of suffering": the suffering associated with unpleasant feelings (eg: pain of a toothache, losing your temper, or feeling too cold on a winter's day)
② "the suffering of composite things": Whatever comes together eventually has to come apart. (eg: all composite things: everything)
③ "the suffering associated with change": (eg: Our liver may be in good health today, but when we grow old, it will cause us to suffer.)

3. One hundred years after the Buddha passed away, practitioners were already repeating the formula, "This is suffering. Life is suffering. Everything is suffering." They thought that to obtain insight into the First Noble Truth, they had to repeat this formula. Some commentators said that without this constant repetition, the Four Noble Truths could not be realized.

(1) The question, "Does the realization of the truth of suffering depend on the repetition of the words, 'This is suffering.'?" was answered affirmatively by many schools. ⇒ (Everyone knows that Birth, Old age, Sickness, Death, Sorrow, grief, mental anguish, and disturbance, To be with those you dislike, To be separated from those you love, Not having what you long for, are sufferings. In other words, to grasp the Five Aggregates as though they constitute a self is suffering.) ⇒ (The repetition of the words is not necessary for realizing the truth of suffering.)

(2) One School pointed out that an arhat is not fully awakened because an arhat needs to repeat something constantly in order to be able to realize it. ⇒  (It isn't essential for everyone to repeat something constantly for realizing it.)

(3) Invoking the names of the Buddha or repeating a phrase mechanically cannot help us understand the true nature of suffering or reveal the path shown to us by the Buddha. Because we will be caught in forms, words, and notions. We need to use our own intelligence. It is safer to have a teacher and friends who can show us ways to practice correctly.⇒ (We don't need to invoke the names of the Buddha or repeat a phrase mechanically.)

(4) Buddha only wants us to recognize suffering when it is present and to recognize joy when suffering is absent. Buddha didn't offer a theory that is "All things are suffering". ⇒ (We need to be mindful in order to recognize suffering when it is present and to recognize joy when suffering is absent.) ⇒ (My question to Thay is "Why don't you teach us to look deeply into joy and understand the root cause of joy when we recognize joy?" We may generate gratitude, humility and love.)

(5) The argument, "Impermanent, therefore suffering, therefore nonself" is illogical. And in many texts, suffering is regarded as one of the Three Dharma Seals, along with impermanence and nonself. But to put suffering on the same level as impermanence and nonself is an error. The Buddha taught impermanence and nonself to help us not be caught in signs (forms). ⇒ ("Being caught in signs (forms), therefore suffering, therefore impermanence and nonself" is logical.) ⇒ We need to be careful to illogical teachings.

(Re: Three Dharma Seals)
In several sutras the Buddha taught that nirvana, the joy of completely extinguishing our ideas and concepts, rather than suffering, is one of the Three Dharma Seals. (For an explication of the Three Dharma Seals, see chap. 18.) ⇒ Thay hopes scholars and practitioners will begin to accept the teaching that all things are marked by impermanence, nonself, and nirvana, and not make too great an effort to prove that everything is suffering. ⇒ We need to understand the Three Dharma Seals are impermanence, nonself, and nirvana. (Things are changing. It is called emptiness (empty of separate existence). From the point of view of time, we say "impermanence," and from the point of view of space, we say "nonself.")

(Re: Nagarjuna listed nirvana as one of the Three Dharma Seals)
Another common misunderstanding of the Buddha's teaching is that all of our suffering is caused by craving. If we use our intelligence, we can see that craving can be a cause of pain, but other afflictions such as anger, ignorance, suspicion, arrogance, and wrong views can also cause pain and suffering. ⇒ We need to say, "The basis for this suffering is such and such an affliction," and then call it by its true name to find the cause of our suffering and the way to heal ourselves.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Who am I? 私は誰?

Just uploaded the presentation material of "Who am I?" as follows:
"If I ask who am I then who is asking who am I, who am I and who is listening ?"


Mount Fuji and cherry blossoms Photo by Elia Locardi



『常時本当の自分(悟りを開いた人)は、自分が 全宇宙であることを知っていますので、決してそのような質問をしません。ですから、「私は誰?」の「私」はエゴ(自性自己)か、一時的な本当の自分(一時的にマインドフルだけど、まだ悟りを開いていない人)です。エゴか一時的な本当の自分が「私は誰?」と尋ねているのです。「聞いているのは誰か?」に対する回答には、3つのパターンがあります。エゴが「私は誰?」と尋ねているのなら、エゴだけが聞いているか、エゴと一時的な本当の自分が聞いています。一時的な本当の自分が「私は誰?」と尋ねているのなら、エゴと一時的な本当の自分が聞いています。』




Eyes, the doorway to heart Photo by Satish Viswanath

Friday, April 10, 2015







Hummingbird's making turns Photo by Wayne Lu

Thursday, April 9, 2015

"no birth and no death"

In the Heart Sutra, there is a verse that mentions, "There is no birth and no death". (Refer to the reference below.) Because this is the ultimate truth, it must be difficult to understand in the realm of conventional truth. But it may become easier for us to understand that if we use the following example. 

Cloud is made of vapor and just becomes rain. So, cloud doesn't come from nothing and become nothing. If the cloud can realize it is water, it has been water and will continue to be water from now on. Therefore, cloud can never die. This was proved scientifically as E=mc² (The law of conservation of energy and mass) by Albert Einstein.

A human is made of non-human elements, namely the whole cosmos such as water, air, earth and sunshine. So, a human is the whole cosmos. Just like the cloud, if a human can realize s/he is the whole cosmos, s/he has been the whole cosmos and will continue to be the whole cosmos from now on. Therefore, a human can never die also. There is no birth and no death.

Thay said, "We are what we consume". So, we have to be very careful about what we consume. That's because our body, mind and consciousness will be influenced by that. Therefore, we need to select what to eat, drink and consume. Products that bring toxins into our own and the collective body and consciousness are not limited to alcohol and drugs but including any other products such as certain websites, electronic games, TV programs, films, magazines, books and conversations. All of these are attachments, or addictions which we need to let go of.

(Reference 1: The Heart Sutra)
(Reference 2: Spiritual Ancestors)

Amazing Colours of Hummingbirds Photo by Raymond Barlow

Wednesday, April 8, 2015






A beautiful sunset reflecting its light into the pond Photo by Ray Bilcliff

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Three versions of oneself

"If I ask who am I then who is asking who am I, who am I and who is listening ?" is a very interesting and deep question.

The following is my answer to the question:
Full time true self (enlightened person) never asks such a question because s/he knows s/he is the whole cosmos. So, "Who am I?"'s "I" is ego or temporary true self (those who are mindful temporarily but aren't enlightened yet). Ego or temporary true self is asking "Who am I?". The answer to "Who is listening?" has three patterns. If ego is asking "Who am I?", only ego is listening or ego and temporary true self are listening. If temporary true self is asking "Who am I?", ego and temporary true self are listening.

When I had two versions of myself, I asked to myself, “How can I stop rejecting myself? How can I love myself?”. And I found out that "I" was ego and "myself" was temporary true self as follows:
     How can I (ego) stop rejecting myself (true self)
     How can I (ego) love myself (true self)?
* True self of above means temporary true self (those who are 
   mindful temporarily but aren't enlightened yet).
So I needed to transcend duality.

Therefore, there are three versions of oneself which are ego, temporary true self and full time true self. Evolution of humanity means the evolution from ego to temporary true self, and the evolution from temporary true self to full time true self.

(Reference 1)
(Reference 2)
(Good news on Thay’s Health)

Bliss Photo by Jackie Lewis