Monday, August 31, 2015

New e-book: "How to Awaken Yourself"

My new e-book titled "How to Awaken Yourself - The way of mindful living -" has just been published as following. 

< Book description >
All sufferings are caused by separations, discrimination, or duality. That's because the separation between oneself and others cause all afflictions such as fear, anger and despair. And the root cause of such separations and discrimination is thoughts and notions created by human brain. In this book, I will share the "concrete practice methods to stop thinking" and the "concrete practice methods for the extinction of all notions" and explain their details. These methods have been verified through my own experience and many of them are based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, namely the teachings of Buddha. It is my great pleasure if you will awaken true self, touch the wonders of life in the present moment and be filled with peace, joy and happiness through the practice.

☆ ★ ☆゚*:;;:*゚★゚*:;;:*゚☆ ★ ☆゚*:;;:*゚★゚*:;;:*゚☆ ★ ☆゚☆ ★ ☆゚*:;;:*゚★゚*:;;:*゚☆ ★ ☆゚

☆ Now available at Amazon from both URL below! ☆
"How to Awaken Yourself" - The way of mindful living -

* Look inside!

* My books list

* Japanese version

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Walking meditation (3)

Thay's messages in the following video are very useful.

(Watch from 14:01 to 24:45)

And you may like to just use these two sentences, "I have arrived, arrived, I am home, home, home". And if you feel your steps pleasant and enjoyable, you are practicing correctly. If you suffer during the walking, that's not the correct practice. It's easy to recognize. If you feel happy, pleasant, if you enjoy your steps, it means you are doing it right. You don't need another person. You don't need the teacher to tell you. If you enjoy every step, that's a good practice. 

I have arrived, I enjoy arriving. I am home, I enjoy my true home. My true home is in the here and the now. It is in the here and the now that we can get in touch with the Kingdom of God or the Pure Land of Buddha. The Kingdom is now or never. You don't need to die in order to go to the Kingdom. It may be too late. You have to be very alive in order to step into the Kingdom. And in order to be alive, you have to be in the here and the now. And bringing your mind back to your body, you are well established in the here and the now. You are fully present in the here and the now. You are fully alive because mind and body have come together. 

And when you are fully alive, fully present, one step only is needed for you to step into the Kingdom of God or to the Pure Land of Buddha. And to me, the Kingdom of God or the Pure Land of Buddha is not an abstract idea. It is something very real. The blue sky that you see there, it belongs to the Kingdom. The trees that you see there, they belong to the Kingdom. The flower, the birds that you see in here, they belong to the Kingdom. If they don't belong to the Kingdom, where should they belong to? And you also, you belong to the Kingdom. (True self belongs to the Kingdom but ego does not belong to the Kingdom.)

And every step made in mindfulness and concentration helps you to touch the Kingdom of God. That is why I said that the Kingdom is now or never. And when we have been able to touch the Kingdom, the Pure Land, happiness is there. We don't need to run anymore after the object of our craving. We don't need anything more. (Running is a competition which causes separations or discrimination and does not bring about freedom. So, there will be no winners and everyone will lose.)


(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.


Walking meditation

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Walking meditation (2)

The following Thay's messages are very useful.

It's like you sign, you put your signature on it, "I have arrived, truly arrived". The seal of arrival is there. And if you know you have not arrived 100%, then stay there. And breathe in and out until you arrive. And when you know that you have arrived completely in the here and the now, smile! Smile a smile of victory! And take another step. And you can afford to do that because you are alone. You can take as much time as you want in order to truly arrive. ("I have arrived" means that I have transformed myself from ego (separate self who is wandering in the past or the future) to true self (non-separate self in the present moment).)

And if you succeed in arrival with one step, you know that you can succeed with another step and so on. And when you walk with a sangha, you can walk more quickly and you arrive at every step. Walking with a sangha, you may like to take two steps while breathing in, "I have arrived, I have arrived". And breathing out, you may make three steps, "I am home, I am home, home". 

Bring your attention to the sole of your foot. And walk as if you kiss the ground with your foot. I'm not here (head). I'm here (the sole of my foot). I'm aware of the contact between my foot and the ground. Every step is solid. Every step is free. "Solid" means  I'm established firmly in the here and the now. That is why I'm solid. (Head or the brain means ego and the sole of my foot or the consciousness means true self.)

Solidity is what I cultivate during walking meditation. I'm not being pulled by the past. I'm not being pulled by the future. I'm well established in the present moment and enjoy touching life in the present moment. I'm solid and I am free. Because I am free of the past and I am free of the future, I am myself. And the solidity and freedom, they are together. And solidity and freedom are what you cultivate while doing walking meditation. (Because true self revives and stops thinking, we are free from separation or discrimination. That's why we attain freedom and solidity.)

"I have arrived, I am home". This is not a statement. This is a realization. Every step helps you to go home to the here and the now, your true home. Every step will help you to arrive. 
So, if you know that you have arrived and you are home, you don't need to run anymore. That is the practice of stopping. And meditation is first of all to stop, stop running. (It's easy to realize that true self has revived because we can touch the wonders of life.)

(to be continued) 

(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Friday, August 28, 2015

Walking meditation (1)

The following Thay's messages are very useful.

The here and the now is the address of life. Life is available only in the here and now. That is the teaching of the Buddha. The past is already gone and the future is not yet there. So, there is only one moment you can truly live. And that is the present moment. And that is why each step should bring you home to the here and the now. 

Right. So, breathing in, you make one step and you say, "I have arrived". But in order to truly arrive, you have to invest yourself 100% of your body and mind. Otherwise, you may arrive only 20% or 30%. That's not your true arrival. Because in us there is a tendency, there is a habit of running. We have been running. Our parents and our ancestors have been running. So, they have transmitted to us the energy, the habit energy of running. (The runner is ego, or separate self who separates oneself from others.)

We believe that happiness is not possible in the here and the now and that we need to go to the future to get more conditions in order to be truly happy. And that is our belief. That is why most of us sacrifice the present for the sake of the future. We are very good at preparing for the future but we are not good enough to live in the present moment. (Belief is an idea or notion created by ego or our brain. So, our belief is an illusion, not the reality as it is.)

So, even during our sleep, we still continue to run into the future. It has become a habit. And that is why walking meditation is to counter this kind of habit. You are determined to stop the running. I have been running all my life. Now I want to stop and live my life properly. So, it starts like this to stop. 

You are walking but you are stopping. So, every step will help you to stop to be established in the here and the now. And the mindfulness is needed. You need to invest 100% of your body and mind into making your step in order to arrive truly 100%. That is a challenge. If you notice that you have not arrived completely 100%, then stay there. Don't make another step. Stay there until you arrive 100%. (Our body walks, but mind stops.)

(to be continued) 

(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.


Walking meditation

Thursday, August 27, 2015



(59:42 ~ 1:05:07をご覧ください)



ずっと前に、私は「太陽・私の心臓」のタイトルで瞑想の本を書きました。その日、私は太陽について瞑想し、太陽は私の心臓であることを理解しました。もちろん、私は自分の体の中に心臓を持っています。そして、この心臓が機能しなくなれば、私はすぐに死んでしまうことを知っています。しかし、私が太陽を見る時、自分の体の第二の心臓として太陽を見ます。そして、太陽が機能を停止するなら、私はまたすぐに死んでしまいます。ですから、私はただ一つの心臓を持っているのではありません。私は多くの心臓を持っています。そして、私の心臓は体内にもあるし、体外にもあります。 「太陽・私の心臓」




(注)( )内の記載は私の解説です。


Sunrise at Bathurst, NSW, Australia Photo by David Roma

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

atma (self) & dharma (world)

The followings are important messages from Thay in this video.

(Watch from 59:42 to 1:05:07)

In the Buddhist literature, we speak of the self and the world. We speak of atma and dharma. Atma is the self and dharma is the world. We know that in the Buddhist literature, Dharma with a capital D means the teaching, or the law of the Buddha. But dharma with a small d means the thing, the world, or the object of our knowledge, or the object of our perceptions (the world). There is the man (atma), and then there is the world (dharma) of the man.

When you look into yourself, even your body, you see that your body is made of non-body elements. You see that the whole world is in your body. And you can not distinguish between atma and dharma. You and the world are not two different things. I have meditated on the Sutra of Rohitassa. The meaning is very deep. You (atma) are the world (dharma). You are in the world and the world and you, you inter-are. (The man and the world are interdependent co-arising.)

Long time ago, I wrote a book on meditation with the title of "The Sun My Heart". That day, I meditated on the sun and I saw that the sun is my heart. Of course, I have a heart inside of my body. And I know that if this heart fell to function, I will die right away. But when I look at the sun, I see it as my second heart of the body. And if that stops the function, I die also right away. So, I don't have just one heart. I have many hearts. And my hearts can be in the body or out of the body. "The Sun My Heart"

So, if you point to this (Thay's) direction, I'm there. But if you point to the opposite direction, I'm there, too. So, the world we are in, are one with us. We are the world. The four elements that we have in our body, they are outside of our body. So, the notions of in-here and out-there are just notions. And that is the obstacle, the hardest obstacle that modern science has to overcome. (The notions created by the man is the obstacle to touch the reality as it is.)

Consciousness as something in here. And the world is something out there. And that kind of dualistic thinking is the great obstacle. So, instead of saying the world we have, we should say the world we are. And if you are the world, how can you get out of the world? That is not possible. (The world (man) can't get out of the world.)

So, the Buddha is right. It's not possible by the way of walking or flying, even with the speed of light. But if you know how to practice looking deeply, there will be a way out, the way out of birth and death, suffering, despair. And that is why the Buddha proposed us to practice looking deeply into our body. And looking into our body, you begin to see our mind. (That's because the world is the object of our mind.)

(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.


New Caledonia Photo by Jeremy Bezanger

Tuesday, August 25, 2015









(注)( )内の記載は私の解説です。


Still water Photo by Zsolt Kiss, Norway

Monday, August 24, 2015


"Don’t Always Trust Your Perceptions"

Breathing in, I see myself as still water.
Breathing out, I reflect things as they are.

Near the mountain, there is a lake with clear, still water reflecting the mountain and the sky with pristine clarity. You can do the same. If you are calm and still enough, you can reflect the mountain, the blue sky, and the moon exactly as they are. You reflect whatever you see exactly as it is, without distorting anything. (When we attain enlightenment, we can reflect the reality as it is like still water. What we have been seeing till enlightenment was illusions which were nothing but our mental projection.)

Have you ever seen yourself in a mirror that distorts the image? Your face is long, your eyes are huge, and your legs are really short. Don’t be like that mirror. It is better to be like the still water on the mountain lake. (A mirror that distorts the image is our mind, namely our perception.)

We often do not reflect things , and we suffer because of our wrong perceptions. Suppose you are walking in the twilight and see a snake. You scream and run into the house to get your friends, and all of you run outside with a flashlight. But when you shine your light on the snake, you discover that it isn’t a snake at all, just a piece of rope. This is a distorted perception. (All perceptions are wrong perceptions. Right perceptions mean the absence of all perceptions.)

When we see things or listen to other people, we often don’t see clearly or really listen. We see and hear our projections and our prejudices. We are not clear enough, and we have a wrong perception. Even if our friend is giving us a compliment, we may argue with him because we distort what he says. (The foundation of mental projection is our emotion. Attachment exaggerates positiveness and anger exaggerates negativeness.)

If we are not calm, if we only listen to our hopes or our anger, we will not be able to receive the truth that is trying to reflect itself on our lake. We need to make our water still if we want to receive reality as it is. If you feel agitated, don’t do or say anything. Just breathe in and out until you are calm enough. Then ask your friend to repeat what he has said. This will avoid a lot of damage. Stillness is the foundation of understanding and insight. Stillness is strength. (The easiest method to have calm mind is the mindful breathing.)

(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.

(Cf. 1)
(Cf. 2)

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Photo by Jackson Hole

Sunday, August 23, 2015



(57:04 ~ 1:00:22をご覧ください)





(注)( )内の記載は私の解説です。

Best friends Photo by The Ugly Daughter

Saturday, August 22, 2015


The followings are important messages from Thay in this video.

(Watch from 57:04 to 1:00:22)

So, to be there, to have mindfulness, and to be truly there, and to know what is happening in the present moment, is enlightenment. I am enlightened on the fact that I'm alive. I am enlightened on the fact that there is fresh air for me to breathe. (True self (non-separate self) can recognize what is going on in the present moment, but ego (separate self) can't recognize it because ego can't touch the reality as it is.) Enlightenment is always enlightenment of something. The fresh air is available. The mother earth is there as a wonder. My body is a wonder. Eternity is possible. Enlightenment is possible. Brotherhood, sisterhood is available. So, everything is available in the here and the now. That is aimlessness (apranihita). 

The other day, we talked about a wave, searching for water. It is silly for a wave to look for water. She is water already. If the wave does not know that she is water, she is scared. Going up, she is scared. Going down, she is scared. She is afraid of beginning, of ending, of being, of non-being, of being high, of being low. But the moment when she realizes that she is water, she loses all this kind of afflictions. And she doesn't have to go and look for water. She is water right in the here and the now. (A wave is liken to ego and water is liken to true self. True self knows that s/he is the same as everything else as the whole cosmos that will continue by changing forms. So, true self has no fear.)

So, with mindfulness and concentration, we don't need to go and look for anything, including the kingdom of God, including enlightenment. Because every in-breath can bring enlightenment. Every step can bring enlightenment, joy and peace and compassion. That is why you are already what you want to become. (Such every breath or every step is the action of true self. It is not the action of ego.) You don't have to become a Buddha. You are already a Buddha. When you breathe in, you know that you are breathing in. (When you recognize true self who is breathing in, you are already a Buddha.) Enlightenment is there. Enlightenment is awareness, is concentration. And Buddhahood is your nature. 

And it would be silly if you discriminate between you and the Buddha. (If you think that you are only an ordinary human and can't become an enlightened Buddha, you separate yourself from the Buddha. But the Buddha is already in you.) And the safest place to find the Buddha is (within) you. And that is the meaning of aimlessness (apranihita). And when you stop running, you have peace right away. (The person who is running is ego. Ego always keeps running day and night, aiming for happiness in the future. But happiness is available in the present moment.) And you have happiness right away. This is the wonderful door of liberation.

(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Key for the enlightenment 悟りの鍵

The key for the enlightenment is "non-separation", namely "freedom (open mind)". We must not separate ourselves from others. So, perceptions (ideas, notions) and intellect become obstacles for the enlightenment because they cause separations. That's why we need to stop thinking and throw away all notions.

There are mind consciousness (conscious mind) and store consciousness (subconscious mind). And to throw away all notions or ideas is to empty the mind consciousness, not the store consciousness. We can't empty the store consciousness. For example, when you started to drive a car, you had to use the mind consciousness. But when you get used to drive a car, you can drive a car unconsciously without using the mind consciousness (only by the store consciousness). 

Because our critical faculty is stored in the store consciousness, we don't have to worry about losing it. In other words, stopping mind means detachment, or stopping attachment by throwing away all notions or ideas in the mind consciousness. That's because we can't touch the true nature of the reality without open mind, without emptying the mind consciousness.

Anyway, I am ready to help you attain enlightenment. So, I really want to know those who are serious about attaining enlightenment. Please send an e-mail to ( or post your comment on this blog, if you have a keen interest. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

(Cf.) English version of the following e-book titled "How to Awaken Yourself", will be published soon.






Butterfly Photo by Shamsa A.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

ナマ・ルパ(心と体) (2)


(1:15:24 ~ 1:26:10をご覧下さい)






Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ナマ・ルパ(心と体) (1)


(1:15:24 ~ 1:26:10をご覧下さい)






Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Nama-Rupa (mind and body) (2)

The followings are important messages from Thay in this video.

(Watch from 1:15:24 to 1:26:10)

And then, if you go deeper, you see that the mind is a kind of body and body is a kind of mind. Your body, first of all, is an object of your mind. Not only your body but everything like a flower or a tree or a mountain, you may think they are objective things, existing outside of your mind. But there is only thing you can be sure of. The mountains, a tree and flowers are the objects of your mind. And you can not demonstrate that these things exist outside of your mind. And you still behave as if they exist outside of your mind. 

But in this teaching, your body, your environment, everything is object of your mind. And that is why in the teaching of the Buddha, there are four realms of meditation. You meditate on your body, you meditate on your feelings, you meditate on your perceptions (mind?) and you meditate on the object of your perception which is the object of your mind. Mind is object of meditation, object of mind is object of meditation. Instead of saying mind and reality outside of the mind. In Buddhism, we always say mind and object of mind. So, mind and object of mind, they inter-are. Without mind, there is no object of mind. Without object of mind, there is no mind. 

And if you go deeply, you see that notion of mind and matter should be removed. And our distinction between mind and matter is an obstacle. And nowadays scientists have discovered that an elementary particle is very intelligent. There is mind in it. And it is mind. Somehow it is mind. So, when we look at the planet earth, if we see that it is a block of matter, we are wrong. We have to begin to see the earth as a living organism. And to describe the earth as the mind only is wrong. To describe the mother earth as the matter only is wrong. We have to transcend both notions. And the same thing is true with us. In Buddhism, we say Nama-Rupa (body and mind). But Nama-Rupa lean on each other to manifest. 
And our actions continue always. And our action is a kind of energy produced by us. And the energy can manifest itself into mind and body again. Again and again. And it is possible. If we live in mindfulness, we can assure more beautiful continuation in the future as a Nama-Rupa, mind and body. Mind and body are not two.  


Monday, August 17, 2015

Nama-Rupa (mind and body) (1)

The followings are important messages from Thay.

In the neuroscience, they speak of the background consciousness which is the very equivalent to our store consciousness. In Buddhism, we speak of the store consciousness as the part of consciousness that operates always day and night. Store (consciousness) is capable of receiving information, storing information, and process information and learn.
Mind consciousness is much slower and more expensive also. Because our brain spends a lot of energy. While, our store (consciousness) spends much less energy. And mind consciousness is a kind of consciousness that can from time to time stop operating all together, while store (consciousness) continues always. In a case you are in a coma, mind consciousness may stop completely. Or when you enter a kind of concentration called "no-mind concentration", you also stop completely your mind. There in no thinking at all. 

And mind consciousness can operate jointly with the eye consciousness, with the ear consciousness, with the nose, tongue, body (consciousness). And the mind can operate alone. When you shut out all the windows of five senses, mind can work by its own. And when you practice deep concentration, you can ignore everything happening. You close all the five sense doors and you are deep in the object of meditation with the mind consciousness. And the mind consciousness can be in a state of concentration. Mind consciousness can be in a state of dispersion. And the mind consciousness can be in a state of psychosis.

But in the teaching of the Buddha, whether it is mind consciousness or store consciousness, it has to lean on the body. We can not manifest without the body. And the body also can not be on its own without consciousness. So, the body and mind, they inter-are. It's like the left and the right. If you think that the body can be without the mind, that is wrong. That is not a living body. That is a dead body. So, that is why mind must lean on the body to be mind, and body has to lean on mind in order to be body. Mind and body inter-are. And they manifest at the same time. You can not say that the body first and mind later. No. That is the process of mutual manifestation.

(to be continued)  

Sunday, August 16, 2015



(0:10 ~ 6:47をご覧ください)







Saturday, August 15, 2015

Olympics (self-destruction and collective awakening)

The followings are important messages from Thay in this video.

(Watch from 0:10 to 6:47)

I think that (Olympics) will be a chance for people to do business, to make money to consume. And when someone wins, someone else will suffer. That is a competition. That is a competition between self. I am better than you. And so on. So, that will create a lot of discrimination and complexes. That is not only about the athletes but also for the crowds because we select the athlete we love and we take sides. And we practice in comparing: "Mine, my hero!" So, that kind of joy, that kind of competition is we consider to be the source of happiness. And if we don't win, our hero doesn't win, we suffer. That is because everything is based on the discrimination between self and nonself. 

And if we look deeply, we see that everything is in that kind of mood, competition, even in the field of education. In the field of education, teachers have been pushed to teach more, to work harder so that the student can go to a more famous school and become to the top. And that is why both teachers and students have to suffer from stress, overwork and so on. And even if you got to the top, you have to continue in order to keep that position, on the top. So, looking deeply, we see that we are going to a direction of destruction. We destroy our body and mind by trying too hard and get the burned-out

And it is very clear that in this competition, there will be no winner. Those on the top would have to die. And those who have not come to the top, they suffer also. So, the same thing is true in the field of politics, in the field of nuclear weapons. We are going to the direction of self-destruction. That is why we need to wake up. We have to change the course of our civilization. We are going to our own destruction. This is very clear. Our destruction as a race, human race, our destruction as an environment is very clear. If we continue like this, we go to our extinction

There is only one thing that can stop it and change. That is a collective awakening. If you want to save the world, change the world, you need a huge collective awakening. You can not change society and the course of history unless you can produce a collective awakening. With that collective awakening, you know that you are going towards destruction, self-destruction. And that is strong enough to help you to stop and change the way of living. 

So, the Olympics games give us another chance to reflect on this. In this competition, there will be no winner. Everyone will lose and, not we lose as a human race, but we lose as animals, plants and minerals. The notion of self, self against no self (separation between self and no self) and, it causes a lot of sufferings. And that is why the wisdom of non-discrimination: "You are me and I am you. You are in me and I am in you." (I am you because you are in me. You are me because I am in you.) That insight of interbeing is very important.


Friday, August 14, 2015



(45:26 ~ 53:14をご覧ください)



