Wednesday, November 15, 2017

本当の自分 & エゴ True self & Ego

<本当の自分>                               <エゴ>

マインドフルネス(念)            失念
集中                                             分散
理解                                             誤解
洞察                                             思考
思いやり                                      悪意
平和                                             怒り、憎しみ、抑うつ
希望                                             絶望
(協調)                                          (競争、比較)
喜び                                             痛み
幸せ                                             苦しみ

1. 呼吸しているのは誰ですか?熟睡している時も呼吸しています。あなたは意識して呼吸していませんよね?呼吸しているのが「本当の自分」です。

2. 考えているのは誰ですか?熟睡している時は考えていません。あなたは意識して考えていますよね?考えているのが「エゴ」です。

3. 考えているのが本当の自分だと勘違いしていませんか?もしそうなら、脳が本当の自分になってしまいます。本当の自分は考えません。脳は本当の自分ではありません。

4. 考えるのを止めた瞬間に洞察を得たことがありますか?もしあれば、それが本当の自分です。洞察は取りに行くものではなく、何もしなくても自然に入ってくるものです。

5. 生命の奇跡に触れていますか?生命の奇跡に触れると喜びと幸せが湧きだしてきます。幼子のように。考えていると生命の奇跡に触れることはできません。

6. 現実を見ていると勘違いしていませんか?考えている限り目に映るものは全て幻想です。洞察を通してしか現実に触れることはできません。

7. 目に映る世界はあなたの心の投影であることに気付いていますか?あなたの心をあなたは見ているのです。心を止めると、穏やかな心が鏡の如く現実を反射できます。

8. 苦しみを相手のせいにしていませんか?それでは何も解決しません。苦しみの原因は全て自分の心の中の障害にあるのですから。


<True self>                                   <Ego>

Mindfulness                                   Forgetfulness
Concentration                                Dispersion
Understanding                              Misunderstanding
Insight                                           Thought
Love                                               Attachment, Addiction
Compassion                                  Ill-will
Peace                                             Anger, Hatred, Depression
Hope                                              Despair
(Cooperation)                               (Competition, Comparison)
Joy                                                 Pain
Happiness                                     Suffering

1. Who is breathing? You are breathing even in your deep-sleep state. You are not breathing consciously, are you? The breather is 'True self'.

2. Who is thinking? You are not thinking in your deep-sleep state. You are breathing consciously, aren't you? The thinker is 'Ego'.

3. Don't you misunderstand that the thinker is 'True self', do you? If so, your brain must be 'True self'. 'True self' never thinks. Your brain is not 'True self'.

4. Have you ever attained insight right after stopping the thinking? If yes, that is 'True self'. Insight is something which enters into you naturally, not something to take.

5. Are you touching the wonders of life? You can generate joy and happiness when you touch the wonders of life. Like a child. You can never touch the wonders of life while thinking.

6. Don't you misunderstand that you see the reality, do you? As long as you think, everything you see is an illusion. You can touch the reality only through insight.

7. Are you aware that everything you see is the projection of your mind? You are watching your mind. If you stop your mind, your calm mind can reflect the reality like a mirror.

8. Your suffering is because of the other's attitudes? If you think so, nothing will be solved. That's because your suffering is because of obstacles in your mind.

Charlie Chaplin

Tuesday, October 3, 2017



1. 第一段階:喜びと幸せを発生させる最も単純な方法(正念)

2. 第二段階:発生した苦しみに対処する方法 (正念)

3. 第三段階:喜びと幸せを発生させる選択的水やり方法(正精進)

4. 第四段階:発生した苦しみの原因を究明し変容する方法(正定と正見 

5. 第五段階:新たな苦しみの原因創造しない方法智慧の完成



Saturday, July 15, 2017



(54:00) 相互依存の洞察

ですから、相互依存の洞察とは、あなたはあなた一人ではないという意味です。ですから、実際には相互依存の洞察は、「無我」の洞察です。 それは仏陀の非常に重要な教えです。(中略)(「無我」とは)独立した存在はないという意味です。相互依存とはそういう意味です。あなたは一人ではありません。 あなたは一人ではあり得ないのです。(中略)ですから、相互依存、相互関連性とはそのような意味です。あなたは一人ではなく、一人ではあり得ませんので、他の人のことを気遣うのです。

(1:01:47) 非二元性の洞察
(1:03:26) 仏陀の教えの一つに、「あなたは彼と異なる」という二つの見方、二重の見方があります。あなたは知覚者であり、彼はあなたの知覚の対象であり、(二者は)異なっています。 これは(主体と客体という)二重の見方を意味します。私たちが二重の見方に捉われるなら、すぐに問題が発生します。あなたは彼を裁き始めます。あなたは彼を箱に入れます。良い僧侶か悪い僧侶か、といった箱です。 私たちは既に問題を抱えており、一緒に暮らすことはできません。

ですから、私たちはこの二重の見方を超越しなければなりません。私はあなたとは違う。私はあなたを裁いています。私が裁判官で、あなたは私の裁判の対象となります。二重の見方の超越は、非二元性、非差別と呼ばれています。あなたは私の心の群れです。あなたは私の心の対象です。そして、もし私が自分の心を変えなければ、私はあなたを変えることはできません。ですから、あなたがサンガの誰かを好きでないなら、あなたの心を変えてください。サンガに好きでない人がいるなら、あなたの心を変えなければなりません。(それが)非二元性。そして、苦しみと幸せも同じことです。幸せを追いかけるために、苦しみを投げ捨てないでください。苦しみが幸せを作るのです。 それはちょうど、を作るゴミ(堆肥)のようなものです。

非二元性とは、たとえ悟りや幸せであっても、何にも執着しないことを意味します。(中略)すると、私たちは二重の執着から解放されるでしょう。仏陀は、その二重の執着を取り除く必要性に言及しました。私たちは常にその二重の執着を持っています。それは非常に深い所にあり、エゴによって制御されています。ですから、裏でエゴがこれらの裁きや差別の全てを行っているのです。エゴが非常に強力なことはご存じですよね。そして、(非二元性の) 非常に強力な洞察が、全ての苦しみの合計を取り除くのに役立ちます。非二元性。私はあなたです。私は私の父です。私は私の先生です。



Friday, July 14, 2017







Thursday, May 25, 2017



① Gone With The Wind - Thich Nhat Hanh & Plum Village 1~4

② WALK WITH ME - International Trailer

③ Uncommon Conversations: Thich Nhat Hanh and Br. David Steindl-Rast and Gratefulness

④ Mindfulness: Be Happy Now - Trailer

⑤ The Awakening Bell

⑥ Conversations on Compassion with Thich Nhat Hanh (CCARE at Stanford University) 

⑦ Thich Nhat Hanh - Oprah Winfrey

⑧ Thich Nhat Hanh: "Mindfulness as a Foundation for Health" | Talks at Google

① Teach Breathe Learn book trailer

② Mindful Schools In-Class Instruction

③ Mindfulness for Children

Monday, May 22, 2017

Meditation & Enlightenment

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk about "Meditation".

If you are asked, "Why do you meditate?", Can you answer, "Because I like it."? If you can, your meditation is in the right track. That's because meditation is an enjoyment. We don’t force it, but we enjoy it. It is an act of love.

We can get enlightenment just by eating because we can get in touch with the nature of reality, no self. When we eat, we know that we are made of non-we elements, or the whole cosmos (water, air, earth, sunshine). We are not separate existence, we are empty of separate self (no self). 'No self' is the nature of 'emptiness' in terms of space, while 'impermanence' is the nature of 'emptiness' in terms of time. This insight enables us to transcend the duality and attain the wholeness. We can throw away all notions such as birth and death because we are convinced that all notions are wrong. When we attain the extinction of all notions, we won't think anymore, we won't separate anymore. We will dwell in nirvana (ultimate dimension), touching the wonders of life, touching the true nature of reality inside and around us.

For enlightenment, we don't need to be ordained, we don't need to get the lamp transmission. It is possible right here and right now.


Thich Nhat Hanh & his disciples

Friday, May 19, 2017


Watch deeply the following Dharma talk video about "Celebrating Our Awakening" by Thay Phap Linh.

(My commentary)
Awakening means:
to wake up.
to go home to yourself.
to return to your true self (non-separate self, Dharma body, cosmic body, awareness, Buddha nature, Divine nature ...etc.)
to transform yourself from ego (separate self) to true self (non-separate self).

The key is to stop thinking.

But if you are starving to death, you can never stop thinking.

So, top priority is that your life will be secured until your natural death.

When your survival plan is clearly established, challenge your awakening!

If you can concentrate on your breathing, only one in-breath (a few seconds) will be enough for your awakening as Thay says.

And if you attain insight of the ultimate truth (emptiness, interbeing, non-separation, non-duality, wholeness), you will be able to throw away all notions. That's full enlightenment.


Thay Phap Linh

Monday, May 1, 2017

Insight of interbeing and non-duality

Watch deeply the following video of Dharma talk by Thay Phap Dang about "The Jewels of Plum Village". 

(54:00) Insight of interbeing
If you hate someone, it means you hate yourself. Interbeing, interconnectedness. Your suffering is his suffering. Your smile is her smile. So, if you want to punish him, you punish yourself. ... So, insight of interbeing is so crucial. Because usually we attach our ego. So, we forgot about the insight of interbeing, interconnectedness. We are relating, we are connected in the level of human being but also in the level of nature of life.

So, the insight of interbeing means that you are not yourself (alone). So, actually it is the insight of "no self". It's very important teaching of the Buddha. ... And not a separate existence. Interbeing is like that. You are not alone. You can not be alone. ... So, interbeing, interconnectedness is like that. You concern for other people because you are not alone, you can not be alone. 

(1:01:47) Insight of non-duality
(1:03:26) One of the teachings of the Buddha says that there is two views, double views (?) that you are different from him. You are the perceiver and he is the object of your perceiving and different. It means double views. If we are caught in that, we have problems right away. You begin to judge him. You put him in box. Whether a good monk or a bad monk, you know. We already have problems, can not live together. 

So, we have to transcend this double views; I'm different from you. I'm judging you. I am a judge and you become the object of my judging. And that's called non-duality, non-discrimination. You are a pack of my mind. You are the object of my mind. And if I don't change my mind, I can not change you. So, if you don't like someone in the sangha, you change your mind. If there is anybody you don't like in the sangha, you have to change your mind. Non-duality. And the same thing is suffering and happiness. You don't throw away suffering in order to run after happiness. Sufferings make happiness. It's just like garbage make flowers.

Non-duality means no clinging to whatsoever, even enlightenment or happiness.  ... And we will be free from double grasping. Buddha said, called the need to remove that double grasping. We always have that double grasping. And its very deep down, it's controlled by the ego. So, the ego in the back, it's doing all of these judging, discriminating. You see it's very powerful. And very powerful insight (of non-duality), it helps to remove the total of all sufferings. Non-duality. I am you. I am my father. I am my teacher.


Thay Phap Dang

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Insight of non-duality and compassion

Listen deeply to the following Dharma talk by Thay Phap Dang about the insight of non-duality and compassion.

I don't react to the anger. 
So, if we have an insight, we know how to act. We can endure the violence. We can take the physical pain so that the brother, that man can release some of his violence. And that is called the insight of non-duality. ... So, non-duality trains the energy of compassion. And that's what we need in our society. If somebody kills you, use compassion. Because if not, we will suffer a lot, and somebody (will suffer a lot). So, what we need is actually compassion, the energy of compassion. ... Remember the thresholds to go into the heavenly land and to experience peace, happiness and also compassion. Only compassion can deal with this society full of suffering and the violence.

(My commentary)
Insight of non-duality means understanding the ultimate truth of emptiness (empty of separate existence), interbeing, or the wholeness. So, when we attain insight of non-duality, there will be no separation, no discrimination. I am you and you are me. Your suffering is my suffering and your happiness is my happiness. This insight generates compassion which brings about peace and happiness


Thích Nhất Hạnh and Thay Phap Dang

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

認識 = 気付き = 悟り











Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Awareness = Mindfulness = Enlightenment

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk on enlightenment from 00:47to 2:49.

The followings are the excerpts.

Only a Buddha, a full Buddha is someone who is awake all day. But we become awake from time to time. That is why we should practice mindful breathing in order to be more awake in our daily life. 

I talk about awareness, I talk about enlightenment because enlightenment and awareness, they are of the same substance. And now we have a word, mindfulness which is the same. Because when you are mindful of what is going on, you are aware and you are enlightened. 

Suppose a practice:

Breathing in, I'm aware I have good eyes.
Breathing out, I smile to my eyes.

That is awareness, that is mindfulness of having good eyes. But that is also enlightenment. Because if I have good eyes but if I don't know it, I am not enlightened at all. So, being enlightened means the same thing as being mindful. And you can get enlightened every minute if you have that kind of awareness

So, many of us spend our days in forgetfulness. We live, and yet we don't. We get lost in the past. We worry so much about the future and we are afraid of it. We make so many projects, we are excited about the future. We have no capacity of being alive in the present moment where everything is. And people who live like that live in forgetfulness. And life is not available to them. And they live like a person who carries the dead body on the shoulder and wanders around. He is already dead, she is already dead

(My commentary)
Most people are not awake except for small children and the deep sleep state. However, they can't recognize it because they are not mindful. In order to be really alive, we need to be mindful by returning to awareness (non-separate self). The key is to stop thinking. 


Monday, March 13, 2017

Walking meditation 歩行瞑想

Watch deeply the following video of the walking meditation led by Sister Peace.


The contrast between the walking meditators and ordinary walkers is interesting. It is expressed in the following beautiful trailer ('walk with me') as those who have arrived and those who have been running a lot but have not arrived.


歩行瞑想者と一般歩行者のコントラストが興味深いです。そのコントラストは、到着した人と、いっぱい走ってきたが到着していない人として、次の美しい映画「walk with me」の予告編に表現されています。


Saturday, March 11, 2017

洞察 = 正見(正しい見方)








Thursday, March 9, 2017

理解 = 洞察


あなたが怒りに満ちているなら、他人への苦しみよりもあなた自身への苦しみを多く創造します。あなたに怒りのエネルギーが宿っている時、あなたは罰したい、破壊したいと思います。ですから、賢明な人は怒りがまだ自分の中に残っている間、何も言いたくないし、何もしたくないのです。ですから、まず自分自身に平和をもたらそうとしてください。あなたが穏やかな時、あなたが明晰である時、あなたは相手が、社会、両親、友人、環境によって伝えられた混乱の犠牲者、憎しみの犠牲者、暴力の犠牲者であることがわかります。 あなたがそれを理解できると、あなたの怒りはもはやありません。












Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Insight = Right View

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk on Right View from 21:45 to 25:07.
The followings are excerpts.

In Chinese, it (The Noble Eightfold Path) is translated by "The Path of Eight Right Practices". And the first one is Right View. According to the absolute truth, Right View means the absence of all views. It's called Right View. We have Right View only when we remove all kinds of views. The absolute truth. As far as the relative truth, you can create devices in order to help. 

And Right View can be considered to be the Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truth, the teaching on impermanence, the teaching of non-self, the teaching of aimlessness. And these should not be received as the dogma, theories, doctrines. They should be recognized as the instruments for us to work on our liberation, our transformation

So, we should know that the first meaning of Right View is the absence of all views. And the second meaning of Right View is the kind of instruments that help us for our transformation and healing. And Right View here is the true wisdom. It has the capacity of liberating us and liberating the people around us.

(My commentary)
Right View means the absence of all views. That's because all views are wrong views which cause separation, discrimination, or the duality. So, if we have views, afflictions arise and we suffer. Only if we remove all views, Right Thinking (= non-thinking) is possible. 


Thich Nhat Hanh