Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A question to H.H.Dalai Lama

I posted my comment (question) to HHDL as follows: (From 2:03:23)
"Hello! HHDL, Thank you for sharing live webcasts. You said yesterday that it's impossible to have fear if you make a pledge to serve others. Can you say the same thing if you are a begger now? You won't have realistic fear even though you are starving to death? If you are in danger of physical survival, I think it's very hard to say the same thing. I guess that you can say so because your physical survival is perfectly secured until your death. I hope you will answer to this question." 

The reason why I asked the question is as followings. There are 2 types of fear, realistic fear (useful warning) and unrealistic fear (based on self-centered attitude due to ignorance). I know HHDL was actually talking about unrealistic fear but ordinary people must have misunderstood easily that they can remove realistic fear also. This is dangerous. I want HHDL to mention clearly that compassion can remove unrealistic fear but compassion can't remove realistic fear. So, we have to take proper actions to remove realistic fear.

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