Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 7

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on the 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India Day 7 can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/lamrim-english

Realistic approach 現実的なアプローチ

"No matter what our motivation may be, if we are not realistic we will not fulfil our goal."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on December 30, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/417603247163990016


Seeing the reality through holistic view is very important in order to take a realistic approach. For that, we have to stop mental projections by negative emotions and keep calm mind based on compassion.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/the-heart-sutra-free-translation


Monday, December 30, 2013

Freedom of thought 思考の自由

"In order to exercise creativity, freedom of thought is essential."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on December 27, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/416516341462343680


I think freedom of thought arises from wisdom of interdependence. Because altruistic mind brings us calm mind which enables us to see the reality through holistic view.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/the-heart-sutra-free-translation


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Future of humanity 人類の未来

"I feel optimistic about the future because humanity seems to be growing more mature; scientists are paying more attention to our inner values, to the study of mind and the emotions. There is a clear desire for peace and concern for the environment." (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's facebook on December 27, 2013)
Cf. https://www.facebook.com/DalaiLama/posts/10151850858682616


Maybe because humans are tired of too much materialism. Even though we become rich, we can't be happy.(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/calm-mind-english


Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 5

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on the 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India Day 5 can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/lamrim-english

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 4

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on the 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India Day 4 can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/lamrim-english

Friday, December 27, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 3

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on the 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India Day 3 can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/lamrim-english

Perfect elimination of Ego エゴの完全滅却

"The ego-self does not exist at all!" Ramana Maharshi

"I was free from the IDEA of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, and a separated individuality." THE BUDDHA: Diamond Sutra, XIV.

I understand that both Ramana Maharshi and Buddha reached the same Nirvana. Methods are different but the goal is the same. Realizing altruistic and interdependent self is the solution to free from Ego (self-centered and independent self).

Now I am convinced that Ego can be entirely eliminated. But survival instincts should not be included in Ego. Survival instincts must be allowed as the right to life.

“Enlightenment, for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water. When we realize we are not separate, but a part of the huge ocean of everything, we become enlightened. We realize this through practice, and we remain awake and aware of this through more practice.” —Thich Nhat Hanh

「エゴ(利己)の自我は全く存在しません!」 ラマナ·マハリシ

「私は、エゴの独立体、人格、生命、別格の個性という考えから解放されました。」 仏陀:ダイヤモンドスートラXIV



「大海の波にとっての悟りとは、波が自らを水であると実感した瞬間です。自分は別格ではなく、全てである巨大な大海の一部分でしかないと実感した時、私たちは悟りを開きます。私たちは修行を通してこのことを実感し、更に修行を積むことを通して継続的に目覚め、それに気付きます。」 - ティック・ニャット・ハン

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 2

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on the 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India Day 2 can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/lamrim-english

Mechanism of Consciousness 意識の仕組み

H.H. the Dalai Lama said that our previous Karma is imprinted on our subtle consciousness which is space-time continuum. I also heard H.H. the Dalai Lama say we have to accept all the impacts of our previous negative karma without creating new negative karma with patience or create more forceful positive karma to reduce or eliminate the impact of our previous negative karma, in order to reach Buddhahood (the state of perfect elimination of previous negative karma).

I think self-realization or wisdom is the key to deal with our previous Karma. There are 2 types of self, self-centered and independent self and altruistic and interdependent self. The former is related to our body and brain (emotions) and the latter is related to our consciousness. When we realize this altruistic and interdependent self in our subtle consciousness, recombination of gene in our brain may occur. This may enable us to transform our emotions. 

This is the issue of consciousness. In short, more than 99% people always see illusions through mental projections by attachment and anger. If we can transform these negative emotions to unconditional love and compassion through holistic view by calm mind, we can see the reality. So, I hope that scientists will start finding out the mechanism of consciousness seriously. My prediction is that consciousness may be a magnetic field like Higgs Boson.




Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Reshape the future 未来の再構築

We can't change our past but we can create our future. So, we should concentrate on creating more forceful positive Karma than our previous negative Karma. At the same time, we have to be very careful not to create new negative Karma. 

The worst thing to do is the counterattack and revenge to our enemies. (Of course, self-defense by proper method is allowed.) The counterattack and revenge to our enemies will be a new negative Karma which will come back to us immediately and in the long term.

Therefore, I admire Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama. Because they perfectly practiced Non-violence and never took violence by counterattack and revenge. Instead, they created more forceful positive Karma than their previous positive Karma.

Non-violence is the action based on compassion. Unconditional love and compassion changed the world historically, so it is much more powerful than military force.


最悪の行動は敵に反撃し、復讐することです。 (もちろん、適切な手法による正当防衛は許されます。)敵への反撃や復讐は新たな負のカルマとなり、すぐに又は長期的に私たちに戻ってきます。



Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 1

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on the 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India on December 25th to January 3rd can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/lamrim-english

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Self-transformation 自己変革

It may be the time for constructive destruction of absolute, independent, separate, self-centered self and for cultivation of altruistic, interdependent, detached self (unconditional love and compassion). 

Self-grasping, that is I am special, independent and superior to others, is ignorance which is the source of sufferings. Detachment, that is we are all the same (fundamentally: physically, emotionally and consciously), is wisdom which is the source of happiness. 

“Enlightenment, for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water. When we realize we are not separate, but a part of the huge ocean of everything, we become enlightened. We realize this through practice, and we remain awake and aware of this through more practice.” —Thich Nhat Hanh



「大海の波にとっての悟りとは、波が自らを水であると実感した瞬間です。自分は別格ではなく、全てである巨大な大海の一部分でしかないと実感した時、私たちは悟りを開きます。私たちは修行を通してこのことを実感し、更に修行を積むことを通して継続的に目覚め、それに気付きます。」 - ティック・ニャット・ハン

Monday, December 23, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 3

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on Shantideva's "Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" continuing from Chapter 5 Day 3 from New Delhi, India has just started and can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/guide-english

Yesterday (2013.12.22) I had an interesting communication with Ditta Silbermann during the teaching. 

(My question)
What is the proof of Karma? We don't have (or can't access to) our memory of past life.
Is there any method to know our past Karma?
Is there anyone who saw previous life's Karma?

(Answer from Ditta Silbermann)
There are rare individuals whose spiritual channels are open; they can see or hear messages; their "readings" vary a/c the spiritual purity of their consciousness. 

(My question)
Is it possible through meditation or inheritance?

(Answer from Ditta Silbermann)
Yes, it could be acquired through one or both of these factors.

(My question)
Thanks Can you share books or website to explain about this?

(Answer from Ditta Silbermann)
There are many; the one I know is https://www.drsha.com/ A book called Soull Wisdom; another called Soul Communication. 

Many thanks!

You are welcome.

Body & Mind & Consciousness 体と心と意識

Please refer to my view as follows:

I believe that body & mind (material) and consciousness (spirit) exist separately. Of course, consciousness, mind (brain) and body are interconnected when alive. But when we die, our body and brain will decay but our consciousness will leave our body and look for the next body to enter. In this sense, our body & mind come from our parents but our consciousness comes from different place.

Have you read the book called "Proof of Heaven"? Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon wrote about his own out-of-body experience. He proved scientifically that his consciousness was alive when his body and brain were dead. Please refer to his video below:




Sunday, December 22, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 2

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on Shantideva's "Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" continuing from Chapter 5 Day 2 from New Delhi, India has just started and can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/guide-english

Ego & Karma エゴとカルマ

I think nobody can survive without ego because we have body and mind. But its degree differs from person to person. This degree may mean mental disposition.

I also think nobody can survive with only ego because we suffer and can't be happy. So, we can cultivate altruistic self as the counterforce of ego.

I guess that Ego creates negative Karma and negative Karma is imprinted on subtle consciousness and enters into a new body as Ego. This cycle can be called the reincarnation.

Ego means "I am special and separate". Therefore, Ego which creates negative Karma reincarnates through subtle consciousness.

I think that the minimization of ego and the maximization of altruistic self are the best balance for survival and happiness. I can't define the exact ratio, though.






Saturday, December 21, 2013

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 1

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings on Shantideva's "Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" continuing from Chapter 5 on December 21-23, 2013 from New Delhi, India can be viewed at: http://new.livestream.com/DalaiLama/guide-english

This planet この地球

This planet is both material and spiritual world. Because we have both body & mind (material) and consciousness (spirit). Therefore, we have to keep good balance between these two.

Reality is that present world is based on too much materialism. Spirituality is forgotten. Therefore, many problems are occurring. All problems are man-made, or human creation. That's why I feel the need of promotion of forgotten spirituality.

Seeing the reality through holistic view based on calm mind is the most important. Because more than 99% of people always see the appearance (illusion) through mental projections by attachment and anger and unconsciously create negative actions which cause sufferings.




Friday, December 20, 2013

Formula for the Karma creation カルマ創造の方程式

Formula for the Karma creation: 

1. Motivation: compassionate × Method: proper ⇒ Good Karma 
2. Motivation: compassionate × Method: improper ⇒ Bad Karma 
3. Motivation: self-centered × Method: proper ⇒ Bad Karma 
4. Motivation: self-centered × Method: improper ⇒ Bad Karma 

The issue is whether the person can perceive Good or Bad. 
Those who attained self-realization or wisdom can do it because they can see the reality. 
Those who have not attained self-realization or wisdom can not do it because they always see illusions through mental projections by attachment and anger. 
Therefore, those who have not attained self-realization or wisdom have been creating bad Karma unconsciously. More than 99% of people have not noticed this truth. How miserable it is!


1. 動機:思いやりがある × 手法:適切 ⇒ 善いカルマ
2. 動機:思いやりがある × 手法:不適切 ⇒ 悪いカルマ
3. 動機:自己中心的 × 手法:適切 ⇒ 悪いカルマ
4. 動機:自己中心的 × 手法:不適切 ⇒ 悪いカルマ


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Karma カルマ

"When cause and conditions are fully ripe, nobody can stop it. "
- H.H. Dalai Lama

I heard him say we have to accept all the impacts of our previous negative karma without creating new negative karma with patience or create more forceful positive karma to reduce or eliminate the impact of our previous negative karma, in order to reach Buddhahood (the state of perfect elimination of previous negative karma).

- ダライ·ラマ法王


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reality & Holistic view 現実とホリスティック・ビュー

"We have to be realistic. We can’t be taken in by appearances; we have to adopt a realistic approach. It’s through education that we come to grips with reality. Understanding grows first from hearing or reading, followed by analysis and experiment, and then really thinking about it. It is one of our unique human abilities that we can look at reality from more than one angle." (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's facebook on December 17, 2013)
Cf. https://www.facebook.com/DalaiLama/posts/10151832103627616


Reality does not exist as it appears. Reality is that the perception called  ego is made up to justify its existence by egoists. Therefore, more than 99% of people unconsciously watch illusions and act according to the illusions. Attachment and anger is dangerous because it creates illusions through mental projections. Calm mind is vital for holistic view.(My commentary)
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/calm-mind-english


Mindfulness of mind 心のマインドフルネス

What is present?

Present is momently changing.

Therefore, there is no present.

There are just past and future.

But how can we define past and future without present?

This is Mindfulness of mind. (Emptiness: Interdependence)






これが心のマインドフルネスです。 (空性:相互依存)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Past & Future 過去と未来

"We cannot change the past, but we can reshape the future. Young people have the opportunity to create a happier, better future."
(From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on December 17, 2013)
Cf. https://twitter.com/DalaiLama/status/412892965762125824


So, we should concentrate on creating more forceful positive Karma than our previous negative Karma. At the same time, we have to be very careful not to create new negative Karma.
Cf. http://www.slideshare.net/compassion5151/the-heart-sutra-free-translation


Mindfulness of feeling 感情のマインドフルネス

Can you perceive the followings?

* Basis of pleasure = Attachment (Obsession)

* Basis of pain = Anger

This is Mindfulness of feeling.


* 喜びの基礎 = 執着

* 苦痛の基礎 = 怒り


Monday, December 16, 2013

Reality & Illusion 現実と幻想

Reality does not exist as it appears.

Ignorance (Distorted view) ⇒ Self-grasping ⇒ Appearance (Illusion) ⇒ Impure phenomena ⇒ More self-centered attitude ⇒ Destructive emotion ⇒ Harming others

Wisdom (Self-realization) ⇒ Infinite altruism (Unconditional love) ⇒ Reality ⇒ Pure phenomena ⇒ More compassionate attitude ⇒ Calm mind (Inner peace) ⇒ Cherishing others


無知(歪な見方) ⇒ 我執 ⇒ 外見(幻想) ⇒ 不純な現象 ⇒ より自己中心的態度 ⇒ 破壊的感情 ⇒ 他を害する

智慧(セルフ・リアライゼーション) ⇒ 無限の利他主義(無条件の愛) ⇒ 現実(本質) ⇒ 純粋な現象 ⇒ より思いやりのある態度 ⇒ 穏やかな心(内面の平和) ⇒ 他を慈しむ

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Be careful to Attachment & Anger 執着と怒りに要注意

We have to be very careful about our attachment and anger. Because people with attachment and anger can't notice their emotions by 100%. But people who attained self-realization and wisdom can notice their emotions very easily because they can read others' mind through words and actions. 

The reason why people with attachment and anger can't notice is because of their perception. They perceive themselves as special, separate, independent and superior to others. So, they can't see the reality. Instead, they see illusions or delusions through their mental projections. If they are attached to something, they see too extreme positive illusions. If they are angry with somebody, they see too extreme negative illusions. In short, emotional people never can see the reality.  Only those who are not emotional at all can see the reality.

A solution will be full-time mindfulness to monitor and control their own emotions and actions. Keeping consistency of speech and action is vital. Of course, the final solution will be to attain self-realization or wisdom.




Saturday, December 14, 2013


Video of DESMOND TUTU's interview to honor the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela (by BBC NEWS) can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi36WotmWkY

Approach of Yoga & Buddhism ヨガと仏教のアプローチ

My analysis of Approach between Yoga and Buddhism is followings:

True Self of Self realization in Yoga means altruistic self. 

Self of selflessness in Buddhism means self-centered self. 

So, the approach (calculation methods) is different but the answer (A) is the same.

A: altruistic self (consciousness) - no body & mind
B: self-centered self (body & mind)


ヨガのセルフ・リアライゼーションの真我とは、利他的自我を意味します。 (A= A)

仏教の無我の我とは、自己中心的自我を意味します。 (A+B-B= A)


* A:利他的自我(意識) - 体と心はない
* B:自己中心的自我(体と心)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Live webcasts of Nelson Mandela Tribute

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's live conversation with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, President Mary Robinson and Sir Richard Branson to honor the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper now can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9qlh0eAxG8

Perception 知覚

People are so different in mental dispositions. So, it's not so easy to make them understood by the same words. Even Buddha seemed to have explained contradictory messages to each group of people with various mental dispositions. That's not for confusion but is for better understandings.

In short, what we call God or Love or Compassion is the most precious human nature or human value which brings us happiness. In order to attain this human nature or human value, there are various approaches from many religions and non-religions based on the universal moral ethics. The common key is our perception, that is the elimination of self-centered self and the cultivation of altruistic self.



Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sign of ignorance 無知の印

If we have ill-feeling to others even a little, it's a sign of ignorance. If we attain self-realization or wisdom, how can we have distorted view? Unconditional love and compassion can be extended even to our enemies.
