Monday, June 3, 2013

子供のうつ Children's Depression

日本で「子供のうつ」が増えているようです。大人も同じですが、うつは病気ではないことに気付いている人はどの位いるでしょうか?恐れ、不信、疑い、孤独、不安、心配といったネガティブな感情(破壊的感情)を長期間持ち続けると、人間なら誰もが100%陥る心の症状です。ですから、(認知療法は別として)心療内科や薬による一時的な応急処置ではなく、心の仕組みを知り感情のコントロール方法を習得することが本質的な解決策なのです。破壊的感情が生じる根本的な原因を取り除く必要があるということです。ダライ・ラマ法王が米国やインドで脳科学者などを巻き込んで推進されている Secular Ethics Education (非宗教的な倫理教育)のように、日本でも世界共通の倫理を学校教育でできるだけ早期に教えるべきであると考えます。子供達が希望と自信を取り戻せる環境整備は、きっと将来を担う高人格リーダーの育成に資することでしょう。もし実現すれば、子供のうつ問題はもとより、いじめや自殺も激減するでしょう。
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'Children's Depression' seems to be increasing in Japan. Adult's depression is also the same, but I wonder how many people notice that depression is not an illness? 100% humans will feel depressed if we keep negative or destructive emotions like fear, distrust, suspicion, loneliness, insecurity and anxiety, for a long time. Therefore, except for cognitive therapy, treatment by psychotherapist and medicine is only a temporary one. We have to know mind system and master the method to control emotions as the essential solution. This means that we have to eliminate the fundamental cause of destructive emotions. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is now making efforts to promote secular ethics education with neuroscientists mainly in U.S. and India. I think that we should also introduce school education system which teaches universal moral ethics as early age as possible in Japan. This educational environmental improvement will enable children to get hope and self-confidence back and will contribute to nurture our future leaders with high personality. If this project is materialized, not only children's depression issue but also bullying and suicide issues will decrease dramatically!
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