Thursday, May 25, 2017



① Gone With The Wind - Thich Nhat Hanh & Plum Village 1~4

② WALK WITH ME - International Trailer

③ Uncommon Conversations: Thich Nhat Hanh and Br. David Steindl-Rast and Gratefulness

④ Mindfulness: Be Happy Now - Trailer

⑤ The Awakening Bell

⑥ Conversations on Compassion with Thich Nhat Hanh (CCARE at Stanford University) 

⑦ Thich Nhat Hanh - Oprah Winfrey

⑧ Thich Nhat Hanh: "Mindfulness as a Foundation for Health" | Talks at Google

① Teach Breathe Learn book trailer

② Mindful Schools In-Class Instruction

③ Mindfulness for Children

Monday, May 22, 2017

Meditation & Enlightenment

Listen deeply to the following Thay's Dharma talk about "Meditation".

If you are asked, "Why do you meditate?", Can you answer, "Because I like it."? If you can, your meditation is in the right track. That's because meditation is an enjoyment. We don’t force it, but we enjoy it. It is an act of love.

We can get enlightenment just by eating because we can get in touch with the nature of reality, no self. When we eat, we know that we are made of non-we elements, or the whole cosmos (water, air, earth, sunshine). We are not separate existence, we are empty of separate self (no self). 'No self' is the nature of 'emptiness' in terms of space, while 'impermanence' is the nature of 'emptiness' in terms of time. This insight enables us to transcend the duality and attain the wholeness. We can throw away all notions such as birth and death because we are convinced that all notions are wrong. When we attain the extinction of all notions, we won't think anymore, we won't separate anymore. We will dwell in nirvana (ultimate dimension), touching the wonders of life, touching the true nature of reality inside and around us.

For enlightenment, we don't need to be ordained, we don't need to get the lamp transmission. It is possible right here and right now.


Thich Nhat Hanh & his disciples

Friday, May 19, 2017


Watch deeply the following Dharma talk video about "Celebrating Our Awakening" by Thay Phap Linh.

(My commentary)
Awakening means:
to wake up.
to go home to yourself.
to return to your true self (non-separate self, Dharma body, cosmic body, awareness, Buddha nature, Divine nature ...etc.)
to transform yourself from ego (separate self) to true self (non-separate self).

The key is to stop thinking.

But if you are starving to death, you can never stop thinking.

So, top priority is that your life will be secured until your natural death.

When your survival plan is clearly established, challenge your awakening!

If you can concentrate on your breathing, only one in-breath (a few seconds) will be enough for your awakening as Thay says.

And if you attain insight of the ultimate truth (emptiness, interbeing, non-separation, non-duality, wholeness), you will be able to throw away all notions. That's full enlightenment.


Thay Phap Linh

Monday, May 1, 2017

Insight of interbeing and non-duality

Watch deeply the following video of Dharma talk by Thay Phap Dang about "The Jewels of Plum Village". 

(54:00) Insight of interbeing
If you hate someone, it means you hate yourself. Interbeing, interconnectedness. Your suffering is his suffering. Your smile is her smile. So, if you want to punish him, you punish yourself. ... So, insight of interbeing is so crucial. Because usually we attach our ego. So, we forgot about the insight of interbeing, interconnectedness. We are relating, we are connected in the level of human being but also in the level of nature of life.

So, the insight of interbeing means that you are not yourself (alone). So, actually it is the insight of "no self". It's very important teaching of the Buddha. ... And not a separate existence. Interbeing is like that. You are not alone. You can not be alone. ... So, interbeing, interconnectedness is like that. You concern for other people because you are not alone, you can not be alone. 

(1:01:47) Insight of non-duality
(1:03:26) One of the teachings of the Buddha says that there is two views, double views (?) that you are different from him. You are the perceiver and he is the object of your perceiving and different. It means double views. If we are caught in that, we have problems right away. You begin to judge him. You put him in box. Whether a good monk or a bad monk, you know. We already have problems, can not live together. 

So, we have to transcend this double views; I'm different from you. I'm judging you. I am a judge and you become the object of my judging. And that's called non-duality, non-discrimination. You are a pack of my mind. You are the object of my mind. And if I don't change my mind, I can not change you. So, if you don't like someone in the sangha, you change your mind. If there is anybody you don't like in the sangha, you have to change your mind. Non-duality. And the same thing is suffering and happiness. You don't throw away suffering in order to run after happiness. Sufferings make happiness. It's just like garbage make flowers.

Non-duality means no clinging to whatsoever, even enlightenment or happiness.  ... And we will be free from double grasping. Buddha said, called the need to remove that double grasping. We always have that double grasping. And its very deep down, it's controlled by the ego. So, the ego in the back, it's doing all of these judging, discriminating. You see it's very powerful. And very powerful insight (of non-duality), it helps to remove the total of all sufferings. Non-duality. I am you. I am my father. I am my teacher.


Thay Phap Dang