Tuesday, January 31, 2017

思考 (4)


自分自身の中に、抑うつの領域、地獄の領域があります。そして、私たちの否定的な思考や感情は、これらの領域から飛び出します。しかし、自分自身の中には、神の王国の領域があり、仏陀の浄土の領域があることを、私たちは知っています。 私たちの中には、思いやりと智慧の強力な種子があります。もし、それらの種子にチャンスを与えれば、私たちを救助するためにやって来るでしょう。










Sunday, January 29, 2017









「正思惟(正しい思考)とは、正見(正しい見方)を意味します」は、良い表現です。なぜなら、これは非思考によって可能であるからです。【即ち、正見(正しい見方)⇒(非思考)⇒正語(正しい言葉)と正業(正しい行動)】 言い換えれば、正思惟(正しい思考)は、非思考を意味します。ですから、正見(正しい見方)が思考プロセスを経ることなく、正語(正しい言葉)と正業(正しい行動)の基盤に直接なることができるのです。従って、(My commentary)正見(正しい見方)は、感情知覚を経由することなく、感覚に直結しなければなりません。


思考を停止する 本当の自分に戻る マインドフルネス 深く観る(集中) 洞察(理解) 愛と思いやり 変容 平和 喜びと幸せ



Saturday, January 28, 2017

Right Thinking

Watch deeply to the following Dharma talk about Right Thinking by Sister Jina.

The followings are excerpts.

Right Thinking means Right View. Our thinking comes from our view. And Right View means seeing the interbeing nature of all that is, seeing the impermanent nature and non-self nature of all that is, seeing that self is made of non-self elements

Right Thinking is also being aware of impermanence. There is a sentence that I use when I get caught into thinking. "The things are going to stay like this forever." When I find myself in a situation that I find difficult, I tell myself, "This too will pass." And this gives me energy. I'm no longer lost in despair

Right Thinking is also an expression of non-self. To know that happiness is not an individual matter. When my sister is not happy, I can not be happy however hard I try. Somehow, her pain is my pain although I don't want to accept that. But my experience is that I can not be really happy. 

4 questions to ask to ourselves (given by Thay):
1) Are you sure?
2) What am I doing?
3) Hello, habit energy!
4) To generate the mind of love, the deep wish to cultivate the understanding and compassion

Whatever I'm doing, my physical actions always bring my mind back to my body. And when I find myself being carried away by some very exciting thought, (but in the end it's not so exciting at all), I can let it go and come back to my training to bring the mind home to the body. In that way, we develop. You need so appropriate attention. And we will have peace and calm to look deeply to see the non-self and impermanent nature of all that is. That is Right Thinking. So, let's start by practicing becoming aware of our daily thinking. That may be the door to Right Thinking.

(My commentary)
"Right Thinking means Right View." is a good expression. That's because this is possible through non-thinking. (Namely, Right View ⇒ (non-thinking) ⇒ Right Speech and Right Action) In other words, Right Thinking means non-thinking. That's why Right View can be directly the basis of Right Speech and Right Action, without passing through Thinking process. So, Right View must be directly linked to the senses without passing through feelings and perceptions.

Right View means insight (understanding). Only if we are mindful and concentrated, we can attain insight. In other words, only if we return to our true self by stopping thinking, we can attain Right View (insight) by looking deeply (concentration). The following is the whole picture. 

stop thinkingreturn to true selfmindfulnesslook deeply (concentration)insight (understanding)love and compassion  transformationpeacejoy and happiness

(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/walking-meditation-62204227

Image of insight

Thursday, January 26, 2017

思考 (3)


私たちは自分の心が快適なものを追いかけ不快なものを避けようとするのをよく許容してきました。すると、私たちの思考は、思考のその習慣、そのパターンに従います。 そして、これらのパターンは、快適なものを追い求め、フォローし、探し求め、不快なものから逃げようとし、避けようとする原則に従います。そのため、私たちは全ての自由を失います。私たちは追いかけており、避けていますので、自分が何かを追いかけており、何かを避けようとしていることを知らないからです。 私たちは、自分の思考、感情、知覚に心を奪われているのです。













Tuesday, January 24, 2017

思考 (2)



あなたが理解と愛の方向、即ち正しい思考の方向に向かう思考を生み出すことができるなら、それはあなたの健康(肉体的健康と精神的健康)に明るい効果を及ぼします。正思惟(正しい思考)、それは神の王国の方向へ向かうを思考、理解と愛の方向へ向かう思考ですが、その思考はあなたの精神的、並びに肉体的な健康に直ちに効果を及ぼします。 そして同時に、その思考は世界の健康に効果を及ぼします。


あなたが思考を認識できる時、もはや思考の犠牲者ではありませんので、自由度を高めます。しかし、もしあなたが実践者でないなら、これらの思考にやっつけられます。 あなたはあなたを抑うつ状態に陥れるであろう否定的な状況を照らし続けます。思考の存在を認識すること、感情の存在を認識することは、非常に重要です。それが瞑想実践者の基本的な実践です。感情や思考を抑えようとはしてはいけません。あなたの感情や思考に顕現させてあげてください。しかし、あなたがその存在を認識するためには、そこに居なければなりません。その場合、あなたはあなたの自由を育んでいます。






Monday, January 23, 2017

思考 (1)



もちろん、神の王国はここにあると、私たちは言うことができます。 しかし、それだけでは十分ではありません私たちはその王国が顕現するのを助けなければなりません。そして、マインドフルネス、集中、少々の自由がなければ、私たちはそうすること、つまり王国を顕現させることはできません。神の王国は私たちの大脳皮質の中にあります。 神の王国は私たちの心の中に見つけ出すことができます。そして、もし私たちが自分の大脳皮質の中、つまり私たちの心の中にある王国に触れることができるなら、その王国は顕現します。



思考について話しましょう。 私たちは常に考え続けています。私たちの思考の多くは、あまり肯定的ではありません多くの思考は、私たちを否定的な思考の犠牲者にしています。あなたが「自分は何の役にも立たない」と言う時、それがその種の思考です。それには、あなたを苦しめる力があります。「私はそれを終わらせることはできない。」「私は瞑想できない。」「私は許すことができない。」「私は絶望している。」「私は決してそれをすることに成功しない。」その種の思考です。または、「彼は私を破壊しないだろう。」 「私は誰からも愛されていない。」この種の思考は、仏陀が正思惟(正しい思考)と呼んだものではありません。そして、この種の思考は現実に一致していません

私たちには、理解する能力と愛する能力があります。そして、私たちは能力がありませんとか、私たちは理解と思いやりの地盤に触れることに慣れていないと言います。ですから、私たちは正思惟(正しい思考)に沿って提案できないのであり、寛大になれないのであり、素晴らしい思考を生み出すことができないのです。仮にあなたの友人があなたを理解していないとしましょう。仮にあなたの兄弟姉妹があなたを理解していないとしましょう。 仮にあなたの先生があなたを愛しておらず、あなたを理解していないと、あなたが考えているとしましょう。すると、あなたはそのような考えを受け入れてしまい、苦しみます。 その思考は現実には全く一致していないかもしれません。そして、あなたはその思考に光を当て続けます。すると、あなたは正思惟(正しい思考)を実践していませんので、同種の他の思考ですぐに抑うつ状態になります。


ティク・ナット・ハンは、「神の王国は私たちの大脳皮質の中にあります。 神の王国は私たちの心の中に見つけ出すことがでいきます。そして、もし私たちが自分の大脳皮質の中、つまり私たちの心の中にある王国に触れることができるなら、その王国は顕現します。」と言いました。神の王国仏陀の浄土、即ち涅槃は、究極の次元、即ち本体の世界にあります。ですから、ティク・ナット・ハンは、究極の次元、即ち本体の世界は、私たちの大脳皮質、即ち歴史的次元、現象界の中にあることを意味したのです。言い換えれば、涅槃は私たちの中、即ち私たちの心(阿頼耶識)の中にあるということです。そして、私たちの心は、大脳皮質だけでなく、全身の各細胞の各素粒子の中にもあると、私は理解しています。


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Thinking (6)

Watch deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk video on 'Taking Care of our Thinking'. 
The followings are excerpts from the above video.

(from -11:08)
Mindfulness, concentration and insight bring you freedom. The practice of mindfulness helps you live your life. I want to live my life. I don't want to be a victim of my negative thinking, my negative perceptions. And this is possible with the practice of mindfulness. If mindfulness allows us to touch, to recognize the negative things, and to touch the positive things, and if we can open the door of the Kingdom of God in us, and then we can get in touch with many wonders of the Kingdom that are available in our daily life. It is possible for us to walk all day in the Kingdom of GodIt is possible for us to get in touch with the wonders of the Kingdom of God all day. And the door, the key of the Kingdom is there to stay alive, to stay present in the here and the now, and to allow ourselves the time to recognize to get in touch deeply, and not to respond right away, not to react right away in the way we used to do in the past.

(from -8:33)
There are very concrete things that I like to do, that we like to do. And these concrete things may bring us a lot of happiness and freedom. Whenever I walk, I need to walk, as you are walking, in such away that a step can bring me freedom. I don't lose myself in walking. I don't lose myself in the past or in the future, or in my projects while walking. While walking, I want to taste to get in touch with the wonders of life, the wonders of the Kingdom of God.

Those of us who are capable of walking like that, while breathing in the sitting position or standing position, we may breathe in such a way that help us to recognize the fact that we are alive, we are pleasant, we can get in touch with the wonders of life. While eating, we know we are there fully present. It is us who do the eating and not the machine. We are not on automatic piloting. We are on consciousness, on conscious living. We are on mindful living

The greatest success, the most meaningful kind of success you can get is freedom. We have to fight for our freedom. It's not by going somewhere or in the future that we have freedom. It is right in the here and the now that we can get freedom, And the beginning is to stay present, to stay alive to be yourself in every moment. 

It depends on our way of living our life. And freedom is the ground of happiness. And the way of freedom is the way of mindfulness. And mindfulness, the practice of mindfulness as it is presented in Plum Village, is to learn how to live mindfully each moment of our daily life to be always present. And that kind of training should continue if we don't want to fall into the base of the suffering, depression and so on. And as we have a sangha that is practicing mindfulness, mindful living, we are supported by the sangha.


(My Commentary)
The easiest way to check if we are mindful or not may be to ask a question to oneself, "Can you accept yourself unconditionally without separation?". If you can say "Yes" without hesitation, you are awareness (non-separate self, true self) who is mindful. If you hesitate to say "Yes" right away, you are ego (separate self, fake self) who is not mindful. That's because if we can accept ourselves unconditionally without separation, we have no fear and insecurity. That's why we can stop thinking and return to awareness (non-separate self, true self) automatically.

So, the key is how to attain unconditional self-acceptance, or unconditional self-love. In other words, it is how to understand the root cause of suffering through insight. However, those who have fear and insecurity (ego) can't stop thinking due to the lack of unconditional self-acceptance (self-hatred), so it's not easy for them to be mindful. I wonder how many people are ready to transform themselves from ego to awareness on this planet right now.

(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-versions-of-oneself

Friday, January 20, 2017

Thinking (5)

Watch deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk video on 'Taking Care of our Thinking'. 
The followings are excerpts from the above video.

(from -25:00)
In order to unlock the door of happiness, the door of the Kingdom, the door of compassion and love, we need the key. That key according to the teaching of the Buddha is the triple training of mindfulness, concentration and insight. It is possible to cultivate insight and compassion. The Kingdom of God is the place where we can cultivate, we have a chance to cultivate understanding and compassion. And we may like to do that together with other people well with the same concern and desire. 

When you grow a corn, you have a corn to eat. When you grow a wheat, you have a wheat to eat. When you grow compassion, you have compassion and understanding, the ground of your own peace and freedom and happiness. And in order to grow, cultivate understanding and compassion, you have to be there. Understanding suffering, understanding anger, understanding depression, to be aware of them, to understand them, is very important. Because to be aware of suffering and to understand suffering is the door to penetrate into the domain of happiness. Unless you understand the nature of suffering, the cause of suffering, you see no path leading to transformation of suffering to happiness.

(from -15:01)
Because Right View is the foundation of Right Thinking. What is Right View? Right View is that everyone has suffering. ... But as a practitioner, you don't have to suffer even if the action or the speech of the person is negative and if you are capable of touching compassion, Right View in you. You say, "Well, I have to help him. I don't want to punish him. I want to help him." That is Right Thinking. And Right Thinking makes you feel much much better. It has a positive effect on your health and the health of the world. 

Right Thinking helps you consolidate Right View. And Right Speech also helps you consolidate Right View. And what is Right View? When you are fully present in the here and the now and observe your thoughts, observe your feelings, observe your emotions, you recognize that they are thoughts, they are feelings, they are emotions, and they are not realities. And you are not stuck into it. You retain your freedom. And that is very important. Even if a negative thought or feeling arises, and if you are fully present in the here and the now, and if you remember that your thought is just a thought, is not the reality, that's enough to keep you free and allow your wisdom and compassion to come into action in order to help you. 

(To be continued)

(My Commentary)
I understand that what Thay means by Right Thinking is direct thinking which is directly linked to the senses without passing through feelings and perceptions. In other words, Right Thinking means non-thinking. So, Right Speech and Right Action must be based on Right View (insight) without thinking.

Almost all thoughts except for direct thinking (non-thinking) cause separation, discrimination, or the duality. That's why afflictions arise and people suffer. Thay said that mindfulness, concentration and insight are the key for happiness. I understand that this is because mindfulness is for stopping thinking, and concentration is for attaining insight through deep looking. And that insight (understanding) generates love and compassion which bring about peace, freedom, solidity, joy and happiness. 

(Cf.) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014NYEP04

The Buddha

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Thinking (4)

Watch deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk video on 'Taking Care of our Thinking'. 
The followings are excerpts from the above video.

(from -33:35)
Within ourselves there is a territory of depression, a territory of hell. And our negative thinking and emotions, they are spinning out from these territories. But we know that in ourselves there is a territory of the Kingdom of God and there is a territory of the Buddha Land. There is a powerful seed of compassion and wisdom in us. And if we give them a chance, they will come in order for us to be rescued. 

They have a power to recognize our thoughts. They have a power to recognize our feelings, our emotions, our perceptions. We don't have to suppress them but we want to have the time and space in order to look at them, to recognize them as they are. This is the basic practice. And in order to do that, we have to stay present to be there in the here and the now. Very often our body is there but our mind is elsewhere. And our children do not feel that we are truly present

If we come to a house, we want to meet someone in the house. You ask, "Is anyone home?" And if someone says, "Yes", and you will be happy. You don't want to go to a house where there is no one. But very often we live ourselves without us. We are not home. We are lost in our thinking, in our worries, in our projects, in our anxiety, in our fear. We are completely lost. We are not there in order to be aware of what is going on. And that is why the practice that is offered to us by the Buddha is not to be on automatic piloting but on conscious breathing, the practice of mindful living. 

If you have a depression, or if you are afraid that you go fall back into a depression, this is the way out. If you can stay present, if you can identify the kind of ill-feeling and thought that are responsible for your depression, and then you can be free. You know that these kinds of thinking, these kinds of feeling, will cause a relapse. And that is the beginning of the healing, the beginning of your freedom

To be there and to be aware of your thinking, of your feeling. The feeling that you get in your body, the feeling that you get when you remember something, you are not afraid.  If you are truly there, you can allow the difficult materials to come for you to recognize before they go. And you can do something in order to invite the wonderful materials to come for you to recognize. And you may like to ask these wonderful materials of the mind to stay with you to help you to possess the documents that you need to process.

The Kingdom of God is not an idea. It is a reality. Every time we are mindful, every time we are concentrated, every time we get a little bit of freedom, and then we can get in touch with the Kingdom of God for our transformation and healing. Of course, hell is there in the present moment but the Kingdom of God is also there in the present moment. And we have to select, we have to choose between the two.

(To be continued)

(My Commentary)
Everything depends on who we are. We can select hell or the Kingdom of God to live in. However, if we are ego, we can't recognize what's going on inside and around us. So, ego lives in hell without knowing that there are options to select. Therefore, we need to return to true self by stopping thinking through the insight of the root cause of the suffering.

(Cf.) http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/3-versions-of-oneself

Thich Nhat Hanh