Wednesday, March 15, 2017

認識 = 気付き = 悟り











Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Awareness = Mindfulness = Enlightenment

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk on enlightenment from 00:47to 2:49.

The followings are the excerpts.

Only a Buddha, a full Buddha is someone who is awake all day. But we become awake from time to time. That is why we should practice mindful breathing in order to be more awake in our daily life. 

I talk about awareness, I talk about enlightenment because enlightenment and awareness, they are of the same substance. And now we have a word, mindfulness which is the same. Because when you are mindful of what is going on, you are aware and you are enlightened. 

Suppose a practice:

Breathing in, I'm aware I have good eyes.
Breathing out, I smile to my eyes.

That is awareness, that is mindfulness of having good eyes. But that is also enlightenment. Because if I have good eyes but if I don't know it, I am not enlightened at all. So, being enlightened means the same thing as being mindful. And you can get enlightened every minute if you have that kind of awareness

So, many of us spend our days in forgetfulness. We live, and yet we don't. We get lost in the past. We worry so much about the future and we are afraid of it. We make so many projects, we are excited about the future. We have no capacity of being alive in the present moment where everything is. And people who live like that live in forgetfulness. And life is not available to them. And they live like a person who carries the dead body on the shoulder and wanders around. He is already dead, she is already dead

(My commentary)
Most people are not awake except for small children and the deep sleep state. However, they can't recognize it because they are not mindful. In order to be really alive, we need to be mindful by returning to awareness (non-separate self). The key is to stop thinking. 


Monday, March 13, 2017

Walking meditation 歩行瞑想

Watch deeply the following video of the walking meditation led by Sister Peace.


The contrast between the walking meditators and ordinary walkers is interesting. It is expressed in the following beautiful trailer ('walk with me') as those who have arrived and those who have been running a lot but have not arrived.


歩行瞑想者と一般歩行者のコントラストが興味深いです。そのコントラストは、到着した人と、いっぱい走ってきたが到着していない人として、次の美しい映画「walk with me」の予告編に表現されています。


Saturday, March 11, 2017

洞察 = 正見(正しい見方)








Thursday, March 9, 2017

理解 = 洞察


あなたが怒りに満ちているなら、他人への苦しみよりもあなた自身への苦しみを多く創造します。あなたに怒りのエネルギーが宿っている時、あなたは罰したい、破壊したいと思います。ですから、賢明な人は怒りがまだ自分の中に残っている間、何も言いたくないし、何もしたくないのです。ですから、まず自分自身に平和をもたらそうとしてください。あなたが穏やかな時、あなたが明晰である時、あなたは相手が、社会、両親、友人、環境によって伝えられた混乱の犠牲者、憎しみの犠牲者、暴力の犠牲者であることがわかります。 あなたがそれを理解できると、あなたの怒りはもはやありません。












Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Insight = Right View

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk on Right View from 21:45 to 25:07.
The followings are excerpts.

In Chinese, it (The Noble Eightfold Path) is translated by "The Path of Eight Right Practices". And the first one is Right View. According to the absolute truth, Right View means the absence of all views. It's called Right View. We have Right View only when we remove all kinds of views. The absolute truth. As far as the relative truth, you can create devices in order to help. 

And Right View can be considered to be the Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truth, the teaching on impermanence, the teaching of non-self, the teaching of aimlessness. And these should not be received as the dogma, theories, doctrines. They should be recognized as the instruments for us to work on our liberation, our transformation

So, we should know that the first meaning of Right View is the absence of all views. And the second meaning of Right View is the kind of instruments that help us for our transformation and healing. And Right View here is the true wisdom. It has the capacity of liberating us and liberating the people around us.

(My commentary)
Right View means the absence of all views. That's because all views are wrong views which cause separation, discrimination, or the duality. So, if we have views, afflictions arise and we suffer. Only if we remove all views, Right Thinking (= non-thinking) is possible. 


Thich Nhat Hanh

Monday, March 6, 2017

Understanding = Insight

Watch deeply the following video on "How We Can Learn to Love Our Enemies" by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Read deeply the following article on "Compassion, the Antidote".
The followings are excerpts from the above article which is Thay's precious advice.

(How to deal with anger)
If you are filled with anger, you create more suffering for yourself than for the other person. When you are inhabited by the energy of anger, you want to punish, you want to destroy. That is why those who are wise do not want to say anything or do anything while the anger is still in them. So you try to bring peace into yourself first. When you are calm, when you are lucid, you will see that the other person is a victim of confusion, of hate, of violence transmitted by society, by parents, by friends, by the environment. When you are able to see that, your anger is no longer there.

(How to forgive)
Forgiveness will not be possible until compassion is born in our heart. Even if you want to forgive, you cannot forgive. In order to be compassionate, you have to understand why the other person has done that to you and your people. You have to see that they are victims of their own confusion, their own worldview, their own grieving, their own discrimination, their own lack of understanding and compassion.

(How to practice understanding and compassion)
Suppose you are angry at your father. Many people are angry at their father, and yet if they don’t do anything to change it when they grow up, they will repeat exactly what their father did to them. They will do that to their own children. That is why we have a wonderful exercise of meditation that has helped so many angry sons and daughters who come to Plum Village:

Breathing in, I see myself as a 5-year-old child
Breathing out, I hold that 5-year-old child in me with tenderness. 
Breathing in, I see the 5-year-old child in me as fragile, vulnerable, easily wounded. 
Breathing out I feel the wound of that little child in me and use the energy of compassion to hold tenderly the wound of that child.

But then you continue—
Breathing in, I see my father as a 5-year-old boy
Breathing out, I smile to my father as a 5-year-old boy. 
Breathing in, I see how as a 5-year-old child my father was fragile, vulnerable. 
Breathing out, I feel compassion for my father as a 5-year-old boy.

When you are capable of visualizing your father as a 5-year-old boy, fragile, tender, full of wounds, you begin to understand and feel compassion. When the son is capable of practicing understanding and compassion, he no longer suffers and the father in him is also transformed. That moment, compassion is born in your heart. Now it is possible to forgive.

(Effects of compassion)
You have to be very compassionate in order not to get angry when you listen to the other person, because their speech may be full of condemnation, blame, judgment, and so on.

If you don’t nourish compassion in you, you cannot listen very long. You say, “I listen to him only with one purpose, to give him a chance to empty his heart. I am doing charity work.” But compassion will protect you from anger, and that is why compassion is the antidote for anger. With compassion you can relate to other people. Without compassion you are cut off.

If you master the art of listening deeply and of compassion, you can open the heart of the other person. If you know how to convey your feelings that are inside you through loving speech, you can help the other person understand you. That is why in order to reestablish communication, in order for forgiveness to be possible, you should learn to practice these two wonderful things—compassionate listening and the language of loving speech.

(My commentary)
Understanding means insight through mindfulness and concentration. So, in order to attain insight of the root cause of suffering, we must stop thinking and look deeply into the suffering.


Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, March 4, 2017

正思惟(正しい思考) = 非思考








Friday, March 3, 2017

Right Thinking = No thinking

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk on Right Thinking from 25:07 to 28:50.
The followings are excerpts. This Thay's clear explanation of Right Thinking is exactly what I have been looking for and I totally agree.

And then the second aspect of the path is the Right Thinking, Right Thought. As far as the absolute truth is concerned, Right Thinking is absence of all thinking. It is direct encounter with reality. You don't need to think. Like you are tasting a mango, you are having authentic, true, real experience of the mango. You don't need to think that a mango tastes like this, like that, the notion of mango. You don't need any notions of mango because you had a reality of mango. Right? So, Right Thinking is no thinking at all.

But when you have not got the real thing, you need some kinds of notions, you need some kinds of orientations in order not to go astray. You have to go into the direction of the mango. So, Right Thinking is the thinking in terms of the four nutriments. Right Thinking is the thinking in terms of impermanence, non-self. It helps. Because if you think in terms of permanence of self, you suffer much more. And it is always important to remember that these are teachings as four nutriments; Four Noble Truths, Noble Eightfold Path, impermanence, non-self are instruments for the practice. And that is Right Thinking.

And if you conceive these as notions, as a doctrine to fight and die for, that's no longer the Right Thinking. Even if these are Buddhist terms, we are to be free from the teachings of the Buddha. We have to be free even of the teachings of the Buddha. If you should not get caught in the teachings of the Buddha, you should make good use of the teachings, not get caught in it.

And the Right View (the absence of all views, the capacity of liberating us) helps very much with Right Thinking. Because the writers are your view the better of your thinking.  And they interact with each other. If your thinking is in good direction, and then your right view will grow, your freedom will grow. 

<Key phrases>
Right Thinking is absence of all thinking.
Right Thinking is no thinking at all.
Right Thinking is the thinking in terms of the four nutriments.
Right Thinking is the thinking in terms of impermanence, non-self.
Four Noble Truths, Noble Eightfold Path, impermanence, non-self are instruments for the practice. And that is Right Thinking.
If you conceive these as notions, as a doctrine to fight and die for, that's no longer the Right Thinking.
Right View (the absence of all views, the capacity of liberating us) helps very much with Right Thinking.
Because the writers are your view the better of your thinking.
Right View and Right Thinking interact with each other.


Thay's calligraphy

Thursday, March 2, 2017

深い傾聴 = 思いやりのある傾聴


1. あなたが人助けをしたいなら、深い傾聴は最も重要な実践です。
2. まずは、自分自身に耳を傾けてください。
3. 傾聴は、大変相手を癒し、変容します。
4. 自分自身が空っぽになる(自分自身を空にする)ことを許します。裁くためでなく、批判するためでなく、中断することなく自分自身を表現する機会を与えるために)
5. 観音菩薩は深く聴くことが非常に上手です。
6. 私たちは思いやりによって守られています。
7. 愛に溢れた発言と深い傾聴によって、意思疎通が復元できます。
8. 傾聴の質が成功を左右します。

1) 自己変容①(意識的な呼吸、歩行) +
2) 自身の苦しみを認識し、抱きしめる(マインドフルネス) +
3) 自身の苦しみを深く観る(集中) + 
4) 自身の苦しみの根本原因を理解する(洞察) + 
5) 自己変容②(思いやり) +
6) あなた自身を無条件に受け容れる(無条件の自己愛) +
7) 相手の苦しみを認識する(マインドフルネス) +
8) 相手の苦しみを深く観る(集中) + 
9) 相手の苦しみの根本原因を理解する(洞察) + 
10) 相手への思いやりを発生させる(許し) +
11) 意思疎通を復元する(愛に溢れた発言と深い傾聴) +
11') 相手が変容するのを助ける(無条件の愛)





Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Deep Listening = Compassionate Listening

Watch deeply the following Thay's Dharma talk video on deep listening.
The followings are the key phrases from the video.

1. Deep listening is the most important practice, if you want to help.
2. Listen to yourself first.
3. Listening is so healing, so transforming.
4. We allow ourselves to be empty (empty ourselves). 
(not to judge, not to criticize, to give them a chance to express himself or herself without interruption)
5. Avalokitesvara is very good at listening deeply.
6. We are protected by compassion.
7. Communication can be restored by loving speech and deep listening.
8. Quality of listening determines the success.

(My commentary)
I understand that the following steps are essential for deep listening capacity.
Steps to attain deep listening capacity: 
1) self-transformation ① (conscious breathing, walking) + 
2) recognize and embrace own suffering (mindfulness) +
3) look deeply into own suffering (concentration) + 
4) understand the root cause of own suffering (insight) + 
5) self-transformation ② (compassion) +
6) accept yourself unconditionally (unconditional self-love) +
7) recognize the other's suffering (mindfulness) +
8) look deeply into the other's suffering (concentration) + 
9) understand the root cause of the other's suffering (insight) + 
10) generate compassion to others (forgiveness) +
11) restore communication (loving speech & deep listening) +
11') help others transform (unconditional love)

Even if you have deep listening capacity, if your counterpart doesn't open his or her heart and mouthreconciliation is impossible. So, the key is how to help your counterpart open his or her heart and mouth in order to restore communicationOnly solution may be his or her understanding the root cause of suffering through insight. But only true self (non-separate self) can do it. So, his or her self-transformation is essential.

(note) Many psychotherapists burn out because they have not understood the root cause of their own suffering. That's why all psychotherapists need to understand the root cause of their own suffering before offering their psychotherapy to the patients.


Thay's calligraphy