Thursday, June 30, 2016








息を吐いて、私は私が息を吐いているのを知っています。 (吐いて)

息を吸って、私は大海の波に気付いています。 (波)



息を吐いて、私は波の中の水に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は波の誕生を見ます。 (波の誕生)

息を吐いて、私は波の誕生に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は波の死を見ます。 (波の死)

息を吐いて、私は波の死に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は水の不生の性質を見ます。 (水、生まれない)

息を吐いて、私は波の不生の性質に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は水の不死の性質を見ます。 (水、不死)

息を吐いて、私は水の不死の性質に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は私の体の誕生を見ます。 (私の体、誕生)

息を吐いて、私は私の体の誕生に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は私の体の死を見ます。 (私の体、死亡)

息を吐いて、私は私の体の死に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は私の体の不生の性質を見ます。 (私の体、不生の性質)

息を吐いて、私は私の体の不生の性質に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は私の体の不死の性質を見ます。 (私の体、不死の性質)

息を吐いて、私は私の体の不死の性質に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は意識の不生の性質を見ます。 (意識、生まれない)

息を吐いて、私は意識の不生の性質に微笑みかけます。 (私は微笑む)

息を吸って、私は私の吸う息にだけ気付いています。 (吸って)

息を吐いて、私は私の吐く息にだけ気付いています。 (吐いて)





Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Touching the Earth

Touching the Earth

In the first touching (of the Earth), we were released from the view that we are separate from our ancestors and separate from our descendants. We were released from our notion of time.

In the second touching (of the Earth), we were released from the view that we are separate from the Buddhas, the bodhisattvas, the Great Beings, the suffering beings, the animals, the plants, everything. We were released from our notion of space.

This time (in the third touching of the Earth) we touch the earth and are released from the view that we are our body, and that we are subject to birth and death

When we begin to understand that we are everything, our fear begins to disappear. We have deeply touched the dimensions of space and time. But to really be free of fear, we must look deeply into the ultimate dimension of no birth, no death. We need to free ourselves from these ideas that we are our body, and that we die. This is where we will discover the place of no fear. This is the third Touching of the Earth. Here is a guided meditation to help you prepare for it.

Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in. (In)

Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out. (Out)

Breathing in, I am aware of a wave on the ocean. (Wave)

Breathing out, I smile to the wave on the ocean. (I smile)

Breathing in, I am aware of the water in the wave. (Water, in wave)

Breathing out, I smile to the water in the wave. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the birth of the wave. (Birth of wave)

Breathing out, I smile to the birth of the wave. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the death of the wave. (Death of wave)

Breathing out, I smile to the death of the wave. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the birthless nature of the water. (Water, not born)

Breathing out, I smile to the birthless nature of the wave. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the deathless nature of the water. (Water, deathless)

Breathing out, I smile to the deathless nature of the water. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the birth of my body. (Birth of, my body)

Breathing out, I smile to the birth of my body. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the death of my body. (My body, dies)

Breathing out, I smile to the death of my body. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the birthless nature of my body. (Birthless, nature, of body)

Breathing out, I smile to the birthless nature of my body. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the deathless nature of my body. (Deathless, nature, of body)

Breathing out, I smile to the deathless nature of my body. (I smile)

Breathing in, I see the birthless nature of consciousness. (Consciousness, not born)

Breathing out, I smile to the birthless nature of consciousness. (I smile)
Breathing in, I am only aware of my in-breath. (In)

Breathing out, I am only aware of my out-breath. (Out)

(The above is the  excerpt from Thay's book titled "No Death, No Fear")

(My commentary)
The above reminds me of Thay's poem that is "Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean is the moment the wave realizes it is water." In order to attain full enlightenment and become a full-time Buddha, the extinction of all notions is essential because all notions cause separations by cutting the reality into pieces. For that, we need to understand that all notions are wrong. And for that, we need to understand the ultimate truth of the ultimate dimension. That is the wholeness, non-separation, non-discrimination, or the non-duality. As the wave realizes that it is water, we need to realize that humans are also non-separate self, awareness, or the whole cosmos. Once we understand this, we will attain perfect freedom. That is nirvana, or the ultimate dimension.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

条件付けられた心の対象と無条件の心の対象 (3)




2) 本体の世界究極の次元)における究極の真理
「非分離、全体性」が、本体の世界における究極の真理です。二元性はありません。ですから、本体の世界、即ち究極の次元においては二元性を超越する必要はありません。それはまた、別の言葉では、「空」と呼ばれています。本体の世界においては、空間と時間がありません。ですから、(物質は)何も存在できず全ての概念の絶滅によって、生と死のような反対のペア(対)はありません。唯一、性質(仏性、神性、目覚めた意識)のみが在り得ます。ここでの非二元性を得る方法は、現実の本質(全体性)の洞察です。全体性は概念によって切り刻めないことを理解する時、私たちは全ての概念が誤りであると確信します。全ての概念は、分離のために、人間のエゴによってでっち上げられました。ですから、私たちは簡単に全ての概念を投げ捨てて非二元性を得ることができます。この非二元性は現象界において「相互に依存して共同発生」を通して得た非二元性とは異なります。なぜなら、AやBの概念が存在しないからです。全体性のみがあります。本体の世界における非二元性は、二元性に基づいてはいないのです。 「非分離、全体性」は、本体の世界において非二元性を得るための唯一且つ完璧な方法であるに違いありません。











Monday, June 27, 2016

条件付けられた心の対象と無条件の心の対象 (2)





1) 現象界(歴史的次元)における究極の真理
「相互に依存して共同発生」は現象界(歴史的次元)における二元性を超越するための巧みな手段です。別の言葉では、それは「空」、「相互依存」とも呼ばれます。現象界では、相対的な真理しかありません。ですから、生と死右と左のような反対のペア(対)があります。ここで非二元性を得るために、二元性を超越する手法は「表裏一体」です。もし、私たちがAとBは表裏一体であることを理解するなら、二元性を超越し、非二元性を得ることができます。 AとBは2ではなく、また1でもありませんので、この手法は少し微妙かもしれません。しかし、現象界、即ち歴史的次元においては、全ての現象は二元性に基づいていますので、それは仕方ありません。 「相互に依存して共同発生」は、現象界において二元性を超越するための唯一の方法であるに違いありません。







デヴィッド・ボームは、 「全てのものは、内部的に全てのものに関連している。全てのものは、全てのものを含んでいる」と、もっと簡単に説明しました。仏陀とデヴィッド・ボームは同じことを言ったのです。この意味で、仏教と量子物理学は非常に似ています。アルバート・アインシュタイン一般相対性理論によって科学的にそれを証明したように、この現象界には相対的真理しかありませんので、全ての現象は条件付けされているのです。(一方が無ければ、もう一方も無い。一方が有るから、もう一方も有る。)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

条件付けられた心の対象と無条件の心の対象 (1)






(1) 現象界における一般的真理:「あなたの苦しみを幸福へ変容してください」
(2) 現象界における究極の真理:「苦しみは幸福に他ありません」
(3) 本体の世界における究極の真理:「分離なくして、苦しみは不可能です」





Saturday, June 25, 2016

Conditioned dharma and Unconditioned dharma (3)

The followings are the First and the Second of Forty Tenets of Plum Village.

(First of Forty Tenets of Plum Village)
"Space is not an unconditioned dharma. It manifests together with timematter and consciousness."
(Space is not a separate existence. It is interdependent co-arising with time, matter and consciousness.)

(Second of Forty Tenets of Plum Village)
"In the historical dimensionevery dharma is a conditioned dharma. In the ultimate dimensionevery dharma is an unconditioned dharma."
(In the phenomenal world with space and time, everything or every phenomena is not a separate existence. It is interdependent co-arising with everything else. In the noumenal world without space and time, no separation is there and only the wholeness is there. So, every object of mind is unconditional.)

(My commentary)
2) The ultimate truth in the noumenal world (ultimate dimension)
"Non-separation or wholeness" is the ultimate truth in the noumenal world. There is no duality. So, there is no need to transcend the duality in the noumenal world, or the ultimate dimension. It is also called "Emptiness", "Voidness" in other words. In the noumenal world, there is no space and time. So, nothing can exist, and there are no pairs of opposites like birth and death because of the extinction of all notions. Only nature (Buddha nature, Divine nature, Awareness) can be there. The method to attain the non-duality here is the insight of the true nature of reality (wholeness). When we understand that the wholeness can't be cut into pieces by notions, we are convinced that all notions are wrong. All notions were created by human ego for separations. So, we can easily throw away all notions and attain the non-duality. This non-duality is different from the non-duality through "interdependent co-arising" in the phenomenal world. That's because there are no notions of A and B. Only the wholeness is there. The non-duality in the noumenal world is not based on the duality. "Non-separation or wholeness" must be the only and perfect way to attain the non-duality in the noumenal world.

In the Heart Sutra, the ultimate truth in the noumenal world (ultimate dimension) is described from "是故空中 (So, in emptiness)" till the end of "般若心経 (Heart Sutra)". Especially, the ultimate dimension is clearly mentioned by "無苦集滅道" (there is no suffering, there is no making of suffering, there is no secession of suffering, there is no path leading to secession of suffering). That's the ultimate dimension (noumenal world). There is no separation, discrimination, or the duality there. So, if we (awareness) dwell in the ultimate dimension, it is impossible for us to suffer.

Now you can understand the meaning of  "Suffering is impossible without separation." In the noumenal world (ultimate dimension), suffering is impossible. That's why there is no making (cause) of suffering, there is no secession (end) of suffering, there is no path (method) leading to secession of suffering.

Therefore, "Non-separation or wholeness" enables us to attain the perfect non-duality. We are all the same, as the whole cosmos. Not only humans but also all animals, plants and minerals are the same, as the whole cosmos. We can completely stop separating ourselves from others through this non-duality, or the wholeness. So, there is no space for any afflictions to arise. Therefore, we can completely liberate ourselves from sufferings

David Bohm explained the relation between the noumenal world and the phenomenal world as follows:
"In the enfolded [or implicate] order, space and time are no longer the dominant factors determining the relationships of dependence or independence of different elements. Rather, an entirely different sort of basic connection of elements is possible, from which our ordinary notions of space and time, along with those of separately existent material particles, are abstracted as forms derived from the deeper order. These ordinary notions in fact appear in what is called the "explicate" or "unfolded" order, which is a special and distinguished form contained within the general totality of all the implicate orders." 

"The implicate, or the enfolded order unfolds into the explicate order, or everything separate. (The explicate, or the unfolded order enfolds into the implicate order.)"
【The historical dimension (phenomenal world) enfolds into the ultimate dimension (noumenal world). The ultimate dimension (noumenal world) unfolds into the historical dimension (phenomenal world).】

"Now, the implicate order would help us to see that, to see everything enfolds, everybody, not merely depends on everybody, but actually everybody is everybody in a deeper sense. See, we are the earth because all our substance comes from the earth and goes back.

So, if we touch the phenomenal world deeply, we can touch the noumenal world. It is amazing that the Buddha touched the noumenal world (ultimate dimension) 2,600 years ago and understood the wholeness (ultimate truth in the ultimate dimension), just like what David Bohm explained through quantum physics.

By the way, there is one more truth called "the conventional truth" in the phenomenal world (historical dimension). This truth is familiar to most of the people in their daily life. It is based on separation, discrimination, or the duality. They see everything as follows:
"A and B are two separate entities. 
So, A is not B.
That's why A is A."

This dualistic view separates oneself from others. Afflictions arise from this separation and make them suffer. So, they need to transform their suffering to happiness. Now you can understand the meaning of  "Transform your suffering to happiness." And we need to remember that in the Four Noble Truths, all four truths are the conventional truths. 


Friday, June 24, 2016

Conditioned dharma and Unconditioned dharma (2)

The followings are the First and the Second of Forty Tenets of Plum Village.

(First of Forty Tenets of Plum Village)
"Space is not an unconditioned dharma. It manifests together with timematter and consciousness."

(Second of Forty Tenets of Plum Village)
"In the historical dimensionevery dharma is a conditioned dharma. In the ultimate dimensionevery dharma is an unconditioned dharma."

(My commentary)
So, in the Heart Sutra, two types of the ultimate truth are described. One is the ultimate truth in the phenomenal world which is "interdependent co-arising". The other is the ultimate truth in the noumenal world which is "non-separation or wholeness"

1) The ultimate truth in the phenomenal world (historical dimension)
"Interdependent co-arising" is the skillful means to transcend the duality in the phenomenal world, or the historical dimension. It is also called "Emptiness", "Interbeing" in other words. In the phenomenal world, there is only the relative truth. So, there are pairs of opposites such as birth and death, right and left. The method to transcend the duality in order to attain the non-duality here is the two sides of the same coin. If we understand that A and B are two sides of the same coin, we can transcend the duality and attain the non-duality. This method may be a little tricky because A and B are not two but are not also one. But it can't be helped because all phenomena are based on the duality in the phenomenal world, or the historical dimension. "Interdependent co-arising" must be the only way to transcend the duality in the phenomenal world.

In the Heart Sutra, the ultimate truth in the phenomenal world (historical dimension) is described from the beginning of "観自在菩薩 (Avalokiteshvara)" till "不増不減 (no increasing and no decreasing)". And its logic is the following. 
"A is made of non-A elements. 
So, A is not A. 
A is everything except for A. 
So, A is no other than B. 
Namely, A is B."

A can be liken to suffering and B can be liken to happiness.
"Suffering is made of non-suffering elements.
So, suffering is not suffering.
Suffering is everything except for suffering.
So, suffering is no other than happiness.
Namely, suffering is happiness."

Now you can understand the meaning of "Suffering is no other than happiness." Suffering and happiness are two sides of the same coin. So, if there is suffering, happiness must be there at the same time. All we need is to observe from different angle. Actually, when we suffer, we can find out happiness at the same time if we observe from different angle. 

That's why "Interdependent co-arising" enables us to transcend separations, discrimination, or the duality. We can stop separating ourselves from others through this non-duality. So, there is no space for any afflictions to arise. Therefore, we can liberate ourselves from sufferings. 

This formula is clearly mentioned in the Heart Sutra as follows: 
色不異空: Form is no other than emptiness. 
<That's because form is made of non-form elements, namely emptiness.>
空不異色: Emptiness is no other than form. 
<That's because emptiness is made of non-emptiness elements, namely form.>
色即是空: Form is namely emptiness (empty of separate existence non-form elements).
空即是色: Emptiness (empty of separate existence non-form elements) is namely form.

In other words, A is made of non-A elements. So, A is no other than non-A. Namely, A is non-A.
Meanwhile, non-A is made of non-non-A elements. So, non-A is no other than non-non-A. Namely, non-A is A.

David Bohm explained more simply; "Everything is internally related to everything. Everything contains everything.The Buddha and David Bohm said the same thing. In this sense, Buddhism and quantum physics are very similar. All phenomena are conditioned because there are only relative truths in this phenomenal world, as Albert Einstein scientifically proved it by the general theory of relativity.

The Buddha