Sunday, July 31, 2016









自分自身に帰宅すること、即ち自分自身に戻ることは、目覚めた意識(独立していない(無自性)自己)を復活させることを意味します。目覚めた意識が復活したなら、全てのことが自動的に上手くいくようになります。 「脱出方法は、入ることです」とは、私たちが本当に苦しみから解放されたいなら、(自分の内面を深く観て)根本原因を理解する必要があることを意味します。





Saturday, July 30, 2016



< 正見幸福への道 >








正思惟滋養と癒し >


1) なぜ、ティク・ナット・ハンは、全ての概念の絶滅、即ち涅槃によって正見(正しい見方)を説明したのでしょうか?「四聖諦」と「八正道」は、歴史的な次元における一般的な真理の領域にあります。しかし、涅槃究極の次元です。ティク・ナット・ハンは、これら二つの次元間の独立した調査という仏教原理に従って、私たちはこれら二つの次元を混同してはならないと教えました。

2) 正見(正しい見方)と呼ばれる洞察に基づく思考(考え)とは何でしょうか?そのような正思惟(正しい思考)が可能なのでしょうか?全ての思考は、分離、差別、即ち二元性を引き起こす、と私は理解しています。ですから、非思考(考えないこと)が正思惟(正しい思考)でなくてはなりません。私たちは、マインドフルネスと集中を通して、思考を停止することによって洞察を得ます。ですから、私たちが再び考え始めるなら、マインドフルで集中していられなくなり、洞察を得られなくなるだろう、と私は理解します。



Thursday, July 28, 2016

Happy Teachers Will Change the World

Watch the following video on mindfulness training for school teachers.

The followings are excerpts and my commentaries.

(from 00:51)
Mindfulness is a mental formation. Everyone has a seed of mindfulness. And if we practice diligently, and then the grain, and then the seed of mindfulness in us will grow bigger and bigger. And anytime we need that energy of mindfulness, we just touch it and we have plenty of it in order to make use. And we know that mindfulness has the power, has the capacity to allow us to know what is going on, going on in our body, going on in our feelings, going on in our mind, and going on in the world

(My commentary)
Mindfulness is one of 51 mental formations and is categorized as 5 Particulars. And we can touch the seed of mindfulness through conscious breathing or walking. The capacity of mindfulness is to recognize, embrace, look deeply, understand and transform the body and mind.

(from 09:00)
So, effortlessness is the nature of the practice. You don't strive, you don't fight, you do not impose the practice on yourself, you do not suffer because of the practice. You just enjoy breathing in, you just enjoy making a step. And when your breathing is peaceful, deep, harmonious, and then your body will profit from it, your body will become lighter, more peaceful, and also your feelings will be more peaceful. In our daily life, very often, our body is there but our mind is elsewhere. And in these moments we are not truly alive. According to this practice, you need only to breathe in mindfully and you ride on your in-breath and go home in just one, two, three seconds. And when your mind is with your body, you are well established in the here and the now, and you can touch the wonders of life inside and around for your nourishment and healing.  

(My commentary)
Effortlessness, or Aimlessness means that we are already what we are looking for, namely awareness (non-separate self). All we need is to revive awareness through conscious breathing or walking. If we just enjoy breathing or walking without thinkingawareness will revive. The first one in-breath is enough to awaken from forgetfulness.

(from 21:45)
Usually people don't like to go home to themselves and get in touch with the suffering inside. They are afraid of being overwhelmed by the suffering inside. So, their usual way is to try to run away from their own suffering. They try to cover up the suffering inside, their loneliness, their fear, their anger and their despair. So, for a teacher, for a school teacher, the first thing to do is to go home to himself or herself. The way out is in. Go back to oneself and take care of oneself. Learning how to generate a feeling of joy, learning how to generate a feeling of happiness, learning how to handle a painful feeling, a painful emotion. Listening to the suffering, allow understanding and compassion to be born and suffer less. This is the first step. And he or she has to do that. That is the first step. 

(My commentary)
To go home to oneself, or to go back to oneself means to revive awareness (non-separate self, true self). If awareness revives, everything will be alright automatically. "The way out is in." means that if we really want to be freed from sufferings, we need to understand the root cause.

(from 26:10)
We can speak about the goodness of the suffering. If we know how to embrace suffering, to hold it tenderly, to look deeply into it, and then we will be able to generate the energy of compassion and understanding which are the foundation of true happiness. It's like when you grow lotus flowers, you need the mud. Lotus flowers can not grow on marble. Without the mud, you can not grow a lotus. The same thing is true with happiness and suffering. A good practitioner knows how to make good use of suffering in order to grow happiness.

(My commentary)
This is called the art of suffering. We should not run away from suffering. Suffering is precious because it can be transformed into happiness. Happiness is made of suffering. Without suffering, happiness is not possible. Happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin. So, suffering is no other than happiness.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My questions to Thay (Right View and Right Thinking)

Read deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk summary on Right View and Right Thinking.
The followings are excerpts.

< Right View: The Path to Well-Being >
One time a monk came to the Buddha. He asked, “Dear Buddha, you have spoken many times about Right View. What is Right View exactly?

The Buddha said, “Right View is the view that is free of notions of being and nonbeing. Most people in the world are caught either in the notion of being or in the notion of nonbeing. But the ultimate reality transcends both these notions.

In Buddhism, being and nonbeing are just notions. The ultimate reality is free of these notions. ...

Modern science confirms this. The first law of thermodynamics, conservation of energy, says matter cannot be created or destroyed. Matter may transform into energy; energy may transform into matter. But there is no true birth; there is no true death. That’s why the Buddha said, “Insight, Right View, is the view that transcends the ideas of being and nonbeing.” ...

But nonbeing and being are only notions, and if you can touch the truth of no birth and no death, no being and no nonbeing, then you are free. And when you touch that truth, you touch nirvana. Nirvana is the extinction, the absence of all these notions, including being and nonbeing.

If you touch the nature of no birth and no death, of no being and no nonbeing, you are free of discrimination. So Right View is a view that is free of all discrimination. Discrimination is the cause of so much pain. ...

With Right View there is no more discrimination, there’s no more dualism, no more fear and hatred. And then happiness is possible. When we look deeply into things, we can touch the true nature of reality, which is the nature of no birth and no death. And we can remove from our minds these notions of nonbeing and of being.

Right View is the foundation of nondiscrimination, mutual
cooperation, and compassion. ...

< Right Thinking: Nourishing and Healing >
With this insight called Right View, the thoughts that we produce are right thoughts that carry nondiscrimination, understanding, and compassion. Every time we have this kind of thought, it can nourish and heal ourselves and the world. We need to teach our children Right Thinkingthinking permeated by love, understanding, and nondiscrimination.

A good practitioner can always produce Right Thinking
to nourish and heal himself, and to nourish and heal the world. ...

(My questions to Thay)
1) Why did Thay explain Right View through the extinction of all notions, or nirvana? The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path are in the realm of the conventional truth in the historical dimension. But nirvana is the ultimate dimension. Thay taught that we should not mix up these two dimensions according to the Buddhist principle of separate investigation between these two.

2) What are the thoughts based on the insight called Right View? Is such Right Thinking possible? I understand that all thoughts cause separation, discrimination, or the duality. That's why non-thinking must be the Right Thinking. We attain the insight by stopping thinking through mindfulness and concentration. So, I understand that we will not be mindful and concentrated, and be able to attain insights if we start to think again.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Tuesday, July 26, 2016



「私たちが生み出す全ての思考(考え)、全ての言葉、私たちがする全ての肉体的行為は、決して死にません。何も死にません。これらの行動は常に継続します。それがあなたの継続です。この肉体だけが自分である、とあなたは考えます。それは正見(正しい見方)ではありません。あなたは、はるかにこの体以上のものです。あなたは、あなたの行動です。私が考えること、私が言うこと、私がすることは、私の継続であり、結果をもたらします。そして、その結果が美しいか否かは、完全に行動の質に依ります。 」
– ティク・ナット・ハン、「相互依存、四聖諦、正見」より"






Thích Nhất Hạnh

Monday, July 25, 2016

We are our actions.

Read deeply the following Thay's words on actions (karma).

"Every thought we produce, every word we produce, every physical act we do never dies. Nothing dies. Those actions continue always. That is your continuation. You think you’re just this physical body—that is not Right View. You are much more than this body. You are your actions. What I think, what I say, what I do, those are my continuation, and they will bring consequences. And whether those consequences are beautiful or not depends entirely on the quality of the actions." 
– Thich Nhat Hanh, "Interbeing, the Four Noble Truths, and Right View"

(My commentary)
We sow or plant the seeds of mental formations in our store consciousness (alaya) through our physical, verbal and mental actions (karma). And when those seeds are watered or touched, they will manifest in our mind consciousness as mental formations. That's why our actions (karma) never die and continue always. So, all actions (karma) are our continuation. This may be called as the true reincarnation. What we should do is the selective watering to the wholesome seeds through mindfulness, and the transformation of the unwholesome seeds to the wholesome seeds by embracing our mental formations and understanding the root cause through deep looking.

Read deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk summary on Interbeing, the Four Noble Truths, and Right View.
The followings are excerpts.

"Dear friends, in classical science represented by Newton, things are separate. The seed is outside the plant; the plant is outside the seed. But in quantum physics, we begin to see things differently. Things are no longer outside of each other but are actually in each other."

(My commentary)
I understand that the seed is liken to awareness and the plant is liken to body. David Bohm said, "The implicate, or the enfolded order unfolds into the explicate order, or everything separate." 
(The explicate, or the unfolded order enfolds into the implicate order.) And I understand that the implicate order means awareness in the noumenal world (ultimate dimension) and the explicate order means body in the phenomenal world (historical dimension). In other words, David Bohm said, "Everything is internally related to everything. Everything contains everything." David Bohm also said, "Now, the implicate order would help us to see that, to see everything enfolds, everybody, not merely depends on everybody, but actually everybody is everybody in a deeper sense. See, we are the earth because all our substance comes from the earth and goes back."


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Sunday, July 24, 2016


次のLION'S ROAR(ライオンのうなり声)編集スタッフによる「八正道とは何?」の記事を深くご一読ください。

1. 正見


2. 正思惟


3. 正語


4. 正業


5. 正命


6. 正精進


7. 正念


8. 正定




プラム・ビレッジのステンドグラス(正念 正定 正見)

Saturday, July 23, 2016







Friday, July 22, 2016

The Noble Eightfold Path

Read deeply the following article on "What is the Eightfold Path?" summarised by LION'S ROAR STAFF.
The followings are my understanding and commentaries. 
(Blue parts are excerpts from the above article.)

A true understanding of how reality and suffering are intertwined.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right view, or insight means the absence of all views.
All views are wrong views because they cause separation, discrimination, or the duality which brings about afflictions and sufferings. That's why we need to throw away all views.

The aspiration to act with correct intention, doing no harm.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right thinking (instead of RIGHT RESOLVE) means the non-thinking. 
All thoughts are wrong thoughts because they cause separation, discrimination, or the duality which brings about afflictions and sufferings. That's why we need to stop thinking in order to attain insight.

Abstaining from lying, and divisive or abusive speech.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right speech means the loving speech based on right view, insight, or understanding.
All speeches which are not based on insight, they are wrong speeches. That's because only if we understand the true nature of reality, we can generate love and compassion. That's why we need to speak based on our deep understanding

Acting in ways that do not cause harm, such as not taking life, not stealing, and not engaging in sexual misconduct.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right action means the physical action based on right view, insight, or understanding.
All actions which are not based on insight, they are wrong actions. That's because only if we understand the true nature of reality, we can generate love and compassion. That's why we need to act based on our deep understanding.

Making an ethically sound living, being honest in business dealings.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right livelihood means to make a living through the right job.
All jobs which harm others are wrong jobs. So, making a living through wrong jobs is the wrong livelihood. That's why we need to choose the right job to make a living.

Endeavoring to give rise to skillful thoughts, words, and deeds and renouncing unskillful ones.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right diligence (instead of RIGHT EFFORT)  means the selective watering.
If we water to the unwholesome seeds, the unwholesome mental formations will manifest. And if we water to the wholesome seeds, the wholesome mental formations will manifest. That's why the selective watering is vital. Nevertheless, if our unwholesome mental formations manifest, we need to look deeply into it, understand the root cause and transform it by the energy of compassion

Being mindful of one’s body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right mindfulness means to revive awareness by stopping thinking.
If we think, we are ego (separate self) and live in forgetfulness, or the wrong mindfulness. Awareness (non-separate self) can attain insight without thinking and touch the wonders of life. That's why we always need to live in mindfulness.

Practicing skillful meditation informed by all of the preceding seven aspects.

(My understanding and commentary)
Right concentration means to look deeply into the object in order to attain insight.  
If we practice the right concentration, we can touch the true nature of reality and liberate our mind through insight. That's why  we need to be always concentrated for our liberation.

(My comment)
Everything starts from stopping. That's because stopping thinking through mindfulness revives awareness. Without stopping, nothing starts.


Mindfulness, Concentration, Insight in PV stained glass