Monday, November 30, 2015















Sunday, November 29, 2015

True enemy

Watch the following Thay's video from 1:36:56 to 1:46:10.

I wrote to Martin Luther King a letter on June 1, 1965. And exactly one year after that I met him in Chicago in a press conference. In the letter I wrote to Martin Luther King, I said that man is not our enemy. No human being is our enemy. Our enemy is our hate, violence, fear, discrimination, ignorance. That's true enemy. Our enemy is not man. 

There was the first time we attend the dialogue with the Christian leader, the leader of the civil right movement. And we had to agree with each other that we are not enemies to each others. There were American soldiers who came to Vietnam to kill and to be killed. They were not truly enemies. The true enemies were the misunderstanding, the wrong perceptions, hate, fear, anger. 

In order to help a man, you have to help him or her to remove these elements from within. And I said that in the peace movement in Vietnam, we have that insight. Both communists and anti-communists, if they kill each other, because they had ideas about happiness, about the future that were different. And it is these ideas, these convictions that had led them killing brothers by brothers. 

And I told him in the letter that in the civil right movement, there must be, or there may be that kind of insight that we are not struggling against other human beings. We struggle, we fight only the negative elements in men, which is the discrimination, injustice and fear. And I told him that if there are monks who burn themselves alive, that's not truly violence. Because we were caught in a war situation, where the voice of people can not be heard even from the inside, not only from the outside of the country. 

So, the press, radio, television belonging to the warring parties, they don't speak our hope, our insight. So, in order for the world outside to know that we do not, we did not want the war, we have to burn ourselves so that the message can get across. And burning ourselves like that is the act of compassion, not the act of despair or violence. And when Jesus allowed himself to be crucified as the son of God, the son of man, he knew but he accepted that. And that is not the act of despair but of love. 

So, there must be that kind of the communion between two communities, two sangha to collaborate. Because we intended to work together with his sangha, Martin Luther King's sangha. So, one, exactly one (editor?) we met in Chicago. And during the meeting of talk about these kinds of things, the real enemy, the man is not our enemy. And we should not operate on the basis of hate, anger but on compassion. And after that, we came out against the war in Vietnam. 

And even people in his movement were afraid of that. He didn't ??? of that but he was very courageous. He had seen the truth. He got the insight that man is not our enemy. So, the war. American soldiers in Vietnam had been told before they come that Buddhist monks may be guerillas in disguise and they should not trust Buddhist monks. That is why many of us were killed out of suspicions and ???. And we know that it is ignorance, wrong perceptions under foundations of act. And in order to keep that insight alive so that compassion be maintained, we have to practice. Otherwise, you will be carried away by anger, fear and frustration. 

So, we had a campaign to end the war in Vietnam. In the United States, there was a fellowship of reconciliation that was held at ??? , New York. And they sent people to Vietnam and contacted us. And we collaborated with them. And we started a campaign called the "Stop the killing!". And we stood on the ground that man is not our enemy. Our enemy is the misunderstanding, suspicion and so on. 

So, if Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Luther King hold hands and walk together, you can see that Buddha and Jesus are walking together. And I have written a book with a title, "Coming home". Jesus and Buddha are brothers. So, your practice should be on that line. Because the insight can bring you peace, insight, happiness, and you know where to go. And there is no more confusion if you have got the insight. And non-discrimination becomes something real, not just a talking.

(My commentary) 
This Thay's teaching is still very useful for the world peace in this century. Especially President Hollande and Islamic State leaders must listen to it very carefully and deeply. 


Thich Nhat Hanh & Martin Luther King Jr.

Saturday, November 28, 2015













Friday, November 27, 2015




仏陀は、「食料なしで生き残れるものはない」と言いました。 あなたの愛は食料が必要です。あなたは適切にあなたの愛を養う必要があります。あなたがマインドフルで、集中しているなら、あなたが今持っているもの、つまりあなたの愛を大切にするでしょう。私たちは非常に気をつかう必要があります。私たちは一緒にいる全ての瞬間を大切にする必要があります。私たちは自分の愛を養う方法を学ぶ必要があります。










Thursday, November 26, 2015

Art of Happiness and Suffering

Watch the following Thay's video from 1:39:34 to 1:48:50.

Learning The Sutra on Mindful Breathing, we know that a good practitioner has to learn how to handle happiness and how to handle suffering. That is an art. Meditation is not a hard labour. Meditation needs a lot of skillfulness because that is an art. If you don't know how to handle happiness, happiness will turn into something else very soon. The love that you experience in the beginning is so beautiful. And you believe that without that love,  you can not survive. But if you don't know the art of nourishing love, it will die and turn into something else sour. 

The Buddha said, "Nothing can survive without food". Your love needs food. You have to feed your love properly. And if you are mindful, concentrated, you will cherish what you are having now, your love. We have to be very attentive. We have to cherish every moment of our being together. We have to learn how to feed our love.

And if by mistake, our love has turned into something else less than love, we should not be despaired. Because we know that love is made of non-love elements. Lotus is made of non-lotus elements, including the mud. So, the skillfulness, we can make good use of the mud in order to cultivate lotus again. A good organic gardener never throws away garbage. She knows how to preserve the garbage in order to make compost and nourish future flowers. 

Suffering and happiness are also of organic nature. If by chance, happiness becomes suffering, let us not despair. With our skillfulness and practice, we can transform suffering back into happiness. We can make good use of mud in order to create lotus flower. We should learn from the suffering. And suffering can instruct us, "Don't try to run away from suffering". The first teaching of the Buddha is about the Four Noble Truths which begins with the ill-being, suffering. If we try to run away from it, we have no chance to understand the nature of suffering and we don't know how to create happiness. In order to know how to create happiness, we have to understand suffering, the nature of suffering. 

And that is why there is an art of handling happiness but there is an art of handling suffering. The art to suffer should be the title of my next book. Our priests, please write it for me. We have already the Art of Happiness, I think, written by Dalai Lama. We need another book, the Art of Suffering. If you know how to suffer, you don't suffer much. And you can make good use of suffering in order to create happiness. In fact, we learn a lot from suffering. We know that understanding of suffering will give rise to compassion. And compassion is a very important element of happiness. Without compassion in us, we can not be a happy person. We are utterly alone, cut off. We can not relate to any other living beings. That is why compassion is very crucial for happiness. 

And in order for compassion to arise, we have to dig into the nature of suffering. Understanding suffering will bring about compassion. That is why in the kingdom of God, there is suffering. Without the element of suffering, you have no hope to create understanding and compassion. If you want to grow lotus, you need the mud. So, it's natural that there is suffering in the kingdom of God. But in the kingdom of God, people know how to make good use of the suffering, and do not let suffering overwhelm us. And we have to participate in the work of building the kingdom by practicing, by learning how to make good use of suffering in order to create happiness. And if happiness deteriorates, we know how to restore it by the practice of using suffering.

This is, because that is. This is the teaching of the Buddha. It's very simple but it's very deep. This is because that is. 「若此有必彼有」 It means that if birth is there, death should be there. If right is there, left is there. If being is there, non-being is there. So, these pairs of opposites, they always manifest at the same time. That is on the level of the conventional truth. But if we get deeper, we will transcend the conventional truth and will find out the ultimate truth where there is no birth and no death, no being and no non-being. 

I think the science is experimenting the same kind of thing. Classical science represented by Newton is something like on the conventional truth. It can be applied. Yes. But when we come to quantum mechanics, we see things quite differently. Time, space, matter, energy, particle, wave. We don't see them to be different things. They are the very much the same things. So, it is possible that scientists and Buddhist practitioners can work together in this century and they can help each others.

(My commentary) 
We need to be careful that the above Thay's Dharma Talk is based on the conventional truth (duality), just like the Four Noble Truths.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Watch the following Thay's video from 46:10 to 57:00.

The seed is made only of non-seed elements. The suffering is like that. Happiness is like that. The Buddha is like that. Cloud is like that. Everything is like that. Everything is a composite thing. And we have the word, "formation" to designate composite things. Samskara, "行 (Hang)" in Chinese. Every composite thing, every formation is impermanent. This is famous statement in Buddhist literature, "諸行無常 (All formations are impermanent.)" Because things are impermanent, they don't retain absolute identities. They change all the time. No one can swim twice in the same river. And even if we are the same persons, the river is not the same river. And many sages have seen that. Not only Buddha but also all sages have seen this reality of impermanence.

And you know that the last four exercise of mindful breathing is about four kinds of concentrations that help us to liberate. The 13th (exercise), contemplating impermanence. This is one concentration. And in every tradition of Buddhism, impermanence is a practice of concentration, samadhi. We all have an idea about impermanence. We know that things are impermanent. We accept the truth of impermanence. But we do not have the concentration of impermanence. Whoever know perfectly what impermanence is, accept the truth of impermanence. But we still behave as if things are permanent.

If you have a concentration of impermanence, when you look at your partner, you know that she is impermanent and you are impermanent. And what you can do is to make her happy today, you do it. Because tomorrow may be too late. But many of us behave as if she is going to be there for one thousand years. And if something happens, she is no longer there and we come to cry. Because we don't have the insight of impermanence. We only have a notion of impermanence. So, good practitioners are not satisfied with notions she got from a dharma talk. She practices mindfulness and concentration in order to maintain that insight alive. And if the insight is alive in her, then she behaves perfectly. And she will not regret in the future.

If you know that your beloved one is impermanent and you are also impermanent, you will not get angry at her and make her suffer. Suppose someone is angry at his beloved. And the practice recommended to him is to close his eyes and visualize his beloved one three hundred years from now. And it only takes a few seconds to touch the reality of impermanence and to see that is not intelligent at all to get angry at her. And you cherish the time being together. And when you open your eyes, your treasures are present and you want to hold her in your arms instead of trying to punish her, saying something strong.

So, the insight of impermanence is what we need.  And not the notion of impermanence. And if we have the insight of impermanence, we have the insight of emptiness and we also get the insight of signlessness. You are not caught by the idea of self because nothing is permanent. Everything is changing. And everything contains everything else. A flower contains the whole cosmos. And your beloved one contains the whole cosmos also. The sun, the moon, the earth, everything.

So, the first sign, or the notion the Diamond Sutra recommends us to remove is the notion of self. And you have a lot of freedom, a lot of liberty. That liberty, you can't go out to the street and demonstrate in order to get. That liberty is the result of deep looking meditation. And removing the notion of self, you step into freedom. You are free from the complex of superiority, of inferiority and of equality because you see no self to compare. You have a complex because you compare between two selves to see that one is higher, one is lower. And because you still compare, that is why you remain to be recognized as equal. But if you know that you are in him, he is in you and you inter-are, that both of you are empty, there is no self, and you don’t have to compare. And you are free from three kinds of complexes.

So, in psychotherapy, low self-esteem is sickness. And the healing is trying to promote the self, to bring it a little higher. That’s not a fundamental way. But we have to see that high self-esteem is also a kind of sickness. Low self-esteem brings a lot of suffering but high self-esteem also brings a lot of suffering. You can make many people suffer and you suffer also. And also a complex of equality is not healthy. Only the big insight, the great insight that everything contains everything else, everyone is empty of separate self. And there will be no more comparison. And you get out of suffering. And you don’t have to get recognition because you know that the whole cosmos is in you. The Buddha is in you. The consideration is in you. The sun is in you. You have no complex at all and that is complete liberation. That is stepping into freedom, the removal of notion of self.


(My commentary) 
We need to be careful that the above Thay's Dharma Talk is based on the ultimate truth (non-duality), just like the Heart Sutra.

Thay's calligraphy

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ultimate Truth

Ultimate Truth can only be noumenal? Are you sure? I understand that Ultimate Truth (non-duality or wholeness) can be touched both in noumenal world and phenomenal world if we are awareness (awakened consciousness). I also understand that all other animals, plants and minerals in the phenomenal world are touching the reality as it is because they don't think. They are subject to time and space but are "real". Of course, if we are ego, it's impossible to touch the Ultimate Truth. That's because what ego sees is what ego thinks.

In Buddhism, Emptiness is the Ultimate Truth and is explained in the Heart Sutra. In the Heart Sutra, I understand that two kinds of Emptiness is described, namely Emptiness in the phenomenal world and Emptiness in the noumenal world. Usually, Buddhists explain that Emptiness means "empty of separate existence (or self)". In other words, Emptiness means that all pairs of opposites are interdependent co-arising, namely two sides of the same coin. They are not two but are not one (non-duality). 

And the first half of the Heart Sutra explains Emptiness as above. Meanwhile, the latter half of the Heart Sutra explains Emptiness as the noumenal world. It is described that in Emptiness nothing (no matter) can exist and no phenomena can manifest. I understand that's because there is no space and time in the noumenal world. If so, Voidness may be more proper than Emptiness. 

Therefore, there can be two kinds of Ultimate Truths to transcend the duality in the two worlds. Namely, Ultimate Truth in the phenomenal world is interdependent co-arising (non-duality), and Ultimate Truth in the noumenal world is wholeness (monism). That's why some people may make distinctions between Voidness and Emptiness. Of course, in the ultimate dimension, there is only the noumenal world, and in the historical dimension, there is only the phenomenal world. 

Someone said, "One presumes, given the way the question is formed, that the "Viewer" is perceiving from the "Ultimate" State, and can still differentiate from what is phenomenal and what is Noumenal." I understand that the viewer is awareness (awakened consciousness), so s/he can transcend space and time. In other words, there is no separation between the noumenal world and the phenomenal world for awareness. Awareness can touch the true nature of reality without perceiving. This can be explained well by the theory of quantum physics called the enfolded (implicate) order and the unfolded (explicate) order. Body enfolds into consciousness. And consciousness unfolds into body.

"NOTHING EXISTS and that I AM NOT!" is a good expression of the noumenal world without space and time. Someone said, "what was being viewed around me (the universe) was no more than a concept, that objects and things are not what they are said to be". My understanding is as follows: If our mind sees psychological, physical, physiological phenomena as objects, what we see is only a projection or reflection of mind, namely an illusion or a delusion. Meanwhile, if awareness attains insight, or a direct view of truth itself without mind, what we see is the true nature of reality. (for more details:

For Voidness (full enlightenment), we (awareness) need to throw away all notions by touching the true nature of reality. One method is mindfulness, concentration and insight. (for more details:


Einstein's Theory of Relativity Photo by Elizabeth Therese Niwel

Monday, November 23, 2015

Words and Concepts

The followings are excerpts from Thay's book titled "The Sun My Heart".

(Words and Concepts)
With words it is especially difficult to escape from conceptual categorizations; and even if the speaker skillfully avoids them, the listener can still fall into their traps. Remember the empty bottles? They had definite shapes and sizes even before being filled. People who practice Zen often advise not using words.
This is not to discredit words, but to avoid the danger of  becoming stuck in them. It is to encourage us to use words as skillfully as possible for the sake of those who hear them.
In the second century, Nagarjuna wrote The Madhyamika Sastra, in which he used concepts to destroy concepts. He was not trying to create a new doctrine, but to break all the bottles, all the flasks, all the vases, all the containers, to prove that water needs no form to exist. He outlined a dance for us, a dance for us to drop our categories and barriers so that we can directly encounter reality and not content ourselves with its mere reflection.

(Knowledge is a Barrier to Understanding)
Old knowledge is the obstacle to new understanding; Buddhism
calls it "the barrier built of knowledge." Like those who are awakened, great scientists have undergone great internal changes. If they are able to achieve profound realizations, it is because their powers of observation, concentration, and awareness are deeply developed.
Understanding is not an accumulation of knowledge. To the contrary, it is the result of the struggle to become free of knowledge. Understanding shatters old knowledge to make room for the new that accords better with reality.

(Unable to Describe It)
Understanding, in humans, is translated into concepts, thoughts, and words. Understanding is not an aggregate of bits of knowledge. It is a direct and immediate penetration. In the realm of sentiment, it is feeling. In the realm of intellect, it is perception.
It is an intuition rather than the culmination of reasoning. Every now and again it is fully present in us, and we find we cannot express it in words, thoughts, or concepts. "Unable to describe
it," that is our situation at such moments. Insights like this are spoken of in Buddhism as "impossible to reason about, to discuss, or to incorporate into doctrines or systems of thought."

(My commentary)
Notions, ideas, perceptions and words are for separations created by human ego (separate self). They cause separations (discrimination) and prevent people from attaining freedom. (Freedom can be attained only through non-separation, or non-discrimination.) So, they are the source of afflictions which cause people sufferings. That's why we need to throw away all notions to attain full enlightenment. For the extinction of all notions, we (awareness) need to touch the true nature of reality through mindfulness, concentration and insight. 


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Sunday, November 22, 2015

True nature of reality

The followings are excerpts from Thay's book titled "The Sun My Heart".

Abandoning concepts is of prime importance for a meditator. When we observe our body, our feelings, our thoughts, our perceptions, we situate them in space and time just as when we observe physical phenomena. We see psychological phenomena and physical, physiological phenomena. 
You may ask, "When mind becomes the object of its own observation, is that which is grasped mind itself or only a projection or reflection of mind?" This is a good question. You may also want to ask, "When physiological and physical phenomena are observed as objects, do they keep their true nature or do they become just a projection or reflection of reality, transformed by becoming objects of observation?" Our mind creates categories-space and time, above and below, inside and outside, myself and others, cause and effect, birth and death, one and many-and puts all physical and psychological phenomena into categories like these before examining them and trying to find their true nature. It is like filling many different shapes and sizes of bottles with water in order to find out the shape and size of water. Truth itself transcends these concepts, so if you want to penetrate it you must break all the conceptual categories you use in normal daily life. The Theory of Relativity recognizes that if you do not abandon the idea that space and time are absolute and independent of one another, you cannot make progress in understanding the universe. Quantum Theory says that if you want to understand the world of subatomic particles, you must leave behind matter and empty space, cause and effect, front and back, concepts so useful in daily life.

Quantum theorists today know that the consciousness of the observer is in a very close relationship with the object observed, and they are directing more and more of their attention to that
consciousness. In 1979, France-Culture organized a one-week meeting in Cordoba, Spain, on "Mind and Science." Many renowned scholars were present, and a number of them affirmed their conviction that the world and mind have the same nature. Although some scientists have seen the fundamental
characteristic of mind, I am afraid that most still want to study it like any other object in their laboratories. Then it is no longer mind, but the projection or reflection of it, framed by conceptions. Remember the phrase from the Satipatthana
Sutta: "Observe the body in the body, observe the feelings in the feelings, observe the mind in the mind, observe the objects of mind in the objects of mind." This means that you must live in the body in full awareness of it, and not just study it like a separate object. Live in awareness with feelings, mind, and objects of mind. Do not just study them. When we meditate on our body, we live with it as truth and give it our most lucid attention; we become one with it. The flower blossoms because sunlight touches and warms its bud, becoming one with it. Meditation reveals not a concept of truth, but a direct view of truth itself. This we call Insight, the kind of understanding based on attention and concentration.

Thinking is to take cinder blocks of concepts from the memory warehouse and build monuments. We call these hovels and palaces "thoughts." But such thinking, by itself, has no creative value. It is only when lit by understanding that thinking takes on real substance. Understanding does not arise as a result of thinking. It is a result of the long process of conscious awareness. Sometimes understanding can be translated into thoughts, but often thoughts are too rigid and limited to carry much understanding. Sometimes a look or a laugh expresses understanding much better than words or thoughts.

(My commentary)
If our mind sees psychological, physical, physiological phenomena as objects, what we see is only a projection or reflection of mind, namely an illusion or a delusion. Meanwhile, if awareness attains insight, or a direct view of truth itself without mind, what we see is the true nature of reality. Therefore, in order to see the true nature of reality, we need to stop our mind or thinking and look deeply. For that, we need to live in awareness through mindfulness and concentration. Awareness transcends space and time, so can live in phenomenal world and noumenal world at the same time. 


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Saturday, November 21, 2015


               insight = fruit of concentration by awareness
               awareness = fruit of mindfulness
               mindfulness = fruit of mindful breathing

The followings are excerpts from Thay's book titled "The Sun My Heart".

To be aware is to be aware of something. When the mind settles on the mountain, it becomes the mountain. When it settles on the sea, it becomes the sea. When we say "know," both the known and the knower are included. When we meditate on our body, we are our body; we limit our observations to our body, even though we realize that our body is not separate from the rest of the universe. If we meditate on limitless space, we become limitless space (akasanantyayatana). If we meditate on the consciousness which includes both space and time, we reach the state of limitless consciousness (vijiiananantyayatana). If we meditate on the absence of identity of all things, we enter the state of nothingness (akiiicanyayatana). If we meditate on the non-distinction between knower and known, we come to the state of "neither perception nor nonperception" (naivasaiijiianasaiijiiayatana). The Four Formless States of Consciousness are not as difficult to reach as you might think, provided awareness is there to shine on every movement of the mind. 

(My commentary)
When we meditate, we need to become one with the object. We should not stand outside of the object. If we live in awareness, it is very easy to reach The Four Formless States of Consciousness. The key is to stop thinking, or to stop mind.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Friday, November 20, 2015

Letter to President

Please refer to Thay's Letter to President G.W.Bush (8.8.2006).

Mr. President, I think that if you could allow yourself to cry like I did this morning, you will also feel much better. It is our brothers that we kill over there. They are our brothers, God tells us so, and we also know it. They may not see us as brothers because of their anger, their misunderstanding, and their discrimination. But with some awakening, we can see things in a different way, and this will allow us to respond differently to the situation. I trust God in you; I trust Buddha nature in you.

Please refer to Sister Mai Nghiem's Letter to President Hollande (17th November, 2015).

May we all together work to build a world where attentive and compassionate listening to the suffering endured by both sides prevails over the unnecessary escalation of violence that no one wishes for, where the desire for deep and genuine understanding triumphs over our prejudices, our fears and our thirst for vengeance or power;
So that together we may, as Gandhi said, not just keep ourselves from making the world blind, but also light a spark of life, of hope and of love in the eyes of its inhabitants.

(My commentary)
Thay's sentence of "Let us go home as brothers and sisters" is very deep. Home means this planet earth.  Brothers and sisters means that we are all the same. We are made of water, air, earth and sunshine. The whole cosmos is in us. So, we are the whole cosmos. When our bodies disintegrate, we return to our home, or the whole cosmos. And when causes and conditions are sufficient, we will manifest again in different forms in the phenomenal world. In other words, French people are made of non-French people elements, including Islamic State people. So, Islamic State people are inside of French people. Namely, French people are Islamic State people. How can we kill ourselves? How can brothers and sisters kill each other? Impossible! We need to stop separations, or discrimination right now. Instead, we need to embrace each other unconditionally. We need to understand the root cause of sufferings each other. For that, we need the deep listening capacity for mutual understanding. Once we understand the root cause of our sufferings, we can generate compassion and transform our anger and hatred to peace. That's the way to be happy!


Thay's calligraphy

Thursday, November 19, 2015



1)マインドフルな呼吸、歩行... ⇒

2)思考(= 分離)停止 ⇒
3)非分離(= 自由) ⇒
4)マインドフルネス ⇒
5)目覚めた意識 ⇒
6)生命の奇跡に触れる ⇒
7)喜びと幸せ ⇒
8)自分の内面と周囲で何が起こっているかを認識 ⇒
9)集中(= 深く見る) ⇒
10)洞察(= 根本原因を理解) ⇒
11)愛と思いやり ⇒
12)平和(= 煩悩なし) ⇒
13)心の投影なし ⇒
14)現実の本質に触れる ⇒
15)全ての概念、考え、知覚の絶滅 ⇒
16)完全な悟り(= 目覚め)

* マインドフルネスのその他効果:


* 分離とは、人が自分を無条件に受け容れる(愛する)ことができないため、他も無条件に受け容れる(愛する)ことができないしるしです。

* 瞑想、即ちマインドフルな呼吸の実践は、基本的に実費を除き、無料で提供されるべきです。もし、瞑想料金が設定されているなら、その組織は純粋なスピリチュアル団体ではなく、強欲な事業会社であるということを覚えておいてください。



Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Effects of mindfulness

< The whole picture of full enlightenment >

1) mindful breathing, walking... ⇒
2) stop thinking (=separation) ⇒ 
3) non-separation (=freedom) ⇒ 
4) mindfulness ⇒ 
5) awareness  ⇒ 
6) touch the wonders of life ⇒ 
7) joy and happiness ⇒ 
8) recognize what is going on inside and around oneself  ⇒ 
9) concentration (=deep looking) ⇒ 
10) insight (=understanding the root cause) ⇒ 
11) love and compassion ⇒ 
12) peace (=no afflictions) ⇒ 
13) no projection of mind ⇒ 
14) touch the true nature of reality ⇒ 
15) extinction of all notions, ideas and perceptions ⇒ 
16) full enlightenment (=awakening)

* Other effects of mindfulness:
(1) Stopping
(2) Calming
(3) Resting
(4) Healing
(5) Relaxing
(6) Reducing stress
(7) Developing more clarity of mind
(8) Reducing blood pressure
(9) Improving the cardiovascular system
(10) Boosts the immune system
(11) Developing focus and concentration
(12) Becoming more resilient to ups and downs of life
(13) Cultivating positive emotions
(14) Moving out of "autopilot" and into being more present in our lives and more present with those we are with
(15) Managing our difficult thoughts and emotions

* Separation is a sign that one can’t accept (love) others unconditionally because one can’t accept (love) oneself unconditionally.

* Meditation, or practice of mindful breathing should be offered free of charge basically except for actual cost. Please remember if meditation fee is charged, the organization is not a purely spiritual body but it is a greedy business corporation.


Thay's calligraphy

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


人間の4つのカテゴリー >

                            知能的 (I) -------- 知能的でない (N-I)
目覚めた意識 (A) -     I ()           N-I * A (×)
エゴ (E)              -     I * E (×)           N-I * E (××)

                [力(パワー)] ---------------------[精神的に]
第一層:     知能的 目覚めた意識              知能的 目覚めた意識
第二層:     知能的 エゴ                            知能的でない 目覚めた意識
第三層:     知能的でない 目覚めた意識     知能的 エゴ
第四層:     知能的でない エゴ                    知能的でない エゴ

(例):  知能的 目覚めた意識 (): ティク・ナット・ハン、仏陀、イエス...
        知能的 エゴ (×): オバマ、オランド、イスラム国...
        知能的でない 目覚めた意識 (×): 仏陀、イエスの弟子...
        知能的でない エゴ (××): 一般人

第一層:     知能的 エゴ (×)
第二層:    知能的でない エゴ (××)
第三層:     知能的でない 目覚めた意識 (×)
第四層:     知能的 目覚めた意識 ()

知能的 目覚めた意識 ( サンガ(実践者の共同体)を構築!
知能的 エゴ (× エゴを手放せ!
知能的でない 目覚めた意識 (× 知能を習得!
知能的でない エゴ (×× エゴを手放して、知能を習得!

