Friday, May 31, 2013

意識の不思議 Mysterious Consciousness

  1. 体は皮膚と肉と骨で、
  2. 心は脳で創られますが、
  3. 意識は何でできているのでしょうか?
  4. 体と心は両親から来ていますが、
  5. 意識はどこから来たのでしょうか?
  6. 体と心は受精から始まり、死で終わりますが、
  7. 意識はいつから始まり、いつ終わるのでしょうか?
  8. それとも、始まりも終わりもないのでしょうか?
  9. 意識はなぜ、どのように体と心の中に入るのでしょうか?
  10. 誰かこの疑問に答えられる人はいますか?
☆★ ★☆

  1. Body is created by skin, flesh and bone,
  2. Mind is created within brain,
  3. What is Consciousness created from?
  4. Body and Mind are from parents,
  5. Where does Consciousness come from?
  6. Body and Mind start from fertilization, and end by death,
  7. When does Consciousness start and end?
  8. or there is no biginning and no end?
  9. Why and How does Consciousness enter into Body and Mind?
  10. Is there somebody who can answer to these questions? 

3つの自分 3 Self

  1. 自分を3つの部分に分けてみたことがありますか?
  2. 3つの部分とは、体、心、意識です。
  3. 「自分は絶対に自分を騙せません!」
  4. 「自分は絶対に自分を裏切りません!」
  5. これは真理ですよね。
  6. それでは、主語の自分と目的語の自分とは誰のこと?
☆★ ★☆

  1. Have you ever divided yourself into 3 parts?
  2. 3 parts mean body, mind and consciousness.
  3. "Everyone can never deceive oneself!"
  4. "Everyone never betrays oneself!"
  5. These are truths, aren't they?
  6. Now, who are "everyone" and "oneself"? 

Oneness of Humanity 人類の調和

“Your blood is my blood! 
Your bone is my bone!”  
(The original text: Hawaiian maxim)
“Your happiness is my happiness! 
Your suffering is my suffering!” 
(Free translation)
あなたの苦しみは、私の苦しみ!」 (意訳)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Live Webcasts of HHDL!

Live webcasts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 3 public talks and 1 teaching on the Four Noble Truths from New Zealand on June 9-11, 2013 can be viewed at
As I mentioned in "Notice of publishing an e-mail magazine", I am planning to publish commentary  on the Four Noble Truths from this July, so I strongly recommend you to watch this Live Webcasts.



The whole picture of Wisdom & Compassion

* The whole picture ⇒
* Four Noble Truths' approach
⇒ Problem solving type
  1. Analysis of problems (= "Sufferings")Both of them are invisible,
  2. Discovery of the cause (= "Self-grasping")
  3. Discovery of the ultimate source (= "Ignorance")
  4. Solution of the problem (= "Selflessness" (= Interdependence))
  5. Method of solution (= "Practice of Compassion")
  6. Conviction of effects through practice
  7. Solving problems of "Sufferings" 

* Heart Sutra's approach
Truth discovering type
  1. Analysis of things & phenomena through meditation
  2. Discovery of the ultimate truth (= "Emptiness" (= Interdependence))
  3. Method to deal with the truth (= "Practice of Compassion")
  4. Conviction of effects through practice
  5. Achievement of "Happiness"
*Approaching method is different but both the Four Noble Truths and the Heart Sutra came to the same conclusion of "Compassion" arising through "Wisdom" of the ultimate truth of "Interdependence".




* 「四聖諦」のアプローチ 問題解決型
  1. 「苦しみ」という問題を分析
  2. その原因は「我執」であることを究明
  3. その根源は「無知」であることを発見
  4. 解決策として「無我」(=相互依存)を導出
  5. 実践法として「慈悲」を導出
  6. 実践してみて効果を確信
  7. 「苦しみ」という問題を解決
* 「般若心経」のアプローチ真理解明型
  1. 瞑想し、諸行を分析
  2. 「空性」(=相互依存)という究極の真理を解明
  3. 対応策として「慈悲」を導出
  4. 実践してみて効果を確信
  5. 「幸福」を達成


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Golden Rule's maxim 黄金律の格言

“Your blood is my blood! 
Your bone is my bone!”  
(The original text: Hawaiian maxim)
“Your happiness is my happiness! 
Your suffering is my suffering!” 
(Free translation)
あなたの苦しみは、私の苦しみ!」 (意訳)

Golden Rule details 黄金律の詳細

  • You want to know Golden Rule details?
  • 黄金律の詳細を知りたいですか?


Golden Rule 黄金律

“If you practice compassion to others, you will be happy. If you harm others, you will suffer. ”


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Universal Moral Ethics Education

If we make consistent effort, based on proper education, we can change the world. (From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's tweet on May 28, 2013)


Compassion will change the world! We will be healthier and happier and this planet will be more peaceful! We need Mind Education in addition to Brain Education. Because we need to know mind system and the method to control emotions. (My reply to HHDL's above tweet)




Man-made Problems! 己が源!

  • 全ての問題は私達の創造物であることをご存知ですか?
  • Do you know that all problems are our own creation?
Cf.   (日本語

強欲制御 Greed Control

  • 強欲を制御する方法を知っていますか?
  • Do you know how to control greed?
Cf.   (日本語

怒りの制御 Anger Control

  • 怒りを制御する方法を知っていますか?
  • Do you know how to control anger?
Cf.   (日本語

Monday, May 27, 2013

苦しみを避けるための26事項 26 matters to avoid sufferings

  • 苦しみを避けるための26事項を知っていますか?
  • Do you know 26 matters to avoid sufferings?
Cf.   (日本語

幸せになるための26ステップ 26 steps to be Happy!

  • 幸福になる心の法則を知っていますか?
  • Do you know mind system to be happy?
Cf.   (日本語