Saturday, October 31, 2015

Reality vs Appearance 現実と外観

Reality vs Appearance
Existence vs Manifestation

Reality = Existence  (touchable)
Appearance = Manifestation  (visible)

Reality is always existence.
Appearance is not always existence. (ex. rainbow)
Reality is not always manifestation. (ex. flame of a match)
Appearance is always manifestation.
Existence is always reality.
Manifestation is not always reality. (ex. rainbow)
Existence is not always appearance. (ex. flame of a match)
Manifestation is always appearance.

現実外観 (現実手で触れられる外観目で見える
存在顕現 (存在手で触れられる顕現目で見える


現実存在       Reality = Existence  (touchable)
外観顕現       Appearance = Manifestation  (visible)

Form is emptiness. (Form is non-form.)
Non-form is not always emptiness. (Non-form is not always non-form and is sometimes form.)
Form is not always non-emptiness. (Form is not always form and sometimes non-form.)
Non-form is non-emptiness. (Non-form is form.)
Emptiness is form. (Non-form is form.)
Non-emptiness is not always form. (Form is not always form and sometimes non-form.)
Emptiness is not always non-form. (Non-form is not always non-form and sometimes form.)
Non-emptiness is non-form. (Form is non-form.)



現実存在)      (外観顕現
手で触れられる - 目で見える
手で触れられる - 目で見えない(マッチの炎)
手で触れられない - 目で見える
手で触れられない - 目で見えない

(Reality = Existence)      (Appearance = Manifestation)
touchable ------------------ visible 
touchable ------------------ invisible (ex. flame of a match)
untouchable --------------- visible (ex. rainbow)
untouchable --------------- invisible

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Heart Sutra (revised 2) 「般若心経」(改訂版2)

Just uploaded the revised version of translation and commentary of "The Heart Sutra" at SlideShare as follows:

The Heart Sutra (Free Translation and Commentary)

The Heart Sutra (Ultimate Translation and Commentary) New

Please note that I am planning to replace the following two e-books on sale at the Amazon with the revised versions in accordance with the above-mentioned revision.

The Heart Sutra (Free Translation and Commentary)

The Heart Sutra (Ultimate Translation and Commentary)




「般若心経」(究極超訳と解説) New





Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Heart Sutra (revised) 「般若心経」(改訂版)

Just uploaded the revised version of translation and commentary of "The Heart Sutra" at SlideShare as follows:

The Heart Sutra (Free Translation and Commentary)

The Heart Sutra (Ultimate Translation and Commentary)
Coming up soon!







Wednesday, October 28, 2015


【 十六念息 

息を吸って ~ : 原文
息を吐いて ~ : 私の解説版

1. 呼吸に意識を集中する

2. 「息をする人=目覚めた意識=私」を実感する


3. 全身をスキャンする


4. 全身の痛みを和らげる


5. 喜びを感じる

6. 幸せを感じる


7. 感情をスキャンする


8. 苦痛の感情を静める


9. 心行とその種子をスキャンする


10. 選択的水やりをする


11. 心行に集中する


12. 心行を解放する


13. 無常を瞑想する


14. 非渇望を瞑想する


15. 無我を瞑想する


16. 全ての概念の絶滅を瞑想する

1-4: 体
5-8: 感情
9-12: 心(心行 + 意識)
13-16: 心の対象(
知覚の対象 = 知覚)


(参考) (p4-9)


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

16 exercises on mindful breathing (Revised)

Sutra on Mindful Breathing
(Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing)
- 16 exercises on mindful breathing -

Breathing in ~ : original
Breathing out ~ : my commentary version
                            (I = awareness = breather)

1. Concentrating on breathing
‘Breathing in a long breath, I know I am breathing in a long breath.
Breathing out a long breath, I am awareness, awareness is breathing out a long breath.

2. Realizing "breather = awareness = I"
‘Breathing in a short breath, I know I am breathing in a short breath.
Breathing out a short breath, I am awareness, awareness is breathing out a short breath.

3. Scanning the whole body
‘Breathing in, I am aware of my whole body.
Breathing out, Awareness is aware of the pain in the whole body.

4. Calming the pain in the whole body
‘Breathing in, I calm my whole body.
Breathing out, Awareness releases the tension in the whole body.

5. Feeling joyful
‘Breathing in, I feel joyful.
Breathing out, Awareness is joyful because awareness can touch the wonders of life.

6. Feeling happy
‘Breathing in, I feel happy.
Breathing out, Awareness is happy because awareness can touch the wonders of life.

7. Scanning the feelings
‘Breathing in, I am aware of my mental formations.
Breathing out, Awareness is aware of the painful feelings.

8. Calming the painful feelings
‘Breathing in, I calm my mental formations.
Breathing out, Awareness calms the painful feelings by releasing the tension in the feelings.

9. Scanning the mental formations and the seeds
‘Breathing in, I am aware of my mind.
Breathing out, Awareness is aware of the mental formations and the seeds in store consciousness.

10. Selective watering
‘Breathing in, I make my mind happy.
Breathing out, Awareness gladdens the mental formations through selective watering.

Concentrating on the mental formations 
‘Breathing in, I concentrate my mind.
Breathing out, Awareness concentrates on the mental formations to attain insights.

(Awareness looks deeply into the mental formations to understand the root cause.)

12. Liberating the mental formations
‘Breathing in, I liberate my mind.
Breathing out, Awareness liberates the mental formations through insights.

(Awareness transforms the mental formations by the energy of compassion.)

13. Contemplating impermanence
‘Breathing in, I observe the impermanent nature of all dharmas.
Breathing out, Awareness observes the impermanent nature of all perceptions.

(Object of mind, or this world is just our perception and impermanent. Only if we stop thinking, our calm and clear mind can reflect the reality as it is.)

14. Contemplating non-craving
‘Breathing in, I observe the disappearance of desire.
Breathing out, Awareness observes the disappearance of idea.

(Craving is just an idea and disappears in time.)

15. Contemplating no-self
‘Breathing in, I observe the no-birth, no-death nature of all phenomena.
Breathing out, Awareness observes no-self.

(Emptiness, or interbeing is the ultimate truth. This is because that is.)

16. Contemplating 
the extinction of all notions
‘Breathing in, I observe letting go.
Breathing out, Awareness observes 
the extinction of all notions, or nirvana.
(I let go of all notions, of everything because I am convinced that all notions are wrong.)

1-4: Body
5-8: Feelings
9-12: Mind (mental formations + consciousness)
13-16: Objects of Mind (dharmas = objects of perceptions =

* The original is excerpted from “Discourse on the Full Awareness of Breathing,” Plum Village Chanting and Recitation Book, compiled by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Monks and Nuns of Plum Village. 

(Cf.) (p4-9)

Thay's Calligraphy

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Seven Factors of Awakening

Chapter 26 The Seven Factors of Awakening
(from "The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching" by Thich Nhat Hanh)

1. Seven Factors of Awakening:
(1) Mindfulness
(2) Investigation (of phenomena)
(3) Diligence (energy, effort, perseverance)
(4) Joy
(5) Ease (relaxation)
(6) Concentration
(7) Letting go (equanimity)

2. My understanding of awakening path:
(1) The Four Noble Truths
(2) The Noble Eightfold Path
(3) The Four Establishments of Mindfulness (The Sutra of  Four 

     Foundations of Mindfulness) ⇒
(4) The Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing (The Sutra on 

     Mindful Breathing, or Sixteen exercises on mindful breathing) 
(5) The Heart Sutra ⇒
(6) The Seven Factors of Awakening
(7) The Four Immeasurable Minds

[can be categorized as follows: ]
(1)-(2): the whole picture
(3)-(6): the concrete practice methods
(6)-(7): the fruits through the practice


3. Existence or Manifestation (Reality or Appearance)
Thay wrote, ’But if you look around, you will never find an
"I": ego (Manas, separate self)

* The reality does not exist as it appears.
(1) The manifesting thing is not always existing.
* Ego manifests although it doesn't exist. 

   (Appearance without Reality)
* Ego is like feelings, movies and rainbows.
* Ego causes illusions or delusions as if they exist. That's 

   because all of them are projections of mind.
* Ego misunderstands that they exist because they manifest.
* However, those phenomena do not always exist even if they 

   manifest. (Manifestation without Existence)
(2) The non-manifesting thing is not always non-existing.
* Every matter including humans exists even if it doesn't 

   manifest. (Reality without Appearance)
* Every matter is like happiness, the flame of a match and a wave 

   in the ocean.
* Ego causes illusions or delusions as if they don't exist. That's 

   because all of them are the object of mind and can't be 
   projected without manifestations. They don't manifest when the 
   conditions are not sufficient.
* Ego misunderstands that they don't exist because they don't 

* However, every matter always exists even if it doesn't manifest. 

   (Existence without Manifestation)

"I": awareness (non-separate self, true self)
I say, ’"I" can see the true nature of reality (real existence) without getting caught by appearance (manifestation) which is illusion or delusion’. 

Let us realize the fruit of arhatship and have a breakthrough for our shining presence!


Sunday, October 25, 2015












Saturday, October 24, 2015

Existence and Manifestation

Existence and Manifestation
(Reality and Appearance)

The manifesting thing is not always existing.
The non-manifesting thing is not always non-existing.
The reality does not exist as it appears.

Ego manifests although it doesn't exist. (Appearance without Reality) Ego is like feelings, movies and rainbows. Ego causes illusions or delusions as if they exist. That's because all of them are projections of mind. Ego misunderstands that they exist because they manifest. However, those phenomena do not always exist even if they manifest. (Manifestation without Existence)

Every matter including humans exists even if it doesn't manifest. (Reality without Appearance) Every matter is like happiness, the flame of a match and a wave in the ocean. Ego causes illusions or delusions as if they don't exist. That's because all of them are the object of mind and can't be projected without manifestations. They don't manifest when the conditions are not sufficient. Ego misunderstands that they don't exist because they don't manifest. However, every matter always exists even if it doesn't manifest. (Existence without Manifestation)

Lavoisier said, "Nothing is born, nothing dies". The law of conservation of energy says that you can not create the new energy. You can only transfer energy to another form. And the law of conservation of matter says the same. You can not create the new matter and you can not destroy any matter. This is confirmed by modern science.

How silly ego is! Most of the ordinary people believe what they see by their eyes (appearance), and get caught by them. So, they can't see the reality, or what awareness can see through insight

Ordinary people (ego) can see only what they can see by their eyes. In other words, they get caught by the manifestation, or the appearance. That's why they can't see the true nature of reality, or the real existence due to the lack of insight by awareness. 

Awakened persons (awareness) can see what they can't see by their eyes through insight. So, they don't get caught by the manifestation, or the appearance. That's why they can see the true nature of reality, or the real existence through the insight by awareness.



Friday, October 23, 2015






(解説)思考は分離、差別、即ち二元性を引き起こします。ですから、思想家は自由を失うのです。もし、私たちが自他を分離するなら、恐れ、怒り、絶望、嫉妬のような 煩悩が生じ、苦しみます。デヴィッド・ボームが言ったように、私たちの見方は私たちの考え方に依るのです。見る対象は私たちの心の投影です。ですから、煩悩に基づく精神投影を通して、私たちは幻想や錯覚を見るのです。つまり、煩悩があると現実の本質を見ることができないということです。ですから、私たちは瞑想 する時、思考を停止しなければなりません。私たちが思考を停止した時、目覚めた意識(気付き)が復活し、現実の本質に触れ、私たちの内面と周囲で何 が起こっているかを認識するのです。


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thinking and Meditation

How to Meditate

A political science professor asked me what I think about when I meditate. I told him, "I don't think about anything." I said that I am only attentive to what is there, what is going on. He appeared skeptical, but it is the truth. While sitting, I make almost no use of my intellect. I don't try to analyze things or solve complex problems, like math problems or riddles. Even if I am examining a kung-an (Japanese: koan), I just allow it to be there and I contemplate it, without seeking to explain or interpret it, because I know that a kung-an is not a puzzle to solve. Examination, in the sense of awareness, does not mean analysis. It only means continuous recognition. Thinking requires strenuous mental work, and makes us tired. This is not the case while resting in awareness or "recognizing." We have a tendency to think that meditation demands a great mobilization of "gray matter," but that is really not the case. A meditator is not a thinker; a meditator does not do mental labor. On the contrary, meditation rests the mind.

Since our conversation began, I haven't once asked my friend to use his "gray matter." I have only invited him to "see," to "recognize" things with me. To do that, we must concentrate, but not analyze. We must be attentive, without speculation or 
interpretation. Being attentive means giving only bare attention. It is a vehicle which can take you from sleep to awakening. If you do not know you are angry, feeling, thinking, sitting, and so forth, you are asleep. In his novel The Stranger, Albert Camus describes his anti-hero as a man who "lives as though dead." This is like living in a dark room with no light of awareness. When you light the lamp of awareness, you pass from sleep to awakening. The verb buddh in Sanskrit means "to wake up," and one who wakes up is called a Buddha. A Buddha is a person who is always awake. From time to time we have this awareness, so we are "from-time-to-time" Buddhas.

(Excerpts from "The Sun My Heart" written by Thich Nhat Hanh, p34 "From Sleep to Awakening")

(Thinking causes separations, discriminations, or the duality. That's why thinkers lose freedom. If we separate ourselves from others, afflictions such as fear, anger, despair, jealousy arise and we suffer. As David Bohm said, the way we see depends on the way we think. The object is the projection of our mind. So, we see illusions or delusions through mental projection based on our afflictions. In other words, we can't see the true nature of reality. That's why we must stop thinking when we meditate. And when we stop thinking, awareness revives and recognizes what is going on inside and around us, touching the true nature of reality. )

(Notes) The descriptions in the parenthesis are my commentaries.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

悟り (2)





ティク・ナット・ハンは、「『私は仏、法、僧に帰依します』という文を発声することは、同じではありません 」と言いました。あなたはそれを発声するかもしれませんが、あなたがそれを実践しません。もう、あなたはその文を発声する必要はなく、あなたは自分の吸う息について行き、マインドフルに息を吸って吐くだけで良いのです。すると、仏、法、僧があなたの中に避難所としてただ顕現し、あなたは安全です」と言いました。言行一致が非常に重要です。そして、他人を批判することは自分自身を批判することに等しい、ということに私たちは注意しなければなりません。対象は、主体なのであり、心の投影なのであり、自分自身を映す鏡なのです。


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

悟り (1)









Monday, October 19, 2015

Enlightenment (2)

I am empty of separate self because I am made of non-me elements. So, I am made of the whole cosmos just like other animals, plants and minerals. That's why I am the whole cosmos. We (everything) are all the same as the whole cosmos.

Ego is merely a concept. However, ego manifests though it doesn't exist like afflictions because we have body and mind (brain). In this sense, ego can be regarded as body and mind (brain). And ego is made of non-ego elements, including awareness. Ego is, because awareness is. And awareness is, because ego is. They are really two sides of the same coin. If ego is removed, awareness is also removed. Therefore, ego is very precious because ego is no other than awareness. 

David Bohm mentioned that the explicate order (body: ego) is enfolding into the implicate order (consciousness: awareness) and the implicate order (consciousness: awareness) is unfolding into the explicate order (body: ego). So, Buddha's emptiness is equal to Bohm's implicate order.

I don't separate myself from others because we are all the same as the whole cosmos. You are in me and I am in you. I see myself in you and you are in me.  So, you are me and I am you. David Bohm called this state as "Wholeness" (A Coherent Approach to Reality). That's why your suffering is my suffering and your happiness is my happiness. Helping others is equal to helping myself. In this sense, I really feel the need to "help" "others = myself". If you don't help others, others (= yourself) will keep suffering.

Thay said, "To pronounce the sentence, 'I take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha', is not the same. You may pronounce it but you don't do it. Now you don't have to pronounce the sentence, you just follow your in-breath and breathe in and out mindfully, and then the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha just manifest in you as the refuge and you are safe." Consistency of speech and action is vital. And we have to be careful that criticizing others is equal to criticizing oneself. The object is the subject, the projection of mind, the mirror reflecting oneself.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Enlightenment (1)

Thay explains, "Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water." And my understanding is as follows:

Thay often says, "go home to yourself", but I feel that ego will not go home to oneself. Correct expression should be "revive yourself". But I understand that ego and true self are two sides of the same coin. They are not two but are not one, either.

Instead of gazing at the moon till I lose my senses, I shut down my six senses (5 senses + mind) by mindful breathing. For dissolution of the concept "I" (ego), true self (awareness) needs to revive. I understand that consciousness and the form are eternal because there is no birth and no death. 

Every particle and energy enfolds into consciousness. And consciousness unfolds into the form. They are changing every moment. I am always awareness. Awareness and the form are interdependent co-arising. Awareness transcends time and space, so is in the phenomenal and the noumenal at the same time. I understand everything depends on who we are. Whether ego or true self (awareness)?

I understand that self-inquiry is the concrete method to remove the contamination, the objects, and clarify the mind. But it's hard for ego to impose a modicum of silence. How can ego feel like stopping thinking? What is necessary for ego to do it? Who is forcing attention on it to awareness? How is it possible when ego is active? Why does ego want to do it?

In my case, when my ego was fed up with sufferings, my ego wanted to change itself seriously in order to stop sufferings. And my ego asked, "How can I stop rejecting myself? How can I love myself?" ["I": ego, "myself": true self (awareness)] That was the start of spiritual dialogue.

As for Thay's "Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water", my understanding is as following. When ego is fed up with sufferings, ego (wave) can realize it is true self (water)". That's because ego wants to change itself in order to stop sufferings. If ego practices mindful breathing, it can stop thinking, revive true self and true self can touch the reality as it is. In this way, a wave can realize it is water. So, my revised version of the poem will be "Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave (ego) revives awareness and awareness realizes the wave is water (true nature of the reality)."
