Monday, February 29, 2016



椅子かベッドの上で、あなたが快適に感じるポジションで座るか横になってください。あなたの呼吸をつかまえ始めます。数ヶ月前か数年前かにかかわらず、亡くなった愛する人のを瞑想してください。その人の全てのは分解し、骸骨だけが大地の下に静かに横たわっていることをはっきりと知ってください。あなた自身の肉はまだここにあり、あなたの中には体の形感情知覚心行意識五蘊がまだ収束していることをはっきりと知ってください。過去において、及び今まさに、その人とあなたの相互作用について思い出してください。かすかな微笑を維持し、あなたの呼吸をつかまえます。 15分間、このように瞑想してください。




Thích Nhất Hạnh

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Contemplation (love and hate)

The followings are Thay's method of contemplating a loved one who has died and of contemplating compassion for the person you hate or despise the most.

(A loved one who has died)
On a chair or bed, sit or lie in a position you feel comfortable in. Begin to take hold of your breath. Contemplate the body of a loved one who has died, whether a few months or several years ago. Know clearly that all the flesh of the person has decomposed and only a skeleton remains lying quietly beneath the earth. Know clearly that your own flesh is still here and in yourself are still converged the five aggregates of bodily form, feeling, perception, mental functionings, and consciousness. Think of your interaction with that person in the past and right now. Maintain the half smile and take hold of your breath. Contemplate this way for 15 minutes.

(Compassion for the person you hate or despise the most)
Sit quietly. Breathe and smile the half smile. Contemplate the image of the person who has caused you the most suffering. Regard the features you hate or despise the most or find the most repulsive. Try to examine what makes this person happy and what causes suffering in his daily life. Contemplate the person's perceptions; try to see what patterns of thought and reason this person follows. Examine what motivates this person's hopes and actions. Finally consider the person's consciousness. See whether his views and insights are open and free or not, and whether or not he has been influenced by any prejudices, narrow-mindedness, hatred, or anger. See whether or not he is master of himself. Continue until you feel compassion rise in your heart like a well filling with fresh water and your anger and resentment disappear. Practice this exercise many times on the same person.(Excerpted from Thich Nhat Hanh’s “The Miracle of Mindfulness”)

(My commentary)
If we look deeply, we can touch the true nature of reality and understand the root cause. And through that insight and compassion, we can liberate ourselves. The key is mindfulness, concentration and insight. Thay's contemplation method is very useful and deep.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Saturday, February 27, 2016

瞑想 (空)


蓮華座または半蓮華座に座禅を組んでください。呼吸を調節し始めます。五蘊(体、感情、知覚、心行、意識)の集合体における「空」の性質(独立した存在が空)を瞑想してください。五蘊(5つの集合体)の一要素から別の要素へと検討を進めていきます。変化するもの全てが無常であり、無我であることを理解してください。五蘊の集合体は全ての現象の集合体のようなものです。全部が相互依存の法則に従っています。五蘊の相互一体化と解体は、山頂の周りの雲の集合と消滅に似ています。五蘊に執着することも、拒絶することもしないでください。好き嫌いは、五蘊の集合体に属する現象である(好き嫌いは心と体から生じる)ことを理解してください。五蘊は無我(独立した自己が無い)であり、「空」(独立した存在が空)であること、しかし五蘊はまた奇蹟でもあり、宇宙の現象のように奇蹟的であり、どこにでも存在しているのように奇蹟的であることをはっきりと理解してください。 五蘊自体が究極の現実ですので、五蘊は本当は(無から有への)創造と(有から無への)破壊を経験していないことを理解してみてください(五蘊は創造されることも破壊されることもなく継続しているだけである)。あなたが無常、無我、「空」の概念に投獄されないように、この瞑想によって、無常が概念であり無我も概念であり「空」も概念であることを理解してみてください。空もまた空であり(独立した存在ではなく)、の究極の現実は五蘊の究極の現実と全く異ならないことをあなたは理解するでしょう。 (瞑想時間は人によりますが、おそらく一時間から二時間でしょう。)




Friday, February 26, 2016

Contemplation (Emptiness)

The following is Thay's method of contemplating emptiness.

Sit in the full or half lotus. Begin to regulate your breath. Contemplate the nature of emptiness in the assembly of the five aggregates: bodily form, feeling, perception, mind functionings,
and consciousness. Pass from considering one aggregate to another. See that all transform, are impermanent and without self. The assembly of the five aggregates is like the assembly of all phenomena: all obey the law of interdependence. Their coming together and disbanding from one another resembles the gathering and vanishing of clouds around the peaks of mountains. Neither cling to nor reject the five aggregates. Know that like and dislike are phenomena which belong to the assemblage of the five aggregates. See clearly that the five aggregates are without self and are empty, but that they are also wondrous, wondrous as is each phenomenon in the universe, wondrous as the life which is present everywhere. Try to see that the five aggregates do not really undergo creation and destruction for they themselves are ultimate reality. Try to see by this contemplation that impermanence is a concept, nonself is a concept, emptiness is a concept, so that you will not become imprisoned in the concepts of impermanence, non-self, and emptiness. You will see that emptiness is also empty, and that the ultimate reality of emptiness is no different from the ultimate reality of the five aggregates. (The amount of time will be according to the individual-perhaps one hour, perhaps two.)
 (Excerpted from Thich Nhat Hanh’s “The Miracle of Mindfulness”)

(My commentary)
I understand that there are two kinds of the ultimate truth, one in the phenomenal world and one in the noumenal world. The former is emptiness (non-duality) as interdependent co-arising (two sides of the same coin). The latter is emptiness (non-duality) as wholeness (extinction of all notions). And the above Thay's contemplating emptiness is based on the phenomenal world. Emptiness is a notion, so we have to be careful not to be caught in it. Upon understanding the true nature of emptiness, we need to throw it away.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Thursday, February 25, 2016



子供の頃のあなた自身の写真を見つけてください。蓮華座か半蓮華座に座禅を組んでください。あなたの呼吸について行くことを始めてください。 20回の呼吸後、あなたの目の前の写真に注意の焦点を合わせ始めます。写真が撮影された時代にあなたができていた五蘊(その年齢時のあなたの、あなたの感情知覚心行意識の物理的特徴)を再現し、もう一度生きてみてください。あなたの呼吸について行くことを続けてください。あなたの記憶にあなたを誘い出させたり、圧倒させないでください。この瞑想を15分間続けてください。かすかな微笑を維持してください。あなたのマインドフルネス(念)現在のあなた自身へ向けてください。今、この瞬間のあなたの体、感情、知覚、心行、意識を意識してください。あなた自身を構成している五蘊を見てください。 「私は誰?」、と質問してみてください。その質問は、軟らかい大地の奥深くに心地良く立ち、水で湿った新しい種子のように、あなたの中に深く根ざしている必要があります。 「私は誰?」の質問は、あなたの推論的な知能で考える抽象的な質問であってはなりません。 「私は誰?」の質問は、あなたの知能に限定されるものではなく、五蘊全体を配慮したものです。知的な答を探し求めようとしないでください。哲学的熟考によって引き離されないように、軽快でも深い呼吸を維持しながら、10分間瞑想してください。


ベッドの上か、マットの上か、草の上かに、あなたが快適なポジションで横になってください。枕を使用しないでください。あなたの呼吸をつかまえ始めてください。あなたの体で残っているのは、大地の表面に横たわる白い骸骨だけだと想像してください。かすかな微笑を維持し、あなたの呼吸について行くことを続けてください。全てのあなたの肉は分解されて無くなり、貴方の骸骨が今、埋葬後80年大地に横たわっていることを想像してください。あなたの頭蓋骨、背骨、肋骨、腰骨、脚や腕の骨、指の骨をはっきりと見てください。かすかな微笑を維持して、非常に軽く呼吸し、あなたの心と頭を穏やかにします。骸骨はあなたではないことを理解してください。あなたの体の形はあなたではありません。命と一つになってください。木や草の中で、他人の中で、鳥や他の獣の中で、の中で、海の波の中で、永遠に生きてください。あなたの骸骨はあなたの一部でしかありません。あなたは、どこでも全ての瞬間に存在しています。あなたは体の形だけでなく、また感情、思考、行動、知識だけでさえもありません。 20〜30分間続けてください。




Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The following is Thay's Self-Inquiry method.

(Contemplation on interdependence)
Find a photo of yourself as a child. Sit in the full or half lotus. Begin to follow your breath. After 20 breaths, begin to focus your attention on the photo in front of you. Recreate and live again the five aggregates of which you were made up at the time the photo was taken: the physical characteristics of your body, your feelings, perceptions, mind functionings, and consciousness at that age. Continue to follow your breath. Do not let your memories lure you away or overcome you. Maintain this meditation for 15 minutes. Maintain the half smile. Turn your mindfulness to your present self. Be conscious of your body, feelings, perceptions, mind functionings, and consciousness in the present moment. See the five aggregates which make up yourself. Ask the question, "Who am I?" The question should be deeply rooted in you, like a new seed nestled deep in the soft earth and damp with water. The question "Who am I?" should not be an abstract question to consider with your discursive intellect. The question "Who am I?" will not be confined to your intellect, but to the care of the whole of the five aggregates. Don't try to seek an intellectual answer. Contemplate for 10 minutes, maintaining light but deep breath to prevent being pulled away by philosophical reflection.

Sit in a dark room by yourself, or alone by a river at night, or anywhere else where there is solitude. Begin to take hold of your breath. Give rise to the thought, "I will use my finger to point at myself," and then instead of pointing at your body, point away in the opposite direction. Contemplate seeing yourself outside of your bodily form. Contemplate seeing your bodily form present before you-in the trees, the grass and leaves, the river. Be mindful that you are in the universe and the universe is in you: if the universe is, you are; if you are, the universe is. There is no birth. There is no death. There is no coming. There is no going. Maintain the half smile. Take hold of your breath. Contemplate for 10 to 20 minutes.

(Your skeleton)
Lie on a bed, or on a mat or on the grass in a position in which you are comfortable. Don't use a pillow. Begin to take hold of your breath. Imagine all that is left of your body is a white skeleton lying on the face of the earth. Maintain the half smile and continue to follow your breath. Imagine that all your flesh has decomposed and is gone, that your skeleton is now lying in the earth 80 years after burial. See clearly the bones of your head, back, your ribs, your hip bones, leg and arm bones, finger bones. Maintain the half smile, breathe very lightly, your heart and mind serene. See that your skeleton is not you. Your bodily form is not you. Be at one with life. Live eternally in the trees and grass, in other people, in the birds and other beasts, in the sky, in the ocean waves. Your skeleton is only one part of you. You are present everywhere and in every moment. You are not only a bodily form, or even feelings, thoughts, actions, and knowledge. Continue for 20 to 30 minutes.
 (Excerpted from Thich Nhat Hanh’s “The Miracle of Mindfulness”)

(My commentary)
The following material is the summary of my Self-Inquiry.
There are three kinds of state in humans, only ego, ego and temporary awareness (true self), ego and full-time awareness. Ego thinks that body is me. Awareness understands that the five aggregates (body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, consciousness) are me. When awareness is there, mindfulness is there. So, the non-duality is there. But when temporary awareness disappears and only ego is there, forgetfulness is there. And the duality is there.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tuesday, February 23, 2016



「仏陀によると、人間の誕生は始まりではなく、継続であり、私たちが生まれる時、善の種子残酷の種子目覚めの種子のような全ての異なる種類の種子が既に私たちの内部にあります。私たちの中の善か残酷のどちらが顕れるかは、私たちが養う種子、私たちの行動、私たちの生き方に依存するのです。」 (ティク・ナット・ハンの「愛の園」 — マインドフルな関係へのガイド — はじめに より抜粋)

「怒りは、意識の深い所に所謂「内面のもつれ」と呼ばれるものとして貯蔵されます。このもつれは、恨みや憤りの感情になるものです。それは風邪をひいているようなものです。私たちが病気になった時、正しい薬を摂取しなかったり、誰かにマッサージをしてもらわなかったなら、風邪は私たちの体の奥深くに達して治療するのがはるかに困難になるかもしれません。私たちの怒りが意識に深く達すると、それは私たちが攻撃的な身ぶりや不愉快な振舞をする原因となる可能性のある「内面のもつれ」をそれと知らずに創造します。」 (ティク・ナット・ハンの「一緒に楽しく」より抜粋)





Monday, February 22, 2016

Seeds of Consciousness

Thay mentioned the followings regarding the seeds of mental formations.

"According to the Buddha, the birth of a human being is not a beginning but a continuation, and when we’re born, all the different kinds of seedsseeds of goodness, of cruelty, of awakening—are already inside us. Whether the goodness or cruelty in us is revealed depends on what seeds we cultivate, our actions, and our way of life." (Excerpted from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Introduction to “Love’s Garden: A Guide to Mindful Relationships”)

"His anger will be stored in the depth of his consciousness as what we call an "internal knot". This knot is what becomes a grudge or feeling of resentment. It's like having a cold. When we become sick, if we do not take the right medicine or let someone give us a massage, our cold may go deeply into our body and becomes much more difficult to cure. When our anger goes deeply into our consciousness, it creates an internal knot that might cause us to have agressive gestures or unpleasant behaviour without our knowing it." (Excerpted from Thich Nhat Hanh’s 'Joyfully Together')

(My Question)
Why and how does this happen? Have Thay explained it before?

(My Commentary)
I remember Thay said that we carry our ancestor's burdens and gifts. I can understand that we are the continuation of our ancestors (not only humans but also animals, plants and minerals), but I want to know why and how this continuation happens. Seeds of consciousness are the key. However, I don't know if Thay has mentioned the mechanism of this continuation. I guess Thay may not have mentioned that mechanism because it has not been proved scientifically. Thay has been very careful to mention about past karma of our previous manifestations because he doesn't want to teach deluded Buddhism. So, when that mechanism (why and how the seeds are sown in store consciousness) and the relation between body and consciousness (every particle enfolds into consciousness, and consciousness unfolds into body) is proved scientifically, Thay may begin to talk about it.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Sunday, February 21, 2016




1. 自分自身 = 五蘊 =
 (1) 体
 (2) 感情 
 (3) 知覚
 (4) 心行(精神形成物)
 (5) 意識

* (2) + (3) (4) (5) = 
(2) + (3) (4) = 51 心行
(5) = 感覚意識(五感)+ 顕在意識 + マナス(エゴ)+ 阿頼耶識
    (潜在意識) = 8 意識

2. 自分自身を愛する = 五蘊体、感情、知覚、心行、意識

3. 十六念息
(1) 最初の 4 念息: (= 呼吸 + 体)
  ① 長い呼吸に集中することにより目覚めた意識を復活させる
  ② 短い呼吸に集中することにより目覚めた意識を復活させる
  ③ 全身の痛みに気付く
  ④ 全身の緊張を解放する

①, ②: 思考(心)を停止することにより、健康な体を維持する
③, ④: 不健康な体の部分を認識し、静める
呼吸 = 目覚めた意識 = 自分自身 = マインドフルネス(念)

(2) 第二の 4 念息:感情
  ⑤ 生命の奇蹟に触れることにより喜びを発生させる
  ⑥ 生命の奇蹟に触れることにより幸せを発生させる
  ⑦ 苦痛の感情に気付く
  ⑧ 感情の緊張を解放する

⑤, ⑥: マインドフルネスにより健全な感情を発生させる
⑦. ⑧: 不健全な感情を認識し、静める

(3) 第三の 4 念息: (心行 + 意識)
  ⑨ 顕在意識の心行と阿頼耶識の心行の種子に気付く
  ⑩ 選択的水やりにより心行を喜ばせる
  ⑪ 根本原因を理解するために不健全な心行を深く観る
  ⑫ 洞察を通して発生させた思いやりのエネルギーにより

⑨, ⑩: 不健全な種子に水やりせずに、健全な種子を認識して
⑪, ⑫: 集中洞察を通して​​、不健全な心行を認識し、変容する

(4) 最後 4 念息:心の対象 (知覚) 
  ⑬ 全ての心の対象知覚無常の性質を観る
  ⑭ 全ての欲望(考え)の消滅を観る
  ⑮ 全ての現象の不生不死(無我)の性質観る
  ⑯ 全ての概念を投げ捨て、完全な悟り(涅槃)を得る

⑬, ⑭, ⑮, ⑯: 現実の本質(真理)を理解することによって、全ての概念が誤りであることを確信し、全ての概念の絶滅によって完全な悟りを得る
* ティク・ナット・ハンはビデオでは最後の4念息につき言及せず
①~⑫: パート・タイム仏陀①~⑯: フル・タイム仏陀



Saturday, February 20, 2016

How do I love myself?

Watch the following Thay's video on "How do I love myself?".

Thay answered to this question in accordance with 16 exercises on mindful breathing. And my understanding is as follows:

1. myself = 5 aggregates (skandhas) = 
(1) body
(2) feeling 
(3) perception
(4) mental formation
(5) consciousness

* (2) + (3) (4) (5) = mind
(2) + (3) (4) = 51 mental formations
(5) = 5 senses, mind, manas, store = 8 consciousness

2. love myself = take good care of 5 aggregates (body, feeling, 
   perception, mental formation, consciousness)

3. 16 exercises on mindful breathing
(1) first 4 exercises: body (= breath + body)
  ① revive awareness by concentrating on a long breath
  ② revive awareness by concentrating on a short breath
  ③ aware of the pain in the whole body
  ④ release the tension in the whole body

①, ②: keep the wholesome body by stopping thinking (mind)
③, ④: recognize and calm the unwholesome body
* breathing = awareness = oneself = mindfulness

(2) second 4 exercises: feeling
  ⑤ generate joy by touching the wonders of life
  ⑥ generate happiness by touching the wonders of life
  ⑦ aware of the painful feelings
  ⑧ release the tension in the feelings

⑤, ⑥: generate the wholesome feelings through mindfulness
⑦. ⑧: recognize and calm the unwholesome feelings

(3) third 4 exercises: mind (= mental formation + consciousness) 
  ⑨ aware of the mental formations in mind consciousness and
         the seeds of mental formations in store consciousness
  ⑩ gladden the mental formations through selective watering
  ⑪ look deeply into the unwholesome mental formations to 
         understand the root cause
  ⑫ transform the unwholesome mental formations by the 
         energy of compassion generated through insights

⑨, ⑩: recognize and water the wholesome seeds without 
   watering the unwholesome seeds
⑪, ⑫: recognize and transform the unwholesome mental 
   formations through concentration and insight

(4) last 4 exercises: object of mind (perception) 
  ⑬ observe the impermanent nature of all objects of 
         mind (perceptions)
  ⑭ observe the disappearance of all desires (ideas)
  ⑮ observe the no-birth, no-death nature (no self) of all 
  ⑯ throw away all notions and attain full enlightenment 

⑬, ⑭, ⑮, ⑯: understand the true nature of reality (ultimate 
   truth), be convinced that all notions are wrong and 
   attain full enlightenment through the extinction of all notions
* Thay didn't mention the last 4 exercises in the above video.
①~⑫: Part-time Buddha①~⑯: Full-time Buddha


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Friday, February 19, 2016

Vedantism and Buddhism

The followings are interesting conversations between Vedantism and Buddhism.

(V: Perspectives of Vedantism)
(B: Perspectives of Buddhism)

V: "Negativity," Absence, is True Nature, wherein there are no "Vibrations."

B: no "Vibrations" in the noumenal world? Beautiful! 

V: There are no objective qualities in Noumenon. The "state/condition" is purely non-objective, and is another definition for "Total Subjectivity" were that word not objective in describing that which is Subjective.

B: I understand that the Buddha nature or the Divine nature in Noumenon has no "Vibrations", because of the quality of Middle Way. Or I should say that there is no differentiation between Subject and Object. Because Subject becomes one with Object. Wholeness.

V: There is no "Subject". Object is Subject, there is no other Subject. By the way, "Other" is Self; there is no Self that is not "Other." Wholeness is the negation of both, the Suchness, when neither either is or is not.

B: Yes, wholeness means non-separation, non-discrimination, or non-duality. Therefore, there is no subject and no object. I am you and you are I.

V: There is neither I nor you. Our mutual absence as I is non-objective relation, where there is then only Universal Being. The Absence of Being/Non-Being promotes the Void of Prajna (of Han Shan); the Absence of This, (Total Phenomenal Absence), is Total Noumenal Presence or Complete Awareness: Awareness unaware of Its Awareness, but which requires the Presence of Consciousness (Presence), a contrast to what It is (Absence) as Awareness. It's a paradox which requires direct "experience."

B: I understand awareness can live in the phenomenal world and the noumenal world at the same time because awareness transcends space and time. What is the difference between your "Awareness" and "Consciousness"? That's because my definition of awareness is awakened consciousness. You explained the difference between the two is Presence (Consciousness) or Absence (Awareness). And Presence means Phenomenal Presence (space and time) and Absence means Phenomenal Absence (without space and time). And you also said that Awareness requires the Presence of Consciousness. I remember you said before that Total Noumenal Presence or Complete Awareness is called "Absolute". There is a contradiction here. "Absolute" should not require anything to be absolute? If Vedantism's teaching is that Awareness and Consciousness (ego) are interdependent co-arising, it is the same as Buddhist teaching.

V: I'm just using other terms. Awareness in my vocabulary means the Absolute. It also means "Whole Mind," ParaBrahman, etc. As for complete Awareness, I made mention of that term in the hopes that it might positively describe that which is essentially negative (as Noumenal Absence might be called Subjectivity, giving a positive flavor to the idea, whereas Non-Objectivity might be a better expression).  Dhyana (Absoluute), Prajna (Functioning Consciousness) are the same. Although Prajna is the objective aspect to Dhyana as Being is the positive aspect to Non-Being (negative). Complex.

B: Very complicated. Even though Prajna (Functioning Consciousness) is Subjectivity or Non-Objectivity, why can it be the objective aspect to Dhyana (Absoluute or Awareness)? How can Being be the positive aspect to Non-Being (negative)? In Buddhism, there is no being and no non-being because nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed. There is only continuation. And this law is proved scientifically as the law of conservation of energy and mass. I feel that you (Vedantism) are talking about Being (phenomenal) and Non-Being (noumenal). And Buddhism is talking about Being (existence) and Non-Being (non-existence) in the phenomenal world. Of course, Buddhism understands that nothing can exist in the noumenal world because there is no space and time.

Is the relation between Being (phenomenal) and Non-Being (noumenal) in Vedantism the same as the relation between light and darkness? If so, as light can't be recognized without darkness, Non-Being (Absolute or Awareness) can't be recognized without Being (Functioning Consciousness). Then Being and Non-Being are interdependent co-arising and two sides of the same coin. This is the same as emptiness in Buddhism. I wonder why Non-Being is called "Absolute" even though Non-Being is interdependent. Because the word, "Absolute", is so tricky, its meaning can be easily misunderstood as "independent or separate".

