Sunday, May 3, 2015

Humans, Earth and Cosmos (3)

The following Thay's talk is very deep.

Science has been able to demonstrate the truth of no self of interbeing (interdependent co-arising). But scientists have not been able to apply that kind of insight into the realm of organizing our daily life, our society. So far, the insight of science has been applied in technology. That can be sometimes very helpful but sometimes not helpful. But when the scientists go together with the yogi, they change their way. They may think of trying to apply it to our daily life in order to handle suffering and happiness. 

The most of us agree on the truth of impermanence but still behave as if things are permanent. So, that is common for scientists and non-scientists. So, we hope that one day scientists will be able to apply this kind of findings like non-self, interbeing (interdependent co-arising), no birth and no death, into daily life. 
We need a time in order to meditate and apply these insights into our daily life. We need to do like a Buddhist tradition to have the time together. To do walking meditation, to do sitting meditation, to do dharma exchange in order to deepen our understanding and try to apply these kinds of insight into our daily life, I think we need a real awakening, a real enlightenment. We have to change the way of thinking. 

And this is possible. We have not tried really on that respect. Every one of us, whether we are school teachers, father, mother, brother, sister or journalist, we have to do it in our own way, producing awakening, producing enlightenment, and bring right view into the mind of people. Because the right views bring happiness. Bring the right views and release the sufferings. And in a very concrete way. And that is why we need to sit down like this and find very concrete ways to help. 

And there are plenty of us who are activists, who are eager to do something. And we should go this way. We should begin with ourselves. We should begin with removing our wrong views so that we can suffer less. And when we suffer less, we can be more helpful. We can help people to change. 

(To be continued)


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