Saturday, February 28, 2015

Listen! Accept! Love!  聴く!受容!愛す!

Listen to the following Thay's teaching mindfully.

<key phrases>
* To love means to listen.
* The capacity of listening to ourselves is the foundation of the 
   capacity of listening to others.
* The capacity to love others depends on the capacity of loving 
* Only when we are able to listen to our needs and our sufferings, 
   it will begin to accept us and to love us. 
* Our love for the other people and other beings depends on this 
   capacity of self-love.


* 愛すとは聴くことを意味します。
* 自分の声を聴く能力は、他の声を聴く能力の基盤です。
* 他を愛す能力は自分を愛す能力に依存します。
* 自分のニーズや苦しみを傾聴することができる時にのみ、自分を受
* 他の人や他の生き物への私たちの愛は、この自己愛の能力に依存

Beautiful Red & White Rose Photo by Sudheer Reddy

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unconditional Love 無条件の愛

Only if you can love yourself unconditionally, you can love all without separation unconditionally.
* Loving oneself is the foundation of loving others.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Thayの次のビデオを36:35 ~ 38:00まで深く傾聴してください。


Hummingbird in Ecuador Photo by Raymond Barlow

Monday, February 23, 2015

Nothing to Attain (Aimlessness)

Chapter 49 Nothing to Attain (Aimlessness)

<Key phrases>
1. "The historical dimension is not separate from the 
   ultimate dimension. We live in the historical dimension 
   and, at the same time, we are in touch with nirvana."

* historical dimension (wave): in the world of existence and 
       nonexistence, continuation and cessation, coming and 
* ultimate dimension (water): nirvana, going beyond birth 
       and death

2. "It is because we think things are permanent and have a 
   separate self that we have ideas about existence and 
   nonexistence, one and many, coming and going, birth and 
   death. By looking into impermanence and nonself we can 
   be in touch with nirvana."

* cause of historical dimension (wave): by thinking things 
       are permanent and have a separate self (ego)
* cause of ultimate dimension (water): by looking into 
       impermanence and nonself of all that is (ex. find out 
       what a wave is made of)

* nirvana: the extinction of all ideas and notions
* impermanence and nonself: ideas designed to help us go 
       beyond the ideas of permanence and self (so, ideas 
       about impermanence and nonself must be also 

3. "The nature of imaginary construction views things as 
   permanent and having a self. In the light of 
   Interdependent Co-Arising (Interbeing), we see the 
   nature of things as impermanent and without self."

* cause of views that things are permanent and have a self: 
       imaginary constructed nature (by ego, or separate self)
* cause of views that things are impermanent and without 
       self: fulfilled nature, or Interbeing (by true self, or non-
       separate self)

4. "When we touch the wave, we touch the water. And 
   finally, when we touch impermanence, we touch nirvana. 
   That is why there is nothing for us to attain. There is 
   nothing to hold on to and nothing to release. Everything is 
   already present."

* wave, water, nirvana: already present (the same thing 
       from different angle by different subject)

5. "Everything has been nirvana from the nonbeginning.
   So why do we have to grasp one thing and avoid 

* historical dimension (wave): we usually try to hold onto 
       life and run away from death. we think there is 
       something to attain, something outside of ourselves.
* ultimate dimension (water): there is no beginning and no 
       end. everything is already here. the object we wish to 
       attain is already within us (already attained). 

6. "The teaching of non-attainment is developed from the 
   teaching of aimlessness."

* Three Doors of Liberation
(1) Emptiness (Interbeing, Interdependent Co-Arising)
(2) Signlessness (formlessness)
(3) Aimlessness (non-attainment)

7. "Our afflictions are none other than enlightenment. It is 
   on the very ground of suffering, the ground of afflictions, 
   that we can contemplate enlightenment and well-being. 
   We can become a Buddha only by being in the world of 
   suffering and afflictions."

* No mud, no lotus!

"Enlightenment, for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water. When we realize we are not separate, but a part of the huge ocean of everything, we become enlightened." by Thích Nhất Hạnh

"Aimlessness means not setting an object or goal in front of you and running after it. That is exactly what everybody does. We want this, we want that, and as long as we haven’t got it we think happiness will be impossible. We must bring about a revolution in our thinking: we must stop. We must do as the flower does. The flower is aware of the fact that it contains everything within it, the whole cosmos, and it does not try to become something else. The wave is already water. Does the wave have to go looking for water? No. It is the same for you. You have gone within you, so you do not have to look for God." by Thích Nhất Hạnh

Every matter and energy is enfolding Buddha nature or Divine nature, so everything can become Buddha or God by returning to true self (non-separate self, or Buddha nature, or Divine nature, or unconditional love and compassion) through mindfulness, concentration and insight. It's inside.

Please refer to my theory of "Human Mystery" (page 34 - 41).

(From Chapter 49 of "Understanding Our Mind" by Thích Nhất Hạnh)

Sunshine Coast, Queensland Photo by Peter Lik

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Next life

Listen deeply to Thay's following video from 36:35 to 38:00.

Thay answered to a girl's question as follows:
One day, I was in a retreat in Vancouver. And there was a very charming child, about 7 or 8. I took her hand, practicing walking meditation and she asked me, "Thay, have you decided what to be in your next life?" She must have heard her parents talk about rebirth and so on. I was caught in surprise and I said, "Well, it seems that I am paying too much attention to the present moment, that I have not decided yet. But, a thing you asked, I try to answer." Then I looked and saw that I would be many things. I could be a cloud, I will be a bird, I will be a butterfly. And look! I will be a little yellow flower like this one in front of us. And you know something? Tomorrow, if you are not attentive, you will not recognize me and you may step on me. And I think that day I have planted a seed in that very young store consciousness. 
Do you understand Thay's profound answer? He answered that in his next life, he would be many things like a cloud, a bird, a butterfly, a flower...etc. I understand that he meant that his body and consciousness would continue in new forms as follows:

Hummingbird and an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Saturday, February 21, 2015

"Emptiness" 「空」

Listen deeply to Thay's following video from 32:50 to 39:37.

The key phrases to understand emptiness are followings:

* From nothing, you can never become something.
* Empty of what?
* "Empty of separate existence, or self" = "Full of everything else"
* To be empty of self means to be full of everything else.
  (When a cup is empty of tea, it is full of air.)
* Therefore, to take care of the other is to take care of oneself.
* Because self is made of non-self elements.
* When you remember that, there is no danger of using the word, 


* あなたは無から有へは、決してなれない。
* 何が空なのか?
* 「独立した存在、または自己が」=「他の全てが一杯
* 自己が空になるとは、他の全てが一杯になることを意味する。
* それ故に、他の世話をすることは自分の世話をすることである。
* なぜなら、自分は自分以外の要素からできているため。
* 自分が自分以外と同一である(自他を分離しない)ことを覚えている

Springtime in Tuscany, Italy Photo by Awesome Things In The World

Friday, February 20, 2015

人間の神秘 (YouTube版)


* 友達とシェアしてください!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Human Mystery 人間の神秘

Did you know our journey in this life was well planned by ourselves for the evolution of humanity?

* Everyone is already enlightened! 
* True self is just covered up by ego.



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Goodbye to Brain! 脳にさようなら!

It's time to say goodbye to our brain!

* Why don't we stop thinking any more? 
It's time to live as subconscious!



Monday, February 16, 2015



「あなたがお茶を楽しむには、今この瞬間に完全に目覚めている必要があります。今に気付いていることによってのみ、あなたの手はカップの心地よい暖かさを感じることができるのです。現時点においてのみ、あなたは香りを満喫し、甘さを味わい、美味を味わうことができるのです。もし、あなたが過去を反芻したり、将来を心配しているなら、お茶一杯を楽しむ経験を完全に逃してしまいます。あなたがカップを見下すと、お茶は消えてしまいます。人生とはそのようなものです。あなたが完全に現在にいないと、周りを見渡しても全てが消えてしまいます。あなたは、人生の感触、香り、優美、美しさを逃してしまうでしょう。それは過去のあなたを高速化しているようなものでしょう。過去は終わっています。過去から学んだら、過去を手放すことです。未来はまだここにさえ来ていません。未来の計画を立てても、それを心配して時間を無駄にしないでください。心配は無価値です。既に起こったことを反芻するのを止め、決して起こってもいないことを心配するのを止めた時、あなたは今この瞬間にいるでしょう。そして、人生の喜びを体験し始めるでしょう。」 ― ティク・ナット・ハン

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Time to say goodbye to your brain!

Why don't we stop thinking any more?

René Descartes said, "I think; therefore I am", but it is wrong.

"I think; therefore I am not" is correct.

The truth is "I don't think; therefore I am".

That's because a thinker is wandering in the past or the future and thinking is a proof of not living in the present moment.

If consciousness is wandering in the past, we suffer from our regrets.

If consciousness is wandering in the future, we suffer from our worries and insecurities.

If we are not alive in the present moment, we can't touch the wonders of life.

If we stop thinking, we will have calm mind and attain insight.

Insight is something like intuition or inspiration.

We don't get tired at all because we don't think.

We don't have to waste our energy by thinking.

The easiest method to stop thinking is to concentrate on our breathing.

Then we can touch the wonders of life.

It's time to say goodbye to your brain.

It's time to live as subconscious.

“You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea. Only in the awareness of the present, can your hands feel the pleasant warmth of the cup. Only in the present, can you savor the aroma, taste the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy. If you are ruminating about the past, or worrying about the future, you will completely miss the experience of enjoying the cup of tea. You will look down at the cup, and the tea will be gone. Life is like that. If you are not fully present, you will look around and it will be gone. You will have missed the feel, the aroma, the delicacy and beauty of life. It will seem to be speeding past you. The past is finished. Learn from it and let it go. The future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it. Worrying is worthless. When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment. Then you will begin to experience joy in life.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Seeds in Subconscious 潜在意識内の種子

Transform the seeds in subconscious and control the causality!

* Change the seeds, and change your destiny!



Friday, February 13, 2015



1. 幸福のこつ [初心者向け]
(1) 平安、喜び、幸福の既存の健全な種子に水をやり、顕現させる!
(2) 新たな正のカルマ(行動)を創造することにより、平安、喜び、幸福

2. 苦しみのこつ(受動的アプローチ) [中級者向け]
(1) 苦しみの不健全な種子が顕在意識に顕現した時に、マインドフル
(2) 新たな負のカルマ(行動)を創造することを抑制することにより、

3. 苦しみのこつ(能動的アプローチ) [上級者向け]
(1) 意図的に既存の苦しみの不健全な種子に水をやり、顕現させる!
(2) マインドフルネス(念)と集中により、苦しみを認識し、抱きしめ、


Fall Creek Falls Photo by Greg Stokesbury

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Deep-rooted seeds in subconscious

The quality of life depends on the deep-rooted seeds in subconscious. Everyone has both wholesome seeds and unwholesome seeds in subconscious, based on our past karma (actions). The followings are three methods to deal with the seeds.

1. Art of happiness [for beginners]
(1) Water the existing wholesome seeds of peace, joy, and happiness for their manifestation!
(2) Sow new wholesome seeds of peace, joy, and happiness by creating new positive karma (actions)!

2. Art of suffering (passive approach) [for intermediates]
(1) Recognize the suffering, embrace it, relieve it, look deeply into it, understand the root cause and transform it to happiness by mindfulness and concentration when the unwholesome seeds of suffering manifest in conscious mind!
(2) Restrain from sowing new unwholesome seeds of suffering by restraining from creating new negative karma (actions)!

3. Art of suffering (active approach) [for experts]
(1) Water the existing unwholesome seeds of suffering for their manifestation intentionally!
(2) Recognize the suffering, embrace it, relieve it, look deeply into it, understand the root cause, transform the unwholesome seeds to wholesome seeds and return them to subconscious by mindfulness and concentration!

If we transform all unwholesome seeds to wholesome seeds in subconscious, all mental formations which manifest in conscious mind will be wholesome. This may be called the perfect purification of mind and is logically possible. But is this realistic for humans who have body and brain (ego)? Maybe not. 
No mud, no lotus! 

Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona/ Utah Photo by shruti gajare

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Self-transformation 本当の自分に戻る方法

Transform yourself and attain enlightenment!

* Non-separation between oneself and others is the key.



Tuesday, February 10, 2015



1. 日常生活の全ての行動(例えば、呼吸、歩行、食事、笑顔、睡眠等)

2. 考えるのを止め、全ての概念、アイデア、思考、信念、見方、言葉を

3. 現実を見るために穏やかな心を得、二元性を超越するために相互

4. 私たちは水、空気、鉱物、太陽光でできているので全宇宙そのもの

5. 私たちは誕生することも死ぬこともなく、形を変えながら生態系の中

6. 苦しみを深く分析してその根本原因を理解し、思いやりを湧き上がら

7. 無条件に自分を受け容れ、無条件に自分を愛する。

8. 傷ついたインナー・チャイルドを癒し、喜んでエゴを手放す。

9. エゴ(自性自己)から本当の自分(無自性自己)へ自分を変容する。

10. 分け隔てなく全てを、無条件に受け容れる。分け隔てなく全てに、

Háifoss Waterfall, Iceland Photo by Sophia Anderson

Monday, February 9, 2015

Self-transformation for Unconditional Love and Compassion

* Non-separation between oneself and others is the key.

1. Be mindful and concentrate on each action (ex. breathing, 

   walking, eating, smiling and sleeping) in daily life.

2. Stop thinking and throw away all notions, ideas, thoughts, 
   beliefs, views and words.

3. Attain calm mind and insight of interdependence to see the 
   reality and transcend the duality.

4. Understand that we are the whole cosmos because we are 
   made of water, air, minerals and sunshine.

5. Understand that we are cycling in ecosystem by changing 
   forms without birth and death.

6. Understand the root cause of sufferings by looking deeply into 
   sufferings and generate compassion. 

7. Accept yourself unconditionally and love yourself 

8. Heal your wounded inner child and release your ego with 

9. Transform yourself from ego (separate self) to true self 
   (non-separate self).

10. Accept all without discrimination unconditionally. 
    Give unconditional love and compassion to all without 

Sutherland Falls and Lake Quill,New Zealand Photo by mA pReTz

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Subject and Object 主体と客体

Object is created by Subject. We see what we think.

* Besides mindful breathing and walking, mindful smiling, 
   laughing, jogging, swimming and sleeping are also intransitive 
   actions which don't require the object.

* These actions enable us to stop thinking and throw away all 
   notions, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, views and words in order to 
   attain calm mind and insight.

* By these actions, we can transform ourselves from ego 
  (separate self) to true self (non-separate self) and can accept all 
   without discrimination unconditionally.





Friday, February 6, 2015




Still water, Norway Photo by Zsolt Kiss

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Subject and Object

The object is the creation of the subject. The perceiver creates the perceived. So the subject and the object are interdependent co-arising. They are both sides of a coin. When we perceive the object, the object can be perceived differently according to our mind. This is called mental projection. If we have attachment to the object, we perceive the object positively. If we have an anger to the object, we perceive the object negatively. Therefore, the perceptions to the same object are different from person to person according to the state of mind. All perceptions are wrong perceptions because they are illusions. Right perceptions are the absence of all perceptions because we can see the reality without illusions. 

How can we throw away all perceptions? We need to stop thinking to have calm mind. All words, notions, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, views...etc are obstacles for calm mind because they cause separation or discrimination. We need to burn away all of them for non-separation, or inclusiveness. For that, we need to transform ourselves from ego (separate self) to true self (non-separate self). Non-separate self can accept all without discrimination unconditionally. The object is not necessary for breathing, walking and smiling, for an example. So, the extinction of all perceptions is possible through concentration on breathing, walking and smiling. Still water can reflect as they are because it is calm and peaceful.

SouthTyrol Photo by Luxury Accommodations

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ego (sufferings) エゴ(苦しみ)

This is the universal approach to deal with ego (sufferings)!
* recognition of ego or sufferings = proof of partial revival of true 
* understanding of the source of ego or sufferings = unconditional 
  self-acceptance (self-love)
* releasing of ego with pleasure = complete revival of true self


Monday, February 2, 2015


1. エゴ(苦しみ)の直接原因は、

2. 自己愛(自己受容)の欠如であり、(根本原因は過去のカルマ)

3. 自己愛(自己受容)欠如の根本原因を深く自問すると、

4. その洞察をフラッシュで得ることができる。

5. エゴ(苦しみ)の根源を理解できると、

6. 自分を哀れみ慈しむことができるようになり、あるがままの自分

7. 傷ついたインナーチャイルドを癒してあげると、

8. エゴを喜んで手放すことができ(エゴのパワーが弱まり)、

9. 本当の自分(無自性自己、即ち無条件の愛と思いやり)に完全

10. 無条件の愛と思いやりを分け隔てなく全てに(自他共に)与えら

Rainbow Falls, California Photo by Dave Toussaint

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to deal with ego (sufferings)

1. What is the immediate cause of ego (sufferings)?
   (True self recognizes ego or sufferings but ego is much 
    stronger at this moment.)
   * recognition of ego or sufferings = proof of partial revival of 
     true self

2. It is the lack of self-love (self-acceptance). 
   (The root cause of ego or sufferings is the past karma.)

3. If you look deeply into the root cause of the lack of 
   self-love (self-acceptance), 
   (Why can't I accept and love myself?)

4. you will attain the insight of the root cause.

5. If you understand the source of ego (sufferings),

6. love and compassion will be generated for you and 
   you will be able to accept yourself unconditionally.
   (True self will accept inner child and ego unconditionally,
   through love and compassion.) 
   ⇒ unconditional self-love (self-acceptance)
   * understanding of the source of ego or sufferings = 
     unconditional self-acceptance (self-love)

7. If you heal your wounded inner child through love and 

8. you will be able to release your ego with pleasure 
   (the power of your ego will be weakened).

9. You will be able to return to true self (non-separate self, 
   or unconditional love and compassion) completely.
   * releasing of ego = complete revival of true self

10. You will be able to practice
unconditional love and 
     compassion to all without separation.

Papalaua Falls, Moloka'i island, HAWAII Photo by Ihsan Iman