Friday, September 30, 2016

正思惟 = 非思考 = 洞察











ティク・ナット・ハンの「正思惟」についての説明は、正に「洞察」の意味です。「正思惟」という単語は八正道に記載されていますので、ティク・ナット・ハンはその単語を使用しているのです。しかしながら、人々はその真の意味を誤解するかもしれませんので、「正思惟」は非常に油断なりません。「正思惟」(正しい思考)とは、非思考(考えないこと)を意味します。ですから、正見 (= 洞察)は、考えることなく直接、正語(正しい発言)と正業(正しい行動)をもたらすのです。真実は、エゴは考えるけれども、目覚めた意識は考えることなく洞察を得るということです。ですから、思考の主体と洞察を得る主体は異なります。


正念 正定 正見 (= 洞察) 正思惟 (= 非思考) 正語 正業 正命 正精進 (= 選択的水やり) 正念

誤念 (= 失念) 誤定 (= 分散) 誤見 (= 無知) 誤思惟 (= 思) 誤語 誤業 誤命 誤精進 誤念 (= 失念)




Thursday, September 29, 2016

Right Thinking = Non-thinking = Insight

Listen deeply to the following Podcast from 11:03 to 19:35.
The following is the excerpt from the Podcast.

The Buddha encouraged us to practice Right Thinking. We suffer because we don’t know how to think. We don't know how to practice Right Thinking. And Wrong Thinking brings a lot of fear, anger, separation and despair. 

Right Thinking brings us close to the kingdom of God, to peace, to love. Right Thinking brings us back to the source of life because the Right Thinking is the kind of thinking that is free from discrimination, free from anger, free from separation.

When you think that the kingdom of God is not there, it is something that is elsewhere in the future and you can only go to it after you die. That's not Right Thinking. When you think that your mother is entirely another person, you are yourself only and she is herself only, you are two separate persons, that's not Right Thinking. 

When you are able to see you in your mother and your mother is in you and you belong to the same stream of being, that is Right Thinking. That thinking eliminates all kinds of discrimination and anger and hate, and brings love and understanding.

Suppose grateful people come together and practice the Right Thinking. And they can build the kingdom of God, they can build the pure land of Buddha right away. The Buddha said that everything is the product of our mind. And if we practice the collective right thinking, we can bring in the kingdom of God, we can bring in the pure land of the Buddha, we can bring in peace and joy for us right in the here and the now. 

Suppose we speak of the Upper Hamlet of Plum Village. Upper Hamlet of Plum Village, what is it? Is it something that exists outside of us, outside of our thinking? You are sitting in it, Upper Hamlet. The Upper Hamlet of Plum Village is the collective thinking. We have come together and have produced the Upper Hamlet to sit in. The Upper Hamlet of Plum Village is the product of collective thinking

And in the Upper Hamlet, there is something very precious. There is the practice of mindfulness. Here we have come together, committed to practice mindfulness, mindfulness of walking, mindfulness of sitting, mindfulness of eating, mindfulness of talking and thinking. That is why the Upper Hamlet is possible. Otherwise, it would be something else. 

We create a collective energy of mindfulness, of brotherhood. And when a friend comes to the Upper Hamlet, he or she will feel it. There is something special here. And that something special is the collective thinking, the collective energy of mindfulness and concentration and brotherhood

When we hear the sound of the bell, we notice that everyone is silent, everyone is fully present in the here and the now, listening to the sound of the bell and enjoying their in-breath, their out-breath. And it seems that everyone is investing 100% of their body and mind into listening to the bell. That energy of mindfulness is so powerful. There is silence. But this kind of silence is so eloquent, so alive, so peaceful. And you feel it penetrating into your body, into your mind. And you feel nourishment and healing because of that silence, that energy of silence. And that silence is part of the Upper Hamlet. It is the part of that collective creation of our thinking, collective thinking.

(My commentary)
Thay's explanation about Right Thinking is exactly the meaning of Insight. Thay uses the word Right Thinking because it is mentioned in the Noble Eightfold Path. However, it's very tricky because people may misunderstand its true meaning. Right Thinking means Non-thinking. That's why Right View (= Insight) brings about Right Speech and Right Action directly without thinking. The truth is that ego thinks but awareness attains insight without thinking. So, the subject of thinking and the subject of attaining insight are different.

The following is my understanding of the Noble Eightfold Path.
(The right side):
Right MindfulnessRight ConcentrationRight View (= Insight)Right Thinking (= Non-thinking)Right SpeechRight ActionRight LivelihoodRight Diligence (= Selective watering)Right Mindfulness

(The wrong side):
Wrong Mindfulness (= Forgetfulness)Wrong Concentration (= Dispersion)Wrong View (= Ignorance)Wrong Thinking (= Thinking)Wrong SpeechWrong ActionWrong LivelihoodWrong DiligenceWrong Mindfulness (= Forgetfulness)


PV stained glass (Mindfulness, Concentration, Insight)

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



鐘 半音1 + 全音3回)



1. 「サンガは、呼吸に戻るよう(鐘に)招かれています。」


2. 「マインドフルネスの集合的エネルギーが私たちを生物として一つにすることができるように、」 


3. 「川として流れ、」 


4. 「もはや分離することなく、」 


5. 「サンガ全体が一体として呼吸できるように、一体として詠唱できるように、一体として傾聴できるように、」 

一体とは、法身(ダルマ体)宇宙体、即ち全宇宙を意味します。私たち一人一人が無自性(独立していない)自己に戻る時、私たちは一体になることができます。 一体として、もはや分離はありません。全てのことを一体として行うと、全てが肯定的になりますので、調和を創造できます。

6. 「ごまかしの自己の境界を超越し、」 


7. 「優越感、劣等感、平等感という強迫観念から解放することによって。」 


戦争、テロ、殺害など全種類の暴力は、人間のエゴによる分離、即ち差別によって引き起こされます。ですから、利己的、傲慢且つ強欲な政治家、テロリスト、殺人者は、世界の平和と幸福のために、エゴから目覚めた意識へと変容される必要があります。ティク・ナット・ハンは仏陀の様に、70年以上もの間、そのような人々を説き、変容を助けることに貢献してきました。今、私はいかなる宗教も使用することなく、いかなる宗教団体に所属することもなく、同じ目的のために同じことを実行することによって、ティク・ナット・ハンを継続したいです。全ては私たち自身の創造ですので、より良い世界へ変えるために、私たちは自分自身を変える必要があります。より多くの仏陀(悟りを開いた人)を育成することが、唯一の解決策となるでしょう。ですから、私は自分の経験と実践に基づく非宗教的な教育を通して、もう一人の仏陀の育成することから始めたい所存です。私のビジョンに賛同して戴ける場合、皆さまの金銭上のご支援を戴ければ誠に幸甚です。ご提案やご質問がございましたら、電子メール(宛先を送信願います。前もって、皆様のご協力にお礼申し上げます。 土山仁士


 「一人の仏陀では十分ではありません」 ティク・ナット・ハン

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Deep message

Listen deeply the following Podcast from 0:00 to 2:05.
The following is the excerpt from the Podcast.

( A half sound + 3-full sound of the bell)

"The sangha is invited to come back to our breathing so that our collective energy of mindfulness will bring us together as an organism, going as a river, with no more separation, that the whole sangha breathe as one body, chant as one body, listen as one body, transcending the boundaries of a delusive self, liberating from the superiority complex, the inferiority complex and equality complex." 


(My commentary)
1. "The sangha is invited to come back to our breathing"

"come back to our breathing" means "focus our attention on our in-breath and our out-breath and stop the thinking" in order to go home to ourselves. So, our breathing is ourselves. In other words, ourselves means awareness (awakened consciousness), non-separate self, true self, the whole cosmos, the Buddha, or God.

2. "so that our collective energy of mindfulness will bring us together as an organism," 

Our collective energy of mindfulness can be generated only if we go home to ourselves. That collective energy of mindfulness has a very strong power to heal and nourish. That's why we can become one organism. Each of us is not a separate self anymore. We are a non-separate self as the whole cosmos.

3. "going as a river," 

A drop of water is very different from a river. That's because though a drop of water may evaporatea river can reach the ocean without evaporating. That's why we need to go as a river. A river means a sangha (community for the practice).

4. "with no more separation," 

Separation means a drop of water, or a separate self. Non-separation means a river, or a non-separate self. Separation, discrimination, or the duality is the source of afflictions and sufferings.

5. "that the whole sangha breathe as one body, chant as one body, listen as one body," 

One body means the Dharma body, the cosmic body, or the whole cosmos. When each one of us returns to a non-separate self, we can become one body. There is no more separation as one body. Doing everything as one body can create the harmony and the power because everything is positive.

6. "transcending the boundaries of a delusive self," 

A delusive self means a separate self, or ego. Ego separates oneself from others for self-protection. That boundaries are not necessary anymore because each one of us is accepted unconditionally without separations. That's why we can transcend that boundaries.

7. "liberating from the superiority complex, the inferiority complex and equality complex." 

Ego has a wrong view that is "I am special and separate". It causes the superiority complex, the inferiority complex and equality complex. Once we transcend that boundaries, we will be liberated and attain freedom. At this stage, we can become a part-time Buddha.

(My message and request)
All kinds of violence such as a war, a terrorism and killing, are caused by separation, or discrimination of human ego. So, egoistic, arrogant and greedy politicians, terrorists and killers need to be transformed from ego to awareness for the world peace and happiness. Thay has been contributing to teach and help such people transform for more than 70 years like the Buddha. Now I want to continue Thay by doing the same thing for the same purpose without using any religions, without belonging to any religious institutions. To change the world for the better, we need to change ourselves because everything is our own creation. Nurturing more Buddhas (enlightened persons) will be the only solution. So, I want to start from nurturing one more Buddha through secular education based on my experience and practice. 
If you agree with my vision, your financial support will be highly appreciated. Please send me your e-mail (to: if you have some proposals or questions. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. 
Hitoshi Tsuchiyama


Thay's calligraphy

Monday, September 26, 2016

Profound conversations

Read deeply the following profound conversations by 3 persons.

A: Researcher/Speaker/Narrative Writer
B: Lightworker
C: Creative Director/Writer

A: Hell is an archetype, but archetypes are imagined--and emotionally signaled constructs. Scientists who study the behavior of quanta have found a physical vacuum between fundamental electric particles and the wave energies released when attempting to observe and measure those particles.
It's an automatic reaction to succumb to emotionally loaded concepts and call the universe "Hell," but hence we might have to call the "Big Bang" a hell as well.

B: The world = The object of our mind = The projection of our mind
David Bohm said, "The way we see depends on the way we think". If there is the "Big Bang", there must be "Big Crunch" also. BTW, this mountain looks like Mt. Fuji.

A: Wonderful! And that "Big Crunch" may be the singularity. At the mouth of the Black Hole.

B: I feel that the singularity, or the mouth of the Black Hole may be the transcending point of the space and time. Namely, the singularity between the phenomenal world (historical dimension) and the noumenal world (ultimate dimension). In other words, "Big Bang" may mean David Bohm's "The implicate, or the enfolded order unfolds into the explicate order, or everything separate.". And "Big Crunch" may mean "The explicate, or the unfolded order enfolds into the implicate order, or the wholeness.".

A: Right-on; I have admired David Bohm's explicate/implicate order for some time. It goes quite far toward explaining the queer behavior of quanta and concluding that space-time might be the result of a seminal "objective reality." Some call this "God," some--"Ultimate Consciousness."

C: Very interesting. . .everything goes back to "perceiving", doesn't it? And, slowly scientists are coming around: Form (objects) are Void (Subject) and Void is Form. Why is that? Because both are the perceiving of them, and the perceiving of them are what they are. Therefore, there is no distinction between them (except conceptually, differentiated by a dichotomized mind, i.e. Duality).

B: I like your comment; "Form (objects) is Void (Subject) and Void (Subject) is Form (objects)." Yes, the perceived is the perceiver. And the perceiver is the perceived. A = B and B = A. This is Emptiness, or Interbeing. Ego's thinking, or mind cuts the unseparable wholeness into separate pieces. David Bohm said, "See, we are the earth because all our substance comes from the earth and goes back. ... Consciousness is much more important than money. Change in consciousness is essential."

C: two quick items: one, the mountain above does look like Mt. Fuji; two, I don't place much stock in David Boehm's utterances.  

Any resolution of a duality such as Subject and Object, through negation of "Neither (the one) nor (the other)," takes you to the "Suchness," "Subjectivity," (the Void of Prajna, of Han Shan) of what those concepts ARE when they are neither either. This Suchness is well beyond the ego/mind. It is experienced as a Voidness, which is a plenum. That plenum is the sense of ubiquitous Presence; it's conceptual opposite is Absence. So the "two" are actually cognized as not different, at this level, but with a deflection of "interest" the Absence is transformed into Noumenal Awareness, which is Absolute.  

No where, after the negation of subject/object is there any room for conceptual speculation of the kind that Boehm offers, for he is still locked in the mind that is split by those two concepts. Plus, any appearance (of anything) is Dualistic and, if it is conceived, is an interpretation by split mind of that which manifested it, namely Absolute. All the rest is conjecture and speculation from a position that can hardly be said to have experienced the higher states spoken of ...(?)


No Sunset

Saturday, September 24, 2016









Friday, September 23, 2016

How to breathe mindfully

Watch deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk from 23:25 to 24:24.

The following is the excerpt from the video.

The mechanism is simple. When you breathe in mindfully, "Breathing in, I know I'm breathing in", I focus my attention on my in-breath and stop the thinking. I just become aware of my in-breath. My in-breath is the only object of my mind. I focus all my attention on my in-breath. I am concentrated. I allowed mindfulness and concentration to be present. And suddenly, I discover I'm alive. That is insight. It's very clear. When you breathe in mindfully, you know that you are alive. Because someone who is already dead does not breathe in anymore.

The key is to stop thinking, or to stop mind. When we (ego) stop thinking, awareness (true self) revives automatically. This is the self-transformation, or the Self-realization in yoga. Awareness can touch the wonders of life, so feel joyful and happy. This is the art of happiness. Thay calls this state as the part-time Buddha.

However, if we have not thrown away all notions, we will resume thinking and return to ego. Therefore, the extinction of all notions is essential in order to attain full enlightenment. And for the extinction of all notions, we need to be convinced that all notions are wrong. That's why we need to understand the ultimate truth. Once we attain full enlightenment, we will never resume thinking and return to ego. Thay calls this state as the full-time Buddha

During the deep sleep state, everyone is awareness because we don't think. And during the awakening state and the dreaming state, the fully-enlightened person can stay awareness without thinking. So, the fully-enlightened person can attain insights 24 hours a day as awareness.


Thursday, September 22, 2016






< 外部の世界 >


< 内部の世界 >





Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The world = The object of our mind = The projection of our mind

Watch deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk from 1:31 to 2:14.

The following is the excerpt from the video.

So, mindfulness, you can define it as the kind of energy that allows us to be aware of what is happening in the here and the now, in our body, in our feelings, in our mind, and in the world which is the object of our mind. In the Buddhist tradition, we always try to remember that the world is the object of our mind. Our mind and the world form a perception, subject of a perception and object of a perception

The world is the object of our mind. So, the world depends on the state of our mind. David Bohm said, "The way we see depends on the way we think". There are two kinds of the world, namely the outside world and the inside world. If our mind is not calm and clear, we see illusory world through the projection of mind. Only if our mind is calm and clear, the realistic world is reflected on our mind.

< Outside world >
non-calm mind (wavy water) ⇒ can't reflect the outside reality  see illusions (projection of mind)
calm mind (still water: mirror) ⇒ can reflect the outside  reality ⇒ attain insight

The outside world is the illusion if our mind is not calm. That's because our mind can't reflect the outside reality as it is. It's like wavy water in the pond.
The outside world is the reality if our mind is calm. That's because our mind can reflect the outside reality as it is. It's like still water in the pond, or a mirror.

< Inside world >
non-clear mind (dirty water) ⇒ can't see through the inside reality  see illusions (projection of mind)
clear mind (clear water) ⇒ can see through the inside reality ⇒ attain insight

The inside world is the illusion if our mind is not clear. That's because we can't see through the inside reality as it is. Our mind is like dirty water in the pond.
The inside world is the reality if our mind is clear. That's because we can see through the inside reality as it is. Our mind is like clear water in the pond.

Therefore, we need to have clear and calm mind in order to touch the true nature of reality. The method to have clear and calm mind is mindfulness, concentration and insight taught by the Buddha and Thay. 


Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria

Wednesday, September 14, 2016













Monday, September 12, 2016

Deep Looking and Listening

Read deeply the following Thay's message regarding the tragedy of 9.11.
The followings are key phrases excerpted from the article.

That shock can wake us up and it can help make awareness and mindfulness last. During this time, people are in a position where they have the capacity, and the opportunity, to look deeply into their situation and the situation around the world. That is why it is so important to make use of our suffering and not just complain about it.

America is getting angrier and more afraid every day because the negative seeds are being watered, and that is why we need people who have the capacity to water the good seeds. With calm and stability in us, we can perform an act of forgiveness that can bring down the level of suffering in this country and elsewhere.

It seems that America is dreaming, that America is not aware of what is going on within itself and outside. If we live in forgetfulness rather than in mindfulness—in a dream—we are creating violence without being aware of it. The way we live our daily lives and the way we consume creates a lot of suffering, a lot of injustice. We think it does not harm us, or others, but it can be very violent.

I know that without suffering there is no way to cultivate understanding and compassion. When you suffer, you understand yourself. What happened in New York caused great suffering, but if we can learn from it, the suffering can become a bell of mindfulness in waking up the whole nation.

Of course we need action, but action based on fear and anger is always destructive. I would propose as the first action learning to be calm, learning the practice of mindful breathing, embracing the anger and the fear. And then, if we look deeply into the situation, we see that we are not the only people who suffer, and that we may have participated in creating others’ suffering. They may feel that they are victims of our discrimination, of our attempt to destroy them.

The suffering comes from the fact that communication is blocked. Many suffer from injustice, from discrimination, and listening to them is the most effective way to change the politics that have led to this kind of violence. The whole nation, not just a group of people, should take up the practice of deep listening; it can be a collective practice of looking and listening deeply to our own suffering and the suffering outside. That is action. The other side will notice this effort to listen, not as politicians, but as human beings.

We should lock people up with compassion, and we should try to talk to them and to water their seed of compassion, so they can wake up and then join us in the act of building more compassion. Killing them is not the way. By killing them, we create more of them.

(My commentary)
I wonder how many Americans can understand this Thay's precious message. Many Americans are not humble enough to listen deeply. So, they can't understand that everything is their own creation. There is always a cause for a consequence. That's why we need to understand the root cause to solve the problem fundamentally. If Americans understand that their luxurious lifestyle is possible at the sacrifice of a lot of poor people in other nations, they will be astonished and have to generate compassion for such victims. Then they will be ready to listen deeply and truly understand that it was no wonder the tragedy of 9.11 occurred because they had been too arrogant and greedy. I still remember that Hillary Clinton explained the assassination of Osama bin Laden was the justice of America.


Thay's calligraphy