Wednesday, August 31, 2016

癌からのサバイバル (3)



< キー・フレーズ >

11. 健康な心

12. 愛と思いやりのエネルギーを発生させる
そして、心、健全な心のために重要である次のことは、愛と思いやりのエネルギーを発生させることです。愛、思いやり、楽しんでください。ですから、笑いが非常に重要であり、微笑むことが非常に重要なのです。単純な笑顔でさえ、喜び、内面の喜びをもたらしますので、非常に重要であることを理解しようとしてみてください。この種の喜びは、外部によって条件付けされていません。それは内面のことです。あなたが喜びと幸せになるのにアイスクリームは必要ありません。あなたが喜びと幸せになるために、花に水やりをしてくれる友人をあなたは必要としています。あなたには内面、心の平和から来る喜びがあります。それから、あなたの心が透明で、内面の平和がある時、あなたはどんな小さなことでも喜びとなり、生命の奇蹟になることを理解します。(中略)生き生きするための非常に微細な、深い喜びと幸せ(中略)ですから、あなたは必要以上の条件を持っていますので、余分の条件を多く必要としません。 (中略)ですから、健康な心は喜びと幸せからやって来ます。私が話しているのは内面の喜びについてです。(中略)ですから、はい、外部の喜びは必要ですが、それは最も深い癒しではありません。(中略)ですから、愛、私たちの心に愛を持つことがとても重要なのです。それが皆さんと私が共有したい最終的なことです。あなたの心(ハート)に、あなたの心(頭、脳)に愛を持つこと。




Tuesday, August 30, 2016

癌からのサバイバル (2)



< キー・フレーズ >

7. 共有

8. 自然のエネルギーに触れる

9. 深呼吸(呼吸エネルギー)

10. 休息





Monday, August 29, 2016

癌からのサバイバル (1)



< キー・フレーズ >

1. 健康的な生活(呼吸と瞑想)

2. 笑顔

3. 健康な心(マインドフルネスと集中)

4. 健康食品

5. ウォーキング

6. 笑い





Saturday, August 27, 2016

Surviving from Cancer (2)

Watch deeply the following video of Thầy Pháp Đăng who has shared his own experience of surviving from the cancer.

The followings are the key phrases excerpted from the video.

< Key phrases >

7. Sharing
The next is sharing. Don't hold on. Share everything. You know the doctors do research on people who have cancer. Those who come together and share, they have a chance to survive and live longer. Those who are too depressed and withdrawn will die very soon. ... Especially when you share your trauma in the past, it's very healing. Healing the mind, healing the body.

8. Touching the energy of nature
And this is the one that I practice a lot. Touching the energy of nature, in the nature. Perceiving, feeling the energy of nature. ... You spend time, walking in the nature. Walking meditation, where you open your body and your mind, and feel the sunshine on your body, feel the wind blow to your body like co-resting  your body, healing your body. So, in nature, have healing energy, and you touch that energy, you connect to the energy. ... And mindfulness is very sensitive to that energy. ... They all have soul and spirit in it.  And if you feel it connected, you got healedHealing the soul, healing the mind, healing the body. 

9. Deep breathing (the breath energy)
Feel the fresh air, connect with the fresh air also. So, deep breathing is important. You know that breath itself is called the breath energy. So, if you do deep breathing all the time, deep but natural and normal, you get the breath energy. And the three sources of energy are called the breath energy, the spiritual energy and the sexual energy in our being. ... And these are very important. And you got the breath energy if you do the breathing regularly and deeply. For those who really feel exhausted, low energy, the breath energy is very important. And if you talk too much, you lose the breath energy. 

10. Resting
And the next one is to rest well. If you can not rest well, you begin to have sickness. So, rest well. Sleep well, rest well. Sometimes we can not rest. So, from time to time, we take a break, lying down, and rest. Totally rest, relax, take a total relaxation. And sleep well. ... So, to sleep well is to perk up a healing, to recover the strength of the body. Those who can not sleep well, you know if you continue like this, one day you get sick. Because to rest, to sleep is very important. It allows the body to recover. And sometimes during the sleep, your body breathes very beautifully, very well. That's why you recover the energy you need. 

11. Healthy mind
But during the day, if you practice the breathing, actually you are already resting. You are resting. You allow the mind to slow down. So, it comes to the mind. Now the healthy mind is the mind where is calm, tranquil, in the end clear. Calm, tranquil and clear. You know a pond that is still. You can see everything in it. So, our mind when it is calm and clear, you can see everything in it. So, clear mind and calm mind don't provoke a lot of thinking and ideas. If we have too much thinking, It's very difficult for healing. So, healthy mind for me is the mind that is calm, clear and tranquil. Very peaceful. It reflects all what are happening out there. And actually this mind, you receive a lot of energy. If a mind is too busy, it's very difficult to receive a good energy

12. Generating the energy of love and compassion
And the next one that is important for the mind, healthy mind, is to generate the energy of love and compassion. Love, compassion, enjoy. That's why laughing is very important, smiling is very important. Try to see that even a simple smiling is very important because it brings joy, inner joy. This kind of joy is not conditioned by outside. It's inner. You don't need ice cream to have joy and happiness. You need a friend, watering flowers for you to have joy and happiness. You have joy that comes from inner, inner peace. And then when your mind is clear, inner peace, you see that every little thing becomes a joy, a wonder of life. ... Very subtle, deep joy and happiness to be alive. ... So, you don't need a lot of extra conditions because you have more than enough. ... So, healthy mind comes from joy and happiness. I'm talking about an inner joy. .. .So, the outer joy, yes, it's needed but it's not the deepest healing. ... So, it's so important to have love, love in our heart. That is the final thing I want to share with you. To have love in your heart, in your mind.

(My commentary)
I understand that the Western medicine is very effective to cure the pain in the body and mindfulness is very effective to take care of our mind. Because body and mind are closely connected, if the pain of our body is cured, our mind will be healthier. Meanwhile, if our mental suffering is relieved, our body will be healthier. Anyway, we need to be healthy mentally and physically to be really happy.

Both calm mind and clear mind are vital to touch the true nature of reality through insight. That's because calm mind enables us to reflect the outside reality like still water, or a mirror, and clear mind enables us to see through the inside reality like clear water. Anyway mindfulness and concentration are the key for this calm and clear mind.


Thay's calligraphy

Friday, August 26, 2016

Surviving from Cancer (1)

Watch deeply the following video of Thầy Pháp Đăng who has shared his own experience of surviving from the cancer.

The followings are the key phrases excerpted from the video.

< Key phrases >

1. Healthy life (breathing and meditating)
Healthy life brings healthy body and healthy mind. ... Healthy lifestyle is very important. Healthy way of life. And for me, this practice brings a healthy way of life. ... So, breathing and meditating are very important in the morning.

2. Smile
Definitely, smile is very important also when you woke up. Smiles release tensions. Smiles bring joy and happiness. Smile to life. Smile that you are still alive.

3. Healthy mind (mindfulness and concentration)
After the tea, I go to meditate. So, for me deep breathing at the belly is very important. For me, the healthy mind brings healthy body. And the best way for the healthy mind is mindfulness, concentration. You see? And mindfulness is clear mind, calm, peace. And when the mind is calm, peaceful, clear, it brings the body resting, relaxing. So, (there is) no tension in the body because the mind is calm, clear. So, meditating is very important. For me, I survived because I meditated. But nobody believes me, you know. It's a personal story of surviving from the cancer.

4. Healthy foods
It's a healthy life, strong immune system, healthy foods that prevent the growing of the cancer cells. So, it comes to play I eat healthy foods. So, healthy food is playing a firm role. ... Healthy foods brings healthy body. And here we should not cook too much. Raw vegetables, raw salad, raw fruit, not canned.

5. Walking
And the thing I do regularly is walking. And not through normal walking. For one hour at least every day. I walk a not-slow walking meditation. You know I swing my shoulders, my hands to move the blood, to circulate the blood and to move the body. ... Because one of the important health duties is exercise. Morning exercise, hiking and afternoon exercise. So, healthy body comes from exercises also. And walking is the best.

6. Laughing
The next thing I usually do is laughing, laughing meditation. You have to laugh a lot. You know people who are depressed will die soon. Especially you have cancer. If you are depressed, you will die soon. So, laughing meditation is the best. So, laugh a lot. ... The energy is very important. The energy when you laugh, changes. It changes body also. So, healthy mind, healthy body.
(to be continued)

(My commentary)
I am convinced that the practice of mindfulness, concentration and insight is very useful for healing and nourishing. So, I feel that the experience and the method of Thầy Pháp Đăng should be utilized for treating patients who have cancer. Mindfulness is really the spiritual medicine. If it is combined with the Western medicine, that must be the best treatment.


Thay's calligraphy

Thursday, August 25, 2016







* 常時の仏陀:完全な悟り、涅槃、即ち全ての概念の絶滅を達成した人
* 一時的な仏陀:一時的に目覚めた意識を復活させることができるが、全ての概念をまだ捨てきれていない人

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Full-time Buddha

Enjoy the following video of "2016 Wake Up Earth Retreat, Plum Village".

I understand that the following monks and nuns are fully enlightened. They are the full-time Buddhas, not the part-time Buddhas. 

(monks): Thích Nhất Hạnh, Thầy Pháp Đăng, Thay Phap Dung, Thay Phap Linh, Thay Phap Huu

(nuns): Sister Chan Khong, Sister Dang Nghiem, Sister Hien Nghiem

Do you know other fully enlightened persons?

* a full-time Buddha: a person who has attained full enlightenment, nirvana, or the extinction of all notions.
* a part-time Buddha: a person who can revive awareness temporally but has not thrown away all notions yet.

Thay's calligraphy

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


次のビデオを1:20 ~ 10:20までご覧ください。












Sunday, August 21, 2016

A guided meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh

Watch the following video from 1:20 to 10:20. 

Let's practice according to the guided meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh.

Breathing in, I know this is an in-breath.
Breathing out, I know this is an out-breath.
(I enjoy breathing in, I enjoy breathing out.)

Breathing in, I know I'm alive.
Breathing out, I smile to life in me and around me.
(Alive, smiling to life.)

Breathing in, I'm aware of my body with a lot of tension in it.
Breathing out, I release all tension from my body.
(Aware of body, releasing tension in body.)

Breathing in, I'm aware of my ancestors, spiritual and blood, still alive in every cell of my body.
Breathing out, I smile to all my ancestors alive in me.
(Aware of ancestors in me, smiling to ancestors.)

(My commentary)
Ego (separate self) can't know this is an in-breath or an out-breath. Only awareness (non-separate self, true self) can know it. That's why awareness can enjoy breathing in and breathing out. When oneself can know this is an in-breath or an out-breath, oneself is awareness. So, self-transformation from ego to awareness must be attained at this initial stage.

Ego can't know oneself is alive because ego can't touch the wonders of life. Only awareness can know oneself is alive because awareness can touch the wonders of life. That's why awareness can smile to life inside and around oneself. Awareness is always joyful and happy because oneself is alive spiritually.

Ego can't be aware of the body and its tension because ego is not mindful. Only awareness can be aware of the body and its tension because awareness is mindful. That's why awareness can release all tension from the body through embracing the pain. Awareness can relieve the physical pain through stopping, resting, calming and healing.

Ego can't be aware of the genetic and spiritual ancestors still alive in every cell of the body because ego is separate self. Only awareness can be aware of the genetic and spiritual ancestors still alive in every cell of the body because awareness is non-separate self (no self). That's why awareness can smile to all the ancestors alive in oneself. Awareness can touch the true nature of reality by reflecting the reality as it is. Awareness can dwell in the historical dimension and the ultimate dimension (nirvana) at the same time.


Thích Nhất Hạnh

Saturday, August 20, 2016




< 鍵となる言葉 >










Friday, August 19, 2016

Wake Up Me

Watch the following Dharma talk by Thầy Pháp Đăng.

The followings are the key phrases excerpted from the video.

< Key phrases >

We come here not only to learn but to truly experience the practice.

The title of this retreat is Wake Up Earth but for me, Wake Up Me. ... Then you feel the earth that wakes up you. The earth is calling you.

There is a place like that (true home, inner peace, inner joy) within. ... That place is within you, in the depth of your consciousness. And the only way to go in there, is through concentration (samadhi). 

I met Thay in 1984. And this is 4 years after I left Vietnam. ... He spoke about how to be alive. He spoke about walking meditation. He spoke about holding your loved one and taking a walk. He spoke about how to be yourself, how to come back (to yourself), how to come home. Because my mind is not home. My mind is lost in darkness. 

Mindfulness is like a light. ... There is a zone of peace, there is a sanctuary, a peace down there. ... Mindful life is just like you holding the torch, you holding the sun and you walking in the tunnel. ... And in order for you to belong to the Wake Up Society, you need the sun of mindfulness, the sun of wakefulness. ... Just one breath, you have that light. If you really do well, just one in-breath, one out-breath, you have the torch, you have the sun in your hand. 

So, we invest ourselves in doing it, not just talking about it. ... Talking about mindfulness sometimes, it is dangerous because you thought you got it. Like talking about enlightenment, it's dangerous. ... Because enlightenment is the process of awareness, you know moment to moment awareness of what's going on, it's like dip of light just lit up all the time. So, at the end you see the enlightenment. The end of a long ladder, there is a zone of enlightenment. So, enlightenment is not a place. Enlightenment is light within. You experience, or you don't experience. ... You have to practice enlightenment. You have to live with enlightenment. ... You can not talk about enlightenment. You can not think about enlightenment. Because that is not enlightenment. ... So, mindfulness, feel it, experience it, live with it.

(My commentary)
I understand that Thầy Pháp Đăng is fully enlightened. I entirely agree with him. I have nothing to add.


Thích Nhất Hạnh and Thầy Pháp Đăng